
  • Can someone from kabam reconcile providing war boosts that last 6 hours with the increased cost of war health potions? War boosts are restricted to use only in war and last 6 hours. Since potions are a fixed amount of health rather than a percentage, healing sufficiently while boosted requires more potions. No one will be…
  • The rapidfire rage disagrees are really convincing everyone. Keep doing it
  • No reason Corvus should be immortal other than his signature ability Glaive of Immortality? Anyway, forgetting Corvus for a moment— if someone fights 3 minutes using Luke cage and both Luke and the defender finish with 2% health when time runs out, why does the Luke get KO’d but the defender stay alive?
  • So if I legitimately run out of time in the 3 mins allotted, using someone other than Corvus, then I’m KO’d?
  • This happens even after renewing.
  • If I’m on cellular then it takes 2 min to get into the game upon opening it for the first time. Network error icon the entire time. If I’m on wifi and playing and then turn it off and go back to the game, I get a network error that lasts 1-2 mins before the game continues I’m on T-Mobile 5G. It also happened last month…
  • I’ve heard of a new bug where increasing/decreasing your volume can disable certain nodes. It might be an unintended interaction between certain versions of Android and mcoc. I can’t duplicate it on iOS.
  • The current War Champion has already won the last 11 seasons in a row, but will be required to win 20 straight seasons to receive the 10x war champion title. No big deal? So 9 more titles to go. That should take about 13 more months if everything goes perfectly. In the end, it will take about 2.5 years of winning…
  • What if we didn’t get rewards and then we never got a message at all today?
  • Wait for the #defensive defenders that have unblockable specials and your choice is to get 3 indestructible instantly for evading them or block the specials with your face
  • Check out Night Thrasher’s passive ability— successful dodges grant 5% power gain when he’s under 1 bar of power. Now dex with him while he’s under 1 bar of power. He gets the 5% power gain. Dexterity is a dodge and will trigger the stubborn tactic.
  • To add — I think they should just make it retroactive. There have only been 3 alliances that won a war season: KenOB 11, NY718 5, MNG 2 And some players won seasons in more than 1 of those 3 alliances (ex: 2 in MNG and 9 in KenOB) So it’s nothing in terms of how many accounts would have to have their prior war champion…
  • There are only a few dozen players who have 5+ war champion titles. Even fewer have 10 titles. I’d like to think it would be pretty straightforward and reasonable to reward them for 2 years of hard work and success. We’re talking about an extremely small percentage of players here. It’s not even .008% of all accounts.…
  • Charging heavy inflicts concussion are the exact words. Evades all basic attacks against opponents with concussion are the exact words. It doesn’t say “charging heavy inflicts concussion debuff.” Just says it inflicts concussion, which is what happens. So she’s working as described. So now that we know that the concussion…
  • In today’s news, Logan aka Weapon X got his animations from Logan aka Wolverine and Logan aka Old Man Logan. Be more interested in his usefulness. He’s suicide friendly so he’s got one thing going for him already. Maybe you won’t mind his animations if he turns out to be more than trophy trash.
  • Picture it.. a 9000 prestige alliance with mostly r4 5* champs finishing 1st place in seasons above a couple dozen alliances that would beat them 300 to 0 if they could ever match in war. I wonder if that is what it will take for kabam to change matchmaking back to by war rating instead of by prestige.
  • The 20 best alliances in the world (excluding the ones who lose on purpose) should make up the master bracket. If they don’t, then your system is broken. Maybe there should be a system in place where the top 3 going into the final week have to match each other, so low prestige alliances that match nobody all season don’t…
  • Why should their mistake be our problem?
  • I have video of my fight in war if it’s still needed. I haven’t uploaded because you’ve uploaded more than enough. Everything that happened to you happened to me. It’s definitely bugged but can’t figure out why. I’ve only seen the bug in war. I did an entire path in 6.4 here using cap to purify Power sting debuffs in every…
  • You should stop using him there. Like I said earlier, the same thing you’re seeing happened to me months ago during an offseason war. I never used him again for that fight because it’s broken and I’m not risking a death in war because of a bug. Ive never run into this issue in any other content that uses encroaching stun.…
  • After a week of events ending 1 hour later than usual, how are people expected to assume war matchmaking is starting at a different time than what the countdown timer in the game literally showed them? So not only do we have a season where a thousand+ alliances have had their season ruined by a war that wasn’t supposed to…
  • New exciting issue Matchmaking started with an hour left on the enlistment timer. I’m guessing due to daylight savings. I’m already hearing a number of alliances just got locked out of matching this war because the timer said they had 1 hour left and were still making member changes before enlisting.
  • You can’t fix it at this point. They had one chance to fix it before the knock on effects took place and that was before last war. Now it’s too late and thousands of alliances got screwed over. End the season
  • The season is compromised. You can’t restart it because of a massive amount of Glory, boosts, units, mastery changes, and other resources already spent without receiving season rewards for them. You can’t pause it and then resume in a week or so because everything at kabam is scheduled in advance and it will interfere with…
  • Mistakes happen. Stop the season, give out season rewards, let everyone focus on 6.4 for the 2 week offseason while you fix the bugs from that broke AW. The leaderboard is compromised and can’t be fixed. Start fresh in Season 17. Now is the time to end it, given the extra break in matchmaking between war weeks.
  • This is dumb. Impossible to manually adjust the leaderboard to account for this screwup so just end the season. Give everyone rewards for whatever tier they’re currently in. If you got screwed by that war and dropped a tier or rewards bracket, you’re still getting full season rewards for half a season of play. If you…
  • Yea, they didn’t fix everything before this current war matched, so how can they undo all the knock on effects for every single alliance? Especially the alliances that won wars because their opponent tanked the war that didn’t count, and now they’re in higher tiers and will lose the next 1-2 wars that actually do count…
  • That’s pretty messed up. Not sure how that gets fixed after the fact since it will definitely ruin your seasons.