More QoL Updates and Beta Features coming in v33.0!



  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,412 ★★★★

    @Kabam Zero I really like the stats feature after the fights but I have currently turned this feature off for 1 reason only. It really slows down the arena grind. I hope that when this feature is put permanently in the game that we have the option to activate it for specific modes. When turned off w/ this update, transitioning into fight 1, from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, the load times really fly and are an incredible enhancement. But when I activate this beta feature, the transition and load times between fights are noticeably slower. I'm not as interested in my arena fight stats, I want the whole process to go as quickly as possible. In my mind, these stats are more useful for AQ, AW, and questing. I hope we can select which modes we see if for. Thanks for your consideration. 👍🏼

    I have heard similar feedback elsewhere on this on so looking for solutions. Ideally, the solution is just to make it quicker/skippable. When I was a new user arena was one of the best ways to get exposure to new champs and their abilities so I don't want to take that completely away from them. On the flip side, I totally get the arena grinders goal of getting the most champs through fights as fast as possible so if you have ideas on that, would love to hear it.
    Can you respond to some of our requests to change the fading power bar and special button to just fade the special button and leave the power bar visible for us at all times? I know on my device the bar is almost invisible when this happens and I need to be able to see the bar at all times to decide what attack/special to use next but also to be able to see it quickly so I can get my eyes back to the fight. If I have to spend extra time trying to discern the faint power bar I can get hit or miss taking an action I need to.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,412 ★★★★

    Crine60 said:

    @Kabam Zero I really like the stats feature after the fights but I have currently turned this feature off for 1 reason only. It really slows down the arena grind. I hope that when this feature is put permanently in the game that we have the option to activate it for specific modes. When turned off w/ this update, transitioning into fight 1, from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, the load times really fly and are an incredible enhancement. But when I activate this beta feature, the transition and load times between fights are noticeably slower. I'm not as interested in my arena fight stats, I want the whole process to go as quickly as possible. In my mind, these stats are more useful for AQ, AW, and questing. I hope we can select which modes we see if for. Thanks for your consideration. 👍🏼

    I have heard similar feedback elsewhere on this on so looking for solutions. Ideally, the solution is just to make it quicker/skippable. When I was a new user arena was one of the best ways to get exposure to new champs and their abilities so I don't want to take that completely away from them. On the flip side, I totally get the arena grinders goal of getting the most champs through fights as fast as possible so if you have ideas on that, would love to hear it.
    Can you respond to some of our requests to change the fading power bar and special button to just fade the special button and leave the power bar visible for us at all times? I know on my device the bar is almost invisible when this happens and I need to be able to see the bar at all times to decide what attack/special to use next but also to be able to see it quickly so I can get my eyes back to the fight. If I have to spend extra time trying to discern the faint power bar I can get hit or miss taking an action I need to.
    My team wasn't in charge of the change but I can forward your feedback to them.
    Thanks. Can you also let us know, or ask them to let us know, if the fading is the bug fix mentioned in the update notes for the special button causing block sometimes because that issue hasn't stopped for me with that change since it wasn't an issue of trying to use a special when the enemy was but it blocking sometimes when I try to activate special after my combo or when intercepting the enemy?
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,694 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Zero I really like the stats feature after the fights but I have currently turned this feature off for 1 reason only. It really slows down the arena grind. I hope that when this feature is put permanently in the game that we have the option to activate it for specific modes. When turned off w/ this update, transitioning into fight 1, from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, the load times really fly and are an incredible enhancement. But when I activate this beta feature, the transition and load times between fights are noticeably slower. I'm not as interested in my arena fight stats, I want the whole process to go as quickly as possible. In my mind, these stats are more useful for AQ, AW, and questing. I hope we can select which modes we see if for. Thanks for your consideration. 👍🏼

    I have heard similar feedback elsewhere on this on so looking for solutions. Ideally, the solution is just to make it quicker/skippable. When I was a new user arena was one of the best ways to get exposure to new champs and their abilities so I don't want to take that completely away from them. On the flip side, I totally get the arena grinders goal of getting the most champs through fights as fast as possible so if you have ideas on that, would love to hear it.
    Mabye disable it in arena all together if that’s a possibility because ideally you like to just move to the next fight I’m really like it in offer game mode but aren’t arena I’m trying to be arena grinding this change make me realize why isn’t fun. Another ide is as your saying let us skip it with click atm only way to click is one continue no offer way and I’m having 110 6 star giv op one arena

  • WadeWattsWadeWatts Member Posts: 51
    When is back issue 8 available?
  • ricoblricobl Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2021
    I've found some issues with arenas. Hitting continue after losing a fight took me back to the active daily quest.

    And I've seen this screen after every third arena win:

    No crashes or data loss though.
  • Kabam ZeroKabam Zero Moderator Posts: 165
    ricobl said:

    I've found some issues with arenas. Hitting continue after losing a fight took me back to the active daily quest.

    And I've seen this screen after every third arena win:

    No crashes or data loss though.

    Known issue but thanks for bringing it up. Will be fixed in the next release.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Member, Moderator Posts: 8,269
    Crine60 said:

    Crine60 said:

    @Kabam Zero I really like the stats feature after the fights but I have currently turned this feature off for 1 reason only. It really slows down the arena grind. I hope that when this feature is put permanently in the game that we have the option to activate it for specific modes. When turned off w/ this update, transitioning into fight 1, from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, the load times really fly and are an incredible enhancement. But when I activate this beta feature, the transition and load times between fights are noticeably slower. I'm not as interested in my arena fight stats, I want the whole process to go as quickly as possible. In my mind, these stats are more useful for AQ, AW, and questing. I hope we can select which modes we see if for. Thanks for your consideration. 👍🏼

    I have heard similar feedback elsewhere on this on so looking for solutions. Ideally, the solution is just to make it quicker/skippable. When I was a new user arena was one of the best ways to get exposure to new champs and their abilities so I don't want to take that completely away from them. On the flip side, I totally get the arena grinders goal of getting the most champs through fights as fast as possible so if you have ideas on that, would love to hear it.
    Can you respond to some of our requests to change the fading power bar and special button to just fade the special button and leave the power bar visible for us at all times? I know on my device the bar is almost invisible when this happens and I need to be able to see the bar at all times to decide what attack/special to use next but also to be able to see it quickly so I can get my eyes back to the fight. If I have to spend extra time trying to discern the faint power bar I can get hit or miss taking an action I need to.
    My team wasn't in charge of the change but I can forward your feedback to them.
    Thanks. Can you also let us know, or ask them to let us know, if the fading is the bug fix mentioned in the update notes for the special button causing block sometimes because that issue hasn't stopped for me with that change since it wasn't an issue of trying to use a special when the enemy was but it blocking sometimes when I try to activate special after my combo or when intercepting the enemy?
    This is not the fix for the issue where you can't throw a Special and Block instead. That is still an issue and we are continuing to work on it, as it is kind of tied to other control issues in-game at the moment. However, it is to help differentiate between when you could and could not throw a special to begin with, which is meant to teach newer players when a Special Attack is available to them.
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 412 ★★★
    A solution could be to have an option in the settings menu for "Post-fight Quick Skip" which would include the following:
    1. The animation of rewards being displayed before the stats screen would be skipped and it would go immediately into the stats screen (which includes the rewards on the bottom)
    2. The post fight screen can be cleared by tapping anywhere on the screen instead of just by clicking the middle button
    3. The stat screen wouldn't show up in Arena fights at all

    This option would be off by default so newer players would get the full experience of being shown the stats and veterans who are used to the game flow can continue at a faster pace while still being able to see the stats if desired.

  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    The shiny gold that appears after each fight is driving me crazy. It is cool once in a while. The way I play I see it like every 30 seconds. Not fun to burn my retinas. Seriously this is like looking at the sun!

    A better solution is a sublet backlight of the gold to create mostly transparent outline of the gold that fades away.
  • SunilDarurSunilDarur Member Posts: 53

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious Enabling the BETA OPT IN option screws up AQ fights. As soon as we hit fight the match will end. This happens as many time as you try to fight in AQ until you turn off BETA OPT IN option.

    Video URL :

    Thanks so much for this video. I'm currently looking into the issue and this helps a lot.
    To follow up on this issue. The cause of this issue is if you die with the Beta opt-in in a quest with multiple people in it (AvE, AvA, Incursions) the fight summary will return you to the prefight screen when it shouldn't be(The typical flow in these modes returns you to the questboard). This means that if you re-enter the fight, it causes a server error and tries to boot you back out. While this appears as a timeout in-game it doesn't actually penalize you(no health loss) as this is the way the game goes about handling this error. If you press back on the prefight after losing it will bring you to the home screen(not sure why it's the home screen, it just is) you can then re-enter the quest and it will work as expected. We will be fixing this in upcoming releases.

    Thanks for taking this issue in to consideration and providing update @Kabam Zero.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★★

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious Enabling the BETA OPT IN option screws up AQ fights. As soon as we hit fight the match will end. This happens as many time as you try to fight in AQ until you turn off BETA OPT IN option.

    Video URL :

    Thanks so much for this video. I'm currently looking into the issue and this helps a lot.
    To follow up on this issue. The cause of this issue is if you die with the Beta opt-in in a quest with multiple people in it (AvE, AvA, Incursions) the fight summary will return you to the prefight screen when it shouldn't be(The typical flow in these modes returns you to the questboard). This means that if you re-enter the fight, it causes a server error and tries to boot you back out. While this appears as a timeout in-game it doesn't actually penalize you(no health loss) as this is the way the game goes about handling this error. If you press back on the prefight after losing it will bring you to the home screen(not sure why it's the home screen, it just is) you can then re-enter the quest and it will work as expected. We will be fixing this in upcoming releases.
    I had to disable the beta today. here are the reasons:

    - in arena when you loose a fight you are bring back to the start screen or even inside the quest you started some times ago.
    - in AQ, lost a fight and after revives i was unable to re-enter the fight. each time i pressed the fight button i had a time out screen (3 times). no life loss but still unable to enter the fight without disabling the beta.

    Will leave the beta disable for the season to avoid any problem of that kind
  • SpagNidusSpagNidus Member Posts: 52

    I have heard similar feedback elsewhere on this on so looking for solutions. Ideally, the solution is just to make it quicker/skippable. When I was a new user arena was one of the best ways to get exposure to new champs and their abilities so I don't want to take that completely away from them. On the flip side, I totally get the arena grinders goal of getting the most champs through fights as fast as possible so if you have ideas on that, would love to hear it.

    A huge difference would be to kill the fade in transitions.this just adds time to the already long 2 part screen.just splash the data up and make it one tap instead of: animation, tap, animation, continue tap. The buttons and data "appearing" like a PowerPoint slows us way down.

  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    Talking about QOL updates, please make smaller maps or allow to zoom out a bit more. It’s annoying to zoom out to the maximum allowed and still have to scroll left/right/up/down A LOT to view the paths, especially when there are many portals.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    I really tried @Kabam Zero, but after a couple of fights I had to turn the beta off. This whole analysis thing is great if you want to know it, but in a lot of fights I don't care. Computing the stats just takes more time and adds little benefit to my playing experience. When this is live, can I shut it off?
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    The biggest issue with this is time. It's okay if every fight has it. But the transition from this to the next screen should take the same time and previous if I tap rapidly like usual
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited November 2021
    Would be nice if auto-play button could be removable through settings.
  • Kabam ZeroKabam Zero Moderator Posts: 165

    I really tried @Kabam Zero, but after a couple of fights I had to turn the beta off. This whole analysis thing is great if you want to know it, but in a lot of fights I don't care. Computing the stats just takes more time and adds little benefit to my playing experience. When this is live, can I shut it off?

    I totally understand the feeling. Making the whole animation quicker/skippable is something we'll be looking to iterate on further versions. The goal still is to make this a universal screen but we don't want to have it be more frustrating than the existing one.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    I really tried @Kabam Zero, but after a couple of fights I had to turn the beta off. This whole analysis thing is great if you want to know it, but in a lot of fights I don't care. Computing the stats just takes more time and adds little benefit to my playing experience. When this is live, can I shut it off?

    I totally understand the feeling. Making the whole animation quicker/skippable is something we'll be looking to iterate on further versions. The goal still is to make this a universal screen but we don't want to have it be more frustrating than the existing one.
    Beta features not opted.
    When I finish a fight with autoplay, even the screen that shows hit count does not show up.although the victory animation is still there. Don't this this was the case pre update
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    hi kabam, this is the first time I discussing about beta featured optin, I think this is necessary but I stopped of it, because there I got so every single other icon when I was playing with or against vision classic and vision age of ultron, and not him, but on every other fight like tigra, sasquatch and rupture damage heroes but in this new feature showing that is other icon and it not displaying rupture damage, and so that kindly I suggesting you to add rupture damage instead of other icon.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,636 ★★★★
    edited November 2021

    @Kabam Zero I really like the stats feature after the fights but I have currently turned this feature off for 1 reason only. It really slows down the arena grind. I hope that when this feature is put permanently in the game that we have the option to activate it for specific modes. When turned off w/ this update, transitioning into fight 1, from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, the load times really fly and are an incredible enhancement. But when I activate this beta feature, the transition and load times between fights are noticeably slower. I'm not as interested in my arena fight stats, I want the whole process to go as quickly as possible. In my mind, these stats are more useful for AQ, AW, and questing. I hope we can select which modes we see if for. Thanks for your consideration. 👍🏼

    I have heard similar feedback elsewhere on this on so looking for solutions. Ideally, the solution is just to make it quicker/skippable. When I was a new user arena was one of the best ways to get exposure to new champs and their abilities so I don't want to take that completely away from them. On the flip side, I totally get the arena grinders goal of getting the most champs through fights as fast as possible so if you have ideas on that, would love to hear it.
    This suggestion eliminates the need to build up streak formula and allow us to use all rarity in different ranked position. Meaning we can use our lowly ranked champions without facing any Deathsquad while still continue racking in points.

    The idea is that the system will initiate a fight. If the user win the fight then the system will automatically pick the next champion to continue fighting so instead of 3vs3 it’s 1vs1 which would eliminate the need for those multiple screen and multiple clicking just to start the next fight so with something like this.

    - pick a champion to start a fight.

    - no difficulty to pick as the system is adjusted to your champion’s PI of that specific rank meaning the system PI to face the opponent will not exceed 2x or 3x of the total user’s champion’s PI and remains 1x PI rate so the fight will start immediately when picking a champion to start a fight. To better explain it further with this part with an example is that if an user pick a champion that has an total PI of 3000 then the system will find a similar PI opponent ranging from 2800 PI ~ 3200-3500, but not in an over excess numbers such as facing from 9000PI to 15.000PI... be sensible. Masteries that increase the total PI also need to be counted in from both side.

    - If the user win then the system will ask the user of two options with option 1 being asked to back out from arena to arena selection and option 2 being asked to continue fighting. If pressing option 2 to continue fighting then the system will automatically pick the user’s champion next in line to continue fighting creating a repeat stage as long the user either confirming option 1 or 2. So instead of winning 3vs3 fight and then proceed to the champion selection screen to only multiple clicking your way through the next fight and it may be nothing but in overtime it’s an burden since we want to shave off lots of time.

    - if the user would somehow lose, with an exception of sudden crash then the crash recovery system shall kick in as usual when pressing the game app, then the system will ask the user with option 1 being asked to back out to arena selection, or home screen however KABAM find it fit IF the user has lost a fight, and option two being asked to return to arena selection screen in case the user would like to switch to another type of arena for example want to do t4bc arena and option 3 being asked to continue fighting.

    Also the pause menu during fighting where it ask the user to unpause the game or forfeit the fight will still remains the same without any change.

    This idea would shave off lots of times while also eliminating the streak formula and speeding things up with less screen visitation and less clicking through one to another. This also means that the help request system will be eliminated which would alleviate the server burden unless I confuse myself how this server issue connect with help request.
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Drako232 said:

    Hello everyone. Does anyone have any information about Christmas gifting? What conditions are needed now? LVL 25 and act 3? Or has something changed?

    Nope for gift that kabam will do anything now means they are busy, Just check one more time if it not then reinstall it.
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194

    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Everyone

    Kabam Zero here and today I’m really excited to be able to share with you 3 QoL features and one beta feature that will be coming with the upcoming 33.0 release on November 1st. Going to start off small but they’ll keep getting better and better, so strap in and let’s get to it!

    Smaller Quest Portraits

    There’s often been the complaint that occasionally in certain maps, the boss portrait will block the path, making it hard to tap on. We actively try to avoid putting this type of layout in newer quests but there are still quests that have this issue. To help address this we’ve now resized the portraits to be slightly shorter which should allow you to tap behind it easier.

    Boost Menu Popup Improvements

    Boosts are incredibly helpful for tackling tough content but the current way we present boosts to summoners can sometimes make it a cumbersome process. This is especially true in the case of those who have acquired a vast amount of different boosts. To help make this flow better we have split up all the boosts into 4 different tabs with the following logic.
    • Common, All standard Attack, Health, Champion, and XP boosts
    • War, All Boosts specifically restricted to Alliance War
    • Class, Any boost that has a Class restriction
    • Other, Any boost not in the above 3 categories
    The resulting screen will look like this.

    If you have no boosts in a particular category and none of them can be purchased, then the tab will be hidden.
    Another note is that we’ve removed the Loyalty Tab here, but all of those boosts are still purchasable in the Store.

    Skip SP3 Animation Button

    Special Attack 3 animations are one of the most amazing parts of MCOC. The artists here work really hard on them, and it shows when you see them. As awesome as they are, after the 1000th time seeing Hyperion throw your opponent into the sky, the charm does wear off a bit. In these cases, we’d like to just get on with the fight and the SP3 Animation can drag the fight on longer than it should. To this end, we’ve now added an option in the settings menu to show the Skip SP3 button.

    When enabled, shortly after an SP3 is launched the button will show up allowing you to skip it.

    The only restriction will be in timed fights, where we are currently disabling it until we determine the effect on game balance.

    Beta Feature - Fight Summary Overhaul

    Continuing with one of our goals of improving players’ knowledge and comprehension of the core fight spine of the game we took aim at the Fight Summary screen. Currently, when you lose a fight it looks like this.

    This doesn’t tell summoners what killed them or guide them in any way on how to improve. To fix this we set out to completely redesign the screen into something more like this.

    Since there’s a lot of new things I will break it down part by part starting from the top.

    Health Bars and Character Portraits

    In this section, we’ve added the health bar so you’ll be able to see how the health of both fighters was at the end. In addition, you can tap the hero portrait of either champion to open their respective detailed abilities popup. This means you can dig into their abilities without leaving the screen.
    Top Damage Sources

    In this section you’ll see the top 3 damage sources each champion received while in the fight. As we can see Human Torch does a lot of incinerate damage, with some basic hits and special damage thrown in.

    Clicking on any of the damage sources will open a tooltip explaining the damage, like so

    Finishing Blows

    This section shows the damage received by the KO’d champion in the last 10 seconds of the fight with a max entry amount of 5. It will be in order of occurrence, so those on the top will be the most recent damage received. The goal here is to take a snapshot of the last moments of the fight.

    It is also really cool when you win because you get to see the last burst of damage that finished off your opponent. On a slightly technical note, it will group together all damage of a specific type done in the 10 second period and show it in one entry. For example, the incinerate damage was likely done across the entire 10 seconds period with the other types of damage but one of its ticks of damage was the last to happen and thus it shows up top.

    We’ve kept Successful Hits, Hits Received, and Highest Combo, removed Successful Combos as it wasn’t that useful, and then added two new stats. “Biggest Hit” tracks the biggest single tick of damage that you did to the opponent. Fight Duration shows just how long the fight took. It’s a pretty simple addition but these new stats should hopefully give better context on how well you did.
    Bottom Buttons

    Due to the more interactive nature of the Fight Summary, there will always be a button that needs to be tapped in order to continue from the screen. In the Standard quest fight, it will just be a continue button. For duels and Practice fights, we’ve added a replay button to allow you to instantly redo the fights.
    Other Panels
    There will be additional panels handling Rewards, PVP, and Alliance based content but they are mostly self-explanatory so won’t go into detail for them here.

    Why is this a Beta Feature and what does that mean?
    We have decided to make this a beta feature which means you’ll have to opt-in to it on the settings screen with the following toggle. If this isn’t ticked you will still go through the same flow as before this change.

    The reason why we decided on doing this as a beta is that the scope of this feature is massive.

    Many of our damage types were never built to be displayable and thus when it’s tracked as doing damage, they are often missing a name or icon or tooltip description that will be needed to properly display on this screen. In addition to this, we don’t just want to stop here, there are potentially many more visual passes and additional information that we’ll want to add but we want to get player feedback on it before going in any particular direction.

    Releasing this as a beta allows us to gather feedback and also track whenever we have one of these unhandled damage types. Whenever there is an unhandled damage type found by any player we track that information automatically and generate a report of all the missing data. This allows us to identify and fix the issues faster. This means that by playing the beta and coming across any of the following

    You have now helped us identify a damage type for us to fix. You won’t need to write up a report or file a bug as it is all done automatically.

    Lastly, we don’t want to subject any of our players to an unfinished experience and thus we have made this opt-in. At the same time, we do believe it will present many Summoners a better experience and hope you decide to opt-in when it comes out on November 1st. There will be a separate forum post to gather feedback on the new Fight Summary Screen when it comes out, so once you get your hands on it please let us know what you think there.

    That’s all for now. Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you enjoy all these new features. Let me know which of the above features you’re most excited about as I'm eager to hear what you think.

    I haven't got any of these features yet, I have checked for updates several times over past week but there is no update available.
    check one more time or otherwise reinstall the game, then it works
  • CMLowesRealmCMLowesRealm Member Posts: 18
    Does anybody know about any Black Friday deals please
  • DrDrillDrDrill Member Posts: 163 ★★★
    I used to play this game on Note 8 Pro (MK G90T), lately, I upgraded my device to Poco X3 Pro (SD870), the thing is, the special button is so small compared to aspect ratio, although it has same screen size as the previous one.
    this leads to so many ignored clicks on special attacks, which might cause a lot of deaths.
    kindly make the button bigger, or make it adjustable so people can adjust it whatever they want.
  • DrDrillDrDrill Member Posts: 163 ★★★

    I really tried @Kabam Zero, but after a couple of fights I had to turn the beta off. This whole analysis thing is great if you want to know it, but in a lot of fights I don't care. Computing the stats just takes more time and adds little benefit to my playing experience. When this is live, can I shut it off?

    I totally understand the feeling. Making the whole animation quicker/skippable is something we'll be looking to iterate on further versions. The goal still is to make this a universal screen but we don't want to have it be more frustrating than the existing one.
    Beta features not opted.
    When I finish a fight with autoplay, even the screen that shows hit count does not show up.although the victory animation is still there. Don't this this was the case pre update
    no, and I hope it stays this way, it's so much faster if you autofight lower end difficulties
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Any updates regarding bringing back the skip sp3 button? Some insights would be nice as kabam zero always gives us
  • Kabam ZeroKabam Zero Moderator Posts: 165

    Any updates regarding bringing back the skip sp3 button? Some insights would be nice as kabam zero always gives us

    It might not be for a couple of releases, unfortunately. Gameplay is working on a general fix for the size issues and want to have enough time to verify we haven't missed anything else. Likely early next year is when it should be back up.
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