The_Rikerp ★
I not going to complain about server outages. It is what it is.
It would probably overload the server.
Never again will I buy featured crystals. I had the units to buy them, and got all 3*’s. Maybe my luck would increase if.... nope, I just blew my act 5 unit stash. At least I didn’t spend cash.
This has been an issue for a long time, with no fix in sight. Just more generic responses from kabam. I think it might be time for a new game.
I think I’ve got Blade locked up.
I think I’ve got Blade locked up.
Update: running latest version of game and iOS. Game is still lagging/skipping frames. I’m just wondering how long this is going to continue before something more is done to fix it? The game is becoming unplayable, at least for me. 3 months ago, I could play for 6 hours and I never had these issues. Now I have issues on…
I’m not asking for compensation. I’m asking, as a PAYING customer of kabam, for you to fix the bugs and server issues.
WiFi working. Game won’t load.
I love emergency maintenance the day before scheduled maintenance. Thank you.
It happens on other devices too.
How do we log out of the Game Center?
Thanks for sharing. I’m sure that we will have maintenance soon, we can’t have bugs that benefit players.
I don’t think we will ever get more mastery points. Sure, I would love to run max deep wounds, max assassin, max suicides, willpower, and a bunch in utility. But I think that would break the game.
I’m not asking for compensation. All I want is a game that works and is bug-free.
These outages and bugs are why I’m not participating in AQ and AW.
I think the servers are actually 1975 computers with 8 bits of ram. Lol
At least I know my connection is sound.
Update: I uninstalled the game 5 hours ago. I just reinstalled it and on my first fight, the game was glitching. My device was on with the game loaded for less than 5 minutes and was already hot. In contrast, I was streaming YouTube on my phone for 4 hours and my device never got hot.
not Likely, since there are problems with players who have the iphone 8.
Device/Model: iPhone 6 Device OS: iOS 11.3.1 Cellular/WiFi: WiFi & Cellular Game Version: 18.0 Game mode: Every aspect of play(Arena, Event and Story quest, Dungeons) Description: After playing the game for 5 minutes, my device gets very hot, and the game starts lagging or skipping frames, making game-play almost…
I think for the same reason that certain crystals don’t award points in SA. Because kabam designed it so.
You may need a stronger roster. I can put up 4-5 million in basic arena in one day if I only do arena.
Did you do it already?
I left this issue in my review of the app on the App Store. Hopefully, Apple takes notice.
It is a game issue. I run iOS 11.3, and my game lags after 10 minutes of play. I restart and it happens again 10 minutes later. Using iPhone 6. Phone also gets hotter than usual. This never happened before 17.2. As far as I know, this isn’t being investigated by kabam.
Or maybe it’s working as kabam intended.
Today I played for 20 minutes with no other apps open. Lag and frame drop occurred within 5 minutes, phone got hot almost immediately and power level on phone dropped from 100 percent to 50 percent. I know what I’m about to say will land me in kabam jail and will most likely get deleted since I’m again being critical of…
I was given the same response for being critical of kabam.
I think you’re right. Prior to 17.2 my phone never got hot. Now it gets hot after 20 minutes of game play, but a two hour movie doesn’t heat up my phone at all.