Developers Thoughts: Improving Alliance Wars Discussion Thread



  • IsItthoughIsItthough Member Posts: 254 ★★
    I’m confused is the global buff going to be able to be taking down? Is it attached to the boss? Are you really telling me that for a full month and a half of war seasons that my AA that took an generic gem and a bunch of resources is pointless. Is every defender bleed immune. This is a joke right?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,302 Guardian
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    All this is just another nerf under the guise of diversity. They know we won’t change our attack teams so they just weakened them even more so we time out and die more. Every season they find a way to make war harder and for people to spend more without upping the rewards. I wonder how much longer people are willing to take their BS.

    For the love of everything, THIS IS NOT A NERF!!!!! Stop calling it that. A nerf would a fundamental change to a champ. That is not what is happening here. This only effects AW and not other game mode. Plus these 2 nodes are ONLY FOR SEASON 5 and not beyond. Not a nerf by any means what-so-ever.

    This is flat out a nerf. I’m not arguing semantics with you about it. You’ve proven time and time again that you’ll lap up whatever Kabam gives you and carry their water. They put in a node that takes out multiple champs main abilitie and you don’t think it’s a nerf....

    IT'S FOR 1 SEASON! What don't you understand about that? It's also for only 1 game mode. It's not a nerf period at all. There isn't any semantics to argue.

    It’s for this season. Then next season they have a whole different set of nerfs. I don’t think it shocks anyone that they recruit a bunch of yes men for their little panel. Do you even ask for **** anymore or do you like for them to give it to you dry?

    I was one of the players on their little panel, and I believe it is highly unlikely you can find someone that has expressed more criticism of more specific implementation details of Alliance War than I.
  • Jiff_Cleaner1Jiff_Cleaner1 Member Posts: 3
    Pillar: Keep alliance wars dynamic.

    I have become a bit disenfranchised due to the ever decreasing value of my favourite champs. I would like to see a commitment to a more cyclical nerf-buff changes to all champs so that I can enjoy them again once their value improves.

    For example: if a new Dr. Strange film comes out, I would like to se a significant buff to DS so that, for a time his health steal becomes OP. This would give me a warm fuzzy feeling that the effort I spent in ranking him was not wasted.

    I would also like to see that the synergies in war defence have some effect. I originally built a team around those but it clearly has no value.
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    Narcuul wrote: »
    I’m glade I never brought up my AA. You guys hate him.

    I am just glad I never awakened him with my generic.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    Jack221 wrote: »
    Awesome job, these changes sound epic. Keep doing what ya doing and making this game exciting.
    I bet most of the haters here don’t even even play the game. Just sit in here and moan. Boring...

    Buhahaha... been playing for three years.

    Nope, these changes are lukewarm at best.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    What’s next? Season 6 Global Safegaurd node for Corvus? Tranquility on all nodes to stop Void?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,302 Guardian
    Do they really expect people to rank up crappy champs for 1 month of war or was this a way to weaken most peoples war team? I think most people know the answer and I wish they’d come out and say it instead of these stupid statements about diversity.

    Actually, the subject of rank up did come up, and I and others pointed out that counterplay is significantly weakened by the fact that you can't respond to a "meta" change quickly through rank ups, and such counterplay moves are also extremely expensive. It is a problem that Kabam says they are investigating for future iterations of AW. I can't say in what way they might attempt to address this problem, but the subject of ways to temporarily and/or quickly rank defenders specifically for AW did come up as novel possibilities.

    As to the general subject of "diversity" I think that term has a very bad taste from the previous iteration cycle of alliance war where I felt Kabam aimed for literal diversity in a misguided attempt to generate more counterplay. What Kabam actually wants (based on my discussions with them) is more diverse gameplay, not literally more diverse champion usage. They just don't articulate that very well. Diversity for its own sake is silly. But what they are trying to achieve is for players to think strategically about which champions they use, and for the number of valid options to be high enough that different players come up with a wide variety of options. That automatically means players will be using a more diverse set of champions, but not just for diversity's sake. It would be because you and I disagree over what the best choices are, and the game is sufficiently balanced that one of us isn't just automatically wrong.

    They can't do that in one big jump so they are trying to crawl there slowly. They recognize that we don't have a lot of strategic options for placing defenders, so we're always placing the same ones. So everyone brings the same attackers to counter those defenders. And that "meta" gets locked in. The global nodes are intended to be a tiny step towards breaking that stalemate. Personally, I don't think the two they picked will do diddly squat. But the important thing isn't the specific node buffs they picked. The important thing is Kabam intends to evaluate and expand those buffs, and in particular they have signalled their intent to try to evolve that system into one that places more control into our hands rather than theirs. That's worth working towards.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    If they wanted to increase diversity and keep the game fresh... why not add random buffs (like labs) to nodes.... and the number of buffs on each node goes up as an alliance increases tiers (Master = 6, platinum = 5, Gold = 4, Silver =3, etc.

    They can give every player on offense 5 randomizes. It could add some extra strategy on placement and diversity. Defense should be able to see the buffs on all nodes prior to entering placement phase.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    My normal war team: rider r5, km r5, blade r4.
    My history w kabam: lmao go ask around or look it up.
    My stance on rdt: almost always in favor of them, loudly... To the point of forum bans.
    Deep wounds at 5
    Involved in the war changes discussion.

    The overall reaction is a bit silly and way over the top yall. It feels like people either aren't reading or aren't understanding.
    Slow down and put some thought into it.

    Demanding rdt bc one season of war will change? What about after that season? They're supposed to reverse that or it's permanent? What about other game modes? You don't want those champs ranked up for anything?

    Deep wounds refunds? You don't want dw in other game modes? Or after one month? They're supposed to give us units just so we have to unlock deep wounds again later?

    I'm ALL for fairness to the players. I fought for aa specific rdt and caught a ban. I still think the players got the shaft on that. I don't even have a 5* aa. Just got a 4* a little while back. But aa-rdt was the right thing to do.
    I have one r3 mystic I use on defense. I wouldn't rank her down if given a chance but have still been extremely vocal that mystic rdt are deserved.
    I've fought for players the entire time I've played this my own detrimental usually lol.

    The bottom line is we won't like all the globals that get thrown out. I didn't like plenty of eq bosses. But challenges are necessary. Jmo, but players should enjoy the challenges... Because it's a game and if it wasn't challenging it would suck. The same thing over and over isn't fun. War isn't really fun. It's the same thing over and over. I'd much rather have some globals to deal with than more ramped up nodes or monotonous/aq-like wars.

    The potential of this method is the good part. Bleed immune is gonna mess me up pretty bad but there's potential for actual fun to be had, and that's what should be exciting people.

    I do have issues with some of this and voiced that in the discussion we had. I think true counterplay should be more of a focus but I also realize it takes steps to get there. I also realize the overall reaction here proves those steps are necessary lol. I think players need a way to quickly adapt to the globals when it comes to their roster as well as having fair warning about future globals. I don't think rdt would be the answer because those are permanent and things will change in a month. I feel like if wars are going to be more dynamic, then war rosters need to also be more dynamic somehow. I don't really know how that should work tho. The ability to swap a rank between 2 champs for a season? Idk. I hadn't thought of that particular idea during our discussions so I'll throw it out there and see what happens haha.

    Either way, I get the strong feelings... I just see a lot of overreaction. I think if you step back and think thru your normal war path and the foes you usually face, you'll find some answers to what you should do. It's what I did when I had some time for it and it helped.

  • IsItthoughIsItthough Member Posts: 254 ★★
    edited October 2018
    @chunkyb I can’t disagree about the rdt and your support on the AA neutering. I would say my only argument is that while thes are only going to be season long you have limited many people with lower options in war. While yes the other game modes are important, let’s be fair there is no act 6 and event quests are well event quests. The one place that an alliance has to gain t5b is war. Now for one month some will have to sit on the sidelines or spend to get those. If they start adding t5b and 6 star shards in more content then fine I can sit a month out of war.

    As it is now war is a joke, look at the 15 alliances that were docked for cheating! Guess what most ended up in plat 2 or better. But hey cheating gets them ahead meanwhile my alliance that wasn’t docked faced 3 of them in our last 4 wars. And guess what they cruised right by us. An alliance should never and I repeat never be docked war rating when caught cheating. It’s a slap in the face that they drop 500 points and beat the hell out of the lower alliance laughing all the way. As they collect 5 and 6 star shards. War is broken! And this isn’t a good fix!
  • ContestChampContestChamp Member Posts: 32
    Red_barron wrote: »
    I have the perfect solution to keep every single player happy with any change you make kabam, after every season you set every 1 of our champions back to its original level when first obtained, any sig stones or awakening stones used returned to our stash and all rank up materials used ie cats, gold, iso
    Then you tell us what your changes are and we can rank our rosters to suit that season

  • Red_barronRed_barron Member Posts: 28
    if You really want to make aw a fair playing field for all why not make it 4* only, most people have many 4*’s there cheaper to rank up for changes and it’s more about skill than rosters, also you could make it that you can not duplicate an attacker so we have to use 30 different attackers and when you place your defence you choose you attack, that would also make it more interesting.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,302 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    It’s kabams fault

    People keep saying this, and I have no idea why. Yes, it is Kabam's "fault" because they made the game in the first place. Therefore, it is their responsibility to fix it, by changing the game to address problems in the game.

    You Missed the point:

    None of these changes address the fundamental flaws. Prestige, limited rank resources, and bad drop rates affect who people use a a lot more than anything else in the game.

    Actually, it is you that missed the point entirely. Everything you said does not respond in any way to what I quoted, and then responded to. Whether the changes are *correct* or not, in your opinion, that doesn't change the fact that everyone agrees there are problems, including Kabam, and everyone agrees that it is Kabam's game and they are the only ones who can change it. Therefore, saying "its Kabam's fault" is a meaningless statement.

    If you're going to reply to me, reply to what I said, and what I was responding to. I cannot address the point that exists in your head.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    IsItthough wrote: »
    @chunkyb I can’t disagree about the rdt and your support on the AA neutering. I would say my only argument is that while thes are only going to be season long you have limited many people with lower options in war. While yes the other game modes are important, let’s be fair there is no act 6 and event quests are well event quests. The one place that an alliance has to gain t5b is war. Now for one month some will have to sit on the sidelines or spend to get those. If they start adding t5b and 6 star shards in more content then fine I can sit a month out of war.

    As it is now war is a joke, look at the 15 alliances that were docked for cheating! Guess what most ended up in plat 2 or better. But hey cheating gets them ahead meanwhile my alliance that wasn’t docked faced 3 of them in our last 4 wars. And guess what they cruised right by us. An alliance should never and I repeat never be docked war rating when caught cheating. It’s a slap in the face that they drop 500 points and beat the hell out of the lower alliance laughing all the way. As they collect 5 and 6 star shards. War is broken! And this isn’t a good fix!

    Not a lot here I could argue with tbh. We see eye to eye on a lot of stuff. I don't see where people would need to sit out tho. My options aren't great as far as my subs go but it'll be fun to try to work it out... And as seen by all the replies here, everyone else is in the same boat for the most part.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,302 Guardian
    Red_barron wrote: »
    I have the perfect solution to keep every single player happy with any change you make kabam, after every season you set every 1 of our champions back to its original level when first obtained, any sig stones or awakening stones used returned to our stash and all rank up materials used ie cats, gold, iso
    Then you tell us what your changes are and we can rank our rosters to suit that season


    If you're trying to turn the game into Second Life, sure. But this completely destroys the notion of the game as a progressional game.
  • MrMaatMrMaat Member Posts: 302 ★★
    SparkAlot wrote: »
    This is perhaps the worst decision ever made, and, will make more people just give up on this game.

    I am not talking about the whales that have maxed out everything, I am talking about all the people in the lower tiers that have worked really hard trying to get their main killing machines ranked up as high as possible, pouring every bit of gold & resources they had.

    Now, Kabam pulls the rug out from them, and says, "Sorry, we don't want you to use your bleed champs that you worked so hard on to rank them up, time to rank someone else up!"

    There is a serious shortage in the lower levels trying to rank up because of all the lack of resources. If Kabam implements some way so they can rank up other champs QUICKLY, before the next season starts, then, this wouldn't be that much of a issue, but, the odds of that happening are 0%.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious please only allow these global nodes in Gold 1 and higher tiers.

    dude u never even read properly did you. these nodes will be only in the challenger and expert maps.
    not in the low tier.
    you are complaining about a non-issue.

    infact i think this is a great thing and should reach lower down in the tiers than it does.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    Oh yeah, not to mention that deep wounds is now worthless to me :)

    Also rip AA

    This, where is the compensation for the Deep Wounds Mastery which is now useless?

    How is it useless?
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