Introducing: Alliance Wars Persistent Placement

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 639
edited July 2023 in General Discussion


The all new Persistent Placement Phase is here! This will result in the removal of the current Defensive Placement Phase in wars. Once you set your Defenders, they will remain on the map until changed. This allows players who consistently play Alliance War to maintain their placements without prompt, or remove their placements and allow other Summoners to rotate into the following War.

This also means: Your defenders will no longer be locked to AW and can still be used in Solo content!

New War Entry Flow

Enlist → Matchmaking → Attack

With this Persistent Placement Phase, an Alliance has the ability to edit their Defense and allow it to persist indefinitely, until changed. Alliances will need to set their defense before the Alliance enters “Matchmaking”. As a result of removing the defensive placement phase, the Attack Phase will now last 1 day, and 20 hours. While an attack phase is active, any changes made to defensive placement will be implemented in the following war.

How does it work?

Enter the War Room

Place War Defenders

If you are playing at Challenger or Expert Tiers, you can view Defender Bans using the buttons on the right of the screen. At the bottom, you can see the buttons to allow you to select the map you want to place defenders on. For example, if you are playing on Challenger, you may place on Expert Maps, or on Heroic maps, if you move up or down a tier.

For Alliances that like to rotate members in and out of Battlegroups, you will be able to swap Alliance members and their defenses for the following matchup during the current matchup using the map selector at the bottom of the screen. To further elaborate, if in the attack phase of match 1, any changes to defensive placement will be implemented in match 2.

When do Masteries lock?

The moment that the “Match is Found” and the “Attack Phase” begins, the Alliance Defense will be locked in. At this moment, Masteries will be locked in and applied to your Defense.

Once you are in the Attack Phase, the player may change their masteries to suit their attack needs.

If Summoners make changes to their masteries during the Attack Phase, they will need to take care to adjust their defensively-focused masteries prior to the conclusion of the next matchmaking period to ensure they are implemented in their defensive placement.

The moment the matchmaker time reaches zero, you cannot edit your current war Defense. Any changes made to your defense will only apply to your next wars defense.


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  • MostAverageGorr_FanMostAverageGorr_Fan Member Posts: 114
    That's a lot of units you got there ;)
  • FlushFlush Member Posts: 121
    what's with war seems broken, some my members are able drop defence in won't let me place defence, yesterday started with tier 22 now back to tier 4 cant join
  • GarloGarlo Member Posts: 269 ★★
    I don't get it.

    "The moment that the “Match is Found” and the “Attack Phase” begins, the Alliance Defense will be locked in. At this moment, Masteries will be locked in and applied to your Defense."

    If I change my mastery set up twice in that time period, does the latest setting apply to my defense? or the first?

  • FlushFlush Member Posts: 121
    why do we have 3 different maps can place on, hard, challenger, expert, can someone explain, and does anyone else have issue cant place, my game is updated
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★

    My favorite part is sharing this info with only a few hrs left before the first matchmaking starts.

    It's probably at that time they started testing lol
  • Kappa2gKappa2g Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    Overall great changes except for the mastery part
  • Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Member Posts: 329 ★★
    I don't understand #1 what low map our alliance is on? #2 why we can't have same defenders on all maps? Very confusing.
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★

    I don't understand #1 what low map our alliance is on? #2 why we can't have same defenders on all maps? Very confusing.

    It shows 3 maps. You're on the one in the middle (labeled with "current"). It allows you to place for one map level up and down, in case you move up or down during the season. The biggest difference would be if you flip between tiers 12 and 13 (6 lanes vs 9 lanes), or between tiers 5 and 6 (defense tactics vs no defense tactics). In those situations, you'd very likely want to have different defenders assigned, or different placements.

    If you want to use the same defenders/placements for all 3 maps, you can, you just have to choose and assign them 3 times and assign them to the same spots on each map. I agree there should be a "clone" button or something if you intend to use the same placements across all 3 maps.
  • FlushFlush Member Posts: 121

    I don't understand #1 what low map our alliance is on? #2 why we can't have same defenders on all maps? Very confusing.

    same im confused how works, do we place on all 3 maps, set defence same on all 3 maps, what happens if only place on one and not other two, how we know which map gets selected, kabam need explain it more
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    Flush said:

    same im confused how works, do we place on all 3 maps, set defence same on all 3 maps, what happens if only place on one and not other two, how we know which map gets selected, kabam need explain it more
    I think I get it. Since it's set and forget for the season, you're setting in the event that you move up and down between maps during the season. So the map you're currently assigned to is the middle one (labeled with current). That's going to be the one that you use on the upcoming war. However, if you win the first war and move up a tier, you could use a different map in the next war, and you might want to use different defenders/placements. In that event, it would use the assignments for the next tier up (icon shows with an up arrow). Same if you lose and go down a tier (icon shows with down arrow).

    If you only set on the middle map, you'll still be fine for the current war, but could be in trouble for future wars if you do happen to move up or down. If you're firmly in Tier 4 (for example), you shouldn't have to worry about moving up or down since the map changes are at Tier 2 and Tier 5.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★★
    so we have to turn of recoil then wait for how long before masteries get locked in?
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    edited July 2023

    so we have to turn of recoil then wait for how long before masteries get locked in?

    Whatever masteries you have set when the matchmaking timer reaches 0 (roughly 2½ hours from now) will be used for that war. If you make changes that you don't want applied to your AW defense, you'll have to change them back in 48 hours when the next matchmaking timer reaches 0 for the next war.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    edited July 2023
    My concern is how you go from 1 million units to 19 million then back to 1 million again. 🤣
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★
    The issue with the "lock time of Masteries" deserved much better plan and understanding from your side!
    seems like you assume that players only play AW and once they are done with the attack, it's not a problem to switch masteries and wait for the next war... but there is more then just AW in this game...
    If the player is also grind in arena? if the player also use same masteries in EQ\Story Quest or any other place? should he sacrifice that and switch the masteries hours in advance for the fear that maybe we won't be only when War starts?
    This is the opposite of QoL, and also makes officers job harder because they can't even see who forgot to change masteries and need to be reminder.

    I'm sure you'll realize it soon enough, but too bad you don't want to listen and address it in advance...
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★

    Didnt Kabam state that part of the reason they are making this change os to reduce the need for officers to use 3rd party applications to work out placements etc...what point of this system does that?

    Did they say that? I don't recall them saying that. I never expected that these changes would allow me to rely less on 3rd party tools. We still use Arni's for defender assignments and will continue to do so.

    The main benefit of this change to us is that we often shift between Tier 5 and 6 (challenger/hard), and now I don't have to worry that my alliance will accidentally place their prowess power champs when we're on the map without defense tactics and vice versa. They can place for both up front and the game will choose the correct defenders when appropriate.

    It would be fantastic if they came out with something that allowed us to stop using 3rd party tools, but I don't think that was promised with this change.
  • Spidermanz1987Spidermanz1987 Member Posts: 11
    Dukenpuke said:

    Did they say that? I don't recall them saying that. I never expected that these changes would allow me to rely less on 3rd party tools. We still use Arni's for defender assignments and will continue to do so.

    The main benefit of this change to us is that we often shift between Tier 5 and 6 (challenger/hard), and now I don't have to worry that my alliance will accidentally place their prowess power champs when we're on the map without defense tactics and vice versa. They can place for both up front and the game will choose the correct defenders when appropriate.

    It would be fantastic if they came out with something that allowed us to stop using 3rd party tools, but I don't think that was promised with this change.
    I cant remember if it was a live stream or a post, but they mentioned trying to ease the pressure on alliance officers and reduce the need for them to have to resort to using applications like google docs etc...i will try to find it but it was a while ago

    I understand it will help with things like shifting between tiers, but it seems like it will only really suit alliances that keep the same BGs and defenders all season, people who want to change regularly it is going to be alot more work, plus the masteries will be a pain...its taken alot of control away from officers instead of giving us more

    I am going to need to wait to get a proper feel for it, but initial impressions are that this will make things harder in general for smaller alliances that change things up regularly or run fewer BGs and change people around throughout the season
  • CrazyBunnyZoyCrazyBunnyZoy Member Posts: 34

    My concern is how you go from 1 million units to 19 million then back to 1 million again. 🤣

    Yes , that’s how all the improvement to make placement phase “more relaxing” actually gets worse. Before you could turn suicides off for 2 mins , place , and put them back on.

    Now we re gonna invest resources knowing that some guy out of 30 people could penalize the whole alliance or season by placing with suicides and moreover you re either gonna be stuck with having the same AWD masteries for hours or setting an alarm at night.

    So yeah , we are being trolled lol
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