New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • WiMakWiMak Member Posts: 359 ★★
    @Mindsen I completely agree. The post was for those reading the post and by definition aware of the issue. Pleading with them to stop continued use
  • CunnusCunnus Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2018
    iOS 11.4.1.
    iPhone 7.
    Strong home wifi or 4G.

    This has been happening since the 19.0 update, but this is a run down of the issues I'm currently facing:
    My iPhone has been heating up extremely quickly, after roughly 3 / 4 fights the phone is too hot to continue, and resets, making long fights impossible. I'm at a level in the game where I am finishing exploring act 5, whilst also doing the newest Event Quests (Return To The Micro-Realm), however I can only do a few fights before the game resets, this also seriously affects Alliance War and Alliance Quest, luckily, it's happening during the season break, however I'd rather have the game working at full capacity so my alliance, and everyone else, can continue to play the game.
    i'm also experiencing a lot of lag, and obviously, at the levels I'm playing, mistiming anything can result in an almost instant K.O of my champion.
    When the phone becomes hot, and I close the game down, the rest of my phone is frozen as well, I can't lock it, open other apps, adjust volume, or anything.
    I always close all background apps before opening Contest of Champions, so I get my smoothest play.
    This is NOT just an issue of wasting time, energy, resources, and so on within the game, this is a huge issue about the well being of thousands of phones, I have never felt a phone get as hot as mine has recently, and I'd like to know if there will be long term damage to the phones. I've been playing MCOC almost since release date, and almost every day since I first downloaded it, I've spent a lot of money in the game, but I don't want to see my £800 phone, which I'm still paying for monthly, end up as a sleek looking paperweight with an apple on the back.

    Please, if you have ANY information at all, let us know.

  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 99
    iPhone 7+
    OS 11.4.1
    Overheats on both WiFi and Cellular Network.
  • MsDominoMsDomino Member Posts: 72
    Staggeringly the mods have edited out bad language in a post several hours ago, but are yet to respond with an update.

    I’ve today had a fairly hefty refund from Apple and asked them why they still have this app in the App Store while it has the potential to damage people’s hardware. It’s really negligent on both Kabam and Apple’s part to knowingly have the game available for download with such serious issues ongoing
  • LutteLutte Member Posts: 8
    This is getting ridiculous!!!! Constant crashes and reboots when I'm in the middle of fights. My iPhone overheating, I'm sure this is doing internal damage to my phone. Let's go Kabam, get it together!
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    MsDomino wrote: »
    Staggeringly the mods have edited out bad language in a post several hours ago, but are yet to respond with an update.

    I’ve today had a fairly hefty refund from Apple and asked them why they still have this app in the App Store while it has the potential to damage people’s hardware. It’s really negligent on both Kabam and Apple’s part to knowingly have the game available for download with such serious issues ongoing

    I'm sure Apple and Kabam have been communicating quite a bit recently. I'm sure Kabam has found the time to talk to them but is entirely to busy to talk to their customers. You know Kabam Miike is busy fixing broken code because that's his job.... wait a minute...
  • UbersoulUbersoul Member Posts: 55
    So at what point should we request refunds from Apple for you guys producing a faulty update that's threatening our devices?
    @Kabam Miike
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 159
    Ubersoul wrote: »
    So at what point should we request refunds from Apple for you guys producing a faulty update that's threatening our devices?
    @Kabam Miike

  • HairyslugHairyslug Member Posts: 76
    How do you request a refund from Apple I’m done with this game
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    Hairyslug wrote: »
    How do you request a refund from Apple I’m done with this game

    Contact apple support.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    An issue like this has to be handled ASAP. How has it been a full week already. Worst case scenario you would have to rollback the previous update until the new update is fixed/stable. Please test your app before you sent out the update. People's phones are literally overheating and BREAKING. Their batteries are expanding and the exterior of the phone is breaking as a result. This is outrageous.
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    edited July 2018
  • Harvey1980Harvey1980 Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2018
    An update on any potential fix would be nice. Not had one in 2 days. The silence is deafening.
  • Tuggles_Clifford84Tuggles_Clifford84 Member Posts: 6
    It's no secret that there are several issues surrounding the new version roll out. The overheating issue with most engaged game play can be very dangerous to our devices. It is difficult to complete little more than one path in this months EQ, run more than a few rounds in the arena, or stay logged in for AQ and/or AW without the devices becoming overheated, and triggering the device safety reset to prevent damage. There is also the issue of an incredibly high drain on the battery itself, even when following the advice laid out by Kabam Miike to help circumvent overheating.

    There are many of us in the community who are patient in waiting for a fix, while accomplishing what we can, in game. Even being patient waiting for an update as to why we are all lumped into a "normal" bracket for AQ regardless of past ranks achieved. There is however, another large issue here. With the recent compensation announcement regarding the relaunch of certain arenas, which is great don't get me wrong, it is almost a moot point if we cannot grind the way most of us need to in order to complete milestones.

    If thought about, a majority of us cannot run arena properly, must abstain from a legends run this month, let the energy timers stay at full more often than not when questing, and have boosts like hero, attack, or special 3 defense boosts largely go to waste if we cannot maintain being logged in.

    I want to foster the idea of retooling what is considered compensation since many of us cannot use items the way they are intended or most efficiently utilized, nor can we obtain materials like crystals, chips, shards, etc. the way we are normally able to. The compensations announced would be fine in my book, if the game had not plunged into what is it now.

    Thanks for reading,

    I'm not sure as to why this post was removed and moved, as it is a suggestion post with an explanation to the suggestion, and not simply stating the known issues and device specs like this thread should be...

    I suppose in the spirit of it all,

    iPhone 7 plus
    OS v11.4
    Carrier AT&T
    Model MN572LL/A
    WiFi & Cellular
  • IanAtkinsIanAtkins Member Posts: 3
    Phone overheating within 5 min, battery drain from 100 to 49% in 10 min
    Iphone X
    Ios: 11.3
    Game Version 19.0.0

    Had bad lag on menu, crystal opening and champ selection for the last week or so since update, overheating now for the last couple days, especially noticeable in arena grind. Within 6 matches I couldn't hold my phone
  • J77MJ77M Member Posts: 4
    Well ... at least it's a sign of life from the mods @Tuggles_Clifford84 :')
  • EllJClarkEllJClark Member Posts: 17
    Apple seem to be dishing out refunds on request of them without hesitation. I’ve already posted earlier that I had a lengthy phone conversation with them earlier and they offered me just that.
    I haven’t taken them up on it yet, as that’s not what I’m seeking.
    All most of us are looking for is how long it will be before we can play the game again.
    A response in some shape or form would be greatly appreciated.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Ahab
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    NEO wrote: »
    Mine is bulging too and pressed my screen out. Thanks a lot Kabam for ruining my phone..... I’m sure the cost will be at my expense and Kabam will do absolutely nothing to rectify this situation for me. bqxve708r8ng.jpeg

    Wow I do believe Kabam is staying quiet for a reason right now
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 463 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    Why can't KABAM simply revert back to the last stable game version? Why do you insist on using this new broken update? Leaving 19.0 in place while you're searching for the answer is just letting the problem continue. Go back to the last version 18 while you are testing solutions. Why is this so hard?

    And it's clearly not an issue created by iOS. ALL of the other apps I use are fine. ALL OF THEM.
  • dfmoore26dfmoore26 Member Posts: 105
    @Kabam Miike I am on an iPhone 8 Plus and am on the iOS 12 Beta.. If you need any help please feel free to reach out to me. I will have to remove my case to see if I am having any of the overheating issues with the game though.
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    The game is just unplayable right now. My alliance like many others have halt all playing. Just getting calendar rewards. Two members have quit the game all together. As time pass more and more will be doing the same.
  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    So question. IF I request a refund through apple, do I lose my account?
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    I think they are investigating liability issues at this point hence why it’s been complete radio silence. Maybe Apple can be partial liable for these damages as well due to the fact they have to approve apps through the App Store to be playable and in compliance with their devices 🤔
  • DestroyerDestroyer Member Posts: 130
    To update a post I submitted here 4 days ago:

    I was on iOS 11.0.2/iPhone 8 plus and reported the overheating issue. A few members of my ally were playing on iPads and weren't having issues, so on July 5th I bought a brand new iPad/iOS 11.3.1. The iPad didn't overheat, but it would get warm, then the game would start getting laggy and then the iPad would just shut itself down. Brand new iPad, WiFi only, no other installed apps. Then I saw a few posts about trying the iOS 12 beta as a workaround. I installed the iOS 12 beta on my iPhone only. This helped somewhat with the overheating, in that it would take longer for the device to start noticeably heating up, but now my iPhone crashes. I never experienced the crashes on iOS 11.0.2 because I would shut the app down after about 20-30 minutes of game play because of the heat.

    So I have experienced these issues to varying degrees on three different iOS versions across two separate devices.

    To summarize:

    iPhone 8 Plus/iOS 11.0.2 - Excessive heat, lag, no crashes (resulting from me being proactive I suspect).
    Brand new out of the box iPad/iOS 11.3.1 - Moderate heat, lag, frequent crashes.
    iPhone 8 Plus/iOS 12 beta - Heating up slower, lag, frequent crashes.
  • FudoKumaFudoKuma Member Posts: 4
    I first posted WAY back on page 20ish about my iPhone 8 (11.4 iOS) having the heat issues.

    Over the weekend I tested the following devices:
    -iPhone 6S, iOS 12 Beta
    -Samsung Galaxy S7, Android Oreo
    -Samsung Galaxy S8, Android Oreo
    -iPhone SE, iOS 11.3.1
    -iPad Mini 4, iOS 11.4
    -iPad Pro, iOS 11.4

    All devices had the overheating issue. All of them.

    I would run a map of the new monthly, then two rounds of arena, then shut down. On reboot, the iPhone running iOS 12 lasted for four rounds of arena before shutting down, but still shut down.

    I'm logging in for AQ on the iPhone 6 because it's a device I don't need. But beyond that, the game is unplayable. I've contacted Apple, not asking for my money back (I enjoyed what I spent and if I spent anything post 19 that's on me for being an idiot).

    Finally, this is not a device/device OS issue. It's version 19-it's clear to everyone here.

    As most have guessed, the likeliest cause is the pause screen feature-and my major question with that is, was that a feature that was in high demand from players? Like more than the "help all" or "duel again" buttons?

    Hopefully Kabam fixes this. If not, it's been a fairly nice run, 12.0 and all.
  • LovictienLovictien Member Posts: 10
    iOS Update 11.4.1 just released, has anyone tested this yet? I'm currently downloading the update.
  • project314project314 Member Posts: 67
    Would it be possible for those of us who'd be content with running the arenas, story mode, AQ and AW to just roll back to the previous update? I understand the Ant-Man related content would be off limits until a real fix is found, but that would still allow us access to most of the game content.
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