Who do you think is the most underrated champion in the game and why?

BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
edited February 2018 in General Discussion

Who do you think is the most underrated champion in the game and why? 167 votes

Civil Warrior
BadroseRocerMr_WiffCavalierGruftyZzyzxGuyMoletronSnaggleSilentJay08SirTodd_83Revan0607GogetaHammerbro_64Duke_SilverMmx1991AwashanoopAleor4N70hope4tgXdSpoodermanxD 20 votes
Rocket Raccoon
Savio444AhitlawMr_mc_person34Crimsontide1616TheMarauder53Jaegr 6 votes
SBundyBearErza_ScarletNinjAlanBigTrump2017ScottryanDingaloFLOATSdfmoore26Beyond00_ 9 votes
Iron Fist
ninexhelixSummonerB2mysticdumpDr_StrangeGyanemdjerNightslamCiqMCOC 7 votes
ShevaMilanNomarigerolAlCapone2727Dmack976637SiddhantKwatraarsjumBeerowswvonkGyanemdjerDomzi3JOJOHARASilver_Saga 12 votes
OG Black Panther
AjavedCorpsmanDanicb94GAM3RGUYPlayerFlash69Lt_Magnum_1Nemesis666SpiderCoolsTrojanX05TheRealmKeeperTotalMonster109 11 votes
Carmel1adqqedfyvrRandom_NoobF4k3_GaM3rJones979ThundercatprimeVeryCoolUserNameRixobAMFBeardedStarlordsilverseraphTheHoodedDormammuEmmanuelcoastStagedear85TheLegend27Branu0727EmorhcOneAboveAll13 18 votes
Winter Soldier
Vdh2008NevvBLocoMotivesAlfa_PigeonDrOctavius2_2Spity68Fireballs5Chris_L_Htrey92008SIlverProfessorIl_JooObeyonder8421Sac123_MikeyBoi69Mqc19Anonymous346MasterYoda493Aanthochev327foxCupid 32 votes
All of them
TonyStarkTerraFrodoT_BagginsimnooneStarscean98TurbulentUrFaceDonnymeijDONZALOOG1234BobomanMonstermatt1272PsychoticSlayerAwashanoop 12 votes
Other (please specify)
DukeRomario26Mrbeast6000The_GrandmasterUsername1583SimplyidostuffChitlinsRunawaytrainnFoxhero007SungjBUZZdog3000Mr_A_DogZzzSKK65SpiritOfVengeanceKennadoNojokejaymgohard123FivesGeneralDC 40 votes


  • FrodoT_BagginsFrodoT_Baggins Member Posts: 45
    All of them
    these are all good champs, just not the best. but still good champs
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    She hulk
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Winter Soldier
    Winter Soldier is the most predictable champion in the game because of ROL, but as an attacker is quite good when duped. He power drains and can bleed you or incinerate you to death.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Rocket Raccoon
    I’d say rocket as he may have low health, but he hits hard, his sp2 and 3 do big damage
  • BUZZdog3000BUZZdog3000 Member Posts: 457 ★★
    Other (please specify)
    Electro. I have him duped and at a high sig he does insane crit
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Civil Warrior
    I say vision
    His specials are helpful and he does not bleed

    LOL Vision underrated? He's one of the best
  • The_GrandmasterThe_Grandmaster Member Posts: 205
    Other (please specify)
    I think Venompool is so undertated. Especially as a 5-star. This dude has insane bleed damage and amazing regen that he can get over and over by using his sp1.
  • GeneralDCGeneralDC Member Posts: 42
    Other (please specify)
    Personally I would have to say Classic Spidey when unawakened. He can do good damage and his specials do massive damage.
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    OG Black Panther
    BP has great raw damage output. He is overshadowed by Blade and GP though.
  • ZzyzxGuyZzyzxGuy Member Posts: 1,292 ★★★
    Civil Warrior
    Civie is highly underrated. If he's played correctly, he's a very useful champ.
  • SnaggleSnaggle Member Posts: 226 ★★
    Civil Warrior
    Heal block through his heavy and power drain on his SP2.
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    Other (please specify)
    I voted 'Other' for The Hood. Staggers on normal crit hits which nullifies the next buff (ie. Arc Overload, Fury, Armor, etc). L1 shocks and stuns the opponent guaranteed. L2 fate seals the opponent and gives you invisibilty making the opponent miss on projectile specials and on most basic attacks. L3 bleeds the opponent with a higher damage output the more power the opponent has. Heavy attack restarts any stagger, shock, or bleed. He can go invisible on demand. And the most amazing part about The Hood is, when awakened, he has full stun immunity on cool down from the invisibilty. Very effective for your Mordos and BPCWs. There's so much versatility and tools with the character that it's almost criminal how underrated he is. THEE swiss army knife of MCOC when awakened as a 5* at 4/55. If his life and power steal were buffed just a bit, he would be in the top 10 best characters in the game in my opinion. If you have him awakened as a 5*, you would not have any regrets whatsoever if you brought him to rank 4 or even rank 5.
  • Matty_Giz11Matty_Giz11 Member Posts: 71
    What game?
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 201
    I would say storm especially when awakened just gr8 damage stun shock ect I would choose her
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Other (please specify)
    Howard. My man gets **** on soo much. Put some respek on his name
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Bahamut wrote: »
    SKK65 wrote: »
    Red Cyclops. He got me through Act 4.

    Cuz he’s so effective? Because that’s what I’ve been told

    Cos he used to be part of the perfect block team with mags and black bolt
  • ninexhelixninexhelix Member Posts: 136
    Iron Fist
    He had better days pre 12.0 but he still can hit like a truck. The goose egg on his armor rating is unfortunate. My r4 IF still gets me the some of the quickest wins I arena. My r5 IIF serves me well plowing through EQ.
  • Mr_WiffMr_Wiff Member Posts: 244
    Civil Warrior
    Civil Warrior has a power drain on par with Magik's albeit without power steal and his heavy doing heal block is very helpful. plus his damage output isn't the worst. A lot of people hate on him when he is very much a swiss army champ.
    also I LOVE hawkeye but lets face it people have advertised hi enough we are aware of his demigod status he is not underrated most people know he is insane by now
  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    Civil Warrior
    some of the guys you listed I don't think are under rated at all but very good. Storm and Rocket have huge damage output.
    My vote is for CW. He is a good tank, Can heal block, and power drain.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    @Matty_Giz11 what game do you think lmao
  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    Other (please specify)
    She hulk and spider gwen and carnage and colossus complete garbage and need to be buffed
  • javedahmed56javedahmed56 Member Posts: 86
    Other (please specify)
    Old Man Logan and Hawkeye
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