We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
I believe this is a nerf, it was originally meant to be a 100% chance to stagger when parried however because a “bug” prevented him from doing this Kabam didn’t wanna fix him because the community were saying he’s still amazing anyways, therefore Kabam could have fixed him and changed the chance to 100% as stated but they chose not to because the community already thinks highly of him anyways so they won’t receive much backlash. Also how do u the bug only gives u a 30% chance to place a stagger, it could already be 50% and Kabam are just changing the wording. This is a sneaky nerf to symbiote supreme, does it make him trash? No. But it would’ve been nice for him to have an ability, he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!
Technically, if you want to break down things, he was NEVER intended to have a 100% chance. If you look at every other ability/synergy that has a base line percentage chance and then a 100% to it, its always been BY never TO, this is why some of us were inclined to believe it was a wording issue.
Also you don't know why Kabam opted to give him 50% and stating otherwise is just adding conspiracy.
How do I know it was 30%? Well because like you, I am choosing to go off his original ability description, but give them the benefit of the doubt that TO was supposed to be BY. And if in fact the game was coded to 30% the 50% increase will actually be a BUFF.
You state so eloquently the ability he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!" well he was originally supposed to never have the 100%. Its people like you who jump on the wording bandwagon to spew hate and vitriol when its unwarranted.
They could have opted to change TO into BY and make it 30% call it a day and move on. But they are now coding it to 50% so please, stop with the nerf cries and see what this really is.....a buff
The current wording says 15% on hit or block. And then adds raises chance TO 100% meaning every parry would net a stagger. That’s what TO means it takes that 15% and raises it TO 100%.
Now BY 100% would take that 15% and double it to 30%. Meaning that each parry would have a 30% chance instead of a 15% chance.
The current wording says 15% on hit or block. And then adds raises chance TO 100% meaning every parry would net a stagger. That’s what TO means it takes that 15% and raises it TO 100%.
Now BY 100% would take that 15% and double it to 30%. Meaning that each parry would have a 30% chance instead of a 15% chance.
One word can make a world of difference
@Liss_Bliss_ Thanks for the clarification You still gotta admit though, Kabam is in the wrong yet again for putting wrong descriptions for champions and for the lack of testing.
We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
This is actually a nerf same thing happened with domino where instead of fixing her bug they just made the bugged version the actual version It also complexes me how it took them so long to tell us that the 100% wasn’t intended even though that was how it was since the start and even in the forum post While dominos could be justified as it could make her too powerful this is just petty
So, basically, things can change at any time, and people shouldn't trust what the Spotlight says about a champ?
I know Kabam also said that they reserve the right to change new champs going forward one way or the other depending on the data they get from the players who actually play the game, and not data from what the beta testers play testing shows.
It just seems disingenuous about the lack of transparency for this issue and lots of the other bugs that have been going on for 5+ months with no real communication about what is going on.
The current wording says 15% on hit or block. And then adds raises chance TO 100% meaning every parry would net a stagger. That’s what TO means it takes that 15% and raises it TO 100%.
Now BY 100% would take that 15% and double it to 30%. Meaning that each parry would have a 30% chance instead of a 15% chance.
One word can make a world of difference
@Liss_Bliss_ Thanks for the clarification You still gotta admit though, Kabam is in the wrong yet again for putting wrong descriptions for champions and for the lack of testing.
We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
This is actually a nerf same thing happened with domino where instead of fixing her bug they just made the bugged version the actual version It also complexes me how it took them so long to tell us that the 100% wasn’t intended even though that was how it was since the start and even in the forum post While dominos could be justified as it could make her too powerful this is just petty
I agree the fact they waited so long IS very complex. They could have cleared this up sooooo easily back in October of last year.
However can you not say that 100% chance at a stagger when none of his other phases grant that wouldn’t have been OP. In fact each phase other than Null’s is 50% Chthon’s 5% on each attack crits is 50%. Set’s 50% as well on each hit of the specials.
The thing we are forgetting is that Kabam can change champs whenever and however they want. But for people to cry nerf and raise pitchforks is a bit much IMHO.
I just hope Kabam does everything they can to stop these "description" errors from happening in the future. This also happened with Domino, another champ I have. It's frustrating and almost feels like a slap in the face when the champ u work hard to get and rank up isn't what is described. An apology for taking almost a year to decide its just a wording mistake would also be nice. Just a simple I am sorry and will try harder in the future goes a long way.
It took almost a year of constant postings, just to have it stated he was acting as intended (just a messed up description). Oh, and they finally admitted he was broken in other ways. At least mines a 6* so it was just ISO. This is why we all talk about kabam taking their time when the bug is in their favor, but act immediately when it's a player advantage.
Guys what are you even talking about with all these nerfs and stuff? I have him 5* r4 and I'm more than happy that i spent rss on him. It's true that it's their fault for the wrong description and the bugs and so on and so forth, but I must admit that what they said about them trying to be transparent and give precise info about updates was 100% right. Also Symb Supreme with 100% chance to stagger on block would truly be overkill and overly broken, providing the fact that it's abilities RELY ON THOSE STAGGERS and the fact that the VENOM SYNERGY EXISTS which would just create an endless recycle of staggers. I believe you should stop throwing insults right and left before you even analyzed the impact the champ would have in-game if the 100% thing would have been right. So stop whining like a baby and raise pitchforks/throw rocks because everything is god damn fine...
I will call it a nerf. If someone like me awakened and ranked up a 5 star champion with the intent to use it as described, then I dont get what is described, instead the description is changed. Its a nerf. Cuz its a description change to match the bug, or the untested non working version.
Anyways, I got called on Sentinel too. I will stay constructive and say, Kabam ofcourse should not make the champ OP if they think so and they should fix the description, but people who ranked up the champ before the description change should receive the resources.
I am not asking for Rank Down Tickets, Not asking for compensation for the time lost or the headaches, but just restore the gold and cats and call it a day.
Also Symb Supreme with 100% chance to stagger on block would truly be overkill and overly broken
You are wrong, Sym Supreme does not have a 100% chance to place a Stagger on block, it's only on well timed blocks (Parries), on the description it said the chance to place a stagger is raised to 100% on Well timed blocks, however it did not work as advertised. And this function only works in his Armor phase, not in the others.
We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
I believe this is a nerf, it was originally meant to be a 100% chance to stagger when parried however because a “bug” prevented him from doing this Kabam didn’t wanna fix him because the community were saying he’s still amazing anyways, therefore Kabam could have fixed him and changed the chance to 100% as stated but they chose not to because the community already thinks highly of him anyways so they won’t receive much backlash. Also how do u the bug only gives u a 30% chance to place a stagger, it could already be 50% and Kabam are just changing the wording. This is a sneaky nerf to symbiote supreme, does it make him trash? No. But it would’ve been nice for him to have an ability, he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!
Technically, if you want to break down things, he was NEVER intended to have a 100% chance. If you look at every other ability/synergy that has a base line percentage chance and then a 100% to it, its always been BY never TO, this is why some of us were inclined to believe it was a wording issue.
Also you don't know why Kabam opted to give him 50% and stating otherwise is just adding conspiracy.
How do I know it was 30%? Well because like you, I am choosing to go off his original ability description, but give them the benefit of the doubt that TO was supposed to be BY. And if in fact the game was coded to 30% the 50% increase will actually be a BUFF.
You state so eloquently the ability he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!" well he was originally supposed to never have the 100%. Its people like you who jump on the wording bandwagon to spew hate and vitriol when its unwarranted.
They could have opted to change TO into BY and make it 30% call it a day and move on. But they are now coding it to 50% so please, stop with the nerf cries and see what this really is.....a buff
So you KNOW it was meant to be 30% because you're guessing that it was a wording error and have nothing else to back that up?
Apparently no where else in the game was there an ability with a base line percentage chance that increased TO 100%? They were all BY 100% right? Maybe have a look at Cap IW. "Kinetic Potential Passive: 50% chance when blocking to gain +1 Kinetic Potential. This chance increases TO 100% on a Well Timed Block".
Your entire statement was filled with opinions and inaccurate statements presented as fact.
We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
I believe this is a nerf, it was originally meant to be a 100% chance to stagger when parried however because a “bug” prevented him from doing this Kabam didn’t wanna fix him because the community were saying he’s still amazing anyways, therefore Kabam could have fixed him and changed the chance to 100% as stated but they chose not to because the community already thinks highly of him anyways so they won’t receive much backlash. Also how do u the bug only gives u a 30% chance to place a stagger, it could already be 50% and Kabam are just changing the wording. This is a sneaky nerf to symbiote supreme, does it make him trash? No. But it would’ve been nice for him to have an ability, he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!
Technically, if you want to break down things, he was NEVER intended to have a 100% chance. If you look at every other ability/synergy that has a base line percentage chance and then a 100% to it, its always been BY never TO, this is why some of us were inclined to believe it was a wording issue.
Also you don't know why Kabam opted to give him 50% and stating otherwise is just adding conspiracy.
How do I know it was 30%? Well because like you, I am choosing to go off his original ability description, but give them the benefit of the doubt that TO was supposed to be BY. And if in fact the game was coded to 30% the 50% increase will actually be a BUFF.
You state so eloquently the ability he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!" well he was originally supposed to never have the 100%. Its people like you who jump on the wording bandwagon to spew hate and vitriol when its unwarranted.
They could have opted to change TO into BY and make it 30% call it a day and move on. But they are now coding it to 50% so please, stop with the nerf cries and see what this really is.....a buff
So you KNOW it was meant to be 30% because you're guessing it was a wording error and have nothing else to back that up?
And no where else in the game is there an ability with a base line percent chance that increases TO 100%? It's always BY 100% right? Maybe have a look at Cap IW. "Kinetic Potential- Passive: 50% chance when Blocking to gain +1 Kinetic Potential. This chance increases TO 100% on a Well Timed Block".
Your entire statement was filled with opinions and inaccurate statements presented at fact. I hope no one else listens to that nonsense and accepts it as a logical argument.
Black Widow and Gulk synergy increases evade by 100%
We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
I believe this is a nerf, it was originally meant to be a 100% chance to stagger when parried however because a “bug” prevented him from doing this Kabam didn’t wanna fix him because the community were saying he’s still amazing anyways, therefore Kabam could have fixed him and changed the chance to 100% as stated but they chose not to because the community already thinks highly of him anyways so they won’t receive much backlash. Also how do u the bug only gives u a 30% chance to place a stagger, it could already be 50% and Kabam are just changing the wording. This is a sneaky nerf to symbiote supreme, does it make him trash? No. But it would’ve been nice for him to have an ability, he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!
Technically, if you want to break down things, he was NEVER intended to have a 100% chance. If you look at every other ability/synergy that has a base line percentage chance and then a 100% to it, its always been BY never TO, this is why some of us were inclined to believe it was a wording issue.
Also you don't know why Kabam opted to give him 50% and stating otherwise is just adding conspiracy.
How do I know it was 30%? Well because like you, I am choosing to go off his original ability description, but give them the benefit of the doubt that TO was supposed to be BY. And if in fact the game was coded to 30% the 50% increase will actually be a BUFF.
You state so eloquently the ability he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!" well he was originally supposed to never have the 100%. Its people like you who jump on the wording bandwagon to spew hate and vitriol when its unwarranted.
They could have opted to change TO into BY and make it 30% call it a day and move on. But they are now coding it to 50% so please, stop with the nerf cries and see what this really is.....a buff
So you KNOW it was meant to be 30% because you're guessing it was a wording error and have nothing else to back that up?
And no where else in the game is there an ability with a base line percent chance that increases TO 100%? It's always BY 100% right? Maybe have a look at Cap IW. "Kinetic Potential- Passive: 50% chance when Blocking to gain +1 Kinetic Potential. This chance increases TO 100% on a Well Timed Block".
Your entire statement was filled with opinions and inaccurate statements presented at fact. I hope no one else listens to that nonsense and accepts it as a logical argument.
Black Widow and Gulk synergy increases evade by 100%
Ok cool. You still said every ability and synergy in the game increases BY 100%, not TO 100%. That's not true. There are abilities in this game that are increased to 100% chance.
We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
I believe this is a nerf, it was originally meant to be a 100% chance to stagger when parried however because a “bug” prevented him from doing this Kabam didn’t wanna fix him because the community were saying he’s still amazing anyways, therefore Kabam could have fixed him and changed the chance to 100% as stated but they chose not to because the community already thinks highly of him anyways so they won’t receive much backlash. Also how do u the bug only gives u a 30% chance to place a stagger, it could already be 50% and Kabam are just changing the wording. This is a sneaky nerf to symbiote supreme, does it make him trash? No. But it would’ve been nice for him to have an ability, he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!
Technically, if you want to break down things, he was NEVER intended to have a 100% chance. If you look at every other ability/synergy that has a base line percentage chance and then a 100% to it, its always been BY never TO, this is why some of us were inclined to believe it was a wording issue.
Also you don't know why Kabam opted to give him 50% and stating otherwise is just adding conspiracy.
How do I know it was 30%? Well because like you, I am choosing to go off his original ability description, but give them the benefit of the doubt that TO was supposed to be BY. And if in fact the game was coded to 30% the 50% increase will actually be a BUFF.
You state so eloquently the ability he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!" well he was originally supposed to never have the 100%. Its people like you who jump on the wording bandwagon to spew hate and vitriol when its unwarranted.
They could have opted to change TO into BY and make it 30% call it a day and move on. But they are now coding it to 50% so please, stop with the nerf cries and see what this really is.....a buff
So you KNOW it was meant to be 30% because you're guessing it was a wording error and have nothing else to back that up?
And no where else in the game is there an ability with a base line percent chance that increases TO 100%? It's always BY 100% right? Maybe have a look at Cap IW. "Kinetic Potential- Passive: 50% chance when Blocking to gain +1 Kinetic Potential. This chance increases TO 100% on a Well Timed Block".
Your entire statement was filled with opinions and inaccurate statements presented at fact. I hope no one else listens to that nonsense and accepts it as a logical argument.
Black Widow and Gulk synergy increases evade by 100%
Ok cool. You still said every ability and synergy in the game increases BY 100%, not TO 100%. That's not true. There are abilities in this game that are increased to 100% chance.
@humzah217 my dude so your saying it’s now a buff? So your assuming that the description that came out saying 100% and has never changed was simply just a mistake? This is just rewording the description to try and mirror the gameplay of the actual mistake that was made. This champion wasn’t tested properly and put out to the community bugged and after a year Mike comes to the table with changing the description? And your ok with that? Your going to call that a buff? Smh this is not the way things should work.
We wanted to give an update on some of the issues raised here.
In the next game update we’ll be updating the description of Null’s Shadow to clarify that well-timed Blocks trigger Stagger with a 50% chance. Despite the error in the description, this is the percentage chance that is intended for Symbiote Supreme.
After many back and forth conversations and tests, we had to make the decision to keep it as it is now, which is 50%. Any higher percentage would make Symbiote Supreme much more powerful than he already is in this area, which is not something that this Champion needs. We apologize for the confusion caused by this description error.
With relation to Nullify not dealing damage at the beginning of a fight, this an issue that the team is still investigating to work toward a resolution. We have been able to reproduce it, but the solution is a complicated one with many knock-ons to other Abilities. While we are looking at this, it is not something that will be resolved in the next update. We appreciate your patience with relation to this is
Well... they nerfed symbiote supreme
@humzah217 Actually they haven’t. If he was never supposed to have a 100% chance to apply, and from video footage he wasn’t getting that, then this is actually a buff to his current wording.
We have had thoughts that TO was supposed to be BY that would have made it 30%. But now since it’s going to be 50% that’s an increase.
So I ask you. If NOTHING is changing to the champion but the wording, How is that a nerf?
I believe this is a nerf, it was originally meant to be a 100% chance to stagger when parried however because a “bug” prevented him from doing this Kabam didn’t wanna fix him because the community were saying he’s still amazing anyways, therefore Kabam could have fixed him and changed the chance to 100% as stated but they chose not to because the community already thinks highly of him anyways so they won’t receive much backlash. Also how do u the bug only gives u a 30% chance to place a stagger, it could already be 50% and Kabam are just changing the wording. This is a sneaky nerf to symbiote supreme, does it make him trash? No. But it would’ve been nice for him to have an ability, he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!
Technically, if you want to break down things, he was NEVER intended to have a 100% chance. If you look at every other ability/synergy that has a base line percentage chance and then a 100% to it, its always been BY never TO, this is why some of us were inclined to believe it was a wording issue.
Also you don't know why Kabam opted to give him 50% and stating otherwise is just adding conspiracy.
How do I know it was 30%? Well because like you, I am choosing to go off his original ability description, but give them the benefit of the doubt that TO was supposed to be BY. And if in fact the game was coded to 30% the 50% increase will actually be a BUFF.
You state so eloquently the ability he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!" well he was originally supposed to never have the 100%. Its people like you who jump on the wording bandwagon to spew hate and vitriol when its unwarranted.
They could have opted to change TO into BY and make it 30% call it a day and move on. But they are now coding it to 50% so please, stop with the nerf cries and see what this really is.....a buff
So you KNOW it was meant to be 30% because you're guessing it was a wording error and have nothing else to back that up?
And no where else in the game is there an ability with a base line percent chance that increases TO 100%? It's always BY 100% right? Maybe have a look at Cap IW. "Kinetic Potential- Passive: 50% chance when Blocking to gain +1 Kinetic Potential. This chance increases TO 100% on a Well Timed Block".
Your entire statement was filled with opinions and inaccurate statements presented at fact. I hope no one else listens to that nonsense and accepts it as a logical argument.
Black Widow and Gulk synergy increases evade by 100%
Ok cool. You still said every ability and synergy in the game increases BY 100%, not TO 100%. That's not true. There are abilities in this game that are increased to 100% chance.
Would you look at that. It was a wording issue.
Just Like The Description
It wasn’t a wording issue your gonna seriously tell me it took 8 months to figure that out
IMHO SS is still one of the best champs. I maxed out my 5 star just yesterday after doing v3 100 using the 4-5 gem. The only issue i have with this nerf/fix/change is if it was a description error, how can they take 1 year to figure this out. I don't buy this at all. I still love the champ and the game. Kudos to kabam for the work they do but they need to keep our trust by better communication as currently the CCP program is trash and only a medium to over hype champions. We have no way of knowing if we are being heard so communication is the key. If i am giving them my hard earned money or time, i need to trust them and they need to care for us. Have a great day ahead gentleman!
Also you don't know why Kabam opted to give him 50% and stating otherwise is just adding conspiracy.
How do I know it was 30%? Well because like you, I am choosing to go off his original ability description, but give them the benefit of the doubt that TO was supposed to be BY. And if in fact the game was coded to 30% the 50% increase will actually be a BUFF.
You state so eloquently the ability he was ORIGINALLY meant to HAVE!" well he was originally supposed to never have the 100%. Its people like you who jump on the wording bandwagon to spew hate and vitriol when its unwarranted.
They could have opted to change TO into BY and make it 30% call it a day and move on. But they are now coding it to 50% so please, stop with the nerf cries and see what this really is.....a buff
The current wording says 15% on hit or block. And then adds raises chance TO 100% meaning every parry would net a stagger. That’s what TO means it takes that 15% and raises it TO 100%.
Now BY 100% would take that 15% and double it to 30%. Meaning that each parry would have a 30% chance instead of a 15% chance.
One word can make a world of difference
You still gotta admit though, Kabam is in the wrong yet again for putting wrong descriptions for champions and for the lack of testing.
Also didn't they come out last month and said they'll do this for every new champs going forward?
What's the big deal?
It also complexes me how it took them so long to tell us that the 100% wasn’t intended even though that was how it was since the start and even in the forum post
While dominos could be justified as it could make her too powerful this is just petty
I know Kabam also said that they reserve the right to change new champs going forward one way or the other depending on the data they get from the players who actually play the game, and not data from what the beta testers play testing shows.
It just seems disingenuous about the lack of transparency for this issue and lots of the other bugs that have been going on for 5+ months with no real communication about what is going on.
However can you not say that 100% chance at a stagger when none of his other phases grant that wouldn’t have been OP. In fact each phase other than Null’s is 50% Chthon’s 5% on each attack crits is 50%. Set’s 50% as well on each hit of the specials.
The thing we are forgetting is that Kabam can change champs whenever and however they want. But for people to cry nerf and raise pitchforks is a bit much IMHO.
Like extra staggers would be game breaking. Lol.
It's true that it's their fault for the wrong description and the bugs and so on and so forth, but I must admit that what they said about them trying to be transparent and give precise info about updates was 100% right.
Also Symb Supreme with 100% chance to stagger on block would truly be overkill and overly broken, providing the fact that it's abilities RELY ON THOSE STAGGERS and the fact that the VENOM SYNERGY EXISTS which would just create an endless recycle of staggers. I believe you should stop throwing insults right and left before you even analyzed the impact the champ would have in-game if the 100% thing would have been right.
So stop whining like a baby and raise pitchforks/throw rocks because everything is god damn fine...
Anyways, I got called on Sentinel too. I will stay constructive and say, Kabam ofcourse should not make the champ OP if they think so and they should fix the description, but people who ranked up the champ before the description change should receive the resources.
I am not asking for Rank Down Tickets, Not asking for compensation for the time lost or the headaches, but just restore the gold and cats and call it a day.
Apparently no where else in the game was there an ability with a base line percentage chance that increased TO 100%? They were all BY 100% right? Maybe have a look at Cap IW. "Kinetic Potential Passive: 50% chance when blocking to gain +1 Kinetic Potential. This chance increases TO 100% on a Well Timed Block".
Your entire statement was filled with opinions and inaccurate statements presented as fact.
Have a great day ahead gentleman!