AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    To be fair, that's how I do it. I'll fix anything on a Saturday, but anything that doesn't involve critical uptime and you're going to wait until Monday at the earliest. If you want to hash out a problem on a Sunday, I'm far less inclined to be understanding. I'll do it, but you'll be negotiating with a hostile party, and you're going to lose. Doesn't matter how big a customer it is.

    I don't disagree. I was simply trying to illustrate to the pitchfork-wielding masses that significant decision-making isn't necessarily going to happen on a Saturday morning as long as the game is running.

    However, if the AQ bug had been something more "game-breaking" (like AQ being completely disabled), then I would most likely be joining the masses in demanding things get fixed regardless which day of the week it is.

    What is considered game-breaking obviously varies from player to player. Some players are genuinely needing the glory from AQ to buy resources to aid them elsewhere (pots for AW, cats to rank up champs, etc), and this AQ glitch broke that ability. Others can weather the storm and wait a few days for things to be corrected.

    All of that being said, I really think Kabam needs to do 2 things:
    1) Increase their presence on the website. Even reporting there is nothing new is still better than radio silence.
    2) Ensure that when things are rolled out (like the updated milestones), they are done when the bulk of the staff are at the ready. They used to do this on Tuesdays with the usual maintenance period. Over the last couple of months or so, regular maintenance periods have ceased but the amount of significant issues has gone up. I would gladly give up an hour or two a week knowing that things were getting fixed.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I wonder who the one person is flagging my responses...hmmm...I’m stumped.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★

    This almost doesn't even warrant a response, but nowhere did I imply that I'm a Mod. Kthxbye.

    Have you beaten the collector yet?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Run477 wrote: »
    I wonder who the one person is flagging my responses...hmmm...I’m stumped.

    If you're referring to me, no.
  • andymk514andymk514 Member Posts: 10
    Compensate this too Kabam
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    RebelCaz wrote: »

    The game is working as intended

    Um. How is it working as intended? If you're saying they intended all these issues to happen as some cruel joke...then come here and hug me brotha! We're all thinkin the same!
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  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    any answers yet?
  • Sn1pes130Sn1pes130 Member Posts: 82

    Previously, they have given people what they earned the week prior to the issue. That might be a possibility.

    See that’s the issue, the mods are unclear and then unresponsive. This very well might be a possibility but unfortunately all of us lack the ability to decipher what “feel free to play” actually means. Kabams poor track record lately of handling situations has lead to the frustration and anger everyone has right now.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    @Sn1pes130 The ambiguity is frustrating. If Kabam comes in at the 11th hour and says next week's maps will be free, that "compensation" benefits people differently depending on whether they risked playing map 5 for sucky rewards or scaled back to map 3.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit If brackets are going to remain, everyone should be put in the bracket they were in when the 6/29 AQ started. At that point, you told us brackets would be eliminated and many alliances relied on that representation. Hopefully we can get an amount of glory to match what we earned in the AQ ended 6/26, because that was the last alliance quest where every alliance played with active brackets in mind.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike in about 5 hours, aq opens again. No one is getting milestones that are running map 5 (and probably no one running map 4 and possibly map 3). It costs resources to open map 5 but not map 3. It also takes more time for map 5.

    Please can someone respond whether this aq will count for rankings at all. Will we get rewards based on last week (which you have done before) or based on what we would have earned (which you have also done prefer). Will entry fees for map 5 be refunded? Would prefer to run map 3 if map 5 matters none.
  • ASV27ASV27 Member Posts: 91
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    To be fair, that's how I do it. I'll fix anything on a Saturday, but anything that doesn't involve critical uptime and you're going to wait until Monday at the earliest. If you want to hash out a problem on a Sunday, I'm far less inclined to be understanding. I'll do it, but you'll be negotiating with a hostile party, and you're going to lose. Doesn't matter how big a customer it is.

    They don't need to fix anything right now. They just need to tell us what they intend to do so we know if we should be using resources running maps 5/6 or have a free week of map 3. It doesn't take a dev to say "you will all be getting the same rewards as last week so this week doesn't count".
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    Even with the lack of clarity, my alliance decided to just run map 3. We finished 250 in the top bracket last week.

    We're not spending resources to open harder maps with zero indications that it will benefit us. We hit all of the milestones on d1 and the rank rewards in the bracket we're misplaced in are useless.

    I would advise everyone else to do the same. Running map 5 or 6 for no certain rewards is like asking to be upset when they just re-award the prior week's awards.
  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    The thing that is most irritating for us is the decrease in glory we are receiving. We hit all milestones before day 1 was finished and this now leaves us having to use units for potions in AW. Not only that, but some of us space out our spending of glory on potions to get Max value by purchasing after reset each day and now we have no glory to spend and it's wasting days of resets. @Kabam Miike
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  • adramelchadramelch Member Posts: 98
    This has got to be the most unprofessional behavior I have ever encountered in a company of any kind. 2 days after the bracket issue appeared and not one clear official response as to what we the players should do, just some vague generic "do as you please" answer. Any company treating it's customers in such a way would have had no chance to survive such a communication fiasco. But here we are, still asking for some kind of response because we love the game. I don't know if I should be mad at Kabam or the community (including myself) who still accepts such unprofessional behavior.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,728 ★★★★★
    Update to this and what is gonna happen with spent treasury for low milestones
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I don't know what's the big issue, I am still playing the game, just the way its supposed to.

    Cool off and Put down your pitchforks guys.
  • Jlemos818Jlemos818 Member Posts: 83
    So we still have been running map5 all week and missing out on map5 crystals and glory does that mean we'll be compensated for the misplaced tiers on everyone's alliances?? Just saying it makes sense since we had no control of the tier error this week.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Zibiit

    Anyone going to respond? This is ridiculous that we don’t know if we should still be doing AQ for no rewards and spending treasury resources.
  • Barney_Ross1Barney_Ross1 Member Posts: 6
    I’m still focusing on trying to keep my phone from catching on fire. While the AQ sucks I’m sure it will be fixed with proper compensation. A damaged phone is something I can’t afford right now.
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    I mean the solution is pretty simple lol.

    Just give us double what we got last week. That way we would get 1 amount for what we would have likely gotten. And 1 amount again for a big sorry for this huge mistake. And refund any costs of map starts from this week.

    The end.
  • ZzyzxGuyZzyzxGuy Member Posts: 1,292 ★★★
    My alliance is top 500 in expert. We clear map 5 no problem.

    Has there/is there word on if we're getting reimbursed the milestone rewards, glory and clearing rewards such as chips, gold, t4b frags, map crystals and t4cc frag crystals due to the AQ fiasco?
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2018
    There's always one person who says "shut up if you don't like it stop complaining and stop playing it's just a game". The point is we WANT to play the game. But the dev's don't seem to want anybody to!
    It's been 2 days. That's crazy.
    Usually I man up through the issues but this month has made me definitely not spend any more money on this team.

    Words can be powerful, but in this day and age, MONEY is power. Play the game, have fun. But don't spend any more real currency on these clowns. They don't deserve it. I'm gonna get all I can for free.

    Thanks for the awakening @Kabam Miike @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Spice @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2018
    Cmon guys...say something.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Take three months where you don’t ad anything new and just focus on fixing the game. Please. I’m begging you. It’s literally unplayable right now.
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