War Bugged Power Index [Merged Threads] [Under Investigation]



  • DzordzoKeliasDzordzoKelias Member Posts: 3
    We have the same problem!
  • Avetrex2Avetrex2 Member Posts: 59
  • KGold29KGold29 Member Posts: 43
    Same here. The original PI of the defenders are shown and not the noded PI.
  • Servo360_hawwServo360_haww Member Posts: 7
    I’m seeing same issue. On attack, AW shows champ pi with node effects but on defense our champ pi aren’t reflecting the node. In the list of defenders it is.


  • thegrimmlingthegrimmling Member Posts: 167
    Lol, the system is auto-tanking now.
  • Hopper99Hopper99 Member Posts: 102
    They actually have not given an explanation in the merged thread.
  • DzordzoKeliasDzordzoKelias Member Posts: 3
    What's Wrong? Our war defenders are without nodes....
  • Prof_x1963Prof_x1963 Member Posts: 1
    Ours too.
  • MisFit7GottiMisFit7Gotti Member Posts: 72
    Yeah when I look at the other alliance there nodes are boosted I seen a 4* modok unduped pi over 65k right at 66k linked
  • RtomMADRtomMAD Member Posts: 195
    It is not performing correctly as there is no way our defense is this weak as we have never finished under 40 defender kills
  • HYAGHALHYAGHAL Member Posts: 34
    what is happening with the war defense knots the defenders are below their normal ratings please help us this failure is from the system let's lose the war for kabam failure?
  • Bmyfurr5530Bmyfurr5530 Member Posts: 4
    Happening to us right now. We have zero defender kills and the other team has a team of full health . not normal!! Our boss went from 24000 to 5400. Come on!!!
  • SagetrofholzSagetrofholz Member Posts: 125
    Agreed same thing is happening to my alliance
  • Bmyfurr5530Bmyfurr5530 Member Posts: 4
    Same here... other team looks buffed not ours
  • Bmyfurr5530Bmyfurr5530 Member Posts: 4
    Us too
  • GD-DEV3LGD-DEV3L Member Posts: 75
    Having the same issue with our map can we get some administrative words on this anytime soon?
  • DatdivaaprilDatdivaapril Member Posts: 8
    Same here in my ally also... no one from MCOC is answering. What’s up with this?
  • Zeronaut81Zeronaut81 Member Posts: 290 ★★
    edited September 2018
    MD was replaced by war node dispersion, ha.
    I’m seeing the same problem in my AW. It seems to be afffecting our opponent’s champs, with the exception of their main boss nodes.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    The other team even sees that our champs are super low as well and say really easy to beat... but there's nothing wrong with their defense...
  • CaptainEpiqCaptainEpiq Member Posts: 25
    This seems like a big issue here. Our alliance war defense is severely weakened/not buffed. Look at this screenshot for specifics.7wc2c2cyz3xg.jpg
  • simolazsimolaz Member Posts: 418 ★★
    Same happened to us...
  • CobsCobs Member Posts: 103
    Our war is bugged too, the opponents PI is so low its like they dont even exist! We can just move right through the tiles like they didnt even place defence so surely this is a bug. Hopefully kabam can look into this, ive been seeing it since season ended.
    I thought you were Not supposed to show other players names or alliance name. Same thing happened to me in War right now I'm pretty sure it's a visual bug cause we have some kills with the 4000 pi defenders and their 7000pi attackers.
    Adonanvay wrote: »
    Currently my alliance is in a war with the alliance known as the inglorious bestards and all our defenders power index is bugged . w7xxntw0a451.pngu40ilfhjdic2.png
    Adonanvay wrote: »
    Currently my alliance is in a war with the alliance known as the inglorious bestards and all our defenders power index is bugged . w7xxntw0a451.pngu40ilfhjdic2.png

    I thought you can't call out an alliance
    Wow if this was me posting I'd get a warning message from Kabam Porkchop
    They already investigating my guess visual bug
    These guys with the pics probably trying to put the other alliance out there no they are not cheating it's a visual bug!
  • arni2arni2 Member Posts: 362 ★★
    edited September 2018
    We also facing the same issue. It shows the rating without node buffs
  • An_Asian_1An_Asian_1 Member Posts: 58
    Yup same here, was really confused
  • nadeem_inayatnadeem_inayat Member Posts: 35
    I was checking the summary of war status were we noticed very low defensive kills against our opponents.

    Which could be possible but we went to the base, we notices the PI of champions was extremely low.

    Now I don't know if it is due to some game bug or our opponents are cheating someway. But there is definitely something fishy going on.

    Further, if we see the summary of our defense, the PI of the champions that are still not knocked out is fine but on the map and at time of fight (apparently) gets reduced, ultimately reduced PI after knocked out.

    If you compare the above photos, following are the few examples of my concern:
    Node 54 the Boss: Has a 84,280 PI but on map only 8,943.
    Node 55 (Spidy): Has a 17,350 PI but on map only 8,680.
    The same can be noticed with all champions view-able in the above images.

    Additionally, when the champion is knocked out, his PI on summary page also reduced. Which imply as the PI is reduced at time of fight and updated in summary as well. Following are the few examples from above images:
    Node 24 (Goblin 5Star R3/45): Has a base PI in my champions list at 6,190 and on map 6,463 (ISO-Infused Attack and Health 50% , Health 75%, Recovery 100%)
    Node 12 (Jug 6Star R1/25): Has a base PI in my champions list at 7,482 and on map 7,596 (ISO-Infused Attack and Health 50%, Limber 10%, Enhanced Fury 40%)

    So, apparently all the nodes benefits are nullified and our opponents are basically fighting as duels. How cool is that for them.

    I hope this concern will be noticed and we'll get a quick response @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra
  • AldosanzAldosanz Member Posts: 1
    Kabam I expect response for this, after all can't be possible this glitch occurs.
    Our defenders are severely weakened. Look at this screenshot.
    A boss node has the same as a hero without buffs.jcd9uf2oi06f.png
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