Contender, Proven, and Conqueror Discussion Thread



  • CrushtestCrushtest Member, Content Creators Posts: 322 Content Creator
    “Howard the Mech”

    Is that his new name?

    That was his working name when he was being created, and I guess I copied that one over without fixing it. I'll update the Chart soon.

    what about another mistakes? two rockets, iron fists... two DD's - one classic, and second one - which one's?
    a lot of "space" mistakes: war machine etc.
  • FinchestoFinchesto Member Posts: 33
    The script is great but the plot went wrong.

    Just as a positive criticism:

    1. It's no longer realistic to add incentives of 1*s and 2*s in 2018!!! 3*s are relatively good for new players but who needs a 3* after completing Act4. 4*/5* Signature stones, tier 4 ISO8, tier class catalysts fragments, etc. would be more viable
    2. Please revise the RNG on the PHC, the game has changed quite drastically and the gap between an average player to a highly-skilled player is immense. This will give a fair chance for progression

    This is not a plea to be spoon-fed but more on doing constructive change
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    benshb wrote: »
    Also, with implementing this, it's time to introduce Act and event quest difficulty-based Quest crystals. (Act I quest crystal - Act V quest crystal - Master/Uncollected quest crystals)

    I'm game for this... I've seen a couple threads on this before, but nothing ever happens. There a actually a lot of crystals that need updated. Quest crystals, war victor and loss crystals, loyalty crystals, etc...
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Where's the title and new difficulty for those who've 100% act 5 or LOL?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,816 ★★★★★
    Where's the title and new difficulty for those who've 100% act 5 or LOL?

  • GivMeABeerGivMeABeer Member Posts: 203 ★★
    @Kabam Miike this is great for lower lvl players and allows them to progress a little faster. Given the current state of the game I think this change was definitely needed. Even though it won't impact my account I give you kudos.
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    I'm surprised. I really appreciate this. I think quite balance the roster between the one whom are uncollected and the ones who are trying to be uncollected. I really like the idea behind this change. I have just compliments, and I hope may pass those along to everyone working on this game
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Yay now I can say I got uncollected before it was easy!!!
  • Iron_spider1Iron_spider1 Member Posts: 272
    Should I have to 100% act 4 to get the title or just do the initial run?
  • CrushtestCrushtest Member, Content Creators Posts: 322 Content Creator
    Should I have to 100% act 4 to get the title or just do the initial run?

    just like it with Uncollected - complete. one run would be enough. not explore.
  • Raz7997Raz7997 Member Posts: 20
    I have completed at act 3, then which title for me.
  • Rawk9Rawk9 Member Posts: 143
    Wozzy101 wrote: »
    I think for those who are already uncollected changing the Grandmaster crystals is needed. Currently it’s 89% chance of 3*, 10% for a 4* and 1% for a 5*. If you’re uncollected a 3 star is useless. 4 stars are verging in redundant as well. I think keep the drop rate percentages the same but have it as 4*, 5* and 6* as the options. A 1% chance at a 6 star would take up to 2 years to get based on chance. If gives extra incentive to push to uncollected and to spend units on buying grandmaster shards.

    I agree 100%, a 3 star hero it's useless, for uncollected @Kabam Miike keep it in mind
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Wow. PHC cost going down. That's a plus
  • DarthpatoDarthpato Member Posts: 24
    Muchas gracias kabam por hacerle las cosas más fáciles a los jugadores nuevos y acordarse de nosotros que estamos casi del inicio ;)
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    Great Addition for the game

    now plz add some titles for the road of labyrinth and realm of legend and labyrinth of legends easy to do and necessary imo why not ?
  • CASrini003CASrini003 Member Posts: 81
    @Kabam Miike It is Good but it'd be nice,If the 4 star champs are brought into Conqueror Daily Crystals as nobody would go to fight Collecter with a 3 star LOL 😉
  • Romo790Romo790 Member Posts: 142
    These changes sound fine. However as suggested before, people who are uncollected should see grand master crystals replace premium hero crystals. This change would make sense along with these other changes
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Quick question. With the addition of these title, will the featured crystal cost decrease as well?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,816 ★★★★★
    Quick question. With the addition of these title, will the featured crystal cost decrease as well?

    No. It says it in the announcement. Only PHCs are dropping in cost.
  • Pete_duckPete_duck Member Posts: 1
    Waste of time to do. Like why not make it worth your time to put useful things in there...
  • LGreene619LGreene619 Member Posts: 2
    So what if you have completed say Act 3 100% Which would gain you Maestros favor... Do we have to go back and fight Thanos again to trigger the rewards?
  • PerfectkillerPerfectkiller Member Posts: 1
    Really good initiative but soon I'll be uncollected lol
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    nothing about the drop rate?
  • BloodshedzBloodshedz Member Posts: 45
    This is an amazing idea to help players progress faster. Love the plan.
    Wish we could get extra calendars based on title as well. Uncollected has their own calendar.
    Just a thought
  • PizzaGuy245PizzaGuy245 Member Posts: 45
    Hi,Ever since i've been playing the game my 4 hour crystal consisted of Premium hero crystal shards,3 star shards and 4 star shards,How will those changes effect me??
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