How many docks does it take for players to stop modding in AW Seasons?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    The other aspects I'm on board with. I'm against cheating, and I agree that it's a problem. I just don't agree with making punishment something people benefit from.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

    chunkyb said:

    Any mod use should be a perma ban.
    Use of bots should be a perma ban.

    "But chunky, that doesn't stop them from getting another account and doing it again"

    That's true. So perma ban again next time they do it. Dock the alli as well. Piss off the whole alliance. Rain fire. Torch the earth. Let em get another account and do the same again. See who lasts longer. They'll tire of the outflow of cash pretty quickly imo.

    Oh and devote 2-3 ppl to finding newly built mods and bots and finding a signature to more easily identify them. Really wouldn't take much. When you look at the widespread war frustrations amongst normally paying players, this is a large part of the equation.

    Or just throw AW out all together and come up with a game mode that isn't awful
    What would you suggest?
    This, but people seem to have some problem with it that no one felt like sharing.
  • Plato92Plato92 Member Posts: 102
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.
    Honestly I think if they were given a second chance and they blew it. They should be permanently banned from all of their accounts so that way they can’t reap any rewards from those accounts. We all work so hard to fight fair and clean, but when people fight dirty they ruin the war plus the experience for everyone else who plays their clean. If you are going to mod then don’t play this anymore end of story. I want a fair fight from start to finish. I don’t want a tainted victory or loss in war. Another thing I want is for any alliance caught with someone who is cheating to be immediately removed from that war and for the team they was fighting against to be awarded the win. To me that would be fair. Especially when people who mod aren’t losing a champ or any health what so ever. It is ridiculous for us to take part in war only to lose because people don’t play fair.
  • SirmacoolSirmacool Member Posts: 417 ★★

    Keep the thread constructive

    AW is a waste. Rewards for time suck. Having issues with cheaters makes it worse. I’d rather tie up my champs for quests and AQ. Not two days for mediocre awards and cheaters.
  • ReyAlemánReyAlemán Member Posts: 98
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.
    Several master level alliances are getting tired of this.

    Why should I waste my time and money if some kid downloads or buys a modded apk to kill anything without worrying to die, they don't care to get caught they only do this because they can and you guys are doing nothing.

    If this keeps going like this, they will get 1st place for sure.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.

    Grimv717 said:

    Grimv717 said:

    Which means as the War played out, you lost based on that. You played fairly, you lost fairly. The other side played unfairly and won unfarily. See the problem I'm highlighting? The resolution has to be with the side that's doing the wrong.

    GW I’m gonna need you to take a step back and reread what you said here. This is literally victim blaming. You’re saying that an alliance that plays their hardest and performs well but loses to cheaters who perform near-impossibly well because of their cheating do not deserve to be credited justly for their hard work and fair play.
    I'm not victim blaming at all. It's not an Ally's fault they came up against one that cheats. I'm saying as far as the system goes, you have to take the Loss because that's all you have to go on in terms of performace. Playing honestly, cheating, either way the scoring doesn't change, and that records a Loss. That's how the War played out.
    Overall I think it's a very bad idea to give automatic Wins to people just because the other side cheated. You don't reward people for following the rules. You reward them for what they put up. That's my point.
    Looks like it took me a few weeks before I just couldn't hold it in anymore. How can you say cheating doesn't affect the score? You can't really believe that... If people are cheating by any means then the score is being affected at LEAST on their end if not on both. Let's see how!!!

    Ally A is cheating and would normally finish with a 450 attack bonus however when they cheat they finish with 470-480+.
    Ally B matches them and is in the 450 range, they notice at a certain point that the win is out of reach and either still go for the 100% but without regard for getting full bonus OR skips sections to go for bosses. Very few scenarios where Ally B goes about this war like they normally would have thus impacting the end result in the war which all benefit the cheating group.

    Under normal circumstances I'm sure Ally B would try their best to get full bonus so not only is Ally B losing the war to cheaters but they are also losing rating, possible tier drop and prospective attack bonus they would have otherwise pushed for FURTHER effecting their season.

    You may not agree with what people are proposing but that's how I know they're all spot on. If you cheat in war the ally affected should get SOME kind of redemption. Nothing but very serious actions by Kabam will curb this behavior.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.
    Sirmacool said:

    Keep the thread constructive

    AW is a waste. Rewards for time suck. Having issues with cheaters makes it worse. I’d rather tie up my champs for quests and AQ. Not two days for mediocre awards and cheaters.
    First you only tie up champs for 2 days and second AW season rewards are the most juicy rewards out there now that they have been buffed, didn’t you heard?

    Just bucease you don’t care about AW doesn’t makes this issue less important for the grand majority of competitive and spending players that do care about it
  • MoneyheadMoneyhead Member Posts: 16
    Terrible for all alliances who are spending time, effort and money to have to deal with this every season. The modding alliances are awarded wins and docked each season while nothing is done for the losing alliances that are affected by this. Kabam tells us to send in tickets instead of putting the alliance on blast but all we get is generic automated responses. Better to allow the community speak and put the main culprits on blast so you guys can move on this ASAP!
  • ElusiveElusive Member Posts: 45
    Kabam please listen to the community here, the modding will break this foundation you’ve built over the last 4 years if it goes unchecked. No one will continue to play this game if they continue to lose to an alliance that modded their victories. Don’t be the reason for your own demise , know that if nothing happens about the war modding the end is inevitable for marvel contest of champions
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.
    Rektor said:

    Community isn’t even allowed to speak. We all gotta speak in code here while these cheaters ruin season after season of legit master alliances that actually spend money and want to compete.

    How embarrassing to see 3 straight seasons of using mods and nothing is done to remove them from the game no matter how many times they’re reported. Disgrace

    It could be the modders are more than the current mod detection staff can handle. I don’t think any developer enjoys their work being desecrated the way AW Seasons has been for this long.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    I think the majority are in agreement that more needs to be done. More severe punishments, and Kabam taking a firm stand against those that would attempt to damage the integrity of AW Seasons. Locking a player out of AW for an entire Season, on TOP of the standard ToS Violation Ban would send a pretty solid message IMO. Do this and we cut off your main source of Loyalty. Would also put a solid dent in hero shard influx, which is the lesser of the 2 when you think about it. How are you going to contribute to AQ donations (for Maps 6 and 7 as a single player's donations for Map 5 can be allocated via help Loyalty) if you got ZILCH for Loyalty coming in for almost a month? Then, if you do it again, adios. You're done.

    The standard point docks, and ToS Violation temp Bans just aren't enough anymore. Those that don't care are not going to suddenly start caring if they're continually doing this stuff. That seems blatantly obvious at this juncture. So in turn, need to turn up the juice on the punishment dial. Showing these people that it's not OK, never will be OK, and that you WILL be found out. Locking a player out of a game function for cheating in it, seems pretty fitting all things considered. Cheat in AW, no AW for you for 1 Season. Do it again AFTER you've been caught red handed, you're all done. Truth is, they've been given fair warnings already.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    @Greywarden Don't want to quote that Thread. It's a bit miffed.
    Nowhere did I say cheating doesn't affect the score. I said it doesn't alter it in a way that manipulates the amount you can earn. Meaning the cheating side doesn't prevent you from earning Points. You earn Points and gain Wins based on what you do, not what they do.
    Do I think it's fair to lose to a cheating Ally? No. Not a bit. What I said is you have to award based on how Wars play out. Not what "could" have played out. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with giving Rewards by default. I agree with giving them based on earning them. That means either side.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.

    Cheating is wrong. No question about that. Benefitting from someone else's punishment isn't any better. I don't even think people realize how the system would be inundated by people reporting others if you had the opportunity to gain Rewards from catching cheaters. Support would be swamped by every little chance people could.

    That's absurd. Anyone who thinks there's even a chance someone is cheating is already sending tickets in.

    There is absolutely no harm in awarding the win to an alliance that was cheated against.
    Yes. There is. For one thing, you give people Rewards they didn't earn based on performance. For another, you incentivize people to report every little Loss because they might score Rewards out of it.
    The performance is moot based on the playing field being rigged.
    Not really. By that standard, no one gets anything because you can't call anything fair.
    That doesn't even make sense. You're potentially screwing a legitimate alliance's season bc they were unfortunate enough to get matched against cheaters. In what world is that fair? I've been on the receiving end of multiple matches through a season against alliances that were docked after our wars. That would have potentially the difference between Plat 3 or Plat 2 for us that season.

    You're saying you want the leader boards to be accurate how can they be in that situation?

    I couldn't care less about war anymore personally but people have been getting screwed like this since seasons started and they really need to fix it.
    Stop feeding the skrulls lol
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.

    Rektor said:

    Community isn’t even allowed to speak. We all gotta speak in code here while these cheaters ruin season after season of legit master alliances that actually spend money and want to compete.

    How embarrassing to see 3 straight seasons of using mods and nothing is done to remove them from the game no matter how many times they’re reported. Disgrace

    It could be the modders are more than the current mod detection staff can handle. I don’t think any developer enjoys their work being desecrated the way AW Seasons has been for this long.
    I’d be surprised if they have a dedicated mod detection squad. Thats probably the main issue that need to be addressed.

    After all, this is the same company that banned players for using Corvus on variant because their detection system was outdated. Same company that banned a legitimate skilled Quake player in AW. And now fails to ban actual moders in AW.

    To be fair, this is also the same company that cracked down on piloting when they made it their focus to stop it and make the mode fair. So, if they make this issue a priority for them, there is no doubt it will get fixed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Zuko_ILC said:

    Cheating is wrong. No question about that. Benefitting from someone else's punishment isn't any better. I don't even think people realize how the system would be inundated by people reporting others if you had the opportunity to gain Rewards from catching cheaters. Support would be swamped by every little chance people could.

    That's absurd. Anyone who thinks there's even a chance someone is cheating is already sending tickets in.

    There is absolutely no harm in awarding the win to an alliance that was cheated against.
    Yes. There is. For one thing, you give people Rewards they didn't earn based on performance. For another, you incentivize people to report every little Loss because they might score Rewards out of it.
    The performance is moot based on the playing field being rigged.
    Not really. By that standard, no one gets anything because you can't call anything fair.
    That doesn't even make sense. You're potentially screwing a legitimate alliance's season bc they were unfortunate enough to get matched against cheaters. In what world is that fair? I've been on the receiving end of multiple matches through a season against alliances that were docked after our wars. That would have potentially the difference between Plat 3 or Plat 2 for us that season.

    You're saying you want the leader boards to be accurate how can they be in that situation?

    I couldn't care less about war anymore personally but people have been getting screwed like this since seasons started and they really need to fix it.
    Stop feeding the skrulls lol
    Constantly labeling me and telling others not to participate in discussions with me is adding nothing productive.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Modding is at an all time high. Whatever method is being used against modders is not working.

    Several master level alliances are getting tired of this.

    Why should I waste my time and money if some kid downloads or buys a modded apk to kill anything without worrying to die, they don't care to get caught they only do this because they can and you guys are doing nothing.

    If this keeps going like this, they will get 1st place for sure.

    This is not an exaggeration. They finished in master season 10 after being docked half-way through the season.
    We had a group (most likely the same you're referencing) that cleared our whole F you defense in the off season with less than 9 deaths

    @Greywarden Don't want to quote that Thread. It's a bit miffed.
    Nowhere did I say cheating doesn't affect the score. I said it doesn't alter it in a way that manipulates the amount you can earn. Meaning the cheating side doesn't prevent you from earning Points. You earn Points and gain Wins based on what you do, not what they do.
    Do I think it's fair to lose to a cheating Ally? No. Not a bit. What I said is you have to award based on how Wars play out. Not what "could" have played out. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with giving Rewards by default. I agree with giving them based on earning them. That means either side.

    How can you earn them when the other group is cheating I don’t understand the logic. The best alliances on the planet can’t get a win against a cheating alliance, all you can earn at that point is attack bonus. A win is out of the picture completely.....

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    So because you think coming up against an Ally that cheats is an automatic Loss, you think an automatic Win is more fair? Not really.
    Honest answer. Let's say that's implemented and an Ally notices early on that the other side is cheating. So they do nothing and wait for vindication. Is that a fair system? Just default your way up? I'm sorry. No matter how you look at it, I disagree with defaults. There are already measures being taken to penalize Allies that affect the entire Leaderboard after. I'm not okay with them keeping the Rewards from Wins. With people on that one. I'm equally as not okay with just giving them by default.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian

    So because you think coming up against an Ally that cheats is an automatic Loss, you think an automatic Win is more fair? Not really.
    Honest answer. Let's say that's implemented and an Ally notices early on that the other side is cheating. So they do nothing and wait for vindication. Is that a fair system? Just default your way up? I'm sorry. No matter how you look at it, I disagree with defaults. There are already measures being taken to penalize Allies that affect the entire Leaderboard after. I'm not okay with them keeping the Rewards from Wins. With people on that one. I'm equally as not okay with just giving them by default.

    Truthfully, doing nothing isn't an option @GroundedWisdom with what's being proposed. If they awarded the win to you, that means you get the 50k win bonus points (pre-multiplier), the war rating points for the win, and whatever else you earned along the way. If the major problem with AW in the realm of mods is now attack based (which is what I'm gathering from the majority of messages), stopping dead in your tracks is gonna hurt you. You'd still have to fight through to the end.

    Did you think that people were proposing getting max points from a war like this?? That's ludicrous and would never happen. In the proposed system, the Alliance that played fair would merely get what they earned, the 50k bonus for the win, and war rating points returned. That's what giving an Alliance the win means. Not handing them 100% exploration with max attack bonus when it wasn't earned.

    To prove that you tried to win, you have to fight that war like any other war. If anyone is proposing having Kabam handing them max points for running into an Alliance that's modding, they're seriously misguided. Never gonna happen. The other aforementioned method, I can see being a possibility, and a fair one too. Anything more is outlandish and asking too much.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    So because you think coming up against an Ally that cheats is an automatic Loss, you think an automatic Win is more fair? Not really.
    Honest answer. Let's say that's implemented and an Ally notices early on that the other side is cheating. So they do nothing and wait for vindication. Is that a fair system? Just default your way up? I'm sorry. No matter how you look at it, I disagree with defaults. There are already measures being taken to penalize Allies that affect the entire Leaderboard after. I'm not okay with them keeping the Rewards from Wins. With people on that one. I'm equally as not okay with just giving them by default.

    Truthfully, doing nothing isn't an option @GroundedWisdom with what's being proposed. If they awarded the win to you, that means you get the 50k win bonus points (pre-multiplier), the war rating points for the win, and whatever else you earned along the way. If the major problem with AW in the realm of mods is now attack based (which is what I'm gathering from the majority of messages), stopping dead in your tracks is gonna hurt you. You'd still have to fight through to the end.

    Did you think that people were proposing getting max points from a war like this?? That's ludicrous and would never happen. In the proposed system, the Alliance that played fair would merely get what they earned, the 50k bonus for the win, and war rating points returned. That's what giving an Alliance the win means. Not handing them 100% exploration with max attack bonus when it wasn't earned.

    To prove that you tried to win, you have to fight that war like any other war. If anyone is proposing having Kabam handing them max points for running into an Alliance that's modding, they're seriously misguided. Never gonna happen. The other aforementioned method, I can see being a possibility, and a fair one too. Anything more is outlandish and asking too much.
    In this case, Kabam is not determining that the honest Ally has won. They're determining that the cheating Ally has won through a violation of TOS. Big difference.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian

    So because you think coming up against an Ally that cheats is an automatic Loss, you think an automatic Win is more fair? Not really.
    Honest answer. Let's say that's implemented and an Ally notices early on that the other side is cheating. So they do nothing and wait for vindication. Is that a fair system? Just default your way up? I'm sorry. No matter how you look at it, I disagree with defaults. There are already measures being taken to penalize Allies that affect the entire Leaderboard after. I'm not okay with them keeping the Rewards from Wins. With people on that one. I'm equally as not okay with just giving them by default.

    Truthfully, doing nothing isn't an option @GroundedWisdom with what's being proposed. If they awarded the win to you, that means you get the 50k win bonus points (pre-multiplier), the war rating points for the win, and whatever else you earned along the way. If the major problem with AW in the realm of mods is now attack based (which is what I'm gathering from the majority of messages), stopping dead in your tracks is gonna hurt you. You'd still have to fight through to the end.

    Did you think that people were proposing getting max points from a war like this?? That's ludicrous and would never happen. In the proposed system, the Alliance that played fair would merely get what they earned, the 50k bonus for the win, and war rating points returned. That's what giving an Alliance the win means. Not handing them 100% exploration with max attack bonus when it wasn't earned.

    To prove that you tried to win, you have to fight that war like any other war. If anyone is proposing having Kabam handing them max points for running into an Alliance that's modding, they're seriously misguided. Never gonna happen. The other aforementioned method, I can see being a possibility, and a fair one too. Anything more is outlandish and asking too much.
    In this case, Kabam is not determining that the honest Ally has won. They're determining that the cheating Ally has won through a violation of TOS. Big difference.
    In turn, giving the win bonus to the honest Alliance after the fact. Perhaps it wasn't laid out properly before and it sounded like people just wanted a free win from running into a cheating Alliance. Perhaps they did. I'm not a mind reader afterall, lol. If they did, nah... never gonna happen like that.

    If anyone wants this to fly, they'd have to prove they fought their way to a win and got cheated out of it. I don't see Kabam just handing anyone win with max points simply because they ran into another group that was cheating. Especially if they stop dead in the beginning or middle because they felt the war was a lost cause due to cheaters.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    So because you think coming up against an Ally that cheats is an automatic Loss, you think an automatic Win is more fair? Not really.
    Honest answer. Let's say that's implemented and an Ally notices early on that the other side is cheating. So they do nothing and wait for vindication. Is that a fair system? Just default your way up? I'm sorry. No matter how you look at it, I disagree with defaults. There are already measures being taken to penalize Allies that affect the entire Leaderboard after. I'm not okay with them keeping the Rewards from Wins. With people on that one. I'm equally as not okay with just giving them by default.

    Truthfully, doing nothing isn't an option @GroundedWisdom with what's being proposed. If they awarded the win to you, that means you get the 50k win bonus points (pre-multiplier), the war rating points for the win, and whatever else you earned along the way. If the major problem with AW in the realm of mods is now attack based (which is what I'm gathering from the majority of messages), stopping dead in your tracks is gonna hurt you. You'd still have to fight through to the end.

    Did you think that people were proposing getting max points from a war like this?? That's ludicrous and would never happen. In the proposed system, the Alliance that played fair would merely get what they earned, the 50k bonus for the win, and war rating points returned. That's what giving an Alliance the win means. Not handing them 100% exploration with max attack bonus when it wasn't earned.

    To prove that you tried to win, you have to fight that war like any other war. If anyone is proposing having Kabam handing them max points for running into an Alliance that's modding, they're seriously misguided. Never gonna happen. The other aforementioned method, I can see being a possibility, and a fair one too. Anything more is outlandish and asking too much.
    In this case, Kabam is not determining that the honest Ally has won. They're determining that the cheating Ally has won through a violation of TOS. Big difference.
    In turn, giving the win bonus to the honest Alliance after the fact. Perhaps it wasn't laid out properly before and it sounded like people just wanted a free win from running into a cheating Alliance. Perhaps they did. I'm not a mind reader afterall, lol. If they did, nah... never gonna happen like that.

    If anyone wants this to fly, they'd have to prove they fought their way to a win and got cheated out of it. I don't see Kabam just handing anyone win with max points simply because they ran into another group that was cheating. Especially if they stop dead in the beginning or middle because they felt the war was a lost cause due to cheaters.
    Therein lies the problem. You have 2 outcomes. Win and Loss. You either win or you lose. That all depends on the scoring. Hence my "what if" comment. You can't say "would have".
This discussion has been closed.