BuggyDClown ★★★★★
You need to have Mr Negative first in order to awaken him. He can do what serpent and jugs can't He can't do what serpent and jugs can Just learn him.
If i am not wrong that list belongs to Atta master
He was a good player. Bro had some really tough moments as well personally before this tragedy. Rest in peace real life hero. Hope his family get through this difficult times.
At this point, I have accepted Mcoc bugs. It's daily routine now. Nothing to be surprised of. It's new normal now. I will be surprised if they actually even mention compensation at this point. Fixing the game will be the greatest achievement and compensation in mcoc history ever. Peace
I'm sure that if you explore Necro, act 8 and 9.1, crucible. That would be good enough to give enough mats/gems to rank atleast 2-4 champs to r3 So do content if you can't buy cats or don't claim you have done content
I’d like remind you that OG Act 6 champion had No retreat node as well. It wasn't joke but fairly good boss. If you have played OG Act 6 Boss then I find it very difficult to understand that how GM fight is hard?? Or did played after 1 nerf where they removed No retreat node? GM is imo one of the best designed boss in…
skill issues buddy. GM, Behmut, Act 8 black widow, act 6 Champion are the best boss fights which require skills.
Go for awakened Hype For OP go for Vox
When I die, I want Kabam to lower me into my grave so I can be let down one last time
Both by one champ Nameless GM
All are my fav in this list. Infact she was my first r3 as well. And to dupe her, I explored Necro as well couple of months back @willrun4adonut
Tech-G99 Cosmic- Silver surfer or Venom Mystic- destroyer/kushala Science - Void if I can dupe him otherwise Spunk Skill- Moon Dragon unless I pull elsa Mutant- Bishop
I can solo Ares tbh cuz
nah, That ham player have some skill issues but hey we have bugs and lags all the time so 1 minute can be forgiven considering those possibilities
That's the neat part, you don't
If they are not then content will be afraid of champs. Then players will be afraid of boredom, Then boredom will be afraid of feeling nothing. Then feeling nothing will be afraid of leaving.
whoever you find fun and enjoyable, rank that champ. and if you have made up your mind already and have choice between 2 or 3 then you can name them and i believe community will help you better.
I Have 7r3 undupe Moondragon. She's awesome and good champ especially if you have very less 7 stars. Her ramp up is not bad and she can put lot of work. Dying to dupe mine. Those who are saying she don't have damage or utility doesn't understand her tbh and clearly no idea how to use her. OP I would suggest you to watch…
You want validation, here you go then it's normal as there is lot of content which easily can get you valiant compared to last year. Nothing that super amazing considering you wanted to hear Amazing but not in that way i guess. If its about achievement, here you go then Solid job. you have unlocked solid perks being…
Congratulations and you can get Paragon as well. Keep grinding bud
At this point, no content is hard enough tbh. Before 2019, Content was skilled based but after that broken champs were released like Doom, Herc, mags got broken buff which made content easy and somehow broken champs compensated average skills of players in huge numbers. That led to rapid progression in game and slowly…
Destroyer is underrated
I would suggest you to wait for 1-2 week more. You might get some good champs till then. Also there will be more better guides and options. Don't make haste as it could ruin your inventory. Just try to learn about more options and combination of teams and then do it.
Total BS Luck based Draw for both players That's why I like Endgame content more like Necro or mode like AW
As TA professional, that what I say when I don't have final review from panel for the candidate 🤣🤣🤣
Me who haven't went below 40m since last year: I need more gold cuz why not
Deathless KG