LAUNCHING JULY 15: Peak Milestones and Alliance Quests Update Discussion Thread



  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Zuko_ILC wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    demed wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    demed wrote: »
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    Most waiters and waitresses are paid daily.

    Other than maybe the neighborhood kid that mows lawns or unskilled day laborers, I'm fairly certain anyone that is employed as a "9 to 5" worker receives their wages per week at very best, and most are are on a bi-weekly or bi monthly pay schedule.

    If you're referring to tips that waiters and waitresses earn per day, although taxed and calculated along with their standard wages, isn't technically their "pay". It's more of a token of gratitude from a patron for the level of service they had been provided with, hence derives the word "gratuity". :wink:
  • Vegeta9000Vegeta9000 Member Posts: 204 ★★
    Know what i dont get, why in the world level 1 aq potions are still a thing, should just abolish l1 potions, make l2 potions the new l1, l3 the new l2, l4 the new l3 and make l5 the 100 unit, 260 glory ones. No-one wants a l1 potion, waste of an item use.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Vegeta9000 wrote: »
    Know what i dont get, why in the world level 1 aq potions are still a thing, should just abolish l1 potions, make l2 potions the new l1, l3 the new l2, l4 the new l3 and make l5 the 100 unit, 260 glory ones. No-one wants a l1 potion, waste of an item use.

    As someone who does use them in specific cases. They do have a purpose albeit a very minor one for someone like me, and I could see it being more of a necesity for beginners that have their hands full running Map 1and 2 AQ with 2 and 3* lineups until they build their rosters to take on other maps. Most of the in game items and resources are needed by someone at somet point or another imo.
  • StolenNameGuyStolenNameGuy Member Posts: 36
    Are the rewards for ranking up and down theoretically covered by the increased rate of accumulating glory? We would get 20k+ t4b shards when we ranked up and a full t4b when we ranked down the following week. Will this new system provide an advantage or a disadvantage to us?

    What's a guy gotta do to get an answer around here?
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Hi kabam,

    Could you leave the timer for alliance quest to 30 minutes ?
    It makes alliance quests more manageable and while the total time for the quest is still 24h the alliance seems more alive with less waiting time

    By the way as our alliance has members all over the world having a timer of 30 minutes makes it easier to finish the quest
  • ShinyshinnyShinyshinny Member Posts: 25
    I don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, @Kabam Miike , but you guys really need a proofreader for stuff like this.

    "We’ve now switched this up so Map 3, Section 3 now features less Local Nodes, and a total of 17 Linked Nodes from 13 Fights. "
    "Map 2 now contains less encounters and less steps to 100% explore..."

    There were many, many such problems throughout the post and it looked pretty sloppy and unprofessional. I'm assuming you have an in-house copy editor? Make use of 'em, this is what they're there for!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    This ship may have already sailed, but I have an idea on how to refactor milestone rewards to eliminate the twin problems of holding rewards to the end of the week and potentially players getting no rewards at all due to alliance membership changes in the middle of the AQ week.

    Suppose that we went back to normal milestones and handed out the same amount of glory as 19.0 delivers but apportioned back to individual milestones. And then on top of that each milestone would award a special "max milestone token." So if you reached eight milestones during the AQ week, you'd have eight of these. If you reached twelve milestones, you'd have twelve.

    Then we add a new AQ milestone store where you could exchange those tokens for "packages" of rewards. There would be a package with one map 5 crystal and six map 4 crystals and it would cost twelve milestone tokens. There would be a package with nine Map 5 crystals and six Map 4 crystals that cost twenty milestone tokens. In effect, when AQ ran normally, you'd get the exact same rewards as 19.0 currently hands out at the end of the AQ week. At the start of the next AQ those tokens would expire, so you would have to spend them in that week: you couldn't accumulate them.

    But suppose you had to leave your alliance in the middle of the week? Well, you'd be blacked out for rewards in your new alliance, but you'd still have your milestone tokens that you earned up to that point. It would be less, but you could still trade those in at the end of the week for partial rewards.

    And as one additional option, Kabam could, if it chose to do so, leave the store open all week long so an alliance that earned 24 tokens could choose to spend them on the 24 token package getting four Map 6 crystals and nine Map 5 crystals or they could choose to spend them on four of the six token packages getting five Map 3 crystals and one Map 2 crystal four times during the week, which would allow an alliance to shift their rewards from the top crystals to more of the bottom crystals if that's what they wanted to do. I don't know if Kabam would consider this balanced or not, but it is an option that becomes possible in this system.

    As far as I can tell, this would require no additional tech. We'd be using normal milestones again, we'd be awarding a token like a key and that kind of thing already exists, and we'd just need a new store that would operate under the same rules as any other special currency store like the Infinity Dust store. You get currency tokens, and then they expire, and then you get more. The system can be implemented to hand out exactly the same rewards as 19.0, but it would hand them out over time instead of at the end of the week, allows for players to leave alliances with lesser rewards (which has always been the case prior to 19.0) and creates the option for high end alliances to shift their rewards to the lower crystals (for T1 Alpha, say) if they wanted to (and if Kabam wanted to let them), without having to shift maps. I don't currently see a downside, although I'm open to criticism in that area if I've overlooked one.
  • MakTaKoMakTaKo Member Posts: 2
    We play map 5 and all of us know all hiden heros. Why still there are hiden heros??? It's meaningless.
  • SadalSadal Member Posts: 93
    This change is a terrible one wrapped in Christmas paper, which the elimination of brackets the whole system is on a curve now with the top tier alliances getting more of an advantage....
  • SadalSadal Member Posts: 93
    Are the rewards for ranking up and down theoretically covered by the increased rate of accumulating glory? We would get 20k+ t4b shards when we ranked up and a full t4b when we ranked down the following week. Will this new system provide an advantage or a disadvantage to us?

    What's a guy gotta do to get an answer around here?

    There is no more ranking up or down now. One bracket for all alliances. So unless you are in a top tier alliance be ready to get less rewards...
  • SadalSadal Member Posts: 93
    Sadal wrote: »
    This change is a terrible one wrapped in Christmas paper, which the elimination of brackets the whole system is on a curve now with the top tier alliances getting more of an advantage....
    Sadal wrote: »
    Are the rewards for ranking up and down theoretically covered by the increased rate of accumulating glory? We would get 20k+ t4b shards when we ranked up and a full t4b when we ranked down the following week. Will this new system provide an advantage or a disadvantage to us?

    What's a guy gotta do to get an answer around here?

    There is no more ranking up or down now. One bracket for all alliances. So unless you are in a top tier alliance be ready to get less rewards...

    @kabam Mike
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Are the rewards for ranking up and down theoretically covered by the increased rate of accumulating glory? We would get 20k+ t4b shards when we ranked up and a full t4b when we ranked down the following week. Will this new system provide an advantage or a disadvantage to us?

    How many Points does your Alliance usually score every week, and what did you place? It would be a very rare case for an Alliance to get less Rewards than they used to, and both the Rank Rewards and Milestones have been updated.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Sadal wrote: »
    Are the rewards for ranking up and down theoretically covered by the increased rate of accumulating glory? We would get 20k+ t4b shards when we ranked up and a full t4b when we ranked down the following week. Will this new system provide an advantage or a disadvantage to us?

    What's a guy gotta do to get an answer around here?

    There is no more ranking up or down now. One bracket for all alliances. So unless you are in a top tier alliance be ready to get less rewards...

    The removal of Brackets is actually meant to help Alliances gain more rewards! You won't get less rewards for equal work, like what used to happen when changing Brackets.
  • StolenNameGuyStolenNameGuy Member Posts: 36

    How many Points does your Alliance usually score every week, and what did you place? It would be a very rare case for an Alliance to get less Rewards than they used to, and both the Rank Rewards and Milestones have been updated.

    On a 'rank up week', we would score between 25 and 30 mil. Thats all the milestones and a little extra. The following week, we would score between 20 and 25 mil and rank down. I don't recall where we would place, but the 20k+ t4b shards on a rank up week and the full t4b on a rank down week were handy for those of us who dont have a lot of time to grind the t4b arena.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    Sadal wrote: »
    Are the rewards for ranking up and down theoretically covered by the increased rate of accumulating glory? We would get 20k+ t4b shards when we ranked up and a full t4b when we ranked down the following week. Will this new system provide an advantage or a disadvantage to us?

    What's a guy gotta do to get an answer around here?

    There is no more ranking up or down now. One bracket for all alliances. So unless you are in a top tier alliance be ready to get less rewards...

    Actually as far as I can tell all alliances should get more rewards, and lower alliances could proportionally get a lot more rewards.

    @StolenNameGuy - if your alliance is currently alternating between the advanced and expert tier (which it sounds like based on the rewards you're mentioning) then under the old system every two weeks you would get the equivalent of about 1.7 T4B catalysts and 10% of a T4CC (1 T4B, 25k T4B fragments, and one glory crystal) in rank rewards, plus 1275 glory (700 + 575). Under the new system, you'd be placing in the 3501-4200 bracket which would award you 1.66 T4B fragments and 60% of a T4CC (60k T4B fragments total, and 30 T4CC fragment crystals), plus 1700 glory (850x2).

    So under the new system, you'd be getting 50% of a T4CC more, 425 glory more, and 1k T4B fragments less per two week interval, or averaged out you'd be getting 25% of a T4CC more, 212 glory more, and 500 T4B fragments less per week.

    Although you're getting a tiny bit less T4B, the extra glory seems to more than make up for that, and overall the rewards look much better.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    How many Points does your Alliance usually score every week, and what did you place? It would be a very rare case for an Alliance to get less Rewards than they used to, and both the Rank Rewards and Milestones have been updated.

    On a 'rank up week', we would score between 25 and 30 mil. Thats all the milestones and a little extra. The following week, we would score between 20 and 25 mil and rank down. I don't recall where we would place, but the 20k+ t4b shards on a rank up week and the full t4b on a rank down week were handy for those of us who dont have a lot of time to grind the t4b arena.

    In terms of milestones, that sounds like your total crystal haul for two consecutive weeks would be six Map 3 crystals, four Map 4 crystals, and four Map 5 crystals, plus 1750 glory (800 for maxing out advanced, and 750 for reaching milestone 4 in expert). In the new system, my guestimate is that you'd proabably be consistently hitting milestone 15 (20 million) which is 1350 glory, 4 Map 5 crystals, and 6 Map 4 crystals per week. So in two weeks you'd be earning 2700 glory, 12 Map 4 crystals, and 8 Map 5 crystals.

    That's six fewer Map 3 crystals, eight more Map 4 crystals, and four more Map 5 crystals, plus 950 more glory if I'm calculating correctly.
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Sorry if this has already been asked, but one advantage to being in a higher bracket was the ability to start the other battlegroups with less players. Normal required 3 players while advanced required 2. So how many now have to join bg1 before bg2 can be started?
  • StolenNameGuyStolenNameGuy Member Posts: 36
    @DNA3000 thank you for your response!
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Any response to my previous comment? Mainly about the wait time that AQ has in between gameplay sessions, the scheduling problems that arise without any access to an in game system to use when a mate has an emergency, and lastly the tedium/boredom of the same map and fights for months on end? Really hoping all of these are addressed in the next big AQ update.
  • Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,100 Content Creator
    I'm very concerned about the amount of T2a available to the top alliances. A full t2a every two weeks? That's absolutely ridiculous. It's so unbalanced.
  • DroidDoesDroidDoes Member Posts: 411 ★★
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    We've just posted an Announcement on an exciting new feature coming to The Contest next week! Find out what you need to know about Peak Milestones in our post here, and then ask your questions!

    So to confirm, we won’t get any rewards until the event ends? So for AQ for example, we’re not getting any glory or map crystals day by day anymore?

    Also can you show some examples of non-AQ related events with peak milestones?

    This is correct. While you won't be collecting small rewards along the way anymore, you will get a much bigger payout at the end of the event.

    I will talk to the team about getting some Non-Alliance Quest examples, because we do have some of those coming too.

    Hey @Kabam Miike meant to respond earlier but thank you for the speedy reply on this! Since our back and forth was essentially right as this was announced/when this discussion thread was started, any update on showing non-AQ related examples of the peak milestones? Also, any idea when those will start going into effect now that 19.0 has been released?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    We've just posted an Announcement on an exciting new feature coming to The Contest next week! Find out what you need to know about Peak Milestones in our post here, and then ask your questions!

    So to confirm, we won’t get any rewards until the event ends? So for AQ for example, we’re not getting any glory or map crystals day by day anymore?

    Also can you show some examples of non-AQ related events with peak milestones?

    This is correct. While you won't be collecting small rewards along the way anymore, you will get a much bigger payout at the end of the event.

    I will talk to the team about getting some Non-Alliance Quest examples, because we do have some of those coming too.

    Hey @Kabam Miike meant to respond earlier but thank you for the speedy reply on this! Since our back and forth was essentially right as this was announced/when this discussion thread was started, any update on showing non-AQ related examples of the peak milestones? Also, any idea when those will start going into effect now that 19.0 has been released?

    We'll have a complete list of Alliance Events making use of Peak Milestones for you guys by tomorrow (hopefully even today)! The first event that will use Peak Milestones will start on July 8th, BUT we also have some new 1-Day Alliance events starting on Friday! Stay tuned!
  • DroidDoesDroidDoes Member Posts: 411 ★★
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    We've just posted an Announcement on an exciting new feature coming to The Contest next week! Find out what you need to know about Peak Milestones in our post here, and then ask your questions!

    So to confirm, we won’t get any rewards until the event ends? So for AQ for example, we’re not getting any glory or map crystals day by day anymore?

    Also can you show some examples of non-AQ related events with peak milestones?

    This is correct. While you won't be collecting small rewards along the way anymore, you will get a much bigger payout at the end of the event.

    I will talk to the team about getting some Non-Alliance Quest examples, because we do have some of those coming too.

    Hey @Kabam Miike meant to respond earlier but thank you for the speedy reply on this! Since our back and forth was essentially right as this was announced/when this discussion thread was started, any update on showing non-AQ related examples of the peak milestones? Also, any idea when those will start going into effect now that 19.0 has been released?

    We'll have a complete list of Alliance Events making use of Peak Milestones for you guys by tomorrow (hopefully even today)! The first event that will use Peak Milestones will start on July 8th, BUT we also have some new 1-Day Alliance events starting on Friday! Stay tuned!

    Great, thanks @Kabam Miike! Definitely eager and curious to see just what these will entail, and now even moreso with your mentioning of new 1-day events.....
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited July 2018
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    We've just posted an Announcement on an exciting new feature coming to The Contest next week! Find out what you need to know about Peak Milestones in our post here, and then ask your questions!

    So to confirm, we won’t get any rewards until the event ends? So for AQ for example, we’re not getting any glory or map crystals day by day anymore?

    Also can you show some examples of non-AQ related events with peak milestones?

    This is correct. While you won't be collecting small rewards along the way anymore, you will get a much bigger payout at the end of the event.

    I will talk to the team about getting some Non-Alliance Quest examples, because we do have some of those coming too.

    Hey @Kabam Miike meant to respond earlier but thank you for the speedy reply on this! Since our back and forth was essentially right as this was announced/when this discussion thread was started, any update on showing non-AQ related examples of the peak milestones? Also, any idea when those will start going into effect now that 19.0 has been released?

    We'll have a complete list of Alliance Events making use of Peak Milestones for you guys by tomorrow (hopefully even today)! The first event that will use Peak Milestones will start on July 8th, BUT we also have some new 1-Day Alliance events starting on Friday! Stay tuned!

    Great, thanks @Kabam Miike! Definitely eager and curious to see just what these will entail, and now even moreso with your mentioning of new 1-day events.....

    Here ya go!
  • DroidDoesDroidDoes Member Posts: 411 ★★
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    DroidDoes wrote: »
    Hey Summoners,

    We've just posted an Announcement on an exciting new feature coming to The Contest next week! Find out what you need to know about Peak Milestones in our post here, and then ask your questions!

    So to confirm, we won’t get any rewards until the event ends? So for AQ for example, we’re not getting any glory or map crystals day by day anymore?

    Also can you show some examples of non-AQ related events with peak milestones?

    This is correct. While you won't be collecting small rewards along the way anymore, you will get a much bigger payout at the end of the event.

    I will talk to the team about getting some Non-Alliance Quest examples, because we do have some of those coming too.

    Hey @Kabam Miike meant to respond earlier but thank you for the speedy reply on this! Since our back and forth was essentially right as this was announced/when this discussion thread was started, any update on showing non-AQ related examples of the peak milestones? Also, any idea when those will start going into effect now that 19.0 has been released?

    We'll have a complete list of Alliance Events making use of Peak Milestones for you guys by tomorrow (hopefully even today)! The first event that will use Peak Milestones will start on July 8th, BUT we also have some new 1-Day Alliance events starting on Friday! Stay tuned!

    Great, thanks @Kabam Miike! Definitely eager and curious to see just what these will entail, and now even moreso with your mentioning of new 1-day events.....

    Here ya go!

    Thanks so much! They look great; already recording a video for the channel to get the word out 👍
  • OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    @Kabam Miike You might want to update milestones 7 and 8 on the 3-day events.

    That’s the same phrasing you use for the full catalyst in later milestones. It would solve the t1a and gold shortages, if you’d rather keep it that way.
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Fantasy_91 wrote: »
    Sorry if this has already been asked, but one advantage to being in a higher bracket was the ability to start the other battlegroups with less players. Normal required 3 players while advanced required 2. So how many now have to join bg1 before bg2 can be started?

    Any response on this? I'd rather not be surprised when AQ starts up again. Thanks
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    Due to some overheating and performance issues that we are investigating following our 19.0 release, we will be delaying the release of our new 1-Day and 3-Day Alliance Events, our new iteration of Alliance Quests and our update to the Glory Store.

    We do not currently have an ETA for these new Events and Alliance Quests, but will let you all know as soon as we have more information regarding their release, and the results of our investigation surrounding our 19.0 release.

    We apologize for this delay.
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    Thank you. The lags are real at this moment
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    Due to some overheating and performance issues that we are investigating following our 19.0 release, we will be delaying the release of our new 1-Day and 3-Day Alliance Events, our new iteration of Alliance Quests and our update to the Glory Store.

    We do not currently have an ETA for these new Events and Alliance Quests, but will let you all know as soon as we have more information regarding their release, and the results of our investigation surrounding our 19.0 release.

    We apologize for this delay.

    I suspect the vast majority of players currently prioritize working on stability than any of those features.
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