Developers Thoughts: Improving Alliance Wars Discussion Thread



  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 811 ★★★★
    A tool that will help officers out a lot for war...

    - When a person places defenders, give them the option to auto place them on the exact same node as last war
    - If defender is already on that node, randomly place the defender somewhere else
  • RamenRamen Member Posts: 1
    A couple of suggestions:

    Let alliances set parameters for war before finding an opponent. Parameters like 4* only, no buffed nodes, shorter timed match (12 hrs instead of 24) or whatever else creative thing you can come up with. May help improve some of the things you mention above.

    Not war-specific, but would be cool to see something like a weekly / monthly Alliance challenge checklist. Each item on the checklist worth a small reward, then a larger cumulative reward for how many checks you get. I understand this is essentially what we have now, but these tasks would be more specific. Things like: complete 200 perfect (3-0) arena matches, complete 20 quests in chapter 5, 100% complete Epic difficulty in monthly quest. Tasks can scale to fit Alliance skill level. This would encourage Alliances to focus on the entire game, not just a couple of areas. And since anyone can contribute towards checking something off, would let players who don’t do arena, for example, contribute in other ways.

    Again, I know that’s similar to what we have now, but just providing some food for thought.

    Also, if there’s a concern about new champs not getting into the game quick enough, maybe increase drop rates, or make character-specific crystals. Really like Luke Cage? Great. Here’s a Grand Master Luke Cage crystal. Guarantees a 3* Cage, with possibility of 4, 5 or 6*. I’d prefer that over the daily class crystals.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Just read thtough most of the comments. I actually love what Kabams intentions are here. Seem like some great changes. With that said! If one of your goals is to diversify attacker use and defender placement then for the love of god please help us rank up champios faster. I've been playing since day 1 and only having 1 rank 5 and 3 rank 4 champs is ridiculous. I have like 50 5 stars and my choices of ranking up has been very limited because of who is more useful and where. Not too mention 80% of the champs all need to be buffed to make them more challenging. Most people only have trouble with a very small handful of fights which makes the rest of the champs very easy no matter what buffs you add to them.

    Exactly my point nothing wrong with what they trying to do could be great for the game but they either need to allow us to rank up champs faster or issue rank down tickets every season. Pretty simple imo
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 412 ★★★
    For those asking for RTD, even if they are issued (though I highly doubt they will be), it is NOT a solution. Are you gonna rank down and rank up your top champs every season? Global nodes are going to last for one season only. Bleeders will be back to where they are in Season 6.
  • JubaknightJubaknight Member Posts: 82
    It seems bleed ability is going to be useless as the game progress. Almost most of the new good defenders are bleed immune, now bleed abilities in AW is useless as well!
    I think it is time not to rank up any champ with bleed abilities anymore. I am glad I r5 my 5* hyperion over AA.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    This is perhaps the worst decision ever made, and, will make more people just give up on this game.

    I am not talking about the whales that have maxed out everything, I am talking about all the people in the lower tiers that have worked really hard trying to get their main killing machines ranked up as high as possible, pouring every bit of gold & resources they had.

    Now, Kabam pulls the rug out from them, and says, "Sorry, we don't want you to use your bleed champs that you worked so hard on to rank them up, time to rank someone else up!"

    There is a serious shortage in the lower levels trying to rank up because of all the lack of resources. If Kabam implements some way so they can rank up other champs QUICKLY, before the next season starts, then, this wouldn't be that much of a issue, but, the odds of that happening are 0%.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious please only allow these global nodes in Gold 1 and higher tiers.
  • rnr87rnr87 Member Posts: 394
    The changes sound interesting for sure change is always welcome where it doesn't hurt our wallets lol. Is there gonna be a reward increase this season as well too help us strengthen our roster? I mean let's face it unless your in the top .25% it takes alot longer too acquire these precious rank up items too widen your roster.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike the statement about global buffs imply that the alliance gets to chose between two nodes, but I'm not sure. Will both global buffs be active for each tile or will the alliance get to chose? And if they get to chose will it be active for every tile or will the alliance get to chose the buff per tile?
  • JubaknightJubaknight Member Posts: 82
    It would be easy to solve issue 1 by being fair to all playing by relaxing the random and the luck factors in obtaining and ranking champions. So simple! Solutions r always simpler than we think.
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    @Kabam Miike the statement about global buffs imply that the alliance gets to chose between two nodes, but I'm not sure. Will both global buffs be active for each tile or will the alliance get to chose? And if they get to chose will it be active for every tile or will the alliance get to chose the buff per tile?

    Global implies map wide so every tile. Rotating implies it will change from war to war so probably won't be active at the same time. Good question regarding who pick the active global buff though... Probably not the alliance
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    edited October 2018
    Many good examples given above.
    •Create larger maps with more nodes to increase diversity, while increasing item use to promote completion.
    •Increase specific team synergies that work within seasonal maps. (I.E. romance, mastermind, or unique synergies for female/male/hero/villains.)
    •Priority #1 should be fixing know issues such as cheating, collusion, or anything not working as intended. Seems fairly obvious to me when I see a new player, level 50 or below, with an “uncollected title” plus a featured 5* awakened Champ and two or more 5* 4/5s or 6*s. Rank them down if it’s a known issue and remove them from alliance for a season.
    •Work to fix this before creating new content.
    •Create “flexible” nodes specific to a particular champ. “Enhance Signature: “Champs Sig Tag Here” or any category- “female boost” villain boost” to enhance attackers and defenders, promoting strategy based, coordinated attacks/defensevine setup.
    •Be specific to AW, as to not completely change the game.
    •Show some love to your old school players ;) make a harder AW map for Hardcore Only BG1 with specific criteria to enter.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,302 Guardian
    SparkAlot wrote: »
    This is perhaps the worst decision ever made, and, will make more people just give up on this game.

    I am not talking about the whales that have maxed out everything, I am talking about all the people in the lower tiers that have worked really hard trying to get their main killing machines ranked up as high as possible, pouring every bit of gold & resources they had.

    Now, Kabam pulls the rug out from them, and says, "Sorry, we don't want you to use your bleed champs that you worked so hard on to rank them up, time to rank someone else up!"

    There is a serious shortage in the lower levels trying to rank up because of all the lack of resources. If Kabam implements some way so they can rank up other champs QUICKLY, before the next season starts, then, this wouldn't be that much of a issue, but, the odds of that happening are 0%.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious please only allow these global nodes in Gold 1 and higher tiers.

    Gold 1 is a bracket, not a tier. But Kabam did say in the announcement that the global buffs in the current iteration would only be affecting higher tiers:
    Rotating Global Buffs will only affect Alliances in the Challenger and Expert Tiers, because they have the widest rosters, and we feel they’re best equipped to play with/around these Buffs. Once we’ve rolled these Buffs out to our top Summoners and analyzed their effects, we will evaluate broadening the range of Summoners that will experience these Buffs.
  • Zeronaut81Zeronaut81 Member Posts: 290 ★★
    The bleed immunity only extends to the defender, correct? Attackers will still bleed? So are we going to see a huge increase of Blade, KM, AA etc on defense?
  • hatchetkillahatchetkilla Member Posts: 23
    Acanthus wrote: »
    The murdering of Blade continues
    Buff 2 - Bleed Immunity:
    - Bleed immunity affects Defenders
    - Bringing in Debuff heavy Champions will still be a viable option, but Champions that rely heavily on Bleed will not be as effective this Season.

    Can you please expand on this. A R5 killmonger on node 29 will now be impposible to beat unless you have a corvius. People would use blade because that was the only other counter. Node 29 is a problem and you are not hellping this out at all, just making it a lot more difficult

    I take it you haven't heard of Magik.

    What about Archangel
  • hatchetkillahatchetkilla Member Posts: 23
    Wouldn't Archangel work
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Just another example of Kabam not understanding their own game, want us to use more of our rosters but don't understand that anything less than an r4 5* doesn't really cut it on expert map.

    Some of the guys in our alliance only have the ability to have 4-5 r4 5* and have used resources ranking champs that were best used for AW prior to the changes, your royalty screwed if out of those champs you had more than one of blade, AA, GP extra and none of them are females.

    You can not keeping changing the status quo when rank up materials are so scarce.

    As much as I agree with everything you said, GP is still female...
  • Candid_and_FrankCandid_and_Frank Member Posts: 35
    I give Kabam credit for communicating. That’s a good start. The problem of lack of diversity is their own creation, however.

    Many have correctly stated that the reason for so few champs being used is bc there is a continual ramp up of abilities as new champs are released and these abilities as well as the new nodes then make them necessary to stay at the top or complete the most challenging content. Kabam benefits from this bc of the revenue from crystal purchases, potion use, arena grinding, etc. I question that they truly have interest in changing that aspect of the game.

    If we are to take them for their word, however, then the only real solution is to increase the viability of the majority of the champs that are already out there and relegated to the trash heap. This has to be done by equalizing the playing field by either nerfing the god tier champs or bringing the garbage heap champs up to god tier.

    As it is today, nobody is going to use the precious few rank up materials on non-god tier champs. They are far too hard to get. I’m sitting on literally 1000’s of unopened rank up materials bc I continue to pull trash from all my crystals, and I’m not about to waste them on Falcon or IP or the other garbage sitting in my account. My luck has been about as bad as it can be, so I continue to tread water and pray that the rng gods will some day bestow me with a worthy champ. Until that day or a change in the meta, the game sits stagnant for me and I lose more interest in it every day.
  • RaffcrowRaffcrow Member Posts: 1
    If you truly want to have the players using and taking full advantage of their rosters why not reactivate the synergies back in to the wars. You guys keep trying to add new features instead of fixing the issues that still exist. Allowing defenders utilize their synergies would be a much better option to the “diversity issue”
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★
    Are we ever going to address the fact that loyalty doesn't accrue fast enough? It's too little. The game has changed but once again a component that should change with it didn't.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Ok. Now

    As for blade... People should look at that a little more. He doesn't depend on bleed. If you need bleeds to get a kill with blade, you're doing it wrong.

    You sir are an idiot. Blade depends on his bleed to gain more power which you can regenerate from or use higher specials for higher damage. Don’t comment if you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. This is a blatant Blade nerf because this scumbag company need to steal people’s money. This is the new 12.0

    Guessing you never fought a node in high tier war with blade where u needed to not bleed the opponent? Blade's real power is danger sense, not relying on bleed and specials. That's what makes him so good. How much of that bleeding power gain have you used vs dorm?

    I appreciate your weak attempt at personal attacks, but I won't bite. People have been crying about blade nerfs for ages and mine still destroys what I need him to destroy, whether they're bleed immune or not.

    You act as tho blade is your only champ or the only champ that can beat anything... When blade in war has been on the decline for quite some time. Many people have been using him as a defender for 3 seasons. The one thing that truly shows the merit of your post more than anything else is that you're calling a change to one season of wars "the new 12.0". Literally one game mode has some change and the sky is falling.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,026 ★★★★
    PaytoPlay wrote: »
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Just another example of Kabam not understanding their own game, want us to use more of our rosters but don't understand that anything less than an r4 5* doesn't really cut it on expert map.

    Some of the guys in our alliance only have the ability to have 4-5 r4 5* and have used resources ranking champs that were best used for AW prior to the changes, your royalty screwed if out of those champs you had more than one of blade, AA, GP extra and none of them are females.

    You can not keeping changing the status quo when rank up materials are so scarce.

    As much as I agree with everything you said, GP is still female...

    She is, my sentence wasn't constructed properly, I meant if none of your exisiting champs are female and was a different point from having multiple bleeders as r4 5*. Yes Gwenpool would be effective with the female global node.
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Well they just need to nerfed Blade and give out rank down tickets instead of nerfing the skill class and part of the mutant class for war. So now my Killmonger will sort of suck in war because Kabam is trying to figure out how to counter blade. He'll still hit like a truck with danger scense but two other classes will take a big hit.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    Väggar wrote: »
    I can agree with the stagnant previous season and only using specific champs because of our RNG luck, but if you want to implement the system to where we can use other champs as viable options than please. BUFF EVERYONE. Even She Hulk and Ant-Man. HulkBuster. Don't create a B.S. "Unique Synergy" on them because than that means we need another champion in order to use that synergy. Just make every champion viable and not weak and an actual tool that can be used on any standard either defensively or offensively. Just look on YouTube at any video on Offensive Tier list with the Youtubers opinion on their spreadsheet about every character. It's pretty easy to see which ones need a buff. So get to it! 😂

    Nope they'd rather just nerf the champs and masteries that everyone has wasted their time and resources on ranking up instead.

    Directly or indirectly adding a Global Bleed Immune node to AW is nerfing every Bleed Champ (X-23, MorningStar, Blade, KillMonger, GwenPool, ArchAngel, Wolverine, NightCrawler, SaberTooth, Guilly, Gamora, Yondu, Ultrobn, WW2, WS, MoonKnight, BP, BPCW, Carnage, Venom etc.), not to mention it's also a direct nerf to the Deep Wounds Mastery. This like 12.0 all over again imo.

    I demand rank down tickets and compensation for deep wounds or I might be done playing for a long time again considering these are the Champs and Masteries that Kabam themselves encouraged us all rank up after the nerfs to the Suicide Masteries and OG champs before and during 12.0.

    I 100% agree they should just buff all the crappy champs if they want balance, but instead they'd rather nerf the good stuff that we all spent resources on already. Kabam taking the lazy way out again at their player's expense, typical.

    Lastly this balances nothing. In fact it has quite the opposite effect becuase it just makes the pool of useful champions even smaller than it already was before.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,768 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Väggar wrote: »
    I can agree with the stagnant previous season and only using specific champs because of our RNG luck, but if you want to implement the system to where we can use other champs as viable options than please. BUFF EVERYONE. Even She Hulk and Ant-Man. HulkBuster. Don't create a B.S. "Unique Synergy" on them because than that means we need another champion in order to use that synergy. Just make every champion viable and not weak and an actual tool that can be used on any standard either defensively or offensively. Just look on YouTube at any video on Offensive Tier list with the Youtubers opinion on their spreadsheet about every character. It's pretty easy to see which ones need a buff. So get to it! 😂

    Nope they'd rather just nerf the champs and masteries that everyone has wasted their time and resources on ranking up instead.

    Directly or indirectly adding a Global Bleed Immune node to AW is nerfing every Bleed Champ (X-23, MorningStar, Blade, KillMonger, GwenPool, ArchAngel, Wolverine, NightCrawler, SaberTooth, Guilly, Gamora, Yondu, Ultrobn, WW2, WS, MoonKnight, BP, BPCW, Carnage, Venom etc.), not to mention it's also a direct nerf to the Deep Wounds Mastery. This like 12.0 all over again imo.

    I demand rank down tickets and compensation for deep wounds or I might be done playing for a long time again considering these are the Champs and Masteries that Kabam themselves encouraged us all rank up after the nerfs to the Suicide Masteries and OG champs before and during 12.0.

    I 100% agree they should just buff all the crappy champs if they want balance, but instead they'd rather nerf the good stuff. that we all spent respurces on already. Kabam taking the lazy way out again at their player's expense, typical.

    Lastly this balances nothing. In fact it has quite the opposite effect becuase it just makes the pool of useful champions even smaller than it already was before.

    You realize this is for only 1 war season and doesnt effect any other mode in the game right?
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    I was just getting use to alliance war seasons...
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,768 ★★★★★
    PaytoPlay wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike the statement about global buffs imply that the alliance gets to chose between two nodes, but I'm not sure. Will both global buffs be active for each tile or will the alliance get to chose? And if they get to chose will it be active for every tile or will the alliance get to chose the buff per tile?

    Global implies map wide so every tile. Rotating implies it will change from war to war so probably won't be active at the same time. Good question regarding who pick the active global buff though... Probably not the alliance

    For Season 5 the 2 mentioned nodes will be active for this season only. Season 6 will introduce new global buffs.
    @PaytoPlay @Ghostspider231
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