Introducing Alliance Quest Modifiers



  • Doc_ocDoc_oc Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2019

    It seems like modifiers aren't working properly.. we playing map 5 on 2 bgs and map 6 on 3rd bg..
    But it seems like honor points and honor bonuses are broken on map 6.. honor points are lower on map 6 as compared to map 5.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    Display-Bug only, telling you incorrect potential BG3 points. What is actually being given after AQ day ends seems to be the Correct Amount (and not the lower amount it was displaying beforehand).

    And same Display-only Bug happens in BG 1/2 as well if you switch up doing different days on different buff Difficulty levels. Switching Difficulty tells you in advance that points will go back to column-1 (day-1) Points, but after AQ ended it actually gave points from correct Column (Day).
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Does anyone know if these bonuses are cumulative or peak bonuses? Do you get 7.2M day 1 of map 7 for 3 bgs and 3 master buffs and then get 21.6M for the 5th day? Or do you just get 21.6M on top of the series score for all 5 days?
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  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian

    Does anyone know if these bonuses are cumulative or peak bonuses? Do you get 7.2M day 1 of map 7 for 3 bgs and 3 master buffs and then get 21.6M for the 5th day? Or do you just get 21.6M on top of the series score for all 5 days?

    The Bonus Points (above chart) are cumulative, for each day, times each BG. So YES for your example.

    The Honor Points themselves (chart below) for each day and BG are also cumulative, although the final Milestone reward for Honor (last chart below) is indeed a Peak Milestone.

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    Honor charts...

  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Does anyone know if these bonuses are cumulative or peak bonuses? Do you get 7.2M day 1 of map 7 for 3 bgs and 3 master buffs and then get 21.6M for the 5th day? Or do you just get 21.6M on top of the series score for all 5 days?

    The Bonus Points (above chart) are cumulative, for each day, times each BG. So YES for your example.

    The Honor Points themselves (chart below) for each day and BG are also cumulative, although the final Milestone reward for Honor (last chart below) is indeed a Peak Milestone.

    That's what it was looking like based on our score at end of day 4. Was just curious if that was supposed to be the case. That's some pretty serious score inflation to raise a map 7 alliance by 70+ million points and then call then optional
  • JMAN337JMAN337 Member Posts: 88
    @Worknprogress you are totally right. For the upper tier alliances the modifiers are in no way optional. Thankfully the nodes are not that bad. We ran them all week no issues.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,455 Guardian

    Does anyone know if these bonuses are cumulative or peak bonuses? Do you get 7.2M day 1 of map 7 for 3 bgs and 3 master buffs and then get 21.6M for the 5th day? Or do you just get 21.6M on top of the series score for all 5 days?

    The Bonus Points (above chart) are cumulative, for each day, times each BG. So YES for your example.

    The Honor Points themselves (chart below) for each day and BG are also cumulative, although the final Milestone reward for Honor (last chart below) is indeed a Peak Milestone.

    That's what it was looking like based on our score at end of day 4. Was just curious if that was supposed to be the case. That's some pretty serious score inflation to raise a map 7 alliance by 70+ million points and then call then optional
    I think that's a matter of context. In the general context of the game, the modifier system is optional. For the vast overwhelming majority of players, the modifier system is optional. If you're in a competitive AQ alliance, the system isn't optional, but only in the sense that nothing is optional in a competition where the goal is to win (or place high, or whatever). Once you pick your goal, everything you need to do to accomplish it is, from your perspective, not optional.

    But I don't think it is fair or noteworthy to knock a game developer for describing a game feature as optional when it isn't optional for competitive players, simply because nothing is optional for competitive players if their desire to compete is high enough.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    JMAN337 said:

    @Worknprogress you are totally right. For the upper tier alliances the modifiers are in no way optional. Thankfully the nodes are not that bad. We ran them all week no issues.

    Same here but I just dont see how they could call them optional for any alliance running map 7. You're not going to put out that resource expenditure and then leave 70m points on the table
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    Just putting the Modifier Buff Lists up here as well, and maybe have all 5 screencaps on same thread page for people to reference ...

  • edited November 2019
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  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    @khehmist , it looks like you are able to still advance to the next “Unique Day” even if you change to a different Difficulty Group of buff. (display on screen of potential Bonus/Honor Points will not reflect that currently, but looks like the actual progression of unique points is what was awarded when I tried that)

    One might argue that doing a Heroic for first 4 days, and then jumping to a Master for just the last day should not necessarily award you that 5th Day Master worth of Points. But it also wouldn’t seem right if they were to drop you down to the 1st day Unique Master Points Level on that day-5 after 4 days of Completion.

    But it’s not really gonna affect high alliances one way or another, as they most likely are going to run all Master Level each day anyways.

    Mid-Tier ally's may decide to run something like 4 days of Heroic buffs (maybe leaving out Soft Guard ?) and running 1 day of Hurt Locker from Master (seems like the easiest Master Level buff).
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,455 Guardian

    @khehmist , it looks like you are able to still advance to the next “Unique Day” even if you change to a different Difficulty Group of buff. (display on screen of potential Bonus/Honor Points will not reflect that currently, but looks like the actual progression of unique points is what was awarded when I tried that)

    One might argue that doing a Heroic for first 4 days, and then jumping to a Master for just the last day should not necessarily award you that 5th Day Master worth of Points. But it also wouldn’t seem right if they were to drop you down to the 1st day Unique Master Points Level on that day-5 after 4 days of Completion.

    Actually, that's exactly what I expected the system to do. Allowing players to gain day 5 magnified points for a higher tier by first running a lower tier doesn't make sense to me. In other words, the system would be saying that running the same Master modifier five days in a row would award less points than running four Normal modifiers followed by a Master modifier. That's completely nonsensical.

    Because there seems to be visual and other bugs this week, I'm not entirely sure what the game is actually doing and what it is supposed to be doing. But based on how the points are described in the announcements, the only logical thing that should happen is that the number of bonus points you get should be based on how many unique modifiers of the same tier you are running. If today you are running a master tier modifier, you should get master tier points. How many should be based on how many unique master modifiers you've run to this point, including the current one.

    If it is actually advancing rightward on every different modifier, even if they are in different tiers, that's horribly broken. Because in that kind of system, if you can run some but not all of the master tier modifiers, the system basically *forces* you to add lower tier modifiers rather than repeat a master tier modifier, or lose points. That is just plain crazy.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    I was thinking that maybe the fairest for when switching Difficulty groups would be to keep you in the same “Unique Column” as previous day. Sort of a middle ground between being able to advance to next column vs having to drop back down and restart column for a different difficulty.
    But thought that would be to convoluted to suggest.

    Keep in mind that lower ally's would still have to have WIN in those previous days, and by day-5 their Prestige would have jumped up quite high. So if they want to then run a Master Buff on day-5 they are sort of running above their heads a little.
    And they’re not really competing against high end ally's anyways.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,455 Guardian

    I was thinking that maybe the fairest for when switching Difficulty groups would be to keep you in the same “Unique Column” as previous day. Sort of a middle ground between being able to advance to next column vs having to drop back down and restart column for a different difficulty.
    But thought that would be to convoluted to suggest.

    Keep in mind that lower ally's would still have to have WIN in those previous days, and by day-5 their Prestige would have jumped up quite high. So if they want to then run a Master Buff on day-5 they are sort of running above their heads a little.
    And they’re not really competing against high end ally's anyways.

    I'm not sure this is a "lower ally" thing. Consider this: not all modifiers in the same tier are equally difficult. Even if they were, not every modifier would be considered equally difficult by every player. So lets say that an alliance feels comfortable running Hurt Locker, Bane, and Special Delivery, but they aren't comfortable running Brute Force or Dismay. They could run Bane, SD, HL, HL, HL, which would be five Master modifiers in one week. They would get the modifier bonus for Master x 1, then Master x 2, then Master x 3, then that same bonus again for the last two days. Let's say this is a Map 6 alliance. The bonus points would be 1.8M, 2.7M, 3.6M, 3.6M, 3.6M. That's a total of 15.3M bonus points.

    If instead they did two Heroic modifiers first, then they would have Heroic, Heroic, Bane, SD, HL. This sequence awards 1.6M, 2.4M, 3.6M, 4.5M, 5.4M, for a total of 17.5M bonus points, if the unique modifiers ignore tier. This sequence awards more bonus points, even though it is unquestionably an easier sequence. If you can't do every modifier in a tier, you're better off adding lower tier modifiers than repeating a modifier in the same tier. But I don't see how this makes sense. It is almost like a defender diversity situation, where you're being rewarded for running different modifiers, even if they are easier. In fact, the point difference is so high, it would be better to run two *Normal* tier modifiers and then three Master, than run five Master but two duplicates.

    If you can only run three of the Master tier modifiers, you are better off filling in your week with two of the weakest modifiers in the lowest tier than repeat any Master tier modifier. Does that seem like a reasonable property for the modifier system to have? And this doesn't just affect top tier alliances running Master mods, the same thing would be true for Heroic and Normal mods as well: you're better off running two Normal and three Heroic than run five Heroic but duplicate some.

    Maybe it is even more problematic for Heroic level alliances, because one of the Heroic mods is Role Reversal, which confers almost no difficulty change at all. So an alliance could run four Normal tier mods, and then run Role Reversal on day five and pick up the day five multiplier for the Heroic mod, without having to actually run five days of Heroic mode (in fact I came up with a modifier strategy based on this assumption but without this method of calculating points in another post).
  • Hutch6114Hutch6114 Member Posts: 15
    Can you please tell us what you are thinking of doing about the issues with the modifiers. Since we couldn’t start ours on day one we are missing 15 million AQ points and around 9500 honor points. This makes this whole excercise pretty pointless. We miss out on the honor t5b and the bulk of honor t2b, which are the main reason we did the modifiers. Any answers or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Or should we submit a ticket? Thanks!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,455 Guardian

    @khehmist , it looks like you are able to still advance to the next “Unique Day” even if you change to a different Difficulty Group of buff. (display on screen of potential Bonus/Honor Points will not reflect that currently, but looks like the actual progression of unique points is what was awarded when I tried that)

    So just as a data point, I went back and checked our alliance. I did not actually screengrab anything, but going from memory on day 2 for my own battlegroup I applied a Normal mod just to see how the system worked, then I applied three different Heroic mods in days three through five. On day five the AQ panels are telling me I'm getting the point bonus I would expect for three Heroic mods, not four (this is while the day is running, not prior to start). So it seems that at least for my alliance and my situation, the Normal mod granted Normal column 1, then the Heroic mods granted Heroic column 1, 2, and finally 3. I did not change maps during the week. But if other players are seeing something different, it is possible the game isn't calculating this consistently in all situations.

    Actually double checking the points totals is difficult in my alliance because every battlegroup runs a different map and different modifiers. So that's a bit tricky in my case.
  • Hutch6114Hutch6114 Member Posts: 15
    This is from day 5 for us.
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    AQ just finished and still no word on how this affected people? Some of us weren’t able to utilize the new system so what happens to us?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    @DNA3000 , “while the day is running” is where it apprears as if it is just displaying the wrong forecast for how many pts you would be getting.

    Let us know once full History is in Completed tab, for your particular BG what Points you actually got during each of the 5 days. Hopefully you’ll see that the points column continued to advance no matter if switching between different Difficulty buffs.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Honestly, I'm very confused as to how the Honor Point system works. We ran 5x5 all 3 BGs, a different Heroic Modifier each day and only rounded out with 14k. Now I was under the impression that we'd round out with 21k. At least according to the charts and the calculator made MutaMatt. Now, am I missing something?
  • joke1004joke1004 Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    The honor bonus points are not calculated correctly. We should be over 400 mil but it says 397... something is bugged there
  • Nos4atuNos4atu Member Posts: 33
    What happened to the AQ? It ended abruptly in the middle of a 2bg, map3&5 for us and didn’t give us credit. Doesn’t even show in our history??
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    Doesn’t look like Day-5 has been fully completed yet, no daily AQ mail rewards yet, so probably also why Bonus/Honor have not been added in yet, and why some ppl can’t use heroes yet (if they had not already released them by stepping on boss node earlier).
    My History does not have day-5 populated yet.

    So hopefully just a few more minutes needed ??
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian

    Doesn’t look like Day-5 has been fully completed yet, no daily AQ mail rewards yet, so probably also why Bonus/Honor have not been added in yet, and why some ppl can’t use heroes yet (if they had not already released them by stepping on boss node earlier).
    My History does not have day-5 populated yet.

    So hopefully just a few more minutes needed ??

    Yeah I just noticed this as well. So I guess we'll see. Our ending points jump by 3 million between 3 PM (EST end time) and now. So maybe the rest of the honor points will show up. We shall see. Weird stuff.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    edited November 2019
    Hutch6114 said:

    Can you please tell us what you are thinking of doing about the issues with the modifiers. Since we couldn’t start ours on day one we are missing 15 million AQ points and around 9500 honor points. This makes this whole excercise pretty pointless. We miss out on the honor t5b and the bulk of honor t2b, which are the main reason we did the modifiers. Any answers or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Or should we submit a ticket? Thanks!

    Yes, we REALLY need a answer on this, lots of alliances could NOT do AQ modifiers for the first 2 days, so it screws up the point totals at the end of Day 5.

    How will Kabam fix this issue to make it fair for all the alliances that missed out?
  • edited November 2019
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  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    @Kabam Miike

    Please fix aq before you guys send out more incorrect rewards.

    Day 5 isn’t being counted.

    No daily rewards came out, nor is it in the history.
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