Cancelled war enlistment [Merged Threads]



  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Pegasus said:

    Just saw we fell 266 spots on AW ranking because of being unenlisted Friday. 😩

    This is one of the many ways that Alliances were affected. We are aware, and will come up with a plan to compensate for this issue. I am really sorry to hear that this dropped your Alliance so far.
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★

    Hey all,

    This might be a knock-on of the issues that we encountered on Friday. We are going to continue to investigate this. This will not be undone today, and we're going to have to continue to explore our options for what we can do. We know that this has a big impact on affected Alliances.

    We're not ignoring the situation, but do not have a solution at this very moment. We will update you all as soon as we have more information.

    Sooo let us continue to get tossed from aw and screwed because the kabam team overlooked something? Lovely...
  • LucaLuca Member Posts: 6

  • R_Man_Do18R_Man_Do18 Member Posts: 21
    End this season now!!

    Last AW shouldn't have happened either. Too much going on. And now this. Don't make this problem bigger than it already is.

    Take the leaderboard as it was before all this began and make the cut there. And compensate accordingly.
  • Vonblackhawk360Vonblackhawk360 Member Posts: 84
    No "bye" round for us
  • OmegaManOmegaMan Member Posts: 383 ★★★

    Guess we are supposed to be happy about this Since my first post got removed. Sorry I’ll put on my happy face. So glad this is happening. There I’m happy now

    Add our alliance to the list for the second war in a row. We will just keep going backwards
  • Kingdavid0707Kingdavid0707 Member Posts: 3
    This is now 2 wars in a row we were deenlisted.war needs to be stopped until this can be fixed and we can be corrected for points lost. This is not fair to all the allies that keep getting deenlisted
  • Kingdavid0707Kingdavid0707 Member Posts: 3
    This is now 2 wars in a row we were deenlisted.war needs to be stopped until this can be fixed and we can be corrected for points lost. This is not fair to all the allies that keep getting deenlisted
  • cookiedealercookiedealer Member Posts: 260 ★★
    Thank you for letting us know that Kabam is aware of the AW cancellation of matchmaking.
  • migofmigof Member Posts: 15

    hey left us without another war? and it will be again that we get off season score?
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    edited November 2019
    Yup we were unenlisted again as well. I appreciate the response. Clearly this issue is a cross game issue affecting a lot of spots. Would have never guessed it would happen again though. At this rate we now have no chance of hitting gold 1 after being in a position of pretty much locked in gold one and potential to push for plat 4 with a. Solid last 5 wars(though unlikely on the plat 4).

    Also to note for AW this is now 1-3 levels of season rewards lost along with 1200 5* shards and a solid chunk of 4* shards lost and victor crystals from war. We are starting to close in on 50% of a 5* lost on actually rewards along with 500-1500 6* shard a large amount of t5b shards and t2a shards and more. Just saying that any compensation needs to reflect at minimum what we have actually lost at this point. That doesn’t include the frustration and other losses people have sustained(energy/boost/potions/etc. This is just war losses at this point accounted for above and its big endgame materials and rewards.
  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★

    Why did my topic about AW timers get merged here?
  • MjolinarMjolinar Member Posts: 157 ★★
    Two wars in a row now. I mean, it’s cool. Season rewards aren’t the reason we use resources and whatnot. Carry on kabam!
  • geoff78geoff78 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Happened to us too, but as long as they make it right, I'm okay with it. We got more points from the bye than we average.....

    We also got victory rewards

  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Timone147 said:

    Yup we were unenlisted again as well. I appreciate the response. Clearly this issue is a cross game issue affecting a lot of spots. Would have never guessed it would happen again though. At this rate we now have no chance of hitting gold 1 after being in a position of pretty much locked in gold one and potential to push for plat 4 with a. Solid last 5 wars(though unlikely on the plat 4).

    You are not alone in this situation, and we are aware that there are Alliances just like yours that were affected by this. Again, we don't have a plan right now, but are going to come up with one as soon as possible.
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  • Vonblackhawk360Vonblackhawk360 Member Posts: 84
    What about people who have recently joined a new alliance and would have got season rewards but are now unable? Would be great to hear that they won't get left out of any compensation that gets sent out, just ending the season early would impact people who have done nothing wrong IMO as they should have had time in their new alliances
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  • JsmoothJsmooth Member Posts: 16
    Our Alliance showed as enlisted yet we ended up being unlisted and dropped from Plat 4 to Gold 1!?!

    Kabam you need to retract yesterday’s war and extend the season by one war problem solved. Win or lose whoever was able to participate in yesterday’s war received points that catapulted them putting the rest of us at an unfair disadvantage.

    If you don’t have it fixed shut it down for crying out loud until you guys figure it out! Let’s be honest that’s what y’all should have done in the first place!!

  • 1355Panther_1355Panther_ Member Posts: 9
    Our alliance suffer the same, due to this bug. We also dropped down a tier because of Kabams negligence to do the right thing. By of stopping AW #8, of season 13. This simple action from them, would have kept thing fair for everyone. I sent in 4 tickets so far. And still haven't received a decent response back from them yet how they plan on correcting such issues.
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  • WoodyNailsomeWoodyNailsome Member Posts: 112
    Just happened to my alliance too.
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★
    Would it make sense to treat each missed match as a tie for initial points) and the multiplier based on the last recorded W/L prior to the other day
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Jsmooth said:

    Our Alliance showed as enlisted yet we ended up being unlisted and dropped from Plat 4 to Gold 1!?!

    Kabam you need to retract yesterday’s war and extend the season by one war problem solved. Win or lose whoever was able to participate in yesterday’s war received points that catapulted them putting the rest of us at an unfair disadvantage.

    If you don’t have it fixed shut it down for crying out loud until you guys figure it out! Let’s be honest that’s what y’all should have done in the first place!!

    While I can understand the desire to just shut down the Season right now, that's a very drastic measure to take, and while it may come down to that, we don't want to commit to any action until we've had time to look into other options as well.
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  • LucaLuca Member Posts: 6
    We were unenlisted. P1 alliance. We are losing 1,4mill points now...
  • Vonblackhawk360Vonblackhawk360 Member Posts: 84
    Loveshack said:

    Plantesan said:

    Would it make sense to treat each missed match as a tie for initial points) and the multiplier based on the last recorded W/L prior to the other day

    No a Tie is the same as a loss unfortunately
    A tie would be better then no points at all, been great watching the work our team has put in getting ruined by a glitch this close to the end
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★
    Loveshack said:

    Plantesan said:

    Would it make sense to treat each missed match as a tie for initial points) and the multiplier based on the last recorded W/L prior to the other day

    No a Tie is the same as a loss unfortunately
    Neither of the teams would get the winner bonus, pretty sure that would make it even. Just trying to throw ideas out there before Kabam decides to overlook and treat this like their normal day, ultimately screwing the player base
  • Nah01Nah01 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    Kabam you lack courage to cancel the last war and now thing becomes a total mess.
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