People in this thread defending this company? It's actually crazy y'all defending a multi million dollar company that has given us constant issues for months now. And if you dont have any Dex/parry problems, why are you even in this thread lol
People who aren't having issues are important because it can help them narrow down what might be causing the issue. Wouldn't expect you to understand that though.
S21 + Ultra 5G. Fix your game, this is complete garbage and don't even justify that you see nothing wrong. How is it that running Map 8 and Masters AW, I somehow forgot how to parry and Dex? Fix the aids. This is garbage.
Where did they ever state that they saw nothing wrong?
Read through the forum thread. We're not here to regurgitate or act as a search function for you.
It was a rhetorical question. No MOD ever stated they didn't see anything wrong. Zero said the QA person he's working didn't see any problems with their Samsung phone and that's it but he is not implying there isn't an issue.
It's just another forum person creating more unnecessary drama with their posts in this thread.
We are trying to troubleshoot the issue actively right now. I have a QA member with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G which I've noticed has been mentioned a couple of times in the thread but he hasn't been able to see the issue. Our guess is that certain settings may be causing the issue so for those users with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G would you be able to let me know what your screen resolution, frame rate, and any other performance settings are?
"Hasn't been able to see the issue"
Hasn't been able to see the issue does not equal doesn't see anything wrong
My dude doesn't have a basic grasp of the English language
Neither you or Shinyuu understand what Kabam Zero said. It's amazing how you're trying to twist that comment into something it's not.
S21 + Ultra 5G. Fix your game, this is complete garbage and don't even justify that you see nothing wrong. How is it that running Map 8 and Masters AW, I somehow forgot how to parry and Dex? Fix the aids. This is garbage.
Where did they ever state that they saw nothing wrong?
Read through the forum thread. We're not here to regurgitate or act as a search function for you.
It was a rhetorical question. No MOD ever stated they didn't see anything wrong. Zero said the QA person he's working didn't see any problems with their Samsung phone and that's it but he is not implying there isn't an issue.
It's just another forum person creating more unnecessary drama with their posts in this thread.
We are trying to troubleshoot the issue actively right now. I have a QA member with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G which I've noticed has been mentioned a couple of times in the thread but he hasn't been able to see the issue. Our guess is that certain settings may be causing the issue so for those users with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G would you be able to let me know what your screen resolution, frame rate, and any other performance settings are?
"Hasn't been able to see the issue"
Hasn't been able to see the issue does not equal doesn't see anything wrong
My dude doesn't have a basic grasp of the English language
S21 + Ultra 5G. Fix your game, this is complete garbage and don't even justify that you see nothing wrong. How is it that running Map 8 and Masters AW, I somehow forgot how to parry and Dex? Fix the aids. This is garbage.
Where did they ever state that they saw nothing wrong?
Read through the forum thread. We're not here to regurgitate or act as a search function for you.
It was a rhetorical question. No MOD ever stated they didn't see anything wrong. Zero said the QA person he's working didn't see any problems with their Samsung phone and that's it but he is not implying there isn't an issue.
It's just another forum person creating more unnecessary drama with their posts in this thread.
We are trying to troubleshoot the issue actively right now. I have a QA member with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G which I've noticed has been mentioned a couple of times in the thread but he hasn't been able to see the issue. Our guess is that certain settings may be causing the issue so for those users with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G would you be able to let me know what your screen resolution, frame rate, and any other performance settings are?
"Hasn't been able to see the issue"
Hasn't been able to see the issue does not equal doesn't see anything wrong
If someone has an issue but I myself do not see the issue they are having. Does that not mean I see no issue? They pick up a Galaxy S21 they would see the issue. You'd have to be blind to not see you can't parry, dex, or even block consistently.
You're still wrong and its because the context of the original comment. The person was saying that the mods are saying they don't see an issue, as in nothing is wrong. They mods basically said they haven't yet been able to reproduce the issue as well as have already acknowledged the issue is happening, hence why asking for device specific information.
All these Android phones new and old are having the same issue. It's not 1 can't parry, other phone can't block, etc. We all have the same exact problem. Have you seen 1 person besides that post go hey I'm using an Android phone and I see no issue? Nope not a 1.
Yes I actually have seen a few people not see it. Whether in this post or not.
Oh you saw somewhere not in this post that is merged with anything about this issue that someone doesn't have the bug. Ohhhhh well please share that post then. If your on an iPhone and yours is working great I'm happy for you. Why are you here posting? Oh sorry I meant defending?
I've clearly stated in the beginning of this post that I am having the issue. And I have had conversations with people outside the forum who have not seen the issue or who have seen the issue work differently and I don't need to share those conversations.
People in this thread defending this company? It's actually crazy y'all defending a multi million dollar company that has given us constant issues for months now. And if you dont have any Dex/parry problems, why are you even in this thread lol
People who aren't having issues are important because it can help them narrow down what might be causing the issue. Wouldn't expect you to understand that though.
Ah yes, the classic "Wouldn't expect you to know" comeback. As a technical lead for Ubisoft Toronto and with decent coding background, this is definitely a coding issue with the new update. This doesn't have anything to do with "Settings" because it's just happened with this month's update. "Wouldn't expect you to know that tho".
People in this thread defending this company? It's actually crazy y'all defending a multi million dollar company that has given us constant issues for months now. And if you dont have any Dex/parry problems, why are you even in this thread lol
People who aren't having issues are important because it can help them narrow down what might be causing the issue. Wouldn't expect you to understand that though.
Ah yes, the classic "Wouldn't expect you to know" comeback. As a technical lead for Ubisoft Toronto and with decent coding background, this is definitely a coding issue with the new update. This doesn't have anything to do with "Settings" because it's just happened with this month's update. "Wouldn't expect you to know that tho".
I see so you have intimate knowledge of the programming for the game because of what you do at Ubisoft huh? So if it's not settings like frame rate, hertz etc.. why does using a screen recording app while I play the game, reduce or eliminate the issue I am having? But sure, nothing with settings since I am sure you'll say the app changes the games coding somehow.
People in this thread defending this company? It's actually crazy y'all defending a multi million dollar company that has given us constant issues for months now. And if you dont have any Dex/parry problems, why are you even in this thread lol
People who aren't having issues are important because it can help them narrow down what might be causing the issue. Wouldn't expect you to understand that though.
It's easy. It's people who didn't do the update. The update is **** and that's it.
Ok, as someone that's worked in the information technology field for the last 20+ years, let me break off some knowledge for you.
First off, with new releases should come full regression testing with a QA team. If your product is on multiple platforms, guess what? That means you'll need to test on multiple products and multiple builds to ensure a sound product.
Could you imagine if a game released in this state it is today? If we weren't all several hundred hours and some of us big dollars invested into this, we would just as soon walk away.
If a brand new game came out with this much broken functionality was released say for PS5 or Xbox, would you spend money for it? Would you attempt to play it and spend money in their real world currency transaction store? Or would you simply move on?
These platforms, having several third party developers have to pass so many quality checks before Microsoft or Sony pass their product to allow production of the product (or released digitally into their market). That's not to say that some games that are buggy still get beyond these checks, but it's most often acceptable bugs. (bugs that might be a glitch or a wrong texture). You'll seldomly ever see games launched that are completely and fundamentally broken.
So if we require this level of quality from other companies, why do we allow this quality to continue to release, progressively getting worse and worse?
Granting sure, there's room for error. But that's what these forums and the "submit ticket" functions are there to serve.
Now when you state "Hasn't been able to see the issue does not equal doesn't see anything wrong", can be ambiguous. Is this a statement saying, "Ok I don't see a bug, but I see a bug."? To me, it sounds like it is inferring that they are unable to recreate the gameplay issues that several people here have stated they are experiencing, and need more conclusive evidence before being able to successfully troubleshoot.
Sure, ok. That's fine, but how did we even get to this point in the first place?
S21 + Ultra 5G. Fix your game, this is complete garbage and don't even justify that you see nothing wrong. How is it that running Map 8 and Masters AW, I somehow forgot how to parry and Dex? Fix the aids. This is garbage.
Where did they ever state that they saw nothing wrong?
Read through the forum thread. We're not here to regurgitate or act as a search function for you.
It was a rhetorical question. No MOD ever stated they didn't see anything wrong. Zero said the QA person he's working didn't see any problems with their Samsung phone and that's it but he is not implying there isn't an issue.
It's just another forum person creating more unnecessary drama with their posts in this thread.
We are trying to troubleshoot the issue actively right now. I have a QA member with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G which I've noticed has been mentioned a couple of times in the thread but he hasn't been able to see the issue. Our guess is that certain settings may be causing the issue so for those users with a Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G would you be able to let me know what your screen resolution, frame rate, and any other performance settings are?
"Hasn't been able to see the issue"
Hasn't been able to see the issue does not equal doesn't see anything wrong
My dude doesn't have a basic grasp of the English language
It is obvious that when the poster said Kabam "saw nothing wrong" they were implying Kabam was trying to say they were claiming there wasn't anything actually wrong, but when Kabam Zero said their QA tester "hasn't been able to see the issue" he obviously meant that their QA tester was unable to reproduce the issue, not that they believed there was no problem. English, like most human languages, is like that: there is a presumption of reasonable cooperation to make the language function.
Reproducing the problem is the first step to resolving it. It doesn't matter how many people state the problem is happening on however many devices. If I can't see it, I can't fix it, and even if I could fix it, there would be no way for me to know if anything I attempted actually resolved the problem.
Asking for more information is not asking just for the scope of the problem. It is also trying to figure out if there is some common denominator that all the affected people have, and none of the unaffected people have. If it affects a thousand Samsung phones but not the one that QA has, they still have no way to find the problem. So it is important that they see the problem, not to prove the problem exists, but to provide a reasonable starting point to solve it. And that's why providing as much information as possible that might distinguish the issue is important to the process.
It can be frustrating for people experiencing problems like this when developers ask for more information. It can seem like they don't believe you, or are trying to see if the problem only affects you and can be marginalized. It can seem like the problem is so widespread no one should need to ask who it is affecting, because any problem that is affecting so many people should be blatantly obvious. But when a problem affects many people who all apparently look alike, but also doesn't affect many people who all look exactly the same, the assumption is that there is some difference between the affected and unaffected people that is related to the cause of the problem. The more information the developers have, the quicker they can zero in on what that root cause is.
People in this thread defending this company? It's actually crazy y'all defending a multi million dollar company that has given us constant issues for months now. And if you dont have any Dex/parry problems, why are you even in this thread lol
People who aren't having issues are important because it can help them narrow down what might be causing the issue. Wouldn't expect you to understand that though.
Ah yes, the classic "Wouldn't expect you to know" comeback. As a technical lead for Ubisoft Toronto and with decent coding background, this is definitely a coding issue with the new update. This doesn't have anything to do with "Settings" because it's just happened with this month's update. "Wouldn't expect you to know that tho".
I see so you have intimate knowledge of the programming for the game because of what you do at Ubisoft huh? So if it's not settings like frame rate, hertz etc.. why does using a screen recording app while I play the game, reduce or eliminate the issue I am having? But sure, nothing with settings since I am sure you'll say the app changes the games coding somehow.
Actually yes, it's a "bug". "Bugs" in games come from coding errors or programming gone wrong. You literally just proved my point lol... If you're using another app to fix the problem, then the game literally has an issue π It's a bug that needs a Hotfix because it's affecting Android users. I have no idea what you're trying to prove here lol
Meanwhile the "investigating" post has over 2k posts with mostly Device models, operating system versions, and descriptions of situations... The parry dex issue they found with ios made war shut down right away...
Due to increased reports of new input issues from Summoners on Android devices on v33.3, we are taking some steps to address how this affects Alliance War seasons, as well as other content.
We are currently preparing a hotfix to address this issue for Android devices, and aim to have this out to all players as early as tomorrow. Because we are moving to address this as quickly as possible and due to the hard to reproduce nature of the issue and how itβs based on βfeelβ, we cannot be 100% certain it will address the issue in all instances but are feeling quite confident in the fix we have been testing.
We will be relying on player feedback and data after the release of the Hotfix to determine what actions need to be taken, and while we are not cancelling the Alliance War Season right now, we will be assessing the situation for the 24 hours following the release and will make the call on whether to cancel the season or not shortly after Attack Phase has commenced.
Regardless of if the Season is cancelled or not, in addition to the rewards for the season, Alliances will receive a compensation package based on their Alliance War Seasons Tier.
You can expect the rewards for the tier you place in to be paid out on the regular pay-out date, with the additional compensation to follow separately through an in-game message at a later date. Summoners will not have to remain in their current Alliance to receive the Compensation but must remain in their Alliance for regular Alliance War Season Rewards.
We urge all Summoners to update to the hotfix version as soon as it is available. If you still encounter issues after updating, please let us know either by sending a ticket to our support team describing the issue, or posting in the Bugs and Known issues section of the forums, where you will find a thread dedicated to collecting this information.
Thank you all for your patience as we work to address these issues.
Due to increased reports of new input issues from Summoners on Android devices on v33.3, we are taking some steps to address how this affects Alliance War seasons, as well as other content.
We are currently preparing a hotfix to address this issue for Android devices, and aim to have this out to all players as early as tomorrow. Because we are moving to address this as quickly as possible and due to the hard to reproduce nature of the issue and how itβs based on βfeelβ, we cannot be 100% certain it will address the issue in all instances but are feeling quite confident in the fix we have been testing.
We will be relying on player feedback and data after the release of the Hotfix to determine what actions need to be taken, and while we are not cancelling the Alliance War Season right now, we will be assessing the situation for the 24 hours following the release and will make the call on whether to cancel the season or not shortly after Attack Phase has commenced.
Regardless of if the Season is cancelled or not, in addition to the rewards for the season, Alliances will receive a compensation package based on their Alliance War Seasons Tier.
You can expect the rewards for the tier you place in to be paid out on the regular pay-out date, with the additional compensation to follow separately through an in-game message at a later date. Summoners will not have to remain in their current Alliance to receive the Compensation but must remain in their Alliance for regular Alliance War Season Rewards.
We urge all Summoners to update to the hotfix version as soon as it is available. If you still encounter issues after updating, please let us know either by sending a ticket to our support team describing the issue, or posting in the Bugs and Known issues section of the forums, where you will find a thread dedicated to collecting this information.
Thank you all for your patience as we work to address these issues.
Nothing has been mentioned about alliance quest, it is horrendous at the moment cant do anything and used half my items in first section due to these issues, how can you let this carry on?
Due to increased reports of new input issues from Summoners on Android devices on v33.3, we are taking some steps to address how this affects Alliance War seasons, as well as other content.
We are currently preparing a hotfix to address this issue for Android devices, and aim to have this out to all players as early as tomorrow. Because we are moving to address this as quickly as possible and due to the hard to reproduce nature of the issue and how itβs based on βfeelβ, we cannot be 100% certain it will address the issue in all instances but are feeling quite confident in the fix we have been testing.
We will be relying on player feedback and data after the release of the Hotfix to determine what actions need to be taken, and while we are not cancelling the Alliance War Season right now, we will be assessing the situation for the 24 hours following the release and will make the call on whether to cancel the season or not shortly after Attack Phase has commenced.
Regardless of if the Season is cancelled or not, in addition to the rewards for the season, Alliances will receive a compensation package based on their Alliance War Seasons Tier.
You can expect the rewards for the tier you place in to be paid out on the regular pay-out date, with the additional compensation to follow separately through an in-game message at a later date. Summoners will not have to remain in their current Alliance to receive the Compensation but must remain in their Alliance for regular Alliance War Season Rewards.
We urge all Summoners to update to the hotfix version as soon as it is available. If you still encounter issues after updating, please let us know either by sending a ticket to our support team describing the issue, or posting in the Bugs and Known issues section of the forums, where you will find a thread dedicated to collecting this information.
Thank you all for your patience as we work to address these issues.
Thank you! Finally a response which gives us insight of whatβs happening
Estoy desde un Poco X3 Pro corriendo a 120Hz y esta super lag el juego no funciona parada, destreza tampoco toma bien el interceptar y es en todas las misiones del juego
@Kabam Miike@Kabam Boo @Kabam Miike I play on a Samsung Galaxy 20 FE, and here is what i know from yesterday's update... 1. Opponent dashes in, try to parry... fail. 2. Opponent dashes in, forget parry and go for block... opponenent beats through the block. First hit block, second hit and remaining combo crushes me. 3. Up close to opponent so as Opponent cannot dash in, parry ok and block ok i think. But who knows... 4. Seems to be the Opponent dashing in and attacking, ALL Defensive moves fail. From parry to block to dash.
I used sooo many resources for the latest War... im getting slaughtered in Arenas, cant hold a solid win streak at all.... this has now carried over to today's latest AQ release. Honestly, this is unacceptable. I was literally planning to buy the new Galaxy S22 Ultra so i get the best gameplay with the fastest processor. But why do i want to spend 1200$ on a new phone to play a game i love that does not actually work on the Android line of phones... For that matter, why would i want to spend my hard earned money on a game that does not work on my phone... Riddle me this...
Google Pixel 4 & 6 Parry unreliable, dropped inputs, combos registering as a heavy mid way through.
I get that the community team have asked for patience and the development team are trying their best but it's just disappointing. There's very little content to get excited about at the moment and after AW issues of late, it was decent to have a season go reasonably issue free however this screws that up.
The game is absolutely horrendous at the moment with the input and parry and makes playing content very difficult especialy with incursions, map 6 aq and tier 5 aw. Please kabam will you fix this
your game is definitely not running at 60FPS, these playstore fps metter are fake.
First off, with new releases should come full regression testing with a QA team. If your product is on multiple platforms, guess what? That means you'll need to test on multiple products and multiple builds to ensure a sound product.
Could you imagine if a game released in this state it is today? If we weren't all several hundred hours and some of us big dollars invested into this, we would just as soon walk away.
If a brand new game came out with this much broken functionality was released say for PS5 or Xbox, would you spend money for it? Would you attempt to play it and spend money in their real world currency transaction store? Or would you simply move on?
These platforms, having several third party developers have to pass so many quality checks before Microsoft or Sony pass their product to allow production of the product (or released digitally into their market). That's not to say that some games that are buggy still get beyond these checks, but it's most often acceptable bugs. (bugs that might be a glitch or a wrong texture). You'll seldomly ever see games launched that are completely and fundamentally broken.
So if we require this level of quality from other companies, why do we allow this quality to continue to release, progressively getting worse and worse?
Granting sure, there's room for error. But that's what these forums and the "submit ticket" functions are there to serve.
Now when you state "Hasn't been able to see the issue does not equal doesn't see anything wrong", can be ambiguous.
Is this a statement saying, "Ok I don't see a bug, but I see a bug."?
To me, it sounds like it is inferring that they are unable to recreate the gameplay issues that several people here have stated they are experiencing, and need more conclusive evidence before being able to successfully troubleshoot.
Sure, ok. That's fine, but how did we even get to this point in the first place?
Reproducing the problem is the first step to resolving it. It doesn't matter how many people state the problem is happening on however many devices. If I can't see it, I can't fix it, and even if I could fix it, there would be no way for me to know if anything I attempted actually resolved the problem.
Asking for more information is not asking just for the scope of the problem. It is also trying to figure out if there is some common denominator that all the affected people have, and none of the unaffected people have. If it affects a thousand Samsung phones but not the one that QA has, they still have no way to find the problem. So it is important that they see the problem, not to prove the problem exists, but to provide a reasonable starting point to solve it. And that's why providing as much information as possible that might distinguish the issue is important to the process.
It can be frustrating for people experiencing problems like this when developers ask for more information. It can seem like they don't believe you, or are trying to see if the problem only affects you and can be marginalized. It can seem like the problem is so widespread no one should need to ask who it is affecting, because any problem that is affecting so many people should be blatantly obvious. But when a problem affects many people who all apparently look alike, but also doesn't affect many people who all look exactly the same, the assumption is that there is some difference between the affected and unaffected people that is related to the cause of the problem. The more information the developers have, the quicker they can zero in on what that root cause is.
The parry dex issue they found with ios made war shut down right away...
Due to increased reports of new input issues from Summoners on Android devices on v33.3, we are taking some steps to address how this affects Alliance War seasons, as well as other content.
We are currently preparing a hotfix to address this issue for Android devices, and aim to have this out to all players as early as tomorrow. Because we are moving to address this as quickly as possible and due to the hard to reproduce nature of the issue and how itβs based on βfeelβ, we cannot be 100% certain it will address the issue in all instances but are feeling quite confident in the fix we have been testing.
We will be relying on player feedback and data after the release of the Hotfix to determine what actions need to be taken, and while we are not cancelling the Alliance War Season right now, we will be assessing the situation for the 24 hours following the release and will make the call on whether to cancel the season or not shortly after Attack Phase has commenced.
Regardless of if the Season is cancelled or not, in addition to the rewards for the season, Alliances will receive a compensation package based on their Alliance War Seasons Tier.
You can expect the rewards for the tier you place in to be paid out on the regular pay-out date, with the additional compensation to follow separately through an in-game message at a later date. Summoners will not have to remain in their current Alliance to receive the Compensation but must remain in their Alliance for regular Alliance War Season Rewards.
We urge all Summoners to update to the hotfix version as soon as it is available. If you still encounter issues after updating, please let us know either by sending a ticket to our support team describing the issue, or posting in the Bugs and Known issues section of the forums, where you will find a thread dedicated to collecting this information.
Thank you all for your patience as we work to address these issues.
EMUI 11.0.0
Problem in AW, AQ, arena, event quest.
Missing blocks, missing parry, heavy in middle of mlllm combo
Jerking graphics
I play on a Samsung Galaxy 20 FE, and here is what i know from yesterday's update...
1. Opponent dashes in, try to parry... fail.
2. Opponent dashes in, forget parry and go for block... opponenent beats through the block. First hit block, second hit and remaining combo crushes me.
3. Up close to opponent so as Opponent cannot dash in, parry ok and block ok i think. But who knows...
4. Seems to be the Opponent dashing in and attacking, ALL Defensive moves fail. From parry to block to dash.
I used sooo many resources for the latest War... im getting slaughtered in Arenas, cant hold a solid win streak at all.... this has now carried over to today's latest AQ release.
Honestly, this is unacceptable. I was literally planning to buy the new Galaxy S22 Ultra so i get the best gameplay with the fastest processor. But why do i want to spend 1200$ on a new phone to play a game i love that does not actually work on the Android line of phones...
For that matter, why would i want to spend my hard earned money on a game that does not work on my phone...
Riddle me this...
Parry unreliable, dropped inputs, combos registering as a heavy mid way through.
I get that the community team have asked for patience and the development team are trying their best but it's just disappointing. There's very little content to get excited about at the moment and after AW issues of late, it was decent to have a season go reasonably issue free however this screws that up.