Veggetta ★
I just opened 25 premium hero shard crystals and got no points for the advancement solo event. Was opening crystals removed from these events too?
The main problem is that attack phase is starting 2-3 hours earlier than with the previous system. Make attack phase start at 11 am PST for all alliances, regardless of the time a match was found. This is, no random start time and all of us can make proper adjustments. It is what we are used to do with AQ. I managed to…
I actually think it means a lot. The description is for a completely different type of buff than what we are getting in the fights. You can't re-enter the missions with a different team of champions that can counter the effects that are supposedly countered by these buffs, it's only one run per level each week. Now your…
I remember reading something about a special summoner appreciation week calendar, but couldn't find it at the announcement. Perhaps they'll use a calendar or one of the appreciation packages to fix their math problems and give us the missing 1000 shards.
:# :# :# :D
Do content designers actually play games?
I totally disagree with this. The event is about helping, not about earning loyalty. Definitely a bad way to introduce a new event to the game.
Had not been through the forums in a while so I am answering with two months delay. No. It still rotates randomly. With the last update there is a kind of pause in animation before it actually rotates, giving me about a second to rotate the phone and continue the fight. Phone has hit the ground twice :/
Same for me. One of the in-game messages that show in the loading screens encourages you to continue helping your alliance even if you have gotten max loyalty rewards for the day. The name of this event and the "How to get points" screen shown in the first message of this thread suggest the same. In no case the event…
It often happens to me while playing MCOC (Galaxy S8). Even a slight movement of the phone triggers the screen rotation. This is not a new issue but I don't remember it happening with my previous phone.
Been waiting for this event and just got disappointed. I agree with only awarding points by finishing tha fight in a specific way, but also with a specific class of champion?
Eh, still using 3/30 lol
It's been about five hours for some of us not being able to get into the game. Personally I even reinstalled the game and it is still not working. I don't really care that much about not reaching the next milestone in the 5* arena, and there is plenty of time to kick Thanos' a.s.s. in the special mission. But, what about…
I'd rather have a T1 alpha catalyst quest.
Dungeons is one of the recent additions to the game I've enjoyed the most. Yet I am not playing them anymore as they require to forget about everything else in the real world to play for about half an hour each run. It's three fights in 12 minutes, including time to check the node boosts, make decisions and communicate…
I can parry while evading only if the opponent is a BPCW with armor up buff active. Never seen it happen when fighting other champs. And its WHILE evading, not immediately after the evade.
You may be sure their servers are not 😂😂
Extending the arena end time for an hour, or the total maintenance time, should be fair.
I want to see the Juggernaut running as Ant Man in SP1 again :D :D :D
Thor and Hulk worked for me. Had to use a few revives anyway.
I have opened 30 at a time and only 2* champions. I really don't expect much from those crystals.
Was this actually needed? Now I must tap twice on the screen to see something I did with just one tap on the previous version.
I understand about not burning power, but at least it should do some damage. Doing damage when hitting is not a special ability.
I noticed Vision SP2 not doing any damage (twice) while fighting Magneto MN earlier today. I think it was on the 4* basic arena.
Ir happened yesterday and then again a free minutes ago. Champion boost, revive and health things all wasted. I would actually like this happening at least once when losing a fight and not only after winning.
Got two 4* Groot and a Star Lord, a few 3* and a lot of 2* Groots and Gamoras. Another member in my alliance got a 4* Gamora, and as long as I remember that was it in my alliance. Several 3* guardians and a bunch of 2*.
That raccoon should definitely teach Kabam some appreciation classes.
Now I would like to know what criteria will you use to decide how much each player was affected. Based on my time zone, this affected me for about three hours, but for most of the guys in my alliance it was for about five. Fortunately we had decided to skip war that day.
There was plenty of time to get those catalysts at the raccoon'a scrap storequest. What I would ask is to send these offers only to players that might be interested in them. Something like if(summoner.level<30) sendLowTierOffer(); Show this to your designers and developers and they will in part understand why a lot of…
That is not a bug, but the usual path every alliance has followed. Time to start planning on skipping weeks for opening crystals and leveling up champions.