Mastery points in act 4 [resolved!!!]



  • t123459t123459 Member Posts: 105
    thank you @Kabam Miike for clarification
  • Viper198787Viper198787 Member Posts: 601 ★★★★

    Hey all, I know this is taking a while, but it has not been forgotten. The process to get these out, and ensure we don't accidentally give somebody more than the possible amount of Mastery points, is more complex that I had initially thought.

    We're still working on it, but are aiming for January to get these out right now. I know, that's a long time after this issue started, but it's not for the lack of trying.

    At least you gave us an idea of when you’re targeting it. That much is truly appreciated.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    Hey all, I know this is taking a while, but it has not been forgotten. The process to get these out, and ensure we don't accidentally give somebody more than the possible amount of Mastery points, is more complex that I had initially thought.

    We're still working on it, but are aiming for January to get these out right now. I know, that's a long time after this issue started, but it's not for the lack of trying.

    I love you.

    Hey all, I know this is taking a while, but it has not been forgotten. The process to get these out, and ensure we don't accidentally give somebody more than the possible amount of Mastery points, is more complex that I had initially thought.

    We're still working on it, but are aiming for January to get these out right now. I know, that's a long time after this issue started, but it's not for the lack of trying.

    Thank you! Glad to get an update on this!
  • YouDontNeedToKnowYouDontNeedToKnow Member Posts: 145
    early Jan
  • MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 862 ★★★★

    Hey all, I know this is taking a while, but it has not been forgotten. The process to get these out, and ensure we don't accidentally give somebody more than the possible amount of Mastery points, is more complex that I had initially thought.

    We're still working on it, but are aiming for January to get these out right now. I know, that's a long time after this issue started, but it's not for the lack of trying.

    Thank you so much for the update! Do we need to go ahead and finish 100% Act 4 to qualify? Again, appreciate the update.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,648 ★★★★★
    Today is January, 8th
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,298 ★★★★★
    Whenever I see this thread on first page I just start chuckling... 😂🌝
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Miike said they are aiming for january...

    Now they must disengage safty
    Hold the breath
    Pull the trigger
    Realizing its a Miss
    Aim again
    And so forth.. i Hope they hit in 2024
    @Kabam Miike sorry for bothering, but do you have an update :) just curious with it being around the time you said we might expect something. Thank you!
  • RaftersunRaftersun Member Posts: 6
    We need an update on this situation @Kabam Miike . Its already the mid of january.
  • RaulvallecaSRaulvallecaS Member Posts: 43
    Wouldn't it be easier for users to fill in a form showing proof that we are missing 2 points in the mastery section by means of a screenshot?
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★

    Wouldn't it be easier for users to fill in a form showing proof that we are missing 2 points in the mastery section by means of a screenshot?

    Think they are just trying to be careful not giving extra mastery points to players. Players who explored act 4 and got their points could try to argue they didnt get the mastery points from completion.

    Wouldn't it be easier for users to fill in a form showing proof that we are missing 2 points in the mastery section by means of a screenshot?

    Also not everyone would know that this way is how to get those 2 missing mastery peices.
  • t123459t123459 Member Posts: 105
    any new info ?
  • PistolcuApaPistolcuApa Member Posts: 176
    Have completed act 4 now and really want my mastery points please.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,492 ★★★★
    I think it's safe to say this problem has been thrown in the "too hard basket".

    I wouldn't expect to be hearing much out of the staff regarding this one.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,776 Guardian

    Kabam made a bad move by moving those points, should've kept them as exploration rewards itself.

    That there is probably the BEST take on this issue 😀

    With all the reduced number of paths, lowered energy needed, etc, etc, they game newer people even more reason to just rough thru Act-4 onto higher content before maybe they are ready to.
    Can just skip by any of the harder node buff paths, the few difficult opponents (even though those have been chopped down over time and ppl also have stronger champs to use on them now).

    Should have just kept the Mastery Point under 100% Explore for Act-4. (but too late to change it back now, without some other changes, because then it might have the opposite effect).

    **Suggested Solution**

    (1) Move Mastery Point back to Explore.

    (ok, but now what prevents ppl from getting 1 more than they should ? Read on…)
    Not exactly sure, but isn’t ACT-4 basically the final Mastery Point in the game ? Or even if there was also one for some individual content. People would be getting them around the same time basically. So…

    (2) Make a software change to Mastery Points so they have a MAXIMUM CAP in the code itself (like Inventory Items or Glory does).
    So even if someone new recently got the point under the recent “Completion” system, when they fully “Explore” it, they would get another Mastery Point SO LONG AS they are not already at the Maximum.

    Now, if there was another Point somewhere else that the person had NOT gotten yet, well then they DO get to keep the Point from Act-4 Explore they just did. But then when they do whatever other content it is that has one of the other final points they will have already now hit the Max before that other one, and so won’t be increased above the Max from that one.
    **not sure where exactly the various “last points” are, but pretty sure ACT-4 was one of them.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★

    Kabam made a bad move by moving those points, should've kept them as exploration rewards itself.

    That there is probably the BEST take on this issue 😀

    With all the reduced number of paths, lowered energy needed, etc, etc, they game newer people even more reason to just rough thru Act-4 onto higher content before maybe they are ready to.
    Can just skip by any of the harder node buff paths, the few difficult opponents (even though those have been chopped down over time and ppl also have stronger champs to use on them now).

    Should have just kept the Mastery Point under 100% Explore for Act-4. (but too late to change it back now, without some other changes, because then it might have the opposite effect).

    **Suggested Solution**

    (1) Move Mastery Point back to Explore.

    (ok, but now what prevents ppl from getting 1 more than they should ? Read on…)
    Not exactly sure, but isn’t ACT-4 basically the final Mastery Point in the game ? Or even if there was also one for some individual content. People would be getting them around the same time basically. So…

    (2) Make a software change to Mastery Points so they have a MAXIMUM CAP in the code itself (like Inventory Items or Glory does).
    So even if someone new recently got the point under the recent “Completion” system, when they fully “Explore” it, they would get another Mastery Point SO LONG AS they are not already at the Maximum.

    Now, if there was another Point somewhere else that the person had NOT gotten yet, well then they DO get to keep the Point from Act-4 Explore they just did. But then when they do whatever other content it is that has one of the other final points they will have already now hit the Max before that other one, and so won’t be increased above the Max from that one.
    **not sure where exactly the various “last points” are, but pretty sure ACT-4 was one of them.
    Option 2 is just perfect, how has no one thought of that yet
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★

    Kabam made a bad move by moving those points, should've kept them as exploration rewards itself.

    That there is probably the BEST take on this issue 😀

    With all the reduced number of paths, lowered energy needed, etc, etc, they game newer people even more reason to just rough thru Act-4 onto higher content before maybe they are ready to.
    Can just skip by any of the harder node buff paths, the few difficult opponents (even though those have been chopped down over time and ppl also have stronger champs to use on them now).

    Should have just kept the Mastery Point under 100% Explore for Act-4. (but too late to change it back now, without some other changes, because then it might have the opposite effect).

    **Suggested Solution**

    (1) Move Mastery Point back to Explore.

    (ok, but now what prevents ppl from getting 1 more than they should ? Read on…)
    Not exactly sure, but isn’t ACT-4 basically the final Mastery Point in the game ? Or even if there was also one for some individual content. People would be getting them around the same time basically. So…

    (2) Make a software change to Mastery Points so they have a MAXIMUM CAP in the code itself (like Inventory Items or Glory does).
    So even if someone new recently got the point under the recent “Completion” system, when they fully “Explore” it, they would get another Mastery Point SO LONG AS they are not already at the Maximum.

    Now, if there was another Point somewhere else that the person had NOT gotten yet, well then they DO get to keep the Point from Act-4 Explore they just did. But then when they do whatever other content it is that has one of the other final points they will have already now hit the Max before that other one, and so won’t be increased above the Max from that one.
    **not sure where exactly the various “last points” are, but pretty sure ACT-4 was one of them.
    Option 2 might be a good solution only if they didn't added mastery point on necro.
    Now let's say the max cap is 60 nd the player completed all 4 acts after the nerf but didn't explore any. Now technically they have 59 points, + 1 missing from necro, if they explore act 4 they get 4 points, that is 63, but the cap is 60, so they lose 3.

    Now the issue is, they need not to do necro for that one point, they already have it. This will be unfair maybe after 5-6 years when the best reward at necro was that mastery point, some players burn revives for that point while others got it free.

    They made the mistake,now they have to pay the prize.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,776 Guardian

    Option 2 might be a good solution only if they didn't added mastery point on necro.
    Now let's say the max cap is 60 nd the player completed all 4 acts after the nerf but didn't explore any. Now technically they have 59 points, + 1 missing from necro, if they explore act 4 they get 4 points, that is 63, but the cap is 60, so they lose 3.

    Now the issue is, they need not to do necro for that one point, they already have it. This will be unfair maybe after 5-6 years when the best reward at necro was that mastery point, some players burn revives for that point while others got it free.

    Good point (Necro +1).

    Though they could add that “flag” when they check to see if you have reached the “MAX”.

    So, whenever you would otherwise earn Mastery from anywhere, it would first assign for comparison a MAX # for you (based on Necro Status). And then use than in comparing if (and how many) additional you actually get to earn from what you have just completed (ie, Act-4)

    So ACT-4 Explore 100% would only allow someone to reach up to 59 if they have NOT done Necro. And up to 60 if you HAVE done Necro.

    Inventory max already like that based on Sigil status and even lower Progression status.

    Could easily do that extra check in code when new mastery points are earned (same if any more are added in future similar to +1 Necro).
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,298 ★★★★★

    Whenever I see this thread on first page I just start chuckling... 😂🌝

    Folks, it's Back on Page1
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Any News on trello?
    I lost the link....
  • bilal605bilal605 Member Posts: 1
    Any update on missing 4 points. Its 21st of Jan now so will it be fixed around 25th of Jan or maybe very end of Jan.
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