Introducing Back Issue #1: Ultron's Assault



  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    After more observation, the 2.3 Ultron Drone Boss does appear to be bugged. My interpretation of his nodes and abilities is that not landing attacks while under a fatigue debuff means no unavoidable damage. As this slow motion video shows, Star Lord takes unavoidable damage when landing a light attack while not inflicted with a fatigue buff while the Ultron Drone is stunned:


    I've been corrected once so far, so please correct me if I'm wrong this time as well. My only complaints about this quest are the bug(s), the other being non-robot poison immune champions taking shock damage against the 2.2 Ultron Drone Boss.
  • vishnu01vishnu01 Member Posts: 20
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    vishnu01 wrote: »
    and for the intermediate ones? we have many that we want to grow but we are not recent a crystal of three stars is useless for us .. and the variant level only those who have been playing for years could go this is unfair .. .as well as the symbiote mission and we could not finish it because the epic mission was very difficult and we could not enter symbiote mission ... soon I will stop playing .. keep focusing on players who have a lot of time ... and soon many will stop playing too

    Also got something to say about your comment: this new content isn't for's intended to help the new folks and the most experienced players. It's permanent. Let it sit for a while like rol, lol etc. Do the content you need to get your account up to the level of this new content. But don't let it discourage you. Seriously from the sounds of it you have plenty of game play to get through. Good luck.

    I suppose if it comforts what you say, but in the end it will be like the labyrinth of legends it is not enough to have a good character to a good rank if you do not have a team of good characters at higher ranks so in the end if it seems an unfair mission and the prizes, ... only the stones for the 2015 characters are used? it is very absurd the truth this does not have any sense ... because the opponents are not 2015 also eh seen that there is emma frost ...
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    I'm not gonna complain that the variant difficulty is too hard. If they designed it for the top of the top people to get a challenge that's up to them. But I am complaining that the classic difficulty is totally not worth the energy cost needed to fully explore it.

    If they want to make it such that it is only for nostalgia purposes and they want everyone including the people who just started to play it, then they should make all 3 chapters cost 1 energy per step or even free, cause they'll be busy doing classic ultron alongside the monthly EQ.

    If they do want to keep the energy cost ramp up for classic difficulty, they should at minimum match the rewards to heroic or master difficulty EQ so that it's worth our energy to fully explore.
  • NutbagsNutbags Member Posts: 1
    A mid tier quest would be nice for the next back issue.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Nutbags wrote: »
    A mid tier quest would be nice for the next back issue.

    A mid tier quest would be just another EQ except it would be permanent. It doesn't make sense to create permanent content for previous stages in the game's progression. Act 4 was end game content at the time it was released. ROL was impossible unless you had Electro and were willing to spend a lot to complete it. I just did a LOL path for zero units that would've cost 3-6k when it was released. Old permanent content along with the EQ etc. is there to get you to the place where you can complete newer permanent content. That's how it has always been.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    exc3l wrote: »
    Okay this is sweet but for the looks of it it's making people mad. They say the rich get richer and that's kinda true but some spent 8 hrs doing variant to get the rewards which is cool. What's making people mad is that there are many in between people that feel left out because there's no medium difficulty with good rewards. Like it would be cool if you guys had that same thing but with 4* generic gem and awarded 5* shards and gems per chapter completion.

    Yes there is. It's called "Act 4". The 4* generic gem and 5* shards you mentioned are there too.
    exc3l wrote: »
    It doesn't seem like middle tier player have gotten much good for them after the gpgttp even though it was very easy to get. The mutant stuff was too hard the labs were decent.

    "The mutant stuff was too hard" - Do a lower difficulty.

    "Labs were decent" - Middle player didn't get much?
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  • xxxdonxxxdon Member Posts: 4
    In variant difficulties too high, usless event kabaam.
  • BooHaHa123BooHaHa123 Member Posts: 1
    Wait is Ultron's Assault permanent content added to the game ?
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    xxxdon wrote: »
    In variant difficulties too high, usless event kabaam.

    Meh, its for those top tier people that have 4/55 and 5/65 rosters that clear uncollected EQ with ease. What they SHOULD do is either reduce energy costs of classic mode for all chapters to 1 energy per step to make the current rewards worth it, OR to raise the rewards of classic mode to at least match heroic or master difficulty of EQ to make the energy cost to explore it worth it.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,522 ★★★★★
    MrMaat wrote: »
    Something useful to most peeps.
    and to hopefully stop some of the complaining this is too hard.

    Here is an infographic i put together to put the rewards for Ultrons Assault in perspective.
    it gives a good explanation as to why it is so dang hard.
    and have exceptional value.

    keep at it... grow stronger and these rewards will still be here when you are ready.


    It defliy hard. And the rewards is isanes. It need alot stagry and champ for it.
  • KDTrippeKDTrippe Member Posts: 68
    I believe most “mid-tier” players are complaining because losing interest in the game will come before having a roster big enough to do the content
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,522 ★★★★★
    KDTrippe wrote: »
    I believe most “mid-tier” players are complaining because losing interest in the game will come before having a roster big enough to do the content

    Hav to agerd. Ther culd alest giv somone Not alot mabye a rank op gym. For 5 Star to rank2. Not alot to Aks. But somting. And mabye 5 shard. But. Dont meant to get that isanes rewards but so midline also hav somtimg to lucking farwar. To. Im done 1 champer and. The champ need it. A bit isanes.
  • JohnRebel0JohnRebel0 Member Posts: 2
    Those rewards are great, but mid tier players won't be able to do this.
    Wouldn't it be possible to creat a mid tier bracket with a 4* for completion and maybe a 5* for exploration ?
  • Matt13458Matt13458 Member Posts: 35
    What are kabam thinking it’s in possibly
  • Matt13458Matt13458 Member Posts: 35
    Just anther way they can milk the whales
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,179 ★★★★★
    My question is why are all you so called and gamers so against a mid tier PERMANENT difficulty? Is it really that bad to have more free stuff?
  • DragonUnleashedDragonUnleashed Member Posts: 62
    The variant mode sounds awesome, the rewards are insane, but I'm not near that level though.. classic mode is disappointing... The rewards are ridiculous..

    There should be A heroic or master difficulty rewards there.. now there's something like beginner and uncollected, nothing in-between
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Any word on 2.2 and 2.3 Ultron Drone bosses’ bugs being fixed?
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Any word on 2.2 and 2.3 Ultron Drone bosses’ bugs being fixed?

    I would like to know as well. Those 2 bosses are absurd.

    I did find a work around for the 2.3 boss that worked ok but I still suffered from the bug every fight.
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  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    I did find a work around for the 2.3 boss that worked ok but I still suffered from the bug every fight.

    The only work around I can think of is RNG luck using SW. No mystic or tech champs have true strike and Voodoo’s AAR isn’t enough to avoid having a fatigue debuff inflicted.

    Skill should be enough to clear this content without using items, I’ve manage to reach the 2.3 boss with all champs at full health with 0 item use before losing them all to the bug I’ve provided evidence of. Perhaps that point of view is the problem.
  • Apaullus_Apaullus_ Member Posts: 17
    Just finished Mutant/Skill part 100%, there was some really bad fights but overall really fun! Have 2 5r5 skill so it helped a lot. Other 2 parts will probably be harder for me since I have less options in the other 4 classes, but can't wait to try it. Costed me around 200 4h cristals to do 100%, which is not too bad imo. Good stuff from Kabam, was waiting for that type of content.
  • Fullmetal_2Fullmetal_2 Member Posts: 4
    I really like that kabam is bringing back old stuff for newer players like myself (newer meaning I starting 6 months ago or so). However, I am not all that happy about the two difficulties. What I mean by this is the rewards for classic are meant for starting players, like brand new to the game, and variant is for super high level players. I am neither, I am in the middle. What if they made a third difficulty that was harder than heroic but easier than uncollected? This way, most if not all players could benefit from these kinds of events.
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