I like the refresher, would've liked increased rewards but those are coming with a new season. I don't really think this is anything to get upset over, will be a slight learning curve but after that it will be fine. No need to get all worked up about it people!
When you block one of her hits, she will gain a soul (her persistent charges)
Wait, what??? So why not just give her 5 charged to start the fight? Unreal
while also providing a way for skilled players to avoid giving them to her. If you intercept her, she'll never gain any. If you don't, you'll need a bleed immune Champion
I'm sorry, what? An awakened MS gains 1 soul at the beginning of the fight automatically when awakened, and 1 soul is all she need to bleed her opponents. Not sure what you meant when you said that intercepting only would enable us to fight her without needing a bleed immune. Does this mean MS would be unawakened?
With regards to the comments about how this version of Alliance Quests will be harder, we understand where you're coming from. As with anything you're unfamiliar with, it will be definitely be harder at first. It might take a little while to get used to, but we know our summoners, and we know how quickly they learn and can get used to new content, especially content that is recurring like Alliance Quests. If this update was so inconsequential that it was as easy at the start as you all find Alliance Quests right now (after months of practice) then there would be no point in us making this update, or ANY update for that matter.
It will take some time to get accustomed to the new encounters, but refreshing recurring content is important to keep the game fresh, and exciting![/quote
Isn’t providing better prizes for those new encounter also exciting? And fair? It can’t be all take, sometime you gotta give back.
When you block one of her hits, she will gain a soul (her persistent charges)
Wait, what??? So why not just give her 5 charged to start the fight? Unreal
The goal with the Oppressive Curse buff is to give Morningstar ways to gain Souls (otherwise she'd never gain ANY) while also providing a way for skilled players to avoid giving them to her. If you intercept her, she'll never gain any. If you don't, you'll need a bleed immune Champion
why never get ANY?
she is duped, isn't she? she always start with one and can get more if we eat sp3.
War seasons is a god damn mess with mercs being outsourced for every war, alliance members are at each other's throats over a kill or two because rewards are so top heavy this season, war itself still sucks because of diversity, we're forced to setup spreadsheets and charts like a forensic accountant and share that info with bg leaders, keep tabs on who our opponents were and which champs were on what node, how many kills we got on which nodes, AQ was boring and is now even worse, there's a gold/t4b/t1a shortage, 6* are coming in making our 5*s worthless let alone 4*s, alliance rewards are trash since the best milestones are 4* shards which are useless, every mechanic in this game barely works or is getting nerfed after every update while the AI keeps getting harder and harder, what the hell is the point of playing this game anymore??? This game used to be fun, it's annoying all the time now. Start listening to the playerbase and stop cramming whatever silly ideas you have down our throats. This game peaked right before 12.0 and it's been downhill ever since.
Who else finds it funny that they openly admit that Morningstars persistent charge mechanic is broken so they give her a nice new buff to allow their morningstar to gain charges but our morningstar is stuck trying to get to a sp3 in fights that usually end well before that.
worst update ever, AQ teams from past now becoming useless with the change from symbionds to sentinels. Maybe finally a reason to deinstall game. You want diversity and "exclude" a lot of champs causing bleeding, poison from AQ, nice thoughts kabam...
With regards to the comments about how this version of Alliance Quests will be harder, we understand where you're coming from. As with anything you're unfamiliar with, it will be definitely be harder at first. It might take a little while to get used to, but we know our summoners, and we know how quickly they learn and can get used to new content, especially content that is recurring like Alliance Quests. If this update was so inconsequential that it was as easy at the start as you all find Alliance Quests right now (after months of practice) then there would be no point in us making this update, or ANY update for that matter.
It will take some time to get accustomed to the new encounters, but refreshing recurring content is important to keep the game fresh, and exciting!
Just garbage. Stop talking to us like we're children who don't understand what's going on. Even is you had the courtesy to add a bit of extra glory per level would have gone a long way, but I guess you don't have time for that.
At the end of this XMen event, there will be a need to keep Sentinels in the game, other than personal accounts. They have made the entire screen shift at the beginning of all fights. They are adding Sentinels to more aspects of the game to legitimize the screen shifting IMO.
I think this is the best time for you to give us some rankdown tickets and here is the main reason why. Most of the players have their champions tailored for this AQ. Introducing the Sentinels in place of the Symbioids will make a lot of champions like Wolverine and x23 useless. These are the main „to go“ champions for most people, including myself. And also by placing Morning Star as a miniboss requires more people to bring a bleed immune champion in AQ. And me for example I only have one, and I use him in AW. Soo I think it’s fair to say that we also need to adjust our champions a little bit. That’s why I mentioned the rankdown tickets.
P.S. This is the second time I posted this here. Unfortunately Kabam didn’t adressed my problem.
Oh no, my God. The guys trying so hard to bring new content and take some **** that can not handle headlong and so worried about rewards? Soon, a new Alliance Quest Season will come and re-shape the rewards! Be patient and feel a little difficult! And Kabam, I hope the next boss of the alliance quest be Thanos!
I think this is the best time for you to give us some rankdown tickets and here is the main reason why. Most of the players have their champions tailored for this AQ. Introducing the Sentinels in place of the Symbioids will make a lot of champions like Wolverine and x23 useless. These are the main „to go“ champions for most people, including myself. And also by placing Morning Star as a miniboss requires more people to bring a bleed immune champion in AQ. And me for example I only have one, and I use him in AW. Soo I think it’s fair to say that we also need to adjust our champions a little bit. That’s why I mentioned the rankdown tickets.
P.S. This is the second time I posted this here. Unfortunately Kabam didn’t adressed my problem.
Stop it with rank down tickets lol.
Let’s all just get over it, bit pathetic the whinging now
@Onmix in regards to my post about Morningstar, why does only the bleed path guy need to bring a bleed immune? About every member in my bg brings a bleed and poison immune champ. We don’t have set paths so we just go wherever. You can bring in 3 champs. I usually only use sl and ultron for all map 5. Just sl if I don’t take bleed or poison. you have 3 champs and one is usually a boss killer. It’s nice to know I might need a different boss killer for each of these minis
I have to admit - this is a bandaid fix in the interim. I’d happy to continue with the current AQ until kabam can make time to do it properly.
If kabam can learn one thing before I stop playing, it’s not to release content half done or as a bandaid.
It always been the community’s grape as well as bad communication. Communication has been soo much better to the community than it use to be. But I strongly suggest holding off on these changes until you are fully ready to revamp it.
Perhaps even rank down tickets for 5 stars. I’m sure that there is a few people who have invested in 5 stars with deep wounds and primarily bleeders
I think this is the best time for you to give us some rankdown tickets and here is the main reason why. Most of the players have their champions tailored for this AQ. Introducing the Sentinels in place of the Symbioids will make a lot of champions like Wolverine and x23 useless. These are the main „to go“ champions for most people, including myself. And also by placing Morning Star as a miniboss requires more people to bring a bleed immune champion in AQ. And me for example I only have one, and I use him in AW. Soo I think it’s fair to say that we also need to adjust our champions a little bit. That’s why I mentioned the rankdown tickets.
P.S. This is the second time I posted this here. Unfortunately Kabam didn’t adressed my problem.
Rank down tickets won't do anything to fix this broken game. It's broken from the inside out, from the code itself to content design and it's reward structure.
I used to play a game called Plants vs Zombies 2 on my smartphone. It's your typical tower defense game. Really fun in the beginning, but also had your typical freemium game design (pay to progress). I didn't spend much, maybe $50 total, and once the developer kept making it harder and harder and forcing players to pay, I put up with it for a bit, but they kept pushing so hard that it stopped becoming fun and I quit.
MCOC is turning into the same thing. Boring, stale, unfun, and downright insulting. I hope they nerf the trinity soon so I can fully call it quits.
But how are you so sure that the difficulty has gotten worse?
Granted, Bleed and Poison champions may not be as effective in Alliance Quests as they were before, but Sentinels melt at the power of a Armor Break Champion, and a lot of the new Mini-Bosses have very common counters!
With regards to the comments about how this version of Alliance Quests will be harder, we understand where you're coming from. As with anything you're unfamiliar with, it will be definitely be harder at first. It might take a little while to get used to, but we know our summoners, and we know how quickly they learn and can get used to new content, especially content that is recurring like Alliance Quests. If this update was so inconsequential that it was as easy at the start as you all find Alliance Quests right now (after months of practice) then there would be no point in us making this update, or ANY update for that matter.
It will take some time to get accustomed to the new encounters, but refreshing recurring content is important to keep the game fresh, and exciting!
So it seems here that DK is admitting it’s harder, and Miike is saying it won’t be. Which one is right, I’m inclined to think it will be harder so I’ll go with DK. The thing is, what is the point in releasing the update to AQ now? Why not wait a little longer and have the difficulty and rewards go up at the same time, in the manner it should.
Let me clarify:
I am saying ANY change of consequence will be harder AT FIRST, but not because the actual difficulty/complexity of the fights is harder, simply because you will not be as experienced at doing the fights. Miike is saying the complexity/difficulty of the fights is approximately the same: i.e. not necessarily harder. Both are accurate statements, but we're sorry for the confusion around them.
Of course people complain, that's fair : I for one expected a new season of aq, with updated rewards, and what do we got ? A weird half way thingy, with new minibosses and sentinelloides but no tiny update in rewards. Just some shards or higher glory would have been great and kept us in line, whereas in this case, we have to be patient for at least a month before the real update takes place
I get that you want to make it harder/more exciting/challenging. I just do not see the logic of doing this without increased rewards. If you increased rewards you'd still meet your goal of selling pots you just would have met that goal without making your player base feel like they are getting screwed AGAIN. I just do not understand the marketing and complete disregard for your players. Then you try to tell us it might not be harder? Anyone who plays the game would know that is utter nonsense and quite frankly disingenuous if you do indeed play the game with any seriousness.
So, you are making it more difficult yet not adjusting anything like rewards or even glory? Can I ask why? How does this benefit the players?
As we said in that post, we are working on a full refresh. We are not at a place or time where we can increase the rewards or fully refresh the mode right now.
If you aren't at a place or time to refresh the rewards then you shouldn't be at a place or time to refresh the difficulty. One should not go without the other. This is a great example of pure laziness
But how are you so sure that the difficulty has gotten worse?
Granted, Bleed and Poison champions may not be as effective in Alliance Quests as they were before, but Sentinels melt at the power of a Armor Break Champion, and a lot of the new Mini-Bosses have very common counters!
I am saying ANY change of consequence will be harder AT FIRST, but not because the actual difficulty/complexity of the fights is harder, simply because you will not be as experienced at doing the fights. Miike is saying the complexity/difficulty of the fights is approximately the same: i.e. not necessarily harder. Both are accurate statements, but we're sorry for the confusion around them.
Why are we doing more difficult content for the same rewards? Rewards that were already very outdated? With game content (AQ) that was already very stale. None of this make any sense.
So many comments, I only read the first page but NO ONE mentioned Wolverine! This update renders him nearly useless and is going to force people to spend money if they, or one of the many bugs, makes them make a mistake. Absolute garbage. After this war season is over I’m taking a break from this joke of a game. The money-grubbing has got to end.
I'm sorry, what? An awakened MS gains 1 soul at the beginning of the fight automatically when awakened, and 1 soul is all she need to bleed her opponents. Not sure what you meant when you said that intercepting only would enable us to fight her without needing a bleed immune. Does this mean MS would be unawakened?
why never get ANY?
she is duped, isn't she? she always start with one and can get more if we eat sp3.
Just garbage. Stop talking to us like we're children who don't understand what's going on. Even is you had the courtesy to add a bit of extra glory per level would have gone a long way, but I guess you don't have time for that.
I'm fine with it, AQ isn't hard at all
P.S. This is the second time I posted this here. Unfortunately Kabam didn’t adressed my problem.
Stop it with rank down tickets lol.
Let’s all just get over it, bit pathetic the whinging now
I think everyone assumed the Sentinels would replace the Symboids
If kabam can learn one thing before I stop playing, it’s not to release content half done or as a bandaid.
It always been the community’s grape as well as bad communication. Communication has been soo much better to the community than it use to be. But I strongly suggest holding off on these changes until you are fully ready to revamp it.
Perhaps even rank down tickets for 5 stars. I’m sure that there is a few people who have invested in 5 stars with deep wounds and primarily bleeders
Rank down tickets won't do anything to fix this broken game. It's broken from the inside out, from the code itself to content design and it's reward structure.
I used to play a game called Plants vs Zombies 2 on my smartphone. It's your typical tower defense game. Really fun in the beginning, but also had your typical freemium game design (pay to progress). I didn't spend much, maybe $50 total, and once the developer kept making it harder and harder and forcing players to pay, I put up with it for a bit, but they kept pushing so hard that it stopped becoming fun and I quit.
MCOC is turning into the same thing. Boring, stale, unfun, and downright insulting. I hope they nerf the trinity soon so I can fully call it quits.
Let me clarify:
I am saying ANY change of consequence will be harder AT FIRST, but not because the actual difficulty/complexity of the fights is harder, simply because you will not be as experienced at doing the fights. Miike is saying the complexity/difficulty of the fights is approximately the same: i.e. not necessarily harder. Both are accurate statements, but we're sorry for the confusion around them.
Is this another ad for Cyclops' effectiveness?
Why are we doing more difficult content for the same rewards? Rewards that were already very outdated? With game content (AQ) that was already very stale. None of this make any sense.