New Alliance Wars Matchmaking System & Season 8 Details



  • MikesabyssMikesabyss Member Posts: 2
    I have not heard or read of any alliance thinking that these changes are good. It hurts all members that have other things going besides the game like family and jobs. We have people from all over the world in our alliance and this is bad for all people in all time zone. It takes away our ability to use our time effectively.
  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Just make the placement period 24 hours again and it'll fix my alliance's problems. We've gone from starting wars at 5pm to starting them at 7:15am. We can live with 11:15am.
  • Smeagz23Smeagz23 Member Posts: 112 ★★
    I know there is an uproar about the aw changes and, for the most part, rightfully so but the one thing that should be obvious and changed as soon as possible if you are going to continue to leave war this way is to have war coinside with aq start time. Having war start that early sucks in of itself but trying to run map6 and 7 with this huge gap in between the start of war and the start of aq is impossible. We need to have access to our champs for aw and aq and having this huge gap in time just makes this a nightmare. This should be obvious and i would have thought you might have thought this through prior to these changes being released but this change needs to be made as soon as possible and you shouldn’t even need to think about it, it should be that obvious. Hopefully you can understand this and make this happen as soon as possible.
  • Loco24x7Loco24x7 Member Posts: 68
    We have mixture of Different time zones in our Alliance and the new changes in matchmaking are not working for our Alliance. These new finishing times are going to kill us for sure... Not sure how 7am pacific is a good time for war to end. I know you have 24 hours, but when you have different time zones it sucks.

    I’ll be up frank and honest I’m not going to tell everyone in our alliance they should start setting there alarm clocks ⏰ to get up check where there @ in AW.....,or be home by a certain hour etc.,depending on there time zone could be b rough. This is game suppose to b fun than it turns into a job and for most of us we are not getting paid to do this.
  • XstasisXstasis Member Posts: 50
    This new system's time frame set up is terrible!!!!
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Did anyone even read my summary on the last page? They're changing it. Relax and wait now. This will be last the war like this. Sometime in the next few days, we'll get an update with new information. Until then, they know. Let me repeat that.... they KNOW. Here's the post with the images as proof, they know...
    Just so everyone doesn't have to go rummaging through this VERY long thread. Change is on the horizon. Here's the posts by Kabam Miike that can be found throughout...




    So there's the summary. Change is coming likely next cycle. Chances are Season will be delayed. So we have been heard, and it looks like war #3 will be the last to be as it currently is. Thankfully.

    Just for clarification, for the next war, you can choose to Enlist NOW. Do not wait until war ends as you may miss the Enlistment window. As it currently stands, Enlistment period is 44 hours long, which is only down during Matchmaking. During placement and attack phases, Enlistment is up for the next war. Attack phase, 24 hours. Placement phase, 20 hours PAST your match being made. So I cannot fathom how anyone (short of a system malfunction) missed Enlistment. Plenty of time.

    Also placement is only 4 hours shorter than it was prior. If your Alliance mates can't be bothered to place within the 1st 12-15 hours, you may want to consider finding new ones. It takes only a minute to place your champs. Give them the heads up that you want plenty of time to do your defense grid. It's pretty simple.

    Hearing about those 2 issues is just maddening. Both are avoidable. If the system screws up, that's one thing. However, if you miss it, that's on you.

    I completely understand that the majority are not in favor of the system as is. I'm not either. We've been heard folks. So take a breather and be patient while they fix this situation. I'm sure by Tuesday we'll be informed of the changes made and know what to expect. I'm also gonna wager a guess that they're postponing Season 8 by at least 1 week. To do otherwise could be catastrophic for many Alliances if they miss the mark again. For now, I'll remain cautiously optimistic while remembering that things could be problematic even after the changes are made. The point is, change is coming, we've been heard. The community put their proverbial feet down and it was noticed by Kabam. What more can we ask for now? Nothing. Just hang loose and see what happens next. Complain again if things go sideways. Or cheer if they end up working. Or not... lol
  • Syko6Syko6 Member Posts: 11
    Looking for Alliance:

    650K player decent roster
    Can do Map 1/2/3/4/5 clear any mini or final boss any day willing to take any path.

    Cant do AW as new fixed times sucks ****.

    Hit me up on line
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Until it happens, we don't know. Better to have some hope than none at all. At least we have something from them. While my cautious optimism is there, it is CERTAINLY grounded in reality. Things may get worse before they get better. Or they may nail it. Until the next update comes, all we can do is wait.

    The old system isn't coming back. That much is clear. It's been exploited too many times and it won't be back as a result. Thank those who colluded and played dirty for that one. Frankly, they should've done this sooner and included the playerbase in the creative process. I've heard some reasons why it was made in its current form. One of them is rather sad and shortsighted. Which ultimately lead to the timing issues. The matchmaking mess giving poor matchups is a whole other thing.

    Fact remains, it needs work. It could potentially work very well provided they put the work in, and take everything that was said to heart. Too early. Glitchy nonsense with the Enlistment. Poor matches. 3 MAJOR problems. If they can resolve those, there's no reason why this system can't work for everyone. In the meantime, all we can do is wait.

    I urge everyone to skim this thread as there's some great ideas presented. Know that your fellow summoners pushed hard on this since day 1. Myself included. There's maybe a handful (at best) of players that said they're good with this. Needless to say, that's not enough to justify leaving it as is. So change is coming. What form that takes is remained to be seen.
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Yes, while Kabam has responded that they heard us and are discussing ways to address it, I'm glad to see the community still posting their views (good and bad) as well as suggestions for improvement. It allows them to vent and IF Kabam still is on the fence on any of the issues being brought up, more feedback can help and shouldn't hinder their internal discussions.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    Wow you guys overreact about everything.
  • IlovecrystalsIlovecrystals Member Posts: 14
    A good fix would be 1/2 hour timers as we are losing 4 hours of attack.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    A good fix would be 1/2 hour timers as we are losing 4 hours of attack.

    No, you only lose 4hrs of placement. Attack phase is still 24hrs.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    @Fantasy_91 my whole point is that very few even acknowledged that those posts occurred. No doubt, vent, express. Just the same, take a moment and see what came before. It might help find some solace knowing that we were heard. That likely would help everyone feel a little better about what's around the corner. That's all I'm trying to get out there. I do agree though, people need to, and should get their opinions about the new systen out there. It just would be nice if they'd also acknowledge that Kabam has paid attention. That alone is progress. Personally, I'm all for progress.

    @Markjv81 who's to say what's an overreaction here? Being upset is warranted IMO considering all that has occurred. If these changes kill your ability to be competitive in AW, I'd say that's reason to be upset. For many, that's what happened. Fact is, without these reactions, things may have stayed the same.

    Some change is coming and for that I'm grateful. Grateful to all who've expressed their distaste for the new system. Grateful to Kabam for acknowledging such, and in turn doing something about it. What's being changed and how it will work is remained to be seen. But at least they're trying to fix it so the majority are happy. You'll never please everyone. Just a fact of life. So long as everyone has a better chance of being competitive without turning their lives upsidedown to do so is enough for me. Hopefully, that'll be enough for the majority too. We shall see...
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Here's a thought I just had.....

    Your war tier is based on war rating and how it compares to all alliances. Now that all alliances will finish their wars within a short period of time there could be a lot of shuffling around especially for alliances that were matched early on. Is it possible that someone enlists at one tier but gets matched at a different one? Therefore affecting their multiplier for season rank.

    My alliance's war rating is 1414 so tier 11, which is the 16-20% bracket. That's a fairly broad bracket so I probably wouldn't notice much movement. But the higher up in tiers you go it might be more noticeable just like the season leaderboard fluctuates until all wars are finished.
  • HamedSOHamedSO Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2019
    I"m not liking this new system, nor the 30 members in our alliance. I lead 15m alliance and we are having difficulty adapting to the new start time and schedule. The new schedule is really not friendly. We should be allowed to start the War at the time we want, just like AQ. This system can properly make us stop doing wars at all! Our alliance love wars and we are in Gold1. Waiting for Kabam update on this issue.

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Wow you guys overreact about everything.

    This has made war unplayable for a lot of people, and Kabam is actually listening. This was the appropriate reaction.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Wow you guys overreact about everything.

    This has made war unplayable for a lot of people, and Kabam is actually listening. This was the appropriate reaction.

    See overreaction. “Unplayable” is complete non sense, we have 1 US BG, 1 Aussie BG and a mixed US, euro, Aussie BG. In both wars all bg have 100% in a similar time frame as before the change, our opponents have also done the same.

    Is it different?? Yes
    Will it require some small adjustments?? Yes
    Is it unplayable?? Not even remotely.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,437 ★★★★★
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Wow you guys overreact about everything.

    This has made war unplayable for a lot of people, and Kabam is actually listening. This was the appropriate reaction.

    See overreaction. “Unplayable” is complete non sense, we have 1 US BG, 1 Aussie BG and a mixed US, euro, Aussie BG. In both wars all bg have 100% in a similar time frame as before the change, our opponents have also done the same.

    Is it different?? Yes
    Will it require some small adjustments?? Yes
    Is it unplayable?? Not even remotely.

    Not unplayable, but difficult for a lot of people. Your alliance is able to keep up with it and that's great. But there are people who aren't able to due to different work timings and times when they can't play. Not everyone is able to get on to clear links and when some have early timings of sleep and others late, this creates a difference. That's why alliances used to start war at their own times. Well other than the ones who tried to fix matches.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Wow you guys overreact about everything.

    This has made war unplayable for a lot of people, and Kabam is actually listening. This was the appropriate reaction.

    See overreaction. “Unplayable” is complete non sense, we have 1 US BG, 1 Aussie BG and a mixed US, euro, Aussie BG. In both wars all bg have 100% in a similar time frame as before the change, our opponents have also done the same.

    Is it different?? Yes
    Will it require some small adjustments?? Yes
    Is it unplayable?? Not even remotely.

    Because it hasn't affected your alliance to that degree the idea that it might make it unplayable for others must be nonsense. Even if I grant a degree of hyperbole that doesn't make people's reaction to needlessly creating upheaval for the gaming experience for many, many players an overreaction. Starting almost all wars at a time that no war has ever been started was unnecessary.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    No matter what hours you use to use for attack in war are still available to you.

    Show me a schedule that’s unplayable.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    No matter what hours you use to use for attack in war are still available to you.

    Show me a schedule that’s unplayable.

    Yeah zero interest making a schedule breakdown as fun as it would be. Good think Kabam can see from their data that it's causing a problem as well as the overwhelming feedback. Guess we will agree to disagree lol
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,014 ★★★★
    My suggestion, quick fix, just a few options for start time,( say 3 )different options. and maybe just one at aq start time and the others say 1-2 hours either side keeps the mismatching fix solved and should keep us happy, have to say making it so much before aq was a weird one
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    No matter what hours you use to use for attack in war are still available to you.

    Show me a schedule that’s unplayable.

    all hours are available yes. that is true.
    but what you are missing is this.
    people are active at different time and work at different times. so now i will not wake before war is over.
    i have to hope we can finish war earlier so it is done by the time i sleep.
    scenario 1.
    i am an aussie.
    i am waiting to be unlinked by a uk player. we are both awake. but our US mate is asleep and the UK player cant move until he wakes.
    hours later... US player wakes.... takes down link.... now UK player is at work and cant move for 3 hrs. he finally takes down his link. by this time it is 2:00 am for me here in aus and i am fast asleep. can move and take down last link.
    middle miniboss stays linked boss doesnt die as war finishes well before i woke up.

    under the timing we used to use. this would happen but not be an issue as i would wake 3-4 hours before war finished.

    just an example
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    Change paths, problem solved.
  • Fabi1989Fabi1989 Member Posts: 112
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Change paths, problem solved.

    You play Low Tier or?? Where you can beat every champ/Node with every Champ
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Fabi1989 wrote: »
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Change paths, problem solved.

    You play Low Tier or?? Where you can beat every champ/Node with every Champ

    That would be incorrect.

    But you’re now quoting me out of context, I’m simply saying it’s not “unplayable” as people are carrying on about.

    Plus as I’ve already said we run a BG with US, euro and Aussie players and it still works, haven’t had to change a thing.

  • Fabi1989Fabi1989 Member Posts: 112
    You say change paths, but that isnt easy in Tier 1
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Fabi1989 wrote: »
    You say change paths, but that isnt easy in Tier 1

    We often swap paths in tier 3 (same map) based on availability and defenders on specific paths.

    Again, I’m simply saying it’s not “unplayable”.
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