Nichj99 ★★
Howard the Duck!
Yep same here
My r2 OG storm with roughly 25 prowess launched a SP2 that did about 6k damage per hit…
I opened stuff, then sold it from the overflow for 22mill gold. Nice top up.
Not immediately but I’ll jump into BG over the weekend and see what I can come up with for you
My 7* is R3 sig 80 and I love him. No regrets on the rank up at all
Attuma. I think he’s underrated on attack. I love mine at r3!
Yep I’m enjoying it also
Rulk is very good. I also R4 my Thing unduped
Omega Sentinel solo + 4 revives with Rulk. Overall not the worst
Same here
The season history screen goes straight from 35 to 37. Not a great sign.
My gold is +12million since July 4th Your gold is reflective of what you put into it
Before warlock was readily available I put my 5/65 sig 200 Sabretooth into AW def on a node that encouraged additional regen. Factoring in that I also dropped down to Silver 1 from Plat 3 my ST in the first war notched 34 kills. Kind of felt sorry for the opponents.
Worse than what it was prior. Freezing, throwing random heavy attacks, even had reverse controls randomly kick in during today EoP run, eating a full combo to the face immediately after dropping a SP3 Getting pretty tired of it
I hover between 500k gold and 2mill depending on how far into the cycle of exploring monthly EQ’s are. I stopped spending 12 months ago and don’t have time to grind arena. Gold is the only resource I’m constantly trying to manage and balance
the cgi looks more like Shrek than a marvel film
Yes mine is gone too
I got a pretty straight forward takedown with colossus, no synergies
Looking forward to entering again this year
I like the idea of the # requirements instead of classes, but the nodes themself are horrific.
Yep same here
Whilst I love the opportunity to dust off champs I don’t normally use, some of these node combinations are ridiculous. Unblockable + Dismay, the inability to reparry due greater bugs thus preventing the bonuses of playing by the rules? This is just a cruel joke
Alliance War, Node 48 Human Torch preflight failed to activate and was automatically returned to me. (Also happened on the boss in the last war)
You really don’t
He’s a forum mod, not a developer. Your reply shows you have little understanding of how things work.
Might not be that valuable, but I’m always short of the ones I want the most
Sentry. Sig 140 now
Sentry. 6* is Sig 140 now
I don’t remember it ever working like that Many years ago (like 3) I had a sig 198 void. Then I duped void I got no max sig crystal