[iOS] Lag and Performance Investigation



  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    iOS 11.3.1 Iphone se. Since new update, long load times, sometimes have to restart, blocks dropping regularly, and heavy bug (heavy charging while tapping light) happening in arena and eq, and war yesterday
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  • BowlSheetBowlSheet Member Posts: 116
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi. Did not test on Cellular, however, I am not noticing lag issues outside of the app. Additionally, not all areas of MCOC are experiencing lag.
    Game Version Installed: 18.1.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests -> Massacre and the Mercs for Money -> Heroic -> Maps 5 and 6 --- Also Crystal tab
    Description of the Issue: I'm stuck in another Event Quest right now (Daily Quest) so I can't go back to retest. However, I was experiencing significant lag when on the map screen. There was no in-fight lag. There isn't lag on the Daily Quest map. When on the Mercs map, it took a few seconds for the game to progress. There was a visual queue that lag corrected. At first, the dashed lines that show path directions were flowing in the opposite direction. When lag subsided, the path flow reversed to the correct direction and I was finally able to move forward. It takes 2-3 seconds and there is lag every time the map screen is brought up. I experienced this through Maps 5 and 6. I switched game mode after that. I am not experiencing lag in the Daily Quest.

    There is still one other area of lag that is currently happening (while I am in Daily Quest, so it is reasonable to assume that the lag in Merc Mission is persisting, as well). Whenever going to the Crystals page, it takes 2-3 seconds for me to be able to open a crystal drop down menu. After this initial lag, all drop down menus open normally. If I navigate away from the Crystals tab and then return, the lag is re-presents itself for 2-3 seconds.

    In both of these areas, the lag presents an environment that is different from what I am used to. I noticed the lag on the Crystals tab last night (Jun 15) and it has persisted to current. The Event Quest issue on the Merc Mission was noticed about 1-2 hours ago.
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  • BowlSheetBowlSheet Member Posts: 116
    BowlSheet wrote: »
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi. Did not test on Cellular, however, I am not noticing lag issues outside of the app. Additionally, not all areas of MCOC are experiencing lag.
    Game Version Installed: 18.1.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests -> Massacre and the Mercs for Money -> Heroic -> Maps 5 and 6 --- Also Crystal tab
    Description of the Issue: To add to my issue, the lag seems to have gotten worse. When going to the crystal tab for the first time, it takes 10-15 seconds to load. I can't do anything until it fully loads. After spinning a crystal, the Crystal tab will load immediately. However, navigating away from the crystal tab and then back will reinstitute the lag.

    AW is now lagging, as well. The other team is full, so it may be due to all the placements. There wasn't any AW lag on our match that ended last Sunday. It lags in the same manner as the Mercs for Money quest (still just Maps 5 and 6). Every time the map screen is rendered, there is a 2-5 second lag. During the lag, the path animation flows in the opposite direction. I know the lag has caught up when the path animation reverses flow to normal orientation.

    The main fight screen is also a bit laggy, now. Only by a second or so, but it isn't as quick as it was last week. This is the screen you reach when pressing the Fight button from the top dropdown.

    One additional item, which I don't think is linked to these new lag issues, but is annoying nonetheless: Asking for Help to reduce the cooldown on character usability in Arenas has gotten slower. This has been an issue for many months, but it has recently gotten slower. Each request takes 2 to 2 1/2 seconds to process. Back in the day, it was instantaneous. No longer. 2 seconds doesn't sound like much, but it isn't unusual to have 30 - 60 character Help requests when you're really in the Arena. This means your spending 1-2 minutes just pressing a green button to clear out characters so you don't have to keep scrolling to choose your team. If you don't want to fix this problem, please consider pushing spent heroes to the bottom of the list by default. I know we can sort them, but it isn't a default orientation. I would have to sort them every time I see the team choice screen. That'd be as tedious as sending all the Help requests.

  • Minkl3Minkl3 Member Posts: 140
    I am facing EXTREME LAG in arena, it's so bad it's impossible to play. Tried wifi, cellular data, different phones iOS. Need Emergency Maintenance ASAP.
  • TranminhbaoTranminhbao Member Posts: 127
    Devive: ipad
    OS: ios 11.4
    Game: 18.1.0
    THE GAME QUIT ITSELF!!! I’ve never experienced this but the last few days. I started the fight, then came the picture of Domino as normal for 1 second, THEN THE GAME QUIT IFSELF!
    It happened in arena, quest, AQ. When I come back, I can continue arena but I lost half the health in AQ and event quest. I’m so scare of this, and don’t want it to affect my AW.
  • WillBNo1968WillBNo1968 Member Posts: 8
    Device and Model: iPhone 7+

    Device Operating System: iOS 11.5

    Cellular or WiFi: Both

    Game Version Installed: 18.1.0

    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest & Alliance War.

    Description of the Issue:
    1. connection error issues
    2. Block drops even while still holding down. Additionally it started the character to run as if I was not doing anything. Overall functionality has suffered immensely with block and heavy attack with the response being non responsive. Medium attacks and directional movement has a lag of a second or so. Taps have a chance of not registering.
    3. The special button for L1 L2 & L3 will not register anything except a block. I’ve tried numerous attempts to adjust location and had nothing work properly.
    4. There’s a point in the game where lag in graphics will just catch up and ignore combos. It’s like if there was no timing. It’s almost like if there’s a need to be a button masher and gamble with it is ever being registered. It has become another way to act defensively. Forgetting 5 hit combos and going with 3 because chances are something won’t register and it’ll bypass.
    5. Blocks have dropped and parried randomly. Not purposely.
  • BowlSheetBowlSheet Member Posts: 116
    edited June 2018
    BowlSheet wrote: »
    Device and Model: iPad Air 2
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi. Did not test on Cellular, however, I am not noticing lag issues outside of the app.
    Game Version Installed: 18.1.0
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description of the Issue:

    I didn't see any other "lag" threads, so I don't know if this is device or platform specific. Regardless, I am noticing severe lag when loading any page. Once the page loads, there is no issue: fights are normal, map travel is normal. However, loading a new page takes a lot of time. It seems to be the worst when related to AW. I usually see static/scrambling of the graphics while the page loads.

    Also, to update, it seems over the past two weeks (maybe less) all issues had disappeared. I wasn't having any performance issues or lag until today just prior to this post.
  • Damonm790Damonm790 Member Posts: 4
    Hello my tag is Damonm790, I was in the areas for modok, I hit the next button after my first fight (2.3 mill or so) it said" error you cannot start a fight while ones in progress" then the lag wheel came up , when the screen reloaded my fight that I never fought was lost causing me to lose my multipyer. Thanks a lot kabaam
  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and Cellular, however, and I’m not noticing lag issues outside of the app.
    Game Version Installed: 18.1.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests -> Massacre and the Mercs for Money -> Uncollected -> Maps 5
    Description of the Issue: Champions freeze for short duration once or twice a fight, usually when trying to land a heavy or evade. This caused significant damage to my champions numerous times.

    IGN: NikoBravo
  • SayNoNameSayNoName Member Posts: 6
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.3.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 18.1.0
    Game Mode: Almost all fights
    Description of the Issue : After 5-10mins in the game phone over heats and fights becomes slow and lagy
  • ericolorericolor Member Posts: 239
    device: iphone X


    could you please check the capture of this time lag?
    Will this issue be fixed next update??
  • ericolorericolor Member Posts: 239
    device iphonex
    ios 11.4


    Could you please kindly check the capture above?
    I wonder if this issue would be solved next update.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Device and Model: IPhone 6+
    Device Operating System: IOS 8.4.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 18.1
    Game Mode: Crystal Screen, Arena/Champion lists, and game crashing/loading issues
    Description of the Issue: A new performance issue was introduced in the recent 18.x version that has affected scrolling and opening crystals. I can barely scroll thru the crystal page without the game freezing up or having very slow FPS and the same issue is experienced when opening crystals. It takes forever now to open crystals. A very similar issue happens on the champion select screen for quests and arenas and my champion list in general. The champions take forever to load, and each one seems to load one at a time before I am able to finally scroll.

    The game memory leak that caused game crashes on loading screens seems to have gotten slightly better since the latest updates, but it still exists. The game starts out fine, but as I play and load more fights or parts of the game, load times get slower and slower until eventually the game crashes.
  • Damian883Damian883 Member Posts: 3
    Device and Model: iPhone 5s
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.1
    Cellular or WiFi: i only use WiFi, and my connection is good, i do not have internet problema
    Game Version Installed: 19.0.0
    Game Mode: i must say in all the modes, it occurs me in alliance quests some times, also in normal misions and supermisions, i have had this problem since the deadpool month mision, not at the beginning but it started in that month, the game started getting more and more lagged battle by battle, but i just close the game and restart it to have less lag, but it is not always, sometimes it goes well and other times it is like this, except for misions, misions are always lagged
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,917 ★★★★★
    Device: IPhone 5s
    Latest version of IOS
    Lots of lag during fights but fine out with the fight
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 367 ★★★
    I'm using an iPhone 6 with the latest iOS software and I'm also experiencing more issues after the latest 19.0 update.

    The phone is running considerably hotter (even with no other apps open), and there seems to be a much more pronounced choppy lag during game play as well.

    If it comes down to buying a new phone to play the game I'd just delete it. Not worth the investment anymore....
  • ericolorericolor Member Posts: 239
    iphoneX / ios 11.4


    I really disappointed about not being fixed this time lag at this update.
    Unfortunately, it seems that the issues are getting worse.
    Could you please kindly check the url ?
  • Robnew25Robnew25 Member Posts: 2
    Device and Model: iPad mini4
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 19.0.0
    Game Mode: AQ has really bad lag. Was fine, then I foolishly updated to v19, and lag was so bad I nearly lost 2 full health champs. Arena also has lag, although not as bad. I restarted game, then restarted device, and neither helped.
  • ZzzZzz Member Posts: 154
    Device and Model: iPhone 7plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.2.5
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi full bars

    lag, freezes and overheating
  • JanFunJanFun Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2018
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 19.0.0

    iPhone restarts after some time of gaming. Presumably due to overheating. Hasn't did that before installing the current update. Not that funny...
  • Buckylives2_0Buckylives2_0 Member Posts: 32
    iPhone SE
    It just started this morning, the phone started heating up, booted me from game mid fight (arena). This is the first time it’s happened to me.
  • Batman_X10Batman_X10 Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2018
    The loading screens in between matches are really long, recharging characters or setting up arena team screen lagging and bad in-game lag in AQ and event quest fights. Also, phone is overheating and battery draining really quickly after the update.

    iPhone 7
    iOS 11.4
    On data LTE/4G + WiFi
  • Snail_McGavinSnail_McGavin Member Posts: 105
    iPhone SE & iPad 4
    WiFi & Data
    Both devices are burning hot while mcoc app is open. Phone cools down when not playing. Battery life is just melting down. 10% every 15 min
  • PureLegendPureLegend Member Posts: 25
    iPhone 7+
    Newest rev
    Newest game version as of 7/4/18
    WiFi 250Meg
    While blocking certain champs like hulk will dash towards ranged opponents while they’re using a special attack committing suicide.

    Just now (and many times before) my wolverine did a two hit medium attack (on a blocking boss) instead of a medium and 3 lite combo leaving me open for a AQ boss death shot.

    (Not related to performance) dormamu doesn’t heal anymore and can’t land soul charges while doing a heavy attack making him one of the worst heroes in game for use in continued fighting.

    Champ won’t evade at times even when opponent is blocking leaving them open to heavy hit. Completely unresponsive and can’t even block making heavy hit reduction mastery useless.

    Special attack bar won’t display properly and sometimes shows a full bar at beginning of match...

    There’s more but I’m going back to bed
  • SeetheevilSeetheevil Member Posts: 66
    İphone 6s plus
    İos 11.4
    Lag, fps drop and whatever problem else that can be encountered in a game :)
  • XcalburXcalbur Member Posts: 2
    Device and Model: iPhone 6s
    Device Operating System: 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest & Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Everytime the game is up the phone is acting up it’s almost like a virus taking charge of the phone physical buttons become unresponsive unable to exit game or switch off phone., took me a while to shutdown phone completely apps like line and Facebook also gets jammed I was playing act 5 ,frame rate skips and glitches when opponent activating specials resulting in me loosing block and get k.o also phone battery drains from 90% to 20 % in less than half hour game play heats up to the point where I can’t hold my phone too

  • Unfamously2IncognitoUnfamously2Incognito Member Posts: 9

    Device and Model: iPhone 7 plus
    Device Operating System: 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, AT&T Issues happening during both
    Game Version Installed: 19.0.0
    Game Mode: All available right now: AQ, Arena, New Quest
    Description of the Issue: Phone gets hot which begins to affect all aspects of game: lag, lost sound temporarily, game crashes
  • Tiago1980Tiago1980 Member Posts: 34
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 19.0.0
    Game Mode: All available right now: AQ, Arena, New Quest
    Description of the Issue: Phone battery unload after upgrade, use this phone just to play. And this happened after the game was updated.
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