JMC2007JR ★
Daredevil, hellcat, shroud, and Mr. Knight look interesting. But idk yet
I’m going for the ever-lovin thing. Mines r2 and I took him to r2 only because I’ll dupe him from the selector
This is THE worst titan ever! I knew I should have opened that ish yesterday. Got the leader and he hits like a 3rd rate super skrull if he was made out of noodles and the degen is ticking down the defender like he’s splashing 2 inches of hot boiling water from the pot he was made from. What a joke. How miserable for me.…
Thanks everyone for the support. I’m working on another one right now, so stay tuned
Buddy, I would take a large bite out of a iso brick. They come with color variety. What more could you want?
Vox, not enough degen damage and increase intensify to 60 stacks
This is quite a sorrow time
totally hit the disagree button ;)
Sorry, I just like Vox a lot. A lot, lot.
Guys, I think that’s a drone.
Another common one is Kushala vs Maestro and Vox vs almost any tech champ
"Perfectly balanced as all things should be" That is what Kate is to me
Wait, what are you doing with a dormammu? Tell me the rank
what rank was your photon?
Fairly pleased with these results. Got exactly who I wanted with some extra additions.
I may be only able to open 6 featured crystals, but that won't stop me. I need a onslaught
Maybe Kushala if I get her and want to take her up, but it's most likely gonna be Sersi. Sersi is best
His animations look stiff lol. But he seems pretty good
What do you want me to do? Clap?
Y'all don't understand how cool is sp2 is. He TORE A WHOLE IN THE BATTLE REALM WITH HIS WEAPON. THAT"S INSANSE!
You're crazy saying VTD and IMIW are bad. No one has mentioned spider man. He's horrible and he kinda needs that awakened ability. I'd take VTD and IMIW any day.
7* black cat. I thought the drop rates for 7* were higher because it actually almost rolled over to a 7* domino. But black cat has been great so far so I prefer her instead
Vox worked really well here
Shocker kills within 80 vibro shock charges
I missed 4 days when it dropped when it was released yesterday
I voted shathra for fun, but I did not expect her to get this far. Shathra all the way, blob can go play in traffic 50x
What do you want us to do? Clap?
So you want people to argue over SOMEONE ELSE'S OPINION?