5-Star Featured Crystal Change Discussion Thread



  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Mixalis wrote: »
    Mixalis wrote: »
    What is your argument about the other great champs not being brought in?

  • gzrbanggzrbang Member Posts: 18
    Robjobcbk wrote: »
    You FORCED DEFENDER DIVERSITY ON US! If I look at my alliance and the opposing alliance 3 chosen champs for aw offense I only see 3 champs from your list that are REALISTICALLY used on offense. For aq I only see 6 more that MAY be used from that list.
    Here’s what I see
    Aw offense:
    Vision (both)
    Star lord
    Spider-Man stark enhanced
    Black widow
    Cap ww2
    Hulk (maybe)
    Scarlet witch
    Dr voodoo
    Ghost rider (for blade)
    Cosmics are a liability with MD

    If you see others used it’s likely the player has not pulled one of the above champs (I’m sure I missed a couple) because your drop rates on god tier champs are seemingly lower.

    In response to you actual list, we (the vast majority) don’t really want:
    Agent venom
    Sentry (he’s not balanced)
    Ant man (PLEASE NOOOOO!!!)
    Thor Jane foster
    Punisher 2099
    Civil warrior

    Instead of looking at the “data,” speak to end game players/alliances on what champs are desired. I know you won’t because you make many decisions without communicating with the player base (not that you have to) but if you want to make more money, make this game and that in the game more desirable and in working order. The better you make this game in the eyes of players the more we will spend because we have some faith in Kabam.

    Not sure where you got Agent Venom on the "don't really want" list from. He's got some good utility with 50% evasion reduction (+30% on L1) and 70% chance to shrug off debuffs. He's a bit of a niche champ, but I use my 5/50 AV once in awhile. He was great vs Uncollected Void in this month's event quest to shrug off the degen debuff and took off about 40-50% health off Void. I've used AV on my AW tier 1 attack "B" team when my top team was tied up in map 6 vs a stun immune Spidey mini-boss.
  • edited January 2018
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  • Tom_Cruise1Tom_Cruise1 Member Posts: 56
    you should conduct a voting for 18
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★
    LiquidButt wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    Maybe i missed it but how often does this crystal get "refreshed" ? like how often do the 18 champs get changed?

    There will be a New Crystal every 3 Months. This Crystal will feature the 6 newest Champions, and another pool of 18 Champions as the Base Pool.

    So another pool. This means none of the 18 in the first pool will be in the 2nd pool?

    That is correct. If a Champion is in this Crystal, they will not be in the Crystal that comes next, but they MAY come back in the Crystal following that. The only guarantee is that they won't be in 2 of these Crystals back to back.

    can you confirm this please with the team? i don't want to get excited too soon :)
    if one of the old champ is in the "feature crystal" pool, for example AntMan, he will temporary be removed from the "basic crystal" pool? meaning 0% chance to pull him as basic from a 10k crystal?
  • HuonuoHuonuo Member Posts: 42
    So the increased chance of obtaining Blade in his featured Crystal will go down. Boy that sucks! Who wants Taskmaster? This change is a direct response to people wanting Blade, and not going for Sentry and other new champs! Blade is too good! Please don't nerf Blade!!!!

    Nope! No change to the Blade Featured Hero Crystal. We made an exception for Blade because we know how many of you were saving Shards for him.

    How about Medusa and Memphisto reruns? Are they coming back in reruns or they will be cancelled?

  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    We're literally all against it. This is unacceptable.
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  • hhmaster010TKhhmaster010TK Member Posts: 1
    I have a question how is Kabam reacting to the new Apple guidelines???
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  • concepcion29concepcion29 Member Posts: 42
    Just talked to the team, and they are comfortable with sharing the list of Champions we plan to include in the first Featured Champion Crystal. It's important to note that this list could still potentially change a little before the release, but the selected Champions are based on empirical data showing their effectiveness as 5-Star Champions in both Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars.

    Cyclops (New Xavier School)
    Thor (Ragnarok)

    Agent Venom

    Thor (Jane Foster)
    Punisher (2099)
    Civil Warrior
    Doctor Octopus

    Bold Text denotes Featured Champions.

    I personally do not think changing the featured crystals to this system will help any serious or end game players progress any faster. The point of the featured crystal was to spend the extra 5k shards in hopes of getting that SPECIFIC featured champion. Yes it was always a gamble with risks of getting an IP or colossus but it gave us roughly 20-25% chance to get the champion that we the players feel would make a huge impact or change in our accounts. Now with this change you guys are making it is no longer, what we guessed, to be around 20-25% chance but about a 4.2% chance at getting the champ.

    Granted the "sub-featured" champions you're putting into this new system are decent compared to the rest of the 18 basic champions but IMO none of those 18 are amazing anyways (except for Doc Oc)! I feel the reason why your team feels that those champions selected were "selected Champions are based on empirical data showing their effectiveness as 5-Star Champions in both Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars" is because of the horrible RNG luck to begin with. It seems like every time someone opens up a basic/featured 5* crystal they complaining because it ends up being a useless or meme champion and they are forced to rank them up to use the resources that are about to expire because they have no one else better to use them on. My last 8 basic 5* pulls have been champions I would not even rank up past R1 because of their uselessness in AQ/AW or questing in general.

    I think a more effective way to implement a change to the 5* featured crystals is to:
    1. keep it featured to that specific champion and keep the "increased" chance at obtaining that champion (~20%)
    2. introduce the 5 new champions with a slightly reduced chance with obtaining (~2% per new champ)
    3. reduce the new basic pool to 15 champions (~4.67% per basic champ)

    I think this will still get the desired results on your end while keeping the player base happy @Kabam Miike
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  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Guys, if you are all against the new crystal just do not buy it. Kabam learns from those analytics.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    I find it hard to believe what you are saying, but tend not to go against you. However, in the last year and a half of AW I can say without question my Alliance has faced off against these champs (take away diversity) maybe 20 times. And the number may be lower for seeing them on attack. You are a numbers guys, and I appreciate that. But this list is based on so low rated players and quests that they would be hard pressed to save the extra 5k in shards.

    I think that what the very top tier players are doing is more skewed from everyone else than it is that everyone except the very bottom is doing something different.

    @Kabam Miike stated:
    Notvasq wrote: »
    How will those 18 champions be chosed? Will you choose, according to y'all standard, few *bad* pull, like a lottery ticket where it is a *better chance next time*. Because let's be honest, you can't really put in that crystal the top 18 you can think of everytime. But you guys can decide to put a few of those *bad* champs in it. Or along with that new crystal, are you guys planning to try to balance the tier list overall?

    We are using empirical data based on Champion performance in Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars to decide which Champions will be added to the Crystal. This means that while Player perception of the Champions may not always align, we are trying to avoid poor performing Champions in these Crystals.

    He didn't say Kabam was going to put the top champs in the crystal, he said they were going to curate the eighteen to avoid putting in the poorest performing champions. I'm not sure why the conversation shifted to how Kabam completely failed to understand which champs are the best, when they never said they intended to put the absolute best in there. They are probably trying to put in a variety of different "not-worst" in there, because they have to pick a different list every three months. I see a few champs known mostly for defense, some known more for attack, some might even be there for prestige.

    @Kabam Miike even said they were not top champs, just that players were effective with them. As in the opposite of ineffective with them. I'm going to be curious to see who *doesn't* show up after a year. And I wonder if this data also went towards that beta test we're probably not supposed to talk about (I didn't get the beta offer, so I'm free to mention not talking about it).
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  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    I think saving about 120k shards might be a good way to get what you need. What do you guys think? Also 4 percent each for 6 champs 24 percent chance to get a old featured sounds alright. And then the other 76 percent for the 18 basics.

    (I get you in fact if I keep saying how much we are against it i will be gone)
  • ShawnShazimShawnShazim Member Posts: 33
    edited January 2018
    Wouldn't it make better sense to have a single champ 5* crystal.. Since we work really hard for them?? I mean how much more interesting what that be in comparison to what you just layed out.. Help us by giving us more control on our own account.. Unless helping us was never intended in the first place!?!
  • Evil_TwinEvil_Twin Member Posts: 66
    Tell us the plan for the 5* arena so we at least have some control over what champs we want to have in our roster. Also, please tell us the plan for 6*s.
  • concepcion29concepcion29 Member Posts: 42
    OhGodYes wrote: »
    The real question is, are the odds in the basic equal? Or will they be? In its current state they are not equal, that is why so many people consistently pull lower tiered heros from the basics over and over again. Please let us know.

    It is equal, and always has been. You have exactly the same chance of pulling any Champion for a Basic Crystal as anyone else, and every Champ has an equal chance of dropping as each other.

    I know you may say that we have an equal chance of pulling every champ but it seems like the "trash" champions are more likely to drop. Yesterday 2 of my alliance members pulled a 5* spider-gwen ON THE SAME DAY, both from basic crystals. Please explain to me how the chances are equal when the only 5* crystals opened that day both yielded spider-gwens? @Kabam Miike
  • KyrieRedKyrieRed Member Posts: 287 ★★
    edited January 2018
    Would you at least increase the “chance” to get a 5* featured hero on the Grand master featured hero crystal (3*-5*) or will they be still a money grab and an online casino for which you are being forced to reveal the dropping odds?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    edited January 2018
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    khehmist wrote: »
    khehmist wrote: »
    Too bad Apple didn't start requiring transparency in communications, maybe the announcement would have looked more something more like...

    Due to Apple's new transparency mandate we're changing the feature crystal drop rate (for the champ you were hoping to get) to the worst of our old manipulated drop rates, for everyone, no matter how much you spend.

    Let it be known to all app stores that we will respond to any attempt to influence our business to the benefit of their customers in a way that will continue to make our revenue a priority far above all others.

    Forget about apple already, you cannot buy 5 star crystals with money. You can buy units and use them for crystals, but I can see the legal loophole.

    Nope. Apple mandated transparency, then Kabam changed the system and confirmed feature crystal drop rates for the first time in history. No chance that's a coincidence.

    Kabam has said nothing in this thread they haven't said before many times.

    They have never given a drop rate. Here for the first time ever we have been provided a drop rate. Unprecedented and not a coincidence.

    This is absolutely and unambiguously objectively false. They've always said that the odds of pulling any particular champion from the basic crystal were identical, that the odds of pulling any particular champion from the basic pool from the featured crystal is identical, and that in general the odds of pulling any particular champion of the same type from a crystal is identical. They are saying the exact same thing here: the odds of pulling any particular champion from the new featured crystal is identical. Because the number of champions in the new crystal is fixed at 24, that means the odds are approximately 4.2%. They can't quote a number like that in most other crystals because the number of champions is different at different times, but that number is zero additional information for anyone capable of doing basic elementary school math.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Never opened a single 15k...still have top acc...dont care about this drama

    Thanks for this very helpful and constructive post champ!
  • BluuurrrrBluuurrrr Member Posts: 38
    Just a more simple of explanation of what the new crystal is. I do not understand fully how it is better than the old featured crystal

    It isn’t better, it is more of a money-making change because if u want a new champ as a 5* u now have to spend units on featured grand master crystals which are 300 units each.
  • ScrpseScrpse Member Posts: 1
    bradshaw84 wrote: »
    Beast, Jane foster, Cyclops, Ronan, Loki, Phoenix, Venompool, civil warrior, ant man amongst the 18 best and most used in aq and aw? GTFOH! LMAO!
    Just talked to the team, and they are comfortable with sharing the list of Champions we plan to include in the first Featured Champion Crystal. It's important to note that this list could still potentially change a little before the release, but the selected Champions are based on empirical data showing their effectiveness as 5-Star Champions in both Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars.

    Cyclops (New Xavier School)
    Thor (Ragnarok)

    Agent Venom

    Thor (Jane Foster)
    Punisher (2099)
    Civil Warrior
    Doctor Octopus

    Bold Text denotes Featured Champions.

    I didn't say most used, but they are among the most effective. Cyclops actually scores very high on this list. There is a smaller group of players that use him, but they use him VERY effectively.

    Oh I get it, the Kabam team uses these champs and you guys really think ur good at using these champs. Show me any alliance in the higher tiers running these champs for aq or aw. out of mutant, only cable has utility but not even the best offensive mutant. out of skill it is fine except thor ragnorak, he's more of a defender. in science, you can't even honestly say ant man and sentry deserve to be there over the other science defenders like the spidermans or hulk or quake for offense. in mystic don't you dare tell me people are effectively using any of those on offense, or loki and jane foster for defense. in cosmic, phoenix and ronan are not very good on offense or defense compared to angela drax hyperion. and for tech civil warrior is not an attacker and not even a good defender, punisher 2099 is barely a good defender, and nebula and doc ock are fine. for more than half of this list you just failed completely.
  • Tom_Cruise1Tom_Cruise1 Member Posts: 56
    one more question?

    why are you charging 15K shards for this crystal?? no increased chance and still about 20 **** champs in there.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Mixalis wrote: »

    I didn't say to put all 24 Troll, my argument was where are some of thr better champs!

    Please be a bit more respectful. I am a real-life human being.

    My point is you have to put more attention to the 6 new champions. So the rest are there to make sure the chances are balanced. So the other 18 champions, shouldn't be more exciting to get than the "featured" ones. In that way, they make sure you keep trying to get the champions.

    Now given that only 6 of 24 are new, I can understand the disagreement with the chances.
    I think people are overreacting to these news. How many players actually buy the featured crystal anyway?

  • Collector6789Collector6789 Member Posts: 99
    Carmel1 wrote: »
    LiquidButt wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    Maybe i missed it but how often does this crystal get "refreshed" ? like how often do the 18 champs get changed?

    There will be a New Crystal every 3 Months. This Crystal will feature the 6 newest Champions, and another pool of 18 Champions as the Base Pool.

    So another pool. This means none of the 18 in the first pool will be in the 2nd pool?

    That is correct. If a Champion is in this Crystal, they will not be in the Crystal that comes next, but they MAY come back in the Crystal following that. The only guarantee is that they won't be in 2 of these Crystals back to back.

    can you confirm this please with the team? i don't want to get excited too soon :)
    if one of the old champ is in the "feature crystal" pool, for example AntMan, he will temporary be removed from the "basic crystal" pool? meaning 0% chance to pull him as basic from a 10k crystal?

    That's not what he said. The list of 18 in the first featured crystal will not be in the 2nd featured crystal. All will still be in the basic crystal.
  • AshtontonicAshtontonic Member Posts: 63
    Robjobcbk wrote: »
    Just talked to the team, and they are comfortable with sharing the list of Champions we plan to include in the first Featured Champion Crystal. It's important to note that this list could still potentially change a little before the release, but the selected Champions are based on empirical data showing their effectiveness as 5-Star Champions in both Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars.

    Cyclops (New Xavier School)
    Thor (Ragnarok)

    Agent Venom

    Thor (Jane Foster)
    Punisher (2099)
    Civil Warrior
    Doctor Octopus

    Bold Text denotes Featured Champions.

    You FORCED DEFENDER DIVERSITY ON US! If I look at my alliance and the opposing alliance 3 chosen champs for aw offense I only see 3 champs from your list that are REALISTICALLY used on offense. For aq I only see 6 more that MAY be used from that list.
    Here’s what I see
    Aw offense:
    Vision (both)
    Star lord
    Spider-Man stark enhanced
    Black widow
    Cap ww2
    Hulk (maybe)
    Scarlet witch
    Dr voodoo
    Ghost rider (for blade)
    Cosmics are a liability with MD

    If you see others used it’s likely the player has not pulled one of the above champs (I’m sure I missed a couple) because your drop rates on god tier champs are seemingly lower.

    In response to you actual list, we (the vast majority) don’t really want:
    Agent venom
    Sentry (he’s not balanced)
    Ant man (PLEASE NOOOOO!!!)
    Thor Jane foster
    Punisher 2099
    Civil warrior

    Instead of looking at the “data,” speak to end game players/alliances on what champs are desired. I know you won’t because you make many decisions without communicating with the player base (not that you have to) but if you want to make more money, make this game and that in the game more desirable and in working order. The better you make this game in the eyes of players the more we will spend because we have some faith in Kabam.

    Reason being cyclops, ronan, juggs and antman is one of the most effective champs use in aq and aw is because they exist years ago before all the god tier comes in, all the god champs is rare and thats why they are not the most effective champs in aq and aw as they meant to be rare, all the meh tiers we get from the garbage bin had suddenly became the most effective champs, i wonder they gather the data since the game start, well, if u get the data since the game start (example like cyclops) compare to a green goblin, ofcuz the data will show more ppl use him on aw def instead of GG...its juz **** and bs explanation they gave...
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  • NarcuulNarcuul Member Posts: 115
    I appreciate why you are doing this, and while having Modok on my defense would be nice, none of the 18 you put in there would be of any help to my account in any way. Maybe the next crystal you put out will be of use, but none of these are solid LoL(with the exception of Storm) options, or particularly good in quests, AQ, or AW offense. A few good AW defenders though, I guess, so maybe that is strictly where you pulled your data?
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