Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Beta Test - Technical Issues Thread [PLEASE READ ORIGINAL POST FOR STATUS]



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    IrcIrc Posts: 14
    Hi Since im a beta tester for other games too i think i know what you guys need from a tester.. i wanna be a beta tester for Mcoc too what shud i do to become one ????
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    @Kabam Vydious hi i was on beta test and i rank up up my lc to rank5 to test his max damage as 4* and lost my t4 basic can u pls check it. And help me
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    https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/profile/Kabam Vydious https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/profile/Kabam Miike
    I am too not able to participate!! I do have two accounts on one device!!
    Main account: patrickryan351
    Secondary account: patrickryan352
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    Mega_PidgeotMega_Pidgeot Posts: 6
    My in game is Mega Pidgeot.
    Hey everyone!

    So we spoke to the rest of the team in regards to those still having trouble accessing the Beta and we're sorry for the delay on it, but we're going to work towards helping y'all get into it ASAP. To help get this flowing, we'll need everyone who can't access the Beta to please provide us with their in-game username.

    Thanks in advance, gang!

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    MareskaMareska Posts: 5
    Hi kabam, will I be able to collect the rewards from the Beta test, such as the Web-slinger challenge, in my main account?
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    Bash100000Bash100000 Posts: 11
    Hey everyone!

    So we spoke to the rest of the team in regards to those still having trouble accessing the Beta and we're sorry for the delay on it, but we're going to work towards helping y'all get into it ASAP. To help get this flowing, we'll need everyone who can't access the Beta to please provide us with their in-game username.

    Thanks in advance, gang!

    In game name. Bash 100000

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    When we started this beta, 10k in units, 250 in gold and 50 energy refills were given, I started beta and ran thru 10 refills, used units to purchase more, so what happened to other 40 refills
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    Ok arena lock is fixed for me now but i did not got the missing resources tht i used to rank up on beta. ( exept gold )
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    Ran thru 10 energy refills but other 40 are gone
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    Hey everyone!

    So we spoke to the rest of the team in regards to those still having trouble accessing the Beta and we're sorry for the delay on it, but we're going to work towards helping y'all get into it ASAP. To help get this flowing, we'll need everyone who can't access the Beta to please provide us with their in-game username.

    Thanks in advance, gang!

    Mine is Lane82837474

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    Hey everyone!

    So we spoke to the rest of the team in regards to those still having trouble accessing the Beta and we're sorry for the delay on it, but we're going to work towards helping y'all get into it ASAP. To help get this flowing, we'll need everyone who can't access the Beta to please provide us with their in-game username.

    Thanks in advance, gang!

    Mine is Lane82837474

    Ign= muzyraza
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    I can't get in either. Just sent a ticket, but I'm not sure if the support team is aware of the message in this thread.
    @Kabam Vydious

    They've been made aware of the situation!

    We just wanted to make it easier for those who have yet to write in a ticket. If you have, perfect! If you haven't, no big deal. We can still get this fixed with the aid of providing your username. :)


    User name @Dellzlumiz
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    rock65xrock65x Posts: 25
    I still can’t get in. Either get me in or don’t ask for my help anymore. Horrible customer service. Username: Rock65x
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    rock65xrock65x Posts: 25
    Doubt it will do any good.
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    I can’t get into the beta.
    Username: bloodaxe flamma
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    WattyWatty Posts: 17
    Ok this is ridiculous I have given you my username twice and given you all the information you requested and guess what it has been 3 days and still can’t access beta servers so I give up I’m not going to bother with beta anymore, I’m just going to play my game.
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    SuicideKing2SuicideKing2 Posts: 4
    Still unable to get in the beta @Kabam Miike
    Username: SuicideKing2
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    Getting cannot connect to beta server. IGN wally1957
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    If your buttons are greyed out then that mean you were not picked for this round of Beta Testing. Im sure its hard enough for them to sift through all the post here without having people complain they cannot get in when they were never invited. Everyone has gotten those boxes for beta. Its only the ones that have been lit up that have gotten the invites. Stop spamming gk0j2c5rxeuy.jpeg
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    If you log in and you see this. Then you are a participant in beta. Otherwise your not
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    Hello, my ingame user name is Vampirexlord123 & I'm unable to log in to the beta test. At first when it became available, i could but now when i start the game, i don't get the message telling me that I'm logging into the main or beta or see the yellow button. So far, i like the changes done to red hulk but haven't spend as much time with Luke.
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    soyo08soyo08 Posts: 1
    Can’t get in, still. Name- Soyo 08
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    I can't login to the beta server. Ingame name: Lex2015
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    I got into the beta one time and didn’t have much time had to leave for work so I logged out and now I’m getting the can not connect everyone else is getting. Hope you all figure this out soon wantmto try out Red Hulks new stuff.
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    Ok so first the message with the gold , units and energy I can't accept . Second after playing the beta for a bit, I went back to the main game, now I can't get back to the beta. Username Kmssquid
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    GillidafGillidaf Posts: 85
    Connection problems.started getting problem connecting while playing. I'm going to lose trying to get spidey in versus and we had a war and aq going
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    Hey guys,

    Those of you that are reporting that you are not yet able to get into the Beta, can you please let us know if you play with more than 1 account on a single device? We're taking a look into seeing if side accounts have a hand in this issue.

    I play on 2 accounts TamplarShay, Revifel
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    WzzrddWzzrdd Posts: 84
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    Armaganon00Armaganon00 Posts: 741 ★★
    If your buttons are greyed out then that mean you were not picked for this round of Beta Testing. Im sure its hard enough for them to sift through all the post here without having people complain they cannot get in when they were never invited. Everyone has gotten those boxes for beta. Its only the ones that have been lit up that have gotten the invites. Stop spamming gk0j2c5rxeuy.jpeg

    Just to inform you good Sir. Those of us received a email that stated we were approve. And the Kabamers has said provide a username. I appologize the you may have missed those messages, perhapes you should read.
This discussion has been closed.