“just DON’T do modok’s lab” advice kinda misses the problem

Let’s just say kabam decides to nerf gwenpool and hyperion the way they did with dr strange, and you depend heavily on those two to get you through tough content. How would you feel about that nerf? So you suggest something has to be done about it cuz it’s a low move, but someone tells you “just CHOOSE not to use them”? See how hearing someone say that feels like rubbing salt in the wound?

The problem with this event is that people felt like the opportunity to get rewards was taken away from them due to the increased difficulty which felt a bit “unfair”. Yes only a few people are affected, and yes they have the option NOT to do the event or to stop playing the game altogether, but that is simply telling ppl to live with the “unfairness” instead of providing a solution that addresses it. Simply ACKNOWLEDGING the unfortunate nature of the increased difficulty is better than giving the “just don’t do the event” advice, even though it’s a valid option and that the person might mean well by saying it.

I put “unfair” in quotes because that’s subjective. End game players and newbies won’t be able to empathize with this and might even deny the increase in difficulty being a “problem” since it isn’t one to them and that’s completely fine, but please don’t INTENTIONALLY invalidate the frustration people are experiencing from the increased difficulty. That’s just beating a dead horse.


  • Jac094Jac094 Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2018
    Obv i'm playing both master and hard.. never had problem with master difficulty.. never used revives.. just bought some additional dices sometimes.. the thrut is that who thinks that's an unfair event are unskilled players..
  • Deadly2016Deadly2016 Member Posts: 75
    did the difficulty increase from the last lab, yes. is it unbeatable, no. is it a must do 100% of the time, no. are the rewards on par with the difficulty, well, maybe depending on your roster and your ability to get throu without items.
    there are instances where a champ you dont like on a node that, even after rerolling a few times just sucks, but if you cant handle that one, opt out and go in the next time.
    sure you miss some 5* shards, but missing those isnt the end of the world.
    i had instances it was faceroll, and i had a few i made mistakes or got realy nasty rolls on champs i could not reroll even by spending a few dice.
    so what, its not like uncollected you better 100% or miss out on a lot of stuff, you miss out on a few shards, but getting challenged actualy improves your play.
  • KynnyKynny Member Posts: 104
    The concerns aren't valid.. the content isnt hard.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    Uncollected is a Difficulty that is present every month and people have all the time in the world to build up to it. This is an Event that runs every 12 hours for one month only. The issue is with the type of Event in relation to the amount of effort it takes. What has happened is it has become a lot less accessible because of the increased difficulty. It's not just the Fights. It's also the combination of Buffs that magnify it to something close to a Challenge Path every 12 hours. Is it possible to have the stars align and have a good RNG roll? Sure. That's not the point that people are trying to make.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    Jac094 wrote: »
    I don't think that's unfair.. 15/20 minutes per day.. no energy costs.. free stuffs.. like it..

    15/20 minutes per day, that's a lot of time for a measly 200 shards man.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Nerfs and extra content are not the same thing. There are 4 difficulties so everyone can participate. If you can’t defeat the highest difficulty, then you’re not ready for it or got unlucky with which champs show up.
  • HawkFanDanTheManHawkFanDanTheMan Member Posts: 37
    Nerfs and extra content are not the same thing. There are 4 difficulties so everyone can participate. If you can’t defeat the highest difficulty, then you’re not ready for it or got unlucky with which champs show up.

    @LocoMotives they’re not the same in their purpose in game, but that’s not what i’m comparing them by. I’m comparing them by how they make the player feel.

    In both cases the (unfair nerfs and unfair increasing of difficulty) makes the player feel like they got the short end of the stick

  • Katy_CandyKaty_Candy Member Posts: 175
    Not all content is for everyone. If everything was so easy the game would be boring and people would quit.

    I don't understand why people don't want content to strive too.
  • SociopathSociopath Member Posts: 101
    Well not that im agreeing with the OP here but alot of what he is saying is correct for me. Im newish to the game and my current position is gathering 4* crystals to get a better roster and needing basic 4 catalysts to improve my 4 stars to go forward. The problem im facing with this new event is that im the inbetween position of normal and hard.
    I can allow ai to do normal and medium difficulty with ease but the next level hard (which has the crystals and catalysts I need) is beyond my current position. "yes" I could do this if i put alot of units in for revives and health pots but the small rewards would not be worth it. So my point from the lower end of the spectrum is that there is a massive disparity in difficulty in the lower end of this event. This has nothing to do with skill or anything else and yes I do the lower modes for the free stuff but it's not helping me progress in the game.
  • Jac094Jac094 Member Posts: 198
    LoPresti wrote: »

    15/20 minutes per day, that's a lot of time for a measly 200 shards man.

    500 shards per day, man.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    Jac094 wrote: »

    500 shards per day, man.

    It’s only 100 if you can only do the Hard level which adds up to 3k shards for the month and about 1/2 of a T4B. If you can do both Hard and Expert it’s 15k Shards 1/2 T2A and about I think a full T4B.

    The event sucks if you can’t do the expert level, which is why people who are between the two levels are complaining.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    There are different difficulty levels for a reason. I remember not being able to do the first few celebrity challenges 100% because my roster hadn’t progressed far enough to take those on. I just worked on the content i could do (chapters 1-3 of those challenges) so that I could progresss my roster to a place to take on the next quest. Not all level of players are meant to complete all difficulties of modoks lab. If you have trouble completing it then work on other content and progress your roster. That’s what we’ve all had to do since we started playing the game. You aren’t always in a position to take on all content currently available. Kabam has to keep making more difficulties and challenges because us veteran players breeze through these pieces of content. Not everyone can do that be we need to be challenged and those challenges aren’t always doable by less progressed rosters.

    Also, you can always practice on the expert difficulty to increase your skills for playing around certain nodes for no energy. Maybe by the end you can complete expert more easily than you can now.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    I think the idea here with this event is that most players will sometimes be able to do it and sometimes wont. That is wat challenging gameplay is all about.
    I for one can do it most of the time but havnt always been able to... yeah i get dissapointed when havnt... but i feel that it means i need to get better or that yeah maybe i lucked out and got bad champnwith bad buffs but hey unfortunately that is rng and the nature of an event like this is rng. Just gotta accept the fact that not everyone can always do everything.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    Telling people that not all content is for everyone is redundant. It's the equivalent of telling someone to sit at the Kiddy Table. When people are voicing their thoughts on the Event and others keep brushing them off as if there is no problem, it's belittling. That doesn't mean their thoughts aren't valid, and that doesn't necessarily mean all is as it should be. Everyone is here to voice their own perspective. That's the point the OP is trying to make. Telling people not to do it is not respective to the issue. Although, some just don't care and don't see a problem regardless.
  • DizzyDizzy Member Posts: 237 ★★
    Honestly? I like MODOK’s lab, and not because I’m getting free shards.

    I run a team of 4/40s so I can beat expert maybe 20% of the time, and hard 100%. Expert has taught me a lot about how to deal with certain nodes, what teams to bring in blind, how to intercept more reliably, etc.

    Sure it’s frustrating, especially when my re-rolls are reset and I promptly get wrecked by thorns+biohazard (*cough*), but at the end of the day it’s a welcome challenge that doesn’t have AW-level stakes on it.

    If you’re upset about not getting free 5* shards, challenge yourself to unlock the other ways to earn them - like joining a solid alliance and going Uncollected.
  • KynnyKynny Member Posts: 104

    Who determines what concerns are valid or not? Just because someone doesn't find it hard doesn't mean the concerns aren't valid. People may play by themselves, but that doesn't mean the game centres around them. There are many other people playing.

    I beat.master mode with a r4 sw and r4 starlord no items used..

    If.you think.its hard you suck
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Here is one...

    There is NO problem!

    If you can’t manage to get the 5* shards just take the 4* shards.

    Things can’t be made easy for all type of player otherwise it will be full of 1* champs being one popped in 2 seconds.

    It’s supposed to be challenging, what do people not understand... stop just making an issue because some fights are tricky.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★

    LOL. I'm not even going to comment on the ease of using those Champs.

    That's an incredibly limited and ignorant perspective to have. Anyone who thinks it's hard sucks? Is that your stance? Sorry to break it to you, but skilled people still have an issue with the amount it's been amped up. Thanks for your overview, though. Not sure that it contributes much besides putting people down.

    Dude, what’s your problem?! It’s SUPPOSED to be HARD!!!!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    Like not a word even registers. Lol.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Like not a word even registers. Lol.

    Even I'm confused now so explain it ur arguing that content like this shouldn't be as difficult as it is correct?
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