like the shorter season but the price to complete the maps just quadrupled. No more free fights and harder nodes.
So, with the exception of those Nodes on Challenger and Expert that we mentioned, we haven't made any other nodes harder. The new Nodes are meant to make things more difficult, but will also be visible from the get go, so Attackers are able to bring in champions to specifically counter whatever Champion they see there.
Removing diversity is much more important than the new nodes. There's gonna be 10+ IMIWs and Dorms on every map. I get why you did it, but it just stinks for the players.
So you made the nodes harder, any changes in rewards?
The rewards have not changed (aside from Season rewards being halved to match the change in length). This is because Alliances were still finding these Maps far too easy. The goal of these changes is to put an end to the near 100% of wars ending in 100% Exploration.
what's wrong with 100% exploration? people will continue to pay for 100% you know that right?
100% exploration should be a rare instance, and if achieved, should be helping to decide the winner of a War. It should not be a common occurrence for both Alliances to be able to hit 100%, and then the deciding factor becomes Attacker Bonus points.
Couldn’t you achieve the same result by removing item use completely?
People are going to rage after you make us rank up poor champions just for diversity, and now you take it away. Any comment? I'm excited for the increased difficulty.
Right now, there is no guarantee that Defender Diversity is gone for good. We're going to continue to monitor Wars, and may find that we need to bring it back. These shorter Seasons are going to allow us to iterate on Alliance Wars much more often than before, and if we find that Defender Diversity needs to make a return, we'll be able to do that sooner rather than later.
Made peeps rank some champs just to diversify their defense it is removed?
Diversity idea was fine in the first place. Just doesnt have to be 50 per bg...reduce it to like 30-40? Keeping diversity limited while encouraging some variety of defense with some bonus points is still a good idea in my opinion.
Make more interesting nodes that could potentially be more geared towards specific unused champs. I for one...liked thorn and antman.
I agree with the direction that AW map should b difficult to 100%.
So you made the nodes harder, any changes in rewards?
The rewards have not changed (aside from Season rewards being halved to match the change in length). This is because Alliances were still finding these Maps far too easy. The goal of these changes is to put an end to the near 100% of wars ending in 100% Exploration.
what's wrong with 100% exploration? people will continue to pay for 100% you know that right?
100% exploration should be a rare instance, and if achieved, should be helping to decide the winner of a War. It should not be a common occurrence for both Alliances to be able to hit 100%, and then the deciding factor becomes Attacker Bonus points.
If you want to make it more difficult to 100% complete, why not remove items and methods of payment?
You bring 5 champs instead and there is no reviving/pots allowed. This would highlight true skill.
Are you effing kidding me?! You announce this now, after half our alliance did defensive DIVERSITY r5 5* rank ups? Seriously? This must be a joke right? Now we will face 150 imiw, domino and medusa's, while we literally just ranked solely for diversity.
Give us some rankdown tickets as in right now lol.
like the shorter season but the price to complete the maps just quadrupled. No more free fights and harder nodes.
So, with the exception of those Nodes on Challenger and Expert that we mentioned, we haven't made any other nodes harder. The new Nodes are meant to make things more difficult, but will also be visible from the get go, so Attackers are able to bring in champions to specifically counter whatever Champion they see there.
Removing diversity is much more important than the new nodes. There's gonna be 10+ IMIWs and Dorms on every map. I get why you did it, but it just stinks for the players.
I don't think anybody wants to place 10 Dormammu on a Map anymore... The Meta has shifted quite a bit since Diversity was introduced, and some of the former best Defenders have met their match now. Others may seem difficult right now, but Players have already started to find the counters needed for them! This will continue to happen in cycles, because that's just the nature of a game like this!
Welp, guess they want players to spend more....... what’s new? This game is turning into a joke. They’re only further eliminating their free to play players and not doing anything to their big $$$$ spenders. S. M. F. H.
like the shorter season but the price to complete the maps just quadrupled. No more free fights and harder nodes.
So, with the exception of those Nodes on Challenger and Expert that we mentioned, we haven't made any other nodes harder. The new Nodes are meant to make things more difficult, but will also be visible from the get go, so Attackers are able to bring in champions to specifically counter whatever Champion they see there.
Removing diversity is much more important than the new nodes. There's gonna be 10+ IMIWs and Dorms on every map. I get why you did it, but it just stinks for the players.
I don't think anybody wants to place 10 Dormammu on a Map anymore... The Meta has shifted quite a bit since Diversity was introduced, and some of the former best Defenders have met their match now. Others may seem difficult right now, but Players have already started to find the counters needed for them! This will continue to happen in cycles, because that's just the nature of a game like this!
Newer defenders only available from money have found counters in New attackers you can only acquire through money!
like the shorter season but the price to complete the maps just quadrupled. No more free fights and harder nodes.
So, with the exception of those Nodes on Challenger and Expert that we mentioned, we haven't made any other nodes harder. The new Nodes are meant to make things more difficult, but will also be visible from the get go, so Attackers are able to bring in champions to specifically counter whatever Champion they see there.
Removing diversity is much more important than the new nodes. There's gonna be 10+ IMIWs and Dorms on every map. I get why you did it, but it just stinks for the players.
I don't think anybody wants to place 10 Dormammu on a Map anymore... The Meta has shifted quite a bit since Diversity was introduced, and some of the former best Defenders have met their match now. Others may seem difficult right now, but Players have already started to find the counters needed for them! This will continue to happen in cycles, because that's just the nature of a game like this!
Regardless of what you guys think, the reality of the situation is that removing diversity will greatly increase the difficulty of AW. Now the most expensive and stressful game mode has gotten more expensive and stressful. Again, I get why you did it but that doesn't change how much it stinks for the people having to live it.
@Kabam Miike we said what the game team just said months and months ago. We didn’t want defender diversity. Wars were decided before it even started, we said this many times over. Good to see the change for players
Just my opinion, but in the current meta where alliances were spending 10s of thousands of units in wars, this feels like Kabam is not satisfied and wants to continue to pull resources from the players. I can’t imagine Kabam thinks that alliances are going to be satisfied with not completing paths and not finishing wars. They’re just going to spend more...this, in an environment where wars could already be very expensive.
Saying diversity may come doesn't help anyone who ranked up a bunch of champs they normally wouldn't to win AW. Because then when you do't bring it back, you guys will say we didn't say it was coming back for sure and we are stuck with champs that are useless.
Just my opinion, but in the current meta where alliances were spending 10s of thousands of units in wars, this feels like Kabam is not satisfied and wants to continue to pull resources from the players. I can’t imagine Kabam thinks that alliances are going to be satisfied with not completing paths and not finishing wars. They’re just going to spend more...this, in an environment where wars could already be very expensive.
So you made the nodes harder, any changes in rewards?
The rewards have not changed (aside from Season rewards being halved to match the change in length). This is because Alliances were still finding these Maps far too easy. The goal of these changes is to put an end to the near 100% of wars ending in 100% Exploration.
what's wrong with 100% exploration? people will continue to pay for 100% you know that right?
100% exploration should be a rare instance, and if achieved, should be helping to decide the winner of a War. It should not be a common occurrence for both Alliances to be able to hit 100%, and then the deciding factor becomes Attacker Bonus points.
You guys don't seem to understand your own game. The attack bonus should decide the winner because it usually means the more skilled alliance is going to be winning (those who don't cheat and pilot of course). And now defender diversity doesn't mean anything so we ranked up different champs for no reason now.
removing diversity increases difficulty because now people will place the hardest defenders more often. why did kabam need to increase difficulty on certain nodes as well? pouring salt on the wound?
so the war system won't change til July 11 right ? Or it also apply for this season break ?
Miike said they are tying to bring the changes as soon as possible to offer time to players/alliances to test and adjust strategies for the real season.
I also don't understand the decision behind the new mini bosses... The current mini bosses are placed in places that allow(in 4/5 spots) for 2 paths to merge so the mini bosses can be teamed up on, now you are asking a single person to take on a mini boss, and still continue to push forward and then take on a 2nd mini boss in some cases, while still trying to have enough left in the tank to help on the boss?
Do you have a legend for all the buffs? What is "Dismay" for instance
I will talk to the team about getting the list of Buff Descriptions for newer nodes that players might be less familiar with, but in the meantime, this is Dismay:
"Whenever the Attacker loses their highest achieved Combo in a fight, they gain a Degeneration Debuff that deals damage every second equal to {1} times the lost Combo."
This is basically the "Don't lose your Combo" Buff.
Have you any idea how much resources we spend and we make our alliance members spend to rank up useless defenders just for diversity? This is it? Wow just wow.
Just my opinion, but in the current meta where alliances were spending 10s of thousands of units in wars, this feels like Kabam is not satisfied and wants to continue to pull resources from the players. I can’t imagine Kabam thinks that alliances are going to be satisfied with not completing paths and not finishing wars. They’re just going to spend more...this, in an environment where wars could already be very expensive.
I just don’t get it.
It’s also boring to 100% complete map, something that’s supposed to be a challenge. I would rather the war play out in intermediate levels, not just on who beats the boss/mini boss. If you can defeat every mini boss and boss - it is no longer a challenge, it just becomes a boring grind.
If not remove item use, cut it down to something like 1 revive and 5 pots for example. Also, scale it based on difficulty, with masters having most restrictions. This way you feel more challenge as you move up in tiers
Removing diversity is much more important than the new nodes. There's gonna be 10+ IMIWs and Dorms on every map. I get why you did it, but it just stinks for the players.
Don't be silly...that doesn't make any money.
Right now, there is no guarantee that Defender Diversity is gone for good. We're going to continue to monitor Wars, and may find that we need to bring it back. These shorter Seasons are going to allow us to iterate on Alliance Wars much more often than before, and if we find that Defender Diversity needs to make a return, we'll be able to do that sooner rather than later.
Diversity idea was fine in the first place. Just doesnt have to be 50 per bg...reduce it to like 30-40? Keeping diversity limited while encouraging some variety of defense with some bonus points is still a good idea in my opinion.
Make more interesting nodes that could potentially be more geared towards specific unused champs. I for one...liked thorn and antman.
I agree with the direction that AW map should b difficult to 100%.
If you want to make it more difficult to 100% complete, why not remove items and methods of payment?
You bring 5 champs instead and there is no reviving/pots allowed. This would highlight true skill.
Also, add prove yourself to mini bosses.
Give us some rankdown tickets as in right now lol.
I don't think anybody wants to place 10 Dormammu on a Map anymore... The Meta has shifted quite a bit since Diversity was introduced, and some of the former best Defenders have met their match now. Others may seem difficult right now, but Players have already started to find the counters needed for them! This will continue to happen in cycles, because that's just the nature of a game like this!
Newer defenders only available from money have found counters in New attackers you can only acquire through money!
Regardless of what you guys think, the reality of the situation is that removing diversity will greatly increase the difficulty of AW. Now the most expensive and stressful game mode has gotten more expensive and stressful. Again, I get why you did it but that doesn't change how much it stinks for the people having to live it.
I just don’t get it.
Neither does kabam, clearly.
You guys don't seem to understand your own game. The attack bonus should decide the winner because it usually means the more skilled alliance is going to be winning (those who don't cheat and pilot of course). And now defender diversity doesn't mean anything so we ranked up different champs for no reason now.
Miike said they are tying to bring the changes as soon as possible to offer time to players/alliances to test and adjust strategies for the real season.
I will talk to the team about getting the list of Buff Descriptions for newer nodes that players might be less familiar with, but in the meantime, this is Dismay:
"Whenever the Attacker loses their highest achieved Combo in a fight, they gain a Degeneration Debuff that deals damage every second equal to {1} times the lost Combo."
This is basically the "Don't lose your Combo" Buff.
It’s also boring to 100% complete map, something that’s supposed to be a challenge. I would rather the war play out in intermediate levels, not just on who beats the boss/mini boss. If you can defeat every mini boss and boss - it is no longer a challenge, it just becomes a boring grind.
If not remove item use, cut it down to something like 1 revive and 5 pots for example. Also, scale it based on difficulty, with masters having most restrictions. This way you feel more challenge as you move up in tiers