Alliance Quest Season 6 - Discussion Thread



  • VincentblackVincentblack Member Posts: 14
    What happened to the compensation you were supposedly collecting data for? While you drag your feet more and more people get fed up with how the community gets the shaft. If you aren't going to give our compensation then maybe release content that isn't very obviously broken. Just a thought
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    L8Rdays said:

    Some of these nodes feel really out of place in AQ, like the 200% power gain. Can we maybe get a comment on the intended difficulty? Feels like certain paths went to map 8 difficulty. Players will find a way through it, but it really just feels wrong here.

    Honestly, I can't disagree with this post whatsoever. I was one of those people that really enjoyed AQ more than almost anything else in this game. We run a combination of map 7 and map 6, and I thought the difficulty of the last season of map 7 was really good. Challenging, but fair-so it was actually FUN.

    These last two rounds of AQ since Kabam changed map 7 are now just stressful and not fun at all. Vivified (which seems ridiculous), Can't Stop Won't Stop (which was just broken), 200% AON Magneto (what a great time that is), the changes to Omega Red limiting the options to use against him, Prove Yourself and Mesmerize (stupid, not fun combination of nodes), Tunnel Vision (which was also proven to be broken), etc. All of these combinations just seem designed to make AQ much harder, and for me takes away almost any enjoyment from this mode. It almost feels as stressful as war, and has me wondering if I'll have the ability to actually finish my lanes.

    Does every mode need to feel like this? Is this what Kabam is looking to achieve? Make every player running map 7 concerned that they may not actually finish their lane? I thought the game was suppose to be fun-did I miss a memo? I'm honestly not even looking forward to AQ rewards as I'll need the increased glory at the end of the round simply to replenish my stock of potions (which are GROSSLY out of date Kabam-6k health is a joke for your biggest potion). So no real rank up purchases for me this round, which is unfortunate.

    All of these changes just have me wondering about the direction of the game and asking myself if it is really enjoyable. I'm honestly not sure that it is with these changes.
    I agree 100%! AQ has always been one of the best game modes. Our alliance has decided that we will not play higher maps or Alliance Wars anymore. Not worth the effort. We do 2BG Map 5 and 4 day 1, then Map 4 in BG1 and 2 and Map 2 in BG3 the rest of the week. The difficulty has gotten absolutely ridiculous in the game now. It is all about using items to finish content now regardless of your skill level. Playing the new content is just not fun at all! It seems like they just don't care about the loyal players that have made the game what it is today. These are the players that have the champs needed to successfully complete the higher difficulties. They can make it challenging without making it insanely difficult. There is no fun in stressing about finishing your paths in AQ.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    The only choice we have at this point is to stop playing the higher maps in AQ. If everyone stops playing Map 6 and Map 7, then no one will be spending resources in AQ and they will address these multiple issues.
  • ArtOfKhaosArtOfKhaos Member Posts: 59
    The 200 percent powergain in section one of map 7 is a bit much guys maybe tone it down a bit?
  • XxAeriosxXXxAeriosxX Member Posts: 22
    Is there anyone from kabam actually looking at these threads? So many issues and not even any acknowledgement. This time you guys screwed up big time on new AQ season and AW season. There is a line of making difficult contents vs making unreasonable/purely money grabbing content. And for something as regular as 5 out of 8 days. Making those ridiculously node are too much stress to players. You will see ppl leaving this game if you don’t take some actions. It’s a game and alliance. Not everyone is a hardcore player who enjoys spending money and dying! Mark my word, you are heading to the wrong direction as the game design and throwing in contents without consideration and testing
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★

    Is anyone else running map 6 really struggling with this Dorm’s degen? Blades DS does nothing to stop it and it’s ridiculously powerful. Basically either need a 5/65 GHulk or just throw champs and resources at him.

    That Dorm is hardest mini boss I’ve ever seen in map 6, I’ve soloed every other mini boss we’ve ever had but haven’t got passed about 40% damage against him.
  • VincentblackVincentblack Member Posts: 14

    Alright everybody, we have another fix for Can't Stop Won't Stop coming. This one is a short term fix that should alleviate the issues presented, and there will be a longer term fix coming in the future:

    - Change Damage Reduction from 90% to 50%
    - Change Fury from 100% to 25%
    - Change Power Gain from 10% of a Bar Per second to 2% of a Bar per second

    I don't have a specific ETA on this at this time, but we want to get this tested and out as soon as we can!

    What about the countless items and resources players have poured into both this and the Hyperion miike? Casualties of testing?
    We can't evaluate the impact until the fix is out.
    @Kabam Miike where is the compensation?
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2019
    Compensation isn't coming, the bugs aren't fixed. Even if it did, it won't compare to what we've had to spend to beat these bugs.

    Today, "Gimme" is broke on map7. Brought blade against ultron and did no damage to ultron on regen. I had to spend actual money to buy revives to get through. I still have Logan and Phoenix to get through.

    Video for proof so my post doesn't get deleted.
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2019
    Here's another one. Fought the very next bpcw on "What's yours is mine" I win, get 0 points and he has no health taken.

  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    edited June 2019
    Fought bpcw and won on "What's yours is mine" 0 points for my effort and he is still alive.

  • KostelinhoKostelinho Member Posts: 5
    I’m playing map7 AQ. And in final section, I taking inner paths (path10) agains Ultron, and Old Man Logan. But the nodes are bugged. If I regen my champ when spectre is Not active, then It should degen the deffender. But no degen.
    I can provide a video also.

  • Night_OwlNight_Owl Member, Content Creators Posts: 72 Content Creator

    I’m playing map7 AQ. And in final section, I taking inner paths (path10) agains Ultron, and Old Man Logan. But the nodes are bugged. If I regen my champ when spectre is Not active, then It should degen the deffender. But no degen.
    I can provide a video also.

    Same problem here. Luckily I got CG and made it through using time-out strategy.
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    I can help you understand the impact this week of the "gimme" node already. It personally cost me $30 in potions and revives to get through. You're welcome.
  • EBG78EBG78 Member Posts: 127 ★★
    Bwest289 said:

    I can help you understand the impact this week of the "gimme" node already. It personally cost me $30 in potions and revives to get through. You're welcome.

    It doesn’t cost me money but I had to use items and boosts to make it through thanks to Kabam not being able to make anything work as intended. I would think compensation for items used due to broken nodes is in order. I know I will be sending in a ticket for this.
  • DocJCDocJC Member Posts: 74
    @Kabam Miike

    So you guys buried your head in the sand for a whole week during another round of map 7. Will any of these issues actually be addressed? This game has taken a sharp turn in the wrong direction with AQ and AW. Retirements are at an all time high.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    DocJC said:

    @Kabam Miike

    So you guys buried your head in the sand for a whole week during another round of map 7. Will any of these issues actually be addressed? This game has taken a sharp turn in the wrong direction with AQ and AW. Retirements are at an all time high.

    Yup. We get to start another week of map 7 after going over a week with no response from the team about issues.
  • PurpleIsPimpinPurpleIsPimpin Member Posts: 48
    Two series of bugged nodes, preemptively anticipating a third now. I am okay if bugs slip by, but the burden of cost should not be pushed back to us. Giving us the pots we had to spend for bugged nodes would go a long way in gaining our trust back. I am completely demoralized with the lack of response we have been receiving lately.
  • Ascoop24Ascoop24 Member Posts: 128 ★★★
    At this point I suspect they are waiting for the third week of map 7 see if there are any bugs in that and then will start looking at the effects it took on alliances. I honestly don’t except them to do anything close to what’s right. I feel alliance haven’t been placing where they typically should due to map 7 bugs. Will kabam right this wrong I don’t think they will and Ik myself and lots of others will keep our wallets closed on July 4th because of this.
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    Well now that’s hilarious. Skipped scarlet with and went straight back to Hyperion
  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    So did we get another series of Map 7 with TunnelVision still broken?
  • DocJCDocJC Member Posts: 74
    Ultra8529 said:

    So did we get another series of Map 7 with TunnelVision still broken?

    Of course we did!
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    DocJC said:

    Ultra8529 said:

    So did we get another series of Map 7 with TunnelVision still broken?

    Of course we did!
    Another week, another broken AQ. Sad that it's a node that was called out as broken two weeks ago. Let's see what the rest of the week has in store. Isn't it exciting?:)

    On the positive side, just think...once they are done measuring the impact, compensation should be incredible.
  • Jawarrior2001Jawarrior2001 Member Posts: 303

    Well now that’s hilarious. Skipped scarlet with and went straight back to Hyperion

    Of course they did, it's all 'random', you know they don't choose the minibosses, same as it just so happens that Science champions has global disadvantage again, after all Luke Cage is a good counter.
  • DocJCDocJC Member Posts: 74
    Working as intended.
  • Ascoop24Ascoop24 Member Posts: 128 ★★★
    Can we get some form of update on a compensation package yet?
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    Ascoop24 said:

    Can we get some form of update on a compensation package yet?

    No you may not.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★

    The only choice we have at this point is to stop playing the higher maps in AQ. If everyone stops playing Map 6 and Map 7, then no one will be spending resources in AQ and they will address these multiple issues.

    I don't have any issues with map 6. I don't play map 7. No interest in grinding for the donations.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    The only choice we have at this point is to stop playing the higher maps in AQ. If everyone stops playing Map 6 and Map 7, then no one will be spending resources in AQ and they will address these multiple issues.

    I don't have any issues with map 6. I don't play map 7. No interest in grinding for the donations.
    I don’t grind for my map 7 donations. Haven’t done arenas in 3 weeks. But I do pay double battlechips to have someone cover my gold.
  • WC303WC303 Member Posts: 88
    Let’s thank Kabam for the fix on the Map 5 Hyperion mini boss. Oh wait...😑
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