AW Offseason and the AW Burnout Issue



  • KyrazmomKyrazmom Member Posts: 159
    I would love a longer break from AW seasons as well. It’s a stressful mode and with the holidays just passing, I’d like to de-stress a bit before a new season starts. Not sure what the point is in only doing one week breaks between seasons. I preferred the longer break we had When seasons were implemented.
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  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    It’s not enough time to recruit/replace/relax and practice.

    Poor decision. I expect more alliances to crumble and players to quit. If that’s the goal it’s a good move.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Mkh wrote: »
    I genuinely believe this scheduling is driving people away from the game.
    AQ & AW during the holidays was a mistake, and now having this abbreviated gap between war seasons is just adding another point of motivation to give up on the game.
    There's too many elements occurring at the same time and it's promoting fatigue and jadedness within the community. Listen to the userbase!

    Iirc, playing AQ and AW across the holidays isn’t mandated by Kabam. It’s really not their fault that your alliance decided to need to play AW during that time, nor was it their fault that an alliance is stressing their members to need to not die.

    All in all, it was the same as last year. People feel obligated to need to participate in AW and AQ else their FOMO overcomes them.

    Both my alliances did Map 3 all month in Dec and took a break from AW (ie not spending items and not bothering about deaths or 100%ing the map). Ended up Plat 3 Rank 46 for one and Gold 1 Rank 250 for the other. Free rewards are free. Not to mention I have no trouble retaining members from S6 to S7.

    Tbh, it’s really entirely up to the leadership of the alliance, not Kabam, to know when to push and when to take it easy for the sanity of your own members.
  • Axiom4Axiom4 Member Posts: 11
    Wars are not fun when you have seasons start one after another. People need a break. Wars are becoming money makers for Kabam. We need longer breaks between seasons. This has become ridiculous now. I say we need about a month between seasons and increase the rewards.
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    I do honestly understand those saying they want a longer break, I do. What I do not understand are those that actually consider themselves Tied to this game. I keep reading what you HAVE to do and what you Want to do. My question is this, why don't your Wants as a player outweigh what you have convinced yourself that you Have to do? There's absolutely no reason at all that a player should ever feel they Have to do anything in a game. It is a game after all and it's supposed to be fun. If the AW format is to stressful, expensive, or both, step back from it. There are plenty of Alliances that have went to a relaxed AW and still land in Gold 1/2, my alliance included. No one is making any players Do anything other than themselves. This is the main problem here and it's not Kabam, it's the players. Stop the madness! Enjoy this game because believe it or not, it is actually fun once you break the ties and the mentality of what you HAVE to do. Find a group of like minded players and enjoy yourself. It's really quite easy and once you do it you'll thank yourself.

  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    xNig wrote: »
    Our words are likely to fall upon deaf ears. They waited til matchmaking was active to allow us this information. This SHOULD have been announced during the last week of Season 6, not today. We were told during the 1 week break between 5 and 6 they weren't ready to do the new Global Buffs and wanted to kick it off. Forgiven. But they also said we'd have 2 weeks to check out the new ones. New ones aren't ready again. That doesn't mean we need to jump right back into it after 1 week break AGAIN. Prove us wrong Kabam. Prove you're listening, and give us that 2nd week. We're not asking for blood here. We're asking for time. We had to push through the Holidays AFTER only having a week off. Now you're starting the year with what's essentially a lie. Don't tell us one thing and do something completely different after everyone made it CLEAR 1 week off was too little last time. The new Global Nodes aren't ready. That's FINE. That has 0 to do with giving us the extra week, as we had 2 weeks off before the Global Nodes even existed. If ANYTHING this would be beneficial for both the company and the playerbase. Would give the Kabam crew an extra week to figure things out for Season 8. Please, listen to us. The stress is real. It needent be increased.

    You conveniently missed out the part on Matchmaking optimizations

    Can't tell if sarcasm, or serious, lol. I left it out as it's so vaguely worded. Not sure how 1 week off will help matters with 'matchmaking optimizations.' Wouldn't more time help? Or is this in reference to Alliances that tank their rating? If that's the case, it then begs the question, will this be used as the excuse everytime? Will the time off permanently be 1 week? It's hard to say.
  • BDVMBDVM Member Posts: 67
    Note to all players, stop spending any form of real world money or credit on this game and you will feel tremendously better about any and all changes/decisions Kabam makes with this game. Become a free to play player ... your sanity and personal life will thank you. Sincerely, a former medium sized whale.
  • ArcDeAngelusArcDeAngelus Member Posts: 209
    The obvious point some people seem to be missing - You don't have to compete in seasons. If the one week break isn't enough this season then go easy or don't compete at all, you don't have to push every time. The rewards are pretty good but not so great that missing out on them once is going to leave you stranded.
  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    Everyone in my alliance is completely burnt out from doing the war and the AQ back-to-back like this. we need at least two weeks between war seasons so everyone can rebuild their items and relax for a little bit. This gives everybody time to do the stuff they want to do in the game. Leaving only one week between war seasons just plain sucks. I lead my alliance and my officers are exhausted. A few of them told me that they might need to take a break if this pace continues and I have no control over the pace.

    come on guys please reconsider, we need at least two weeks between war seasons otherwise our alliance is just going to have to skip the next one completely and just not participate.
  • Kushstar420Kushstar420 Member Posts: 192
    The off season break should be longer but maybe it's to help reduce the tanking that happens during that time too?
  • The_Savage_AncientThe_Savage_Ancient Member Posts: 134
    Player fatigue is a real issue. Why is kabam ignoring the fact that wars are not sustainable on a continuous basis. One week downtime is a big headache for the officers to get recruiting all over again, the stress in unreal. It's like the officers have to leave aside everything and scour the community for recruits. All the players need additional time off to do their own thing in MCOC. Give us a break Kabam, you're upping the stress factor. It already used to feel like a job, now it feels like a low paying job with extra hours and no overtime pay. The burnout is already happening, one player at a time.
  • LumpDeChumpLumpDeChump Member Posts: 68
    I’m not saying anything that hasn’t already been said but I’m still going to put this out there.

    I think anyone who is content with one week or less between seasons is fortunate. I’m jealous of their position. It must be nice to not have to recruit and organize new guys coming in. It’s also amazing that they have the resources built up or the capital to purchase boosts and potions like a drop of the hat. I’m not there. Currently I’m taking over the leadership role of my alliance while the current leader takes a break from this $#!t show. So I have a week to prepare to push to a higher bracket. Get the right balance of the bgs and get everyone on board with my vision.

    So I get that some folks may not be pleased but for the love of MCOC I implore you guys over at Kabam to consider giving us that will be swimming in frustration an additional week. Maybe two.

    Please, Please, Please. I beg of thee!
  • Munrolm02Munrolm02 Member Posts: 88
    this is the most absolute garbage I've ever seen. One week again? man now how the hell am I supposed to store my gray boosts when you guys hand them out every two weeks? I don't think Kabam understands that goes gray boosts or one of the reasons why people that aren't the best players in the world are able to complete Maps. These guys got it all wrong now one week to recover is absolute BS even especially how the monthly events end later in the month every month. it's going to eventually have to make its way around to the top of the month again. I think it's time to just not compete at a high level no more and just understand that the game is only towards the top players now. Especially when one of the top players joins a relaxed team and that gold team can't complete a map because of rank 5 Defenders are getting handed out left right and Center by the people that are able to buy them.
  • LLZ186LLZ186 Member Posts: 4
    Like many I drained my boosts and heals at the end of the season, expecting at least 2 weeks to build them back up again. We also needed the time to recruit new members. Finally as an officer and co-founder of my alliance I need the breaks in AW season.
  • poundpound Member Posts: 3
    I agree with many of the comments here. 1 week breaks are brutal. AW seasons have been really bad for a lot of alliances, the stress and burn out is a real issue. Not even have a couple weeks to reset and replace is nuts. Personally I’d like to see an end To seasons, it’s made the game more about 1 month of stress vs long term playing with a group you enjoy, for many players anywau
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,457 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Our words are likely to fall upon deaf ears. They waited til matchmaking was active to allow us this information. This SHOULD have been announced during the last week of Season 6, not today. We were told during the 1 week break between 5 and 6 they weren't ready to do the new Global Buffs and wanted to kick it off. Forgiven. But they also said we'd have 2 weeks to check out the new ones. New ones aren't ready again. That doesn't mean we need to jump right back into it after 1 week break AGAIN. Prove us wrong Kabam. Prove you're listening, and give us that 2nd week. We're not asking for blood here. We're asking for time. We had to push through the Holidays AFTER only having a week off. Now you're starting the year with what's essentially a lie. Don't tell us one thing and do something completely different after everyone made it CLEAR 1 week off was too little last time. The new Global Nodes aren't ready. That's FINE. That has 0 to do with giving us the extra week, as we had 2 weeks off before the Global Nodes even existed. If ANYTHING this would be beneficial for both the company and the playerbase. Would give the Kabam crew an extra week to figure things out for Season 8. Please, listen to us. The stress is real. It needent be increased.

    Everyone is not in agreement that the shorter break is essential. There are players saying they are indifferent to the shorter break and some even saying they prefer the shorter break. You aren't saying you want them to listen to the players, you are demanding that they listen to specific players, and ignore the others. Personally, I'd be happier with a longer break, but that doesn't mean the players that don't suddenly became invisible to me.

    Hmm. I would argue indifferent is a much different opinion then the majority of players who are struggling to maintain AW season resources. This break is a recoup time. How do you feel when your breaks get slashed with so little warning? It's not fun. That is what is happening here. I'm asking for some consideration, thats all. :)

    I would argue no one claiming to represent the majority of players actually has any ability to know what the majority of players actually thinks. It is one thing to represent your own opinion, and another to claim some form of representational authority from the entire playerbase, which is what I specifically responded to.

    Also, people keep making analogies of the form "how would you feel if?" The general answer is if I felt as mistreated as many players claim to feel on the forums in any aspect of my life I'd remove that aspect. That's what a sane, rational person does.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Seasons have turned into a disaster. All the best parts (downtime, rewards) have been nerfed and all the bad parts (defenders remaining, +/-, asinine matchmaking, enabling collusion) are still here to ruin everyone’s fun.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    Forgot to mention we weren’t big fans of New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve wars either.
  • dayvidleedayvidlee Member Posts: 13
    Please. More time in between. At least 10 days. If you're trying to keep a calendar, then make it an even two weeks.

    The rewards are not bad, but I'm not sure they fit the structure or time commitment of war. I would love to see the rewards more directly benefit the reflected rosters (for example, you often use mystic's a ¾ T4 Mystic Catalyst) of war. I'm not sure how/if you could track this, so maybe a select your own partial (or whole) Class Catalyst.
  • WiMakWiMak Member Posts: 359 ★★
    I would be good with two week break as well but one week does give alliances less time to artificially adjust their war rating By tanking wars. I don’t really see a viable solution to this that doesn’t penalize newly formed or building alliances but it is annoying.
  • AwesomoChaosAwesomoChaos Member Posts: 78
    I preferred the original/longer season with double the rewards to the current month-long season. Not every alliance does 3 wars every week and it's tough to get 5 wars in 4 weeks to qualify for season rewards. Either 1) double the season length and double the rewards or 2) keep the short season and require fewer wars (eg, 3 instead of 5). I love this game but the more it becomes a chore, the more likely I'm going to quit.
  • Hawk_Hawk_ Member Posts: 28
    Yeah this 1 week break is way too less. It should minimum be 2 weeks if not more. I’m an officer of a Gold I Ally, we were almost Plat 3 this season and we need some time to recover from the season, get some units together for the boosts, work on other content of the game, and after all that have a normal life as well. So please think of the burnout you are causing. 1-2 more seasons like these back to back and I might have to reconsider going to some dead gold 2 ally coz this is taking away all the fun and making it too hectic.. Please increase the Off season time.
  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    Top guys/gals can take off 5 wars and just join the level alliance they want as long as they get 5 wars in to earn rewards.

    So, someone fighting at platinum and above can join a lower tier alliance like Gold1, earn decent rewards, then step it up in an alliance looking for a strong replacement midway through, and save a ton of resources that way.
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