Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    I would love to see a character that has both high Regeneration and high Power Drain abilities. That champion would instantly become a fan favorite.
  • PowrotiPowroti Member Posts: 21
    I want morbius the vampire or mysterio even lizard will be a good one
  • J0E_HardyJ0E_Hardy Member Posts: 100
    You really need The fantastic 4
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    Kitty Pryde
    Mister Sinister
    Dr Doom
    Silver Surfer
    Adam Warlock
    Lady Deathstrike
    Donald Pierce (the White Bishop)
    Ultimate Nick Fury
  • Orcrist_38Orcrist_38 Member Posts: 7

    4 star 5/50 class skill



    0% crit chance

    900% crit damage

    All spear attacks cause critical hits.

    5 hit combo: For the first and fourth hit cuchulain strikes with the Gae Bolga, causing critical hits.

    Heavy attack: 30% chance to stun for 0.75 seconds

    Special one-Strike of the hound: Cuchulain strikes out with his spear and sword causing a critical hit and a bleed dealing 900 damage over 5 seconds

    Special two-Power of Ulster: Cuchulain attacks his enemy with 3 hits of the Gae Bolga causing 3 powerful critical hits. 4,000 extra attack if Cuchulain is under 2 percent health.

    Special 3-Revenge of the Red Branch- Cuchulain imbeds the spear in the heart of his enemy causing an open wound making him bleed taking 1,000 damage per second under a stun.

    Signature Ability: Cuchulain reduces the enemies class advantage by 1-5% per second every second until it is gone.


    Warrior gods with Thor, Angela, Hela, Heimdall and Loki- All attacks have a 10% chance to activate fury for 15% attack

    Underdogs with ÆGON- Gain 20% attack against champions with the defense tag

    Irishmen with Captain America (his parents are both Irish immigrants)- Gain 20% attack against champions with the offense tag.

  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    How about Creel: The Absorbing Man?

    Reference Incredible Hulk Vol2, #54-59
  • TroublemakerTroublemaker Member Posts: 2
    Mantis. Enough said.
  • TroublemakerTroublemaker Member Posts: 2
    Oh! Also, Hank Pym. Science class of course. Well... MAYBE Tech.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Class: Mutant
    Bio: The son of the omega level mutant Magneto and the twin brother of the Scarlet Witch. Pietro Maximoff has the the unique ability to travel at a very high speed and durability. This power makes him a force to deal with as he enters the contest in a split of a second.
    Quantum Speed: Every 10 seconds, Quicksilver has a 30% chance to evade incoming attacks and gain 5 Speed Charges.
    Speed Charges: Raises Quicksilver's critical rating by 7% for each charge. Can stack to a maximum of 50 charges. Intercepting an opponent will give quicksilver 5 Speed Charges and using specials 1&2 will gain him 10 Speed Charges. Loses all Speed Charges by using Special 3.
    Fury: Quicksilver gains a fury buff which will increase all attacks by 20% for 10 seconds after using any specials
    Signature Ability: Fast Forward
    Using his Special ability. Quicksilver turns back the time to heal 80% of the next hit he takes every 7 seconds

    Special Attckas:
    Sp1: Sonic Dash
    Quicksilver dashes to his opponent gaining 10 Speed Charges and has a 100% chance to stun the opponent for 3.5 Seconds

    Sp2: Fists of Agility
    Using his Super-Speed, Quicksilver hits the opponent with punches that inflicts the opponent with a concussion debuff and gives Quicksilver 10 Speed Charges

    Sp3: Quantum Vortex
    Quicksilver uses the remainder of his speed to hit the opponent with a speed vortex that consumes all speed charges. For each charge, Quicksilver increases the damage of his final move by 2%. This has a 100% chance to crit the opponent


    With Scarlet Witch: Power Twins
    -Quicksilver will gain an extra 5 charges when evading attacks with quantum speed
    -Scarlet Witch increases the effectiveness of her debuffs and buffs by 40%

    With Magneto or Magneto (Marvel NOW!): Like Father, Like Son
    -Quicksilver's fury buff increases by 10% and increases the duration of the fury by 5 seconds
    -Magneto's Magnetized ability reduction increases by 15% and has an increased 80% chance to inflict a champion containing metal with the Magnetized debuff

    Ultron: Betrayal
    -All champions increase their attacks by 10%
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Comic Versions: Mutant
    MCU Version: Science

    I will be using the Mutant version

    Pietro Maximoff is a mutant born with his powers. He has superhuman speed and reaction time.

    Passive: Quicksilvers reaction time is very fast, granting him swift evades. All attacks have a 45% chance to trigger evade. 10% for a Quick Evade.

    Passive: Every 15 seconds, Quicksilver will gain a passive fury, increasing his damage by 500 for 8 seconds, or a precision buff that increases his crit rating for 8 seconds. Does not stack

    Quick Evade: When Quick evade is active, Quicksilver will automatically evade the attack and speed back into the fight, granting him a free combo.
    Note: This evade will ignore all opponents attacks. When Quicksilver evades and goes in automatically, he will not get hit by the opponents attacks. This is a way to evade an attack and get a free combo/combo special attack

    Quicksilvers attacks are fast. Every tap or swipe for attacks will count as two hits.
    Note: Example-MLLLLM will be a ten hit combo, not a five. It will be twice as fast as a regular combo. Two combos in half the time

    Heavy attack: Quicksilver will run forward, punch the opponent, run back, and punch them again. This happens in a quick blur. You can dodge it with a dexterity but timing will be difficult. Quicksilvers strong attack takes up as much space as a regular heavy attack.

    Special 1: Quicksilver punches the opponent 7 times, then finishes with an uppercut.
    Grants a passive fury buff
    Grants a passive precision buff

    Special 2: Quicksilver punches the opponent 3 times, and blurs by (two hits), kicking the opponent away.
    Grants a passive fury buff
    Grants a passive precision buff
    Grants an Quick Evade Charge
    This charge will stay on Quicksilver until he is attack by the opponent. When the opponent attacks, Quicksilver has a 100% chance to activate a quick evade, removing the buff and allowing him to get a free 10 hit combo.

    Special 3: Quicksilver runs around the opponents, creating a tornado. It flings the opponent on the wall of the arena, then the other one, then gets flung high into the air, crashing down. Quicksilver does a little dance.

    Grants a passive fury buff
    Grants a passive precision buff
    Grants an Quick Evade Charge
    Stuns the opponent for 8 seconds.
    This charge will stay on Quicksilver until he is attack by the opponent. When the opponent attacks, Quicksilver has a 100% chance to activate a quick evade, removing the buff and allowing him to get a free 10 hit combo.

    Signature Ability: All Passive buffs last 8 seconds longer
    All attacks have a 65% chance to activate an evade
    15% For a quick evade
    Stun lasts 8 seconds longer

    Synergies: Scarlet Witch: Test Subjects

    Sentinel, Magneto, Wolverine: Days of Future Past

    Wont know what hit 'em: Ant-Man, Wasp, Yellowjacket

    This is the best I can do. Agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments. Also If you have a suggestion, please tell me here:


  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    This was suggested by @Iron_Patriot_is_lit

    Eddie Brock is cured of his cancer by Martin LI (Mr. Negative). Mac Gargon/Venom attacks Brock, and the symbiote attempts to merge with Brock. A new symbiote is formed from the remnants of the Venom symbiote and white blood cells. This creates, Anti-Venom.

    Passive: Anti-Venoms touch can heal anyone from there injuries. He regenerates 500 health every 10 seconds

    Passive: Anti-Venom is immune to fire, making him incinerate immune.

    Passive: if Anti-Venom is bleeding, degenerating, or under the effects of poison, he has an 100% chance to stop all debuffs.
    Each debuff will take different amounts of time. Anti-Venom can stop one debuff every 5-15 sec. Once all debuffs are gone, he will continue his time towards his passive regeneration.

    Passive:Anti-Venom is immune to Spider-Man's senses, making all spiderverse characters evades fail.

    Camoflauge: Anti-Venom has the ability of turing invisible. Lasts for 10 sec, Does not stack.
    To activate, dash back and hold block. After ten seconds is up, there will be a 20 sec cool down. While invisible, all attacks have a 25% chance to miss

    Anti-Effect: All special attacks for Anti-Venom heal him and the opponent for 300 health, but the opponent suffers from a 6% increased taken damage. Can stack 17 times for a 102% damage increase.

    Heavy Attack: Anti-Venom's fingers grow large, and he swipes at the opponent fast twice. 15% Chance to recover 300 Health

    Special 1: Anti-Venom slashes at the opponent three times, then applies the Anti Effect by 6%.

    Special 2: Anti-Venom slashes the opponent into the air with an uppercut, then he uses three tendrils to impale the opponent and slams them down. Applies the Anti effect by 12%

    Special 3: Anti-Venom traps the opponent in many tendrils and lash's out in a barrage of attacks, then throws the opponent across the arena. Applies the Anti effect by 18%. This also activates Camouflage whether the cool down is done or not.

    Signature Ability:
    Anti-Venom can stop TWO debuffs every 0-10 sec. Every healed debuff grants Anti-Venom 300 Health. So two debuffs at time mean he will recover 600 health every 0-10 sec.

    Synergies: Venom, Carnage: Klyntar Warriors

    Martin Li/Mr. Negative: Origin

    Ghost Rider: Bikers

    This is the best I can do. Agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments. Also If you have a suggestion, please tell me here:


  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Absorbing Man (Mystic)

    Bio: Carl "Crusher" Creel has the ability to absorb the properties of whatever he touches. Creel was given his powers while in prison by the trickster God Loki to defeat his step brother Thor. Now a constant thorn in the side of both Thor and the Hulk, Creel he has proven himself worthy to join such villainous teams as the Masters of Evil and the Lethal Legion.

    Unique fighting style while using his signature ball and chain.

    Absorbed Form: while fighting Creel transitions between his non-"absorbed" form or steel form, because the only thing he can absorb is his ball and chain, while in his "absorbed" form he gains passive armour up charges depending on signature boost. While in his non-"absorbed" form Creel gains passive fury charges arbitrarily through the fight.

    Heavy attack: after using his heavy attack he has a X% chance to cause passive armour break to enemy fighter.

    Special 1: Creel swings his ball and chain around slamming it into the opponent causing armour break to the enemy.

    Special 2: Creel assaults the enemy with a barrage of attacks ending with Creel absorbing a small amount of health from the enemy.

    Special 3: Creel transforms into his "absorbed" form and brutally attacks the opponent with combos using his ball and chain at the end of which, depending on signature level, grants Creel with passive fury charges ranging from 0-3 which increase his overall attach by X% a piece.

    Signature boosts:
    Mystic enhancement: Loki

    Nemesis: Thor (all Odinson's)

    Enemies: Hulk, Thor (JF)

    Teammates: Abomination, Crossbones
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Wonder Man (Science)

    Bio: Simon Williams is the son of a rich industrialist who inherits his deceased fathers munitions factory. After his incarceration Simon joined forces with Baron Zemo to transform him into Wonder Man. After Simon refused to betray the Avengers in a plot from Zemo, Simon reverts to a catatonic state while his body processed its new form. Now fully revived Simon has joined the Avengers full time and has helped save the earth with the Mightiest Heroes on Earth.

    Passive: immunity to bleed because of ionic form, immune to incinerate.

    Passive: healing factor that refills X amount of health at certain percentages of Simon's overall health.

    Special 1: Wonder Man fires an ionic blast from his hands causing power drain to the enemies power bar.

    Special 2: flies in with a flurry of punches after which he fires a quick blast causing power burn.

    Special 3: Simon beats into enemies with ionic fueled fists followed by a final expulsion of energy throwing the enemy back. After which Simon gains full immunity for X amount of time (shorter than Luke Cage preferably for fairness reasons other wise Wonder Man would be broken AF).

    Synergy Boosts:
    Friends: Beast

    Energy Conductor: Bishop, Sentry

    Powerhouses: Thor, Hulk

    Rivals: Iron Man (all)

    Teammates: Iron Man, Vision (both classic)
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Madame Masque (Tech)

    Bio: Whitney Frost is the daughter of Maggia crime boss Count Nefaria and occasional love interest and enemy of Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, Whitney has solidified herself as one of Stark's greatest enemies.

    Passive: use of firearms in battle causes enemies to receive bleed

    Passive: cybernetic enhanced suit grants minor defensive capabilities as well as bleed resistance.

    Special 1: attacks enemy with a flurry of strikes gaining critical and precision charges

    Special 2: use of specialized handgun puts neurotoxin and/or bleed on enemies.

    Special 3: Madame Masque calls in a squad of modified HYDRA dreadnaughts that surround the enemy and blast them with a barrage of missiles and gunfire. After which the enemy can gain bleed, incinerate and/or armour break.

    Synergy Boosts:
    Romance: iron man (all)

    Nemesis: Iron Man (all)

    Contest Underworld: Kingpin, Hood, Joe Fixit

    Partners in Crime: Hood

    Rival: Black Widow
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Hala the Accuser (Cosmic)

    Bio: Hala was a member of the Kree Accuser Corps. After the destruction of the Kree home world, also Hala, Hala the Accuser would later appear at Knowhere where she would have a run in with the Guardians of the Galaxy. After her run in with the Guardians Hala was trsported to what remained of the Kree Empire by the Spartax Empire.

    Passive: poison immunity.

    Passive: Hala gains fury charges throughout the battle.

    Special 1: fires a blast of energy from her universal weapon causing stun for X amount of time.

    Special 2: lays into enemy with her universal weapon after which it causes armour break.

    Special 3: fires enemy into the air with a blast of energy then slams enemy down with a swing of her universal weapon and furthers the punishment with a final blast to the downed enemy. The effect of this is a passive fury and stun towards the enemy for X amount of time.

    Synergy boosts:
    Accuser Corps: Ronin

    Enemies: Angela, Gamora

    Enemies: Rocket Raccoon, Star Lord

    Kree Empowered: Captain Marvel (both)
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Baron Zemo (Skill)

    Bio: Helmut Zemo is the son of former Captain America villain Heinrich Zemo who held the mantle prior. After his fathers death Helmut had founded the original Thunderbolts team of former villains.

    Passive: use of a sword in combat causes Zemo to apply bleed on the enemy at random.

    Passive: gains permanent fury when at a certain percentage of health.

    Special 1: after a quick slash of his sword Zemo fires off a few rounds at the enemy causing bleed.

    Special 2: a flurry of slashes that cause bleed and/or armour break

    Special 3: lays into enemies with both sword slashes and gun shots ending with a gunshot to the head off camera. Causes bleed for X amount of time for X amount of damage. Also causes Zemo to gain fury.
  • CristyagustinCristyagustin Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2018
    Hay muchos personajes que faltan que son clasicos como mística de los x-men y lo que no entiendo por que agregaron solo a algunos personajes de infinity war y no pusieron a thor y black widow como salieron en infinity wars que son también personajes infaltables y también me gustaría que pusieran a la nueva mujer avispa la de la pelicula.
  • CristyagustinCristyagustin Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2018
    Debieron de poner a mística de los x-men hace rato y también solo pusieron a algunos personajes de la película infinity wars faltaron thor y black widow con sus nuevos look y habilidades y poderes.

    No se porque cuando publico mis comentarios me cambian las palabras que son chantas
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    Stan The Man

    Signature: Excelciour!

    Stan becomes aware of his true form. Loosing all ties to reality, as we know it, he become One. Above them All.
    Upon using SP3, Stans physical body changes into an asterisl, immortal God. He steals all abilities of opponents and adds them to his own. Additionally, he had an 80% chance lifesteal from any debuff applied, gaining 50% of damage, redirecting it back at opponent.

    Passive: Stans glasses allow him to see what’s coming before it even gets close. His pen is mightier than any sword, allowing him to regenerate from any debuff or damage over time effect.

    Stan is immune to all Mind-Control, Hex, Fate Seal, and Stagger.

    Depending on the situation, Stan calls upon his keen intellect to make the most of any math up.

    Against Skill champs: Opponents suffer from -250 critical rating.

    Against Tech Champs: Opponents sufffer from -20% Power control/gain/steal attacks and absorption.

    Against Mystic Champions: Mystic champions passively suffer from -25% Lowe gain from all basic, heavy, and special attacks.

    Against Science Champions: Opponents suffer from -15% ability accuary reduction.

    Against Mutant Champions: Opponents suffer from the combined effects of all other class reduction abilities combined.

    Stan The man is not affected by Ability Accuary Reduction. Ever. Period. Nuff said’

    Sp1: Nullify all buffs on Opponents and gain 15% of one bar of power for each buff nullified.

    If Awakened and One (after sp3) Deal 1000 damage per buff negated as a burst of Energy damage.

    Sp2: Mind control for 2 seconds. Opponents controls are reversed for 2 seconds. All debuffs are reversed to Opponents 100% chance. If a debuff was removed this way, Stan regenerates 6900 health over 9.8 seconds.

    If Awakened and One. (After SP3) Opponents are fate sealed and suffer from power lock for 6.9 seconds.

    Sp3: Stan becomes One. above them all. He changes into his asteril form, gaining immense power. Gains permanent power gain boost, granting additional 10% power from all attacks and passively generating 6% of one bar power per second.

    The sheer brilliance stuns Opponents for 6.9 Seconds. Causes bleed, shock, poision, and incinerate damage. Each dealing 1690 damage over 6.9 seconds. Duration is increase by 1 second for every 12 seconds Stan remains as One. Max +3 seconds.
    Stan remains One for 20 seconds before reverting to his normal form.
  • Vampi007Vampi007 Member Posts: 91
  • Vampi007Vampi007 Member Posts: 91
  • Gr81Gr81 Member Posts: 41
    I would love to see the humanoid Pteranodon Sauron! He would be amazing in this game, considering he is like a power vampire.
    Here are some of his abilities that I snatched off of Wikipedia.
    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability and intelligence
    Hypnotic eyes (he can enslave champs to do his bidding)
    Razor-sharp claws (his bleeds would be comparable to Archangel)
    Fire-breath (which he absorbed from killing the second Black Widow in revenge for shooting him)
    Ability to absorb life forces and mutant powers, and sense mutants (he can also turn the life force he has leeched against an opponent in a burst)

    This is a champ who if done right, could actually compete with Archangel.
  • Gr81Gr81 Member Posts: 41
    Professor X
    Magneto needs better buffs
    Weapon X
    But mainly, I would love to see Sauron.
  • Gr81Gr81 Member Posts: 41
    And of course, APOCALYPSE 😁
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    Some of the champs requested in this thread have been added. Vote to rank your favorite Champ Requests here (links to actual Ranker here).
  • SUPERDADSUPERDAD Member Posts: 4
    Stan Lee should be a character.! I play marvel Lego hero’s with my 5 year old son. We unlocked Stan lee and we both use him all the time. He has the ability to turn into the hulk , wolverine claws and his regen, spider web shoot and spider climb, cyclops eye beam, and I don’t remeber the rest. I think this would be a great tribute to the the man. When I told my son we could write a request in for his favorite game MCOC she asked me to do this right away.
  • D_S_D_S_ Member Posts: 159
    Still waiting for doctor doom....
  • Kinja7810Kinja7810 Member Posts: 5
    Kabam since Venom, Carnage, Agent Venom, Venompool, Venom The Duck, & Symbiote Supreme were already in the game

    Could you add "TOXIN" & "ANTI-VENOM" in the contest in order to complete the team. Thank You in advance! Looking forward to see Toxin and Anti-Venom in the game. 😊🕷🕸
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    Characters from Capt. Marvel, the upcoming movie would be great. Maybe Kabam is already looking into it? Time it just after release of the movie.

    Korath, Talos or Bron-Char could be great.

  • in honor of Stan lee I think we should make a Stan lee Character but in the his Thor ragnarok armor. He would be a cosmic character with only 3-5 stars
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