Act8.1 Delay: Consumables expiring [UPDATE: 10am PT, Sept 14]

I've bought the cav exploration offers to stockpile my resources for 8.1 exploration. With this delay, these consumables will expire. I have no way to save these resources since i have no content left in game. IS there any way to pause the consumables timer, or ar there any team plans to compensate players for this delay?
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
Unless there's a better reason than "there was too much going on", I am pretty disappointed
The 8.1 delay has rendered all these items useless as I have nothing to use them for. This was a waste of time and resources and it is unfair and the majority of players who used their time and resources to gain these for the expected arrival of 8.1 on September 14th…
If you have purchased unit deals in anticipation of the September 14th date and have not used the items, please contact support and they will likely be able to help refund your purchase. (Ingame: Gear Icon -> Support)
To clarify, when we say we want to "give breathing room" between major releases, it's not giving summoners time between modes. It's to enable the game team to give their full attention to each game mode and to problem solve any major issues that creep up.
As we've stated before, releasing multiple major pieces of content at the same time can cause instability in the build and we want to make sure both game modes release without major problems.