Act8.1 Delay: Consumables expiring [UPDATE: 10am PT, Sept 14]



  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    I've seen by a casual reading of posts in this thread some really good ideas which would help and good points raised about the issue as a whole.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,076 Guardian
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax do you know if the team is trying to prepare some actions to save these consumables? they will start expiring in a day or two.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,989 ★★★★★

    BGs has already been released. I doubt pushing it back is an option at this point.

    Like the grandmasters gauntlet ? Spare us your take.
    You mean when they had no choice because there was an issue? Different scenario.
    They "can". That doesn't mean it's a feasible action. Preference isn't the same as a bug.
  • Igheid11Igheid11 Member Posts: 42
    Let's mark a week without the game. Who knows they have a different solution...
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Yeah so my stuff didn’t gets refunded so goodbye to my energy refills
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Hey I got an idea how about just let people hold onto all items and not have a stash at all. Treat us like adults that can make decisions with their own consumables.

    *Gets thrown out of window meme*
  • toyshadow08toyshadow08 Member Posts: 18

    70+ revives, the excess team revives from the cav bundle and countless health pots all expiring. All farmed and bought based off of the video that YOU GUYS put out saying 8.1 was being released in the 14th. We’re all still waiting for an answer.

    they dont care it seems no answer in like 20+ hours someone needs to reinsure that a solution is being worked on
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  • Joestacks85Joestacks85 Member Posts: 187

    70+ revives, the excess team revives from the cav bundle and countless health pots all expiring. All farmed and bought based off of the video that YOU GUYS put out saying 8.1 was being released in the 14th. We’re all still waiting for an answer.

    We need to keep this post alive. They've been bouncing around other posts and can't be bothered to come in and say they're still looking into possible solutions. It's as if they want us to let this go and forget about it, and we can't let that happen.

    Agreed. All they need to do is acknowledge the situation for starters. Going dark on us combined with the messages from support that others have posted tell me everything I need to know. I planned all of this based on the timeline that THEY gave us.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,846 ★★★★★

    Kabam Jax said:

    To clarify, when we say we want to "give breathing room" between major releases, it's not giving summoners time between modes. It's to enable the game team to give their full attention to each game mode and to problem solve any major issues that creep up.

    As we've stated before, releasing multiple major pieces of content at the same time can cause instability in the build and we want to make sure both game modes release without major problems.

    If this was the case you should have waited to release BG's. ESPECIALLY with all the controversy pre launch. That should have been the content to be delayed. But we all know why BG'$ got released on time.

    It'$ funny the $everity of BG'$ controver$y but that'$ the content you gave priority to. Rather than content that many $ummoner$ $aved potion$ and refill$ for.
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Everyone.

    If you have purchased unit deals in anticipation of the September 14th date and have not used the items, please contact support and they will likely be able to help refund your purchase. (Ingame: Gear Icon -> Support)

    Wait LIKELY? That doesn't seem like the word you should have used. There is no likely here. It flat out HAS to be done.
    Wooow, unfortunate to see you now have “permission problems”. Best of luck
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    JOC_3096 said:

    So what @Kabam Miike is saying is Kabam don't check any content they put out before actually releasing it and they also don't check after releasing it.

    Literally watching half of the spotlight video would have stopped ALL of this. Embarrassing

    This problem is not unique to this situation. I have watched multiple champ spotlight videos by Dave where he says things about functions or numbers that are not what we actually have in the game. Either they have no one checking for script errors or they make these videos before the champs are finalized and when they make changes to the champs they either don't remember to actually change the videos or can't be bothered to take the time to do so.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Would releasing an unexplored Gauntlet (for those who have not explored after the re-re-release) again by tomorrow solve people's complaints about expiring revives? Genuine question.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,511 ★★★★★

    Would releasing an unexplored Gauntlet (for those who have not explored after the re-re-release) again by tomorrow solve people's complaints about expiring revives? Genuine question.

    Gauntlet is probably 80% of the reason I got the Cav package. Would be a significant difference maker for me at least.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★

    Would releasing an unexplored Gauntlet (for those who have not explored after the re-re-release) again by tomorrow solve people's complaints about expiring revives? Genuine question.

    Gauntlet is probably 80% of the reason I got the Cav package. Would be a significant difference maker for me at least.
    Yes and no. It would solve my issue of the missing items to get to Paragon and allow me to not waste all of the revives I've farmed the last 2 weeks - so in that regard, it would be good since I've been gunning for paragon and 8.1 was what I was banking on to get there tomorrow.

    But, about 20 energy refills would still go poof and I'd much rather play the new content than a 3rd iteration of gauntlet again. The issue is that Kabam announced 8.1, I'm looking forward to it, I planned for it (using real time in my life to get ready for it) and Kabam doesn't seem to actually care that even though this is "just a game" we are actually "real people" playing it.

    I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas day, and just got told I have to wait another week. To get someone's hopes up and just casually take it away - doesn't feel too great. I'm still holding out some hope that Kabam will find a way to at least resolve the item issue because that was a lot of grinding/farming.
  • MmaatthheewwMmaatthheeww Member Posts: 126 ★★
    You guys don't understand the amount of work Kabam has on their hands. I'm f2play and have about 4-5000 units worth of revives expiring before the act 8.1 release. I'm in the same boat as you, but I know that there is a great deal of stress on Kabam. Whenever they release something that's good, there's always something that someone criticizes. When something bad happens, such as a bug, we are all too fast to blame Kabam. They are made out to be the bad guys, when in reality, this is a game they made for our enjoyment. Sure, they profit from it, but who in their right mind would do that for free? I'm willing to bet that Kabam is working on this situation know, even though the details are not yet revealed. If you don't like how Kabam is running the game, just know that they're not stopping you from quitting. If you do spend money on this game, I'm sorry that it ended up like this for you guys.
  • MmaatthheewwMmaatthheeww Member Posts: 126 ★★
    @Ceder i never said Kabam’s communication was ideal. We all know they have to work on that, and that it is because of their miscommunication that we suffer so. IDK why Kabam Miike posted saying they knew a while ago that the date was September 21, since that kind of weakens their case. However, I still believe Kabam is working on a fix. You guys can disagree with me, but what good would that do anyone. All we can do is hope for a fix
  • CederCeder Member Posts: 668 ★★★

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your patience. We're still actively looking into what we can do in this situation. We recognize that our info going out wrong affected a lot of player's planning and preparation, and we want to do what we can to address this with our limited timeline.

    Changing expiration timers or anything like that is not possible. We've tried it in the past, and it did not work, and only created more problems. Currently, we are exploring a trade-in store for items. I know it's not the exact same thing as giving players an extension on Potions or Revives, and even explored doing a 1 for 1 trade... but that would just end up with the same items in the Stash since you're trading 1 inventory item for another item that goes right back into your inventory.

    I wish I could confirm this for a certain time, but the team is still working to get this done as fast as possible.

    Again, anybody that purchased Items for units should be reaching out to our Support team, who are prepared to help. If you had already done that and didn't get an answer that reflected your concern, please send another ticket.

    We will post more details as soon as we have them.

    I say just scrap any ideas of a trade in store and just send out a compensation to all players Thronebreaker and up
  • toyshadow08toyshadow08 Member Posts: 18
    Ceder said:

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your patience. We're still actively looking into what we can do in this situation. We recognize that our info going out wrong affected a lot of player's planning and preparation, and we want to do what we can to address this with our limited timeline.

    Changing expiration timers or anything like that is not possible. We've tried it in the past, and it did not work, and only created more problems. Currently, we are exploring a trade-in store for items. I know it's not the exact same thing as giving players an extension on Potions or Revives, and even explored doing a 1 for 1 trade... but that would just end up with the same items in the Stash since you're trading 1 inventory item for another item that goes right back into your inventory.

    I wish I could confirm this for a certain time, but the team is still working to get this done as fast as possible.

    Again, anybody that purchased Items for units should be reaching out to our Support team, who are prepared to help. If you had already done that and didn't get an answer that reflected your concern, please send another ticket.

    We will post more details as soon as we have them.

    I say just scrap any ideas of a trade in store and just send out a compensation to all players Thronebreaker and up
    a compensation wont work either cause every one has different amounts of
    items saved and its the same comp for players who farmed
    and players that didnt farm so not fair to the players that spent hours grinding to get the same stuff as someone that didnt grind

    a comp is better then nothing but i dont think its the best

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