New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • Gman755Gman755 Member Posts: 15
    the game is literally permanently destroying batteries...these $800 iphones dont grow on trees
  • ReneeRenee Member Posts: 0
    Anybody else having issues with their iPhones over heating, freezing, and shutting down completely?
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Manifestt wrote: »
    No it’s not @tonyj007. Maybe you just have the internet issue bug /-

    This overheating does impact on Android and Apple, more on Apple devices

    Lets hope its to fix something
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  • ScorpBlazinScorpBlazin Member Posts: 1
    Phone had the audacity to shut me out, make my motherboard panel pause and not work, and make all my apps show their symbol then black out.

    iPhone 7
    IOS 11.4
    Update: 19.0
  • Nikos72Nikos72 Member Posts: 12
    I Updated my iPhone7+ to 11.4.1 before a couple of hours. I checked with the game, the overheat is even worse...
    I already count a failed earpiece speaker, (and I dont know yet if it is burnt the speaker or the sound chip which is more expensive). To avoid any more damage I play only for 3-5 mins and wait for my device to cool down before entering again.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Phone had the audacity to shut me out, make my motherboard panel pause and not work, and make all my apps show their symbol then black out.

    iPhone 7
    IOS 11.4
    Update: 19.0

    There is a OS update from Apple - 11.4.1

    I Suggest that upload OS, go back a few pages in this thread for recent comments from members

    More details in early pages

    Support has not confrmied if update helps or fixes Overheating

    But got try something
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    ALL - If a device shuts down its a warning that something is wrong. It might not boot up, You just don't know. How many times must a device shut down before it fails to restart. Overheating on any electronics devices cannot be good .

    Not sure how nuscch damage to overheating , then a sudden drop in temperature with shut down, then overheating when you restart game to play

    For each devices has dififrent tolrance for each player

    Not safe. Play at your own risk, your device is in jeopardy.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Renee wrote: »
    Anybody else having issues with their iPhones over heating, freezing, and shutting down completely?
    Renee wrote: »
    Anybody else having issues with their iPhones over heating, freezing, and shutting down completely?


    you are a bit late

    read - NEW 19.0 UPDATE PHONE PROBLEMS [MERGED THREADS] . read the last few pages

    Go to ealy pages for more details

  • KyrazmomKyrazmom Member Posts: 159
    tonyj007 wrote: »
    Phone had the audacity to shut me out, make my motherboard panel pause and not work, and make all my apps show their symbol then black out.

    iPhone 7
    IOS 11.4
    Update: 19.0

    There is a OS update from Apple - 11.4.1

    I Suggest that upload OS, go back a few pages in this thread for recent comments from members

    More details in early pages

    Support has not confrmied if update helps or fixes Overheating

    But got try something

    That IOS update doesn’t fix MCOC problems. It’s an MCOC problem not an Apple problem.
  • BrandoniusBrandonius Member Posts: 292
    Just submitted this to Support. Wanting to ensure I have as much documentation as possible for my attempting to contact Kabam about this issue.

    I submitted a ticket about my phone overheating from the battery which has been consistent with other players after your recent update. I got s generic reply and the ticket was closed. I received NO reply from Kabam about what they are actually doing or will do about this issue.

    My phone is in an otterbox defender case so I did not know how serious this problem was. Attached is a picture of my phone with a very swollen battery.

    I was fortunate the phone was not damaged and the replacement battery only cost me $100 (Canadian).

    I have a Samsung S7 I can use but it does not respond to taps and swipes as well as my iPhone. (Though both of which have significant lag a lot of the time).

    I thoroughly enjoy the game and have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on it but as of now it doesn’t seem smart to play it. The most frustrating part is Kabam’s LACK of transparency in this situation or any indication of what they are doing to fix it.

    I think this deserves real compensation. Not the insulting gestures Kabam made for the recent outages.

    I am hoping Kabam actually gets the game fixed soon. I want to continue playing, but not at the risk of permanent damage to my phone.
  • DarvDarv Member Posts: 13
    I can't play more than 5 minutes and neither can anyone in my alli aside from others overheating,we all love playing games this game and have invested years we need to get this game playable again as of lately it is becoming more of a hassle to even log on or attempt to fight multiple fights in AW,AQ or even questing arena....
  • Ricky_Bobby75Ricky_Bobby75 Member Posts: 42
    It’s crashed after or during each fight. And now I lost half health two times. Come on kabam. 8 crashes in a row.

    Is not just you. But this thread will probably get closed pretty soon. The MOD will link you to the merged trhead in the bugs section.
  • Stevie_Stars1Stevie_Stars1 Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2018
    Android 8.0.0 S8+ SM955U... overheating and is draining my battery at 20% a clip. Just started today
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Kyrazmom wrote: »
    tonyj007 wrote: »
    Phone had the audacity to shut me out, make my motherboard panel pause and not work, and make all my apps show their symbol then black out.

    iPhone 7
    IOS 11.4
    Update: 19.0

    There is a OS update from Apple - 11.4.1

    I Suggest that upload OS, go back a few pages in this thread for recent comments from members

    More details in early pages

    Support has not confrmied if update helps or fixes Overheating

    But got try something

    That IOS update doesn’t fix MCOC problems. It’s an MCOC problem not an Apple problem.

    No i am talking about Battery Drain,(overheats and shutdowns ) for APPLE devices , to prevent device failure

    But Since Update Members are reporting that update has not fixed the Battery Drain,(overheats and shutdowns )

    The problem is How many times must a device shut down before it fails to restart.or has internal damage (battery life)

    Not sure how much damage to overheating , then a sudden drop in temperature with shut down, then overheating when you restart game to play

    For each devices has different tolerance for each player

    Not safe. Play at your own risk, your device is in jeopardy.

  • TRETRE Member Posts: 66
    Which thread is the best to monitor for any updates from KABAM?
  • CptMuffinCptMuffin Member Posts: 85
    CptMuffin wrote: »
    OS: iOS 11.4
    Device Model: Iphone 6S
    Carrier: Rogers (Canada, you guys better know this since you're in Vancouver)
    Wifi or Cellular Network: Both on Wifi and Cellular (LTE)

    The issues:
    -Gameplay is super laggy
    -Phone is overheating anytime I attempt to play
    -Game has crashed a few times
    -Happening across all game modes
    -Super jacked though on pulling a 6 star Killmonger as my first 6 star, that was a great pull.

    Just to add on to this now as its gotten worse. Alliance War is completely unplayable. The lag is terrible and I'm refusing to use items to revive or heal on what should be an easy time but isn't because the lag is so bad you only get through 2 fights. It's tier 8 war, pretty easy to solo those paths. Every other gameplay mode, I might get 1 fight in and then the next one the game crashes. This game is just no playable right now. I'm still jacked I got a 6 star Killmonger, but if I don't get to use it that feeling will go away.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Nikos72 wrote: »
    I Updated my iPhone7+ to 11.4.1 before a couple of hours. I checked with the game, the overheat is even worse...
    I already count a failed earpiece speaker, (and I dont know yet if it is burnt the speaker or the sound chip which is more expensive). To avoid any more damage I play only for 3-5 mins and wait for my device to cool down before entering again.
    DrZola wrote: »
    Updated iOS to 11.4.1, still heating after about 5-10 minutes of laggy, non-responsive play. Also unable to screen shot in game, which is a new feature.

    Anything new? Or is it still Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge?

    Dr. Zola

    it appears there is still a problem

    Anything new to say
  • Zer0bitsZer0bits Member Posts: 104
    From comments in forum neither 11.4.1 nor beta 12 fix the issues
  • QuigmeisterQuigmeister Member Posts: 7
  • QuigmeisterQuigmeister Member Posts: 7
    As you can see from the picture I posted above from the 6th, @Kabam Miike has just stolen Dorky Dave’s idea and not given him any credit
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Lost Connection and lost my Blade in war. S|-|iT is piling up guys.

    Can't play arena properly.
    AQ changes are delayed, which means I don't know if I should use my glory or not.

    Why are you keeping everyone in a limbo?

    Android is also heating up, realized it now.
    Game is crashing every 20-30 minutes. This is definitely something wrong with the game, not with OSes.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Hello Members

    Device Operating System: 11.4.1

    Mobile Carrier: No

    WiFi Only

    Game Version 19.0.0

    I have also received Battery Drain, (overheats and shutdown device)

    Looks like we are back to page 1 , How many more Battery Drain, (overheats and shutdown device) before this problem has been fixed

    This is the time for emergency maintenance ( can't believe i am asking for that)

    comments please

  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    ALL members

    Battery Drain, (overheats and shutdown device) problem is still ongoing

    Reminder - If a device shuts down its a warning that something is wrong. It might not boot up, You just don't know. How many times must a device shut down before it fails to restart. Overheating on any electronics devices cannot be good .

    Not sure how much damage to overheating , then a sudden drop in temperature with shut down, then overheating when you restart game to play

    For each devices has different tolerance for each player

    It seems to be getting worse

    Not safe. Play at your own risk, your device is in jeopardy.
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★

    That makes no difference since i was never on game center and my phone overheats so ... not a fix but only a small band aid.
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 159
    edited July 2018
    As you can see from the picture I posted above from the 6th, @Kabam Miike has just stolen Dorky Dave’s idea and not given him any credit

    Yes, that was suggested a couple of days ago (don’t blame you for not combing through the post here to see that), and it helped some folks, not all. (Didn’t help me.) They’re going to have to continue to work the Kabam side and stop laying the blame on the OS. Apps conform to OS, not the other way around. :) Tick...tock....

    Oh, and if you are overheating at all, do not charge while playing. Though if you are overheating, do not play...that is my recommendation. Your device is at extreme risk.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    ALL members

    Battery Drain, (overheats and shutdown device) problem is still ongoing

    Reminder - If a device shuts down its a warning that something is wrong. It might not boot up, You just don't know. How many times must a device shut down before it fails to restart. Overheating on any electronics devices cannot be good .

    Not sure how much damage to overheating , then a sudden drop in temperature with shut down, then overheating when you restart game to play

    For each devices has dififrent tolrance for each player

    Not safe. Play at your own risk, your device is in jeopardy.
  • RobinfifthRobinfifth Member Posts: 56
    Kabam moderators are all currently online actively closing any thread complaining of issues in the general forum. They actively have chosen to not acknowledge all of these requests for updates and assistance. The fact that they still haven't issued an in game warning to stop playing if you are experiencing overheating is negligence and shows how much they care about there own image over its customers. No forethought at all into how many customers they will have if all there phones are broken. My phone is not effected by heating but my alliance cannot run maps because half the alliance can't play. This is getting ridiculous you should have rolled back the update as soon as the issues were brought to your attention but you were too busy worrying about July 4th profits.
  • Campo4Campo4 Member Posts: 141
    Where are we at this morning and is AW season set to start on time or what?
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