Morningstar Life Steal Bug Fix



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Nøx said:


    Who in their right mind would even consider selling BWCV or even Morningstar? That's just crazy talk. Both have a ton of value in so many parts of the game.

    That’s not for me or you to decide. I’m saying players should be given the option if Kabam insists on sticking with ‘it’s a bug fix’ after all this time and not either leaving it as a mechanic in the game or giving a total refund of everything related to those rank up and use against the Champion boss.

    How would it even be possible to roll back everything with option 1 you suggested?

    Which is why I said it’s “not the slightest bit practical.“

    Also, if they leave the interaction as it is, it will have to be left for all instances where a champion gets indestructible attack or defender. So that means it would have a chance to work against us as well. Cant wait for those threads to hit the forums.

    That is how it’s been all this time without complaint that I’ve heard of. Change the wording to-“of potential damage dealt.” Problem solved.

    None of the options are practical. Period. You're so hung up on the 2 champions as is everyone else. Those 2 champions are not broken nor do they need to be offered rank down tickets. This whole debate is on how you or another interpret how damage is done. I interpret that if damage is done there is an effect from it. There isnt any effect that happens against indestructible buffs so they shouldn't be healing. This is the basic concept of "if a tree falls down in the forest, does it make a sound". Is there sound only when we're around to hear it or there isn't any sound. The indestructible buff says no damage is taken. Its pretty clear its the buff that's broken. And it's not the same as act 6.2.4 during the 10 second shield. That clearly says damage is stored and reflected back.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Y_T said:

    Y_T said:

    Patchie93 said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    Patchie93 said:

    Pgal said:

    My 2 cents: people wouldn't react this way if Kabam dealt with bugs that are against the player base with the same urgency.

    Such as?
    Getting smacked in the face while hitting into block?? Prime example, swept under the rug for over a year.
    It's been shown in video we can use our specials well the AI hits into our block. So if we can do it so can the AI.
    Also they have done multiple attempts to relieve that bug which has only worked for some player base. Making it a much harder fix.
    Pgal said:

    Patchie93 said:

    Pgal said:

    My 2 cents: people wouldn't react this way if Kabam dealt with bugs that are against the player base with the same urgency.

    Such as?
    You must be new to the game.
    Just finished my completion of act 6.4. Tell me again how new to the game I am
    Your first statement is flat out false. You cannot throw a special 1 or special 2 will the opponent is hitting your block. If that was the case this game would be played totally differently. I wouldn't have to combo into special or intercept with one.
    @TheTalents actually there was a video. I remember seeing it where the attacker threw a special while blocking the A.I. it has to do with the speed if of who ever is hitting into the block. I don't remember what thread it was in but it was posted here on the forums.
    it is physically impossible. While holding block, you cannot press the SP icon. You have to lift block to press SP. Feel free to disprove this by recording a vid doing the opposite. Make sure you record your fingers as well.
    There was already video and a GIF posted here. It was probably already deleted since it didn't pertain to the thread. Feel free to ask @CoatHang3r he had the links.
    If there is a video I guarantee you the player lifted block before pressing special. Similar to "reparry". So he was not holding block while throwing the special.
    I tagged you in the thread that shows it.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★

    Who in their right mind would even consider selling BWCV or even Morningstar? That's just crazy talk. Both have a ton of value in so many parts of the game.

    I would.

    I'm a end game player completed act 6. 100% 6.1 and 6.3. 6.2 at 70% (Last two quests full of BS and haven't got the right champs for those fights). 6.4 30% (started thinking quicker to complete 6.4 100% over 6.2).

    Not done abyss because don't have units for it ( i don't spend).

    My only reason to take MS to r5 was to clear 6.2.6 otherwise she was fine at r4 because outside of this i wouldn't really play her. I have other champs that don't require ramp up to deal with the stuff she can.

    not everyone enjoys the characters the same so don't know why you feel that way. MS at 5 souls is an incredible champion but its the getting her to 5 souls that can be tiresome and not fun which is why for me she has sat at r4 for so long because i have other champs that can do what shes good for without the ramp up.

    Whats crazy talk is having a mechanic work a certain way for 3 years then have it changed on you and you don't have the option to reverse that decision if the champion no longer works the same as you thought.

  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Bidzy7 said:

    Who in their right mind would even consider selling BWCV or even Morningstar? That's just crazy talk. Both have a ton of value in so many parts of the game.

    I would.

    I'm a end game player completed act 6. 100% 6.1 and 6.3. 6.2 at 70% (Last two quests full of BS and haven't got the right champs for those fights). 6.4 30% (started thinking quicker to complete 6.4 100% over 6.2).

    Not done abyss because don't have units for it ( i don't spend).

    My only reason to take MS to r5 was to clear 6.2.6 otherwise she was fine at r4 because outside of this i wouldn't really play her. I have other champs that don't require ramp up to deal with the stuff she can.

    not everyone enjoys the characters the same so don't know why you feel that way. MS at 5 souls is an incredible champion but its the getting her to 5 souls that can be tiresome and not fun which is why for me she has sat at r4 for so long because i have other champs that can do what shes good for without the ramp up.

    Whats crazy talk is having a mechanic work a certain way for 3 years then have it changed on you and you don't have the option to reverse that decision if the champion no longer works the same as you thought.

    You all keep saying "works the same as you thought". She works exactly how she's supposed to. The indestructible buff isn't working right. MS also has value in Abyss. Shes a very useful champion for those buff heavy fights.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★

    Bidzy7 said:

    Who in their right mind would even consider selling BWCV or even Morningstar? That's just crazy talk. Both have a ton of value in so many parts of the game.

    I would.

    I'm a end game player completed act 6. 100% 6.1 and 6.3. 6.2 at 70% (Last two quests full of BS and haven't got the right champs for those fights). 6.4 30% (started thinking quicker to complete 6.4 100% over 6.2).

    Not done abyss because don't have units for it ( i don't spend).

    My only reason to take MS to r5 was to clear 6.2.6 otherwise she was fine at r4 because outside of this i wouldn't really play her. I have other champs that don't require ramp up to deal with the stuff she can.

    not everyone enjoys the characters the same so don't know why you feel that way. MS at 5 souls is an incredible champion but its the getting her to 5 souls that can be tiresome and not fun which is why for me she has sat at r4 for so long because i have other champs that can do what shes good for without the ramp up.

    Whats crazy talk is having a mechanic work a certain way for 3 years then have it changed on you and you don't have the option to reverse that decision if the champion no longer works the same as you thought.

    You all keep saying "works the same as you thought". She works exactly how she's supposed to. The indestructible buff isn't working right. MS also has value in Abyss. Shes a very useful champion for those buff heavy fights.
    and you seem to miss the whole point shes not working now as she has been

    whats hard to understand about that???

    not every mechanic is explained in this game, its never been in issue even though indestructible has been in the game for a very long time. Only now its become a bug because of this fight.

    please point to me a post in 2017 , 2018 , 2019 that reports that MS is broken and not working as she supposed to.

    go look at the videos of players using these champs. Do any of them say oh this isn't working as intended and is bugged. People have ranked up champions based on this information which has also been provided by Kabams own content creators. So essentially Kabam are promoting the bugs that people are making rank up decisions on.

    like i said i have other champs that can deal with those fights in abyss and i'm f2p not a whaler like yourself to have champs i don't play often at r5 in my inventory.

  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    tafre said:

    Damage is dealt, it is just ignored. Leave it in as able to steal; no bug to fix if looked at this way (jae sylvr!)

    Far easier to change the text, than change the code.

    They ignore Gulk/bane, Kamala, flow, thing sp3, parry; indeed on the latter, they just changed the text.

    The only reason they want to "fix" this, is because it benefits the player base, 1,000s of whom have already used it.

    I don't know where that information is coming from, but it's not true. When there are indestructible charges up, or any effect that keeps a Champion from taking damage, Morningstar (or any other Champion) is not dealing any damage in those cases.

    I understand the frustration here guys, but this is not just a bug that affects one fight. This is something that can and has been exploited in other areas as well and needs to be dealt with. This has never been an intentional part of Morningstar's kit, and her ability descriptions are pretty explicit about it.
    You are absolutely right, Miike: abilities are pretty explicit. The champion has 5 indestructible charges. What is the indestructible effect? Let's see on Luke cage info, since he too has an indestructible effect:
    Bullet-proof skin allows Luke Cage to become Indestructible and ignore all incoming damage for 1.7 to 3.7 seconds.

    Indestructible doesn't say that the defender takes 0% damage, it simply ignores it. In fact in many other contents of the game there are nodes like "do you bleed": the defender takes -100% damage from any source other than bleed.
    In this case, you will see that your hits deal 0 to the opponent.
    So I suppose that indestructible mechanics and -100% reduced damage are different things. In my opinion they should be still separate things, but it looks like that it wasn't working as intended.
    PS: indestructible is an ability that works this way since the beginning, 2015
    During Luke Cage's Indestructible phase, he is not taking damage. Morningstar is not doing any damage, and should not be healing there either. Additionally, there have been abilities with similar names with different descriptions and effects before.
    So you are saying that you are changing something that has been in the game for years to come. Why is this being done now? Were you guys not aware that this existed for years?

    It is either that you guys are changing a mechanic that has existed forever just because it affects the 6.2.6 boss or you guys have no idea about any of the mechanics in the game. We never know how you guys intended to make these things so we believe in what we see and read, it is not very transparent of you guys to change stuff like these ,which were basically in the game ever since it got introduced, out of the blue in line with what you guys want. I know that you can do it, it is just not looking good for you ever.
    Maybe you should try working for a gaming company and see if you can spot every single bug in the coding as soon as it comes up. Good Luck.
  • NøxNøx Member Posts: 77

    How is it fair that so many players were able to take advantage of this “bug exploit” ,for up to what 10 months, and all of a sudden the mechanic is gone and players progressing, from now on, no longer have those 2 champs as an option while thousands of others did. I don’t know anyone heavily involved in the game that hasn’t been aware of MS and BWCV ability to heal on that last 10% of the Champion boss since shortly after act 6.2’s release or BWCV’s release.

    They were very public, i.e.on YouTube from at least one of Kabam’s own content creators as well as many other YouTubers, discussed on these very forums, etc...The fact that it went on as long as it did without Kabam addressing it, if it is in fact a “bug,” should not be held against those that thought it was a mechanic of the game.

    ...and, oh I haven’t even got into the interpretation of the terminology, which I do have a big problem with as is suggested by the use of parentheses when using the term “bug.” Let’s go ahead and take a moment to analyze key terms involved here. Indestructible Buff or Charges means the attacker is still dealing damage but rather it’s the Buff or Charges that reduce the damage to zero. That is what they do right? That’s how I interpret a Buff or Charges resulting in zero damage. I think the Buffs or Charges are why the defender with them on takes no damage. Not that the Buffs or Charges somehow alter the attacker in such away that they deal no damage.

    The action is from the defender in this case not from the attacker. That’s why they appear on the defender and not the attacker. They are not debuffs placed on the attacker resulting in zero damage. But apparently Kabam is saying that these Buffs or Charges cause an action to occur on the opposing Champion. That isn’t how I understand a buff or charge to work and I don’t think I’m wrong for interpreting the Champion’s indestructible charges in such a way.

    Kabam is now declaring something different and calling it a “bug.” Fine, if they want to do that they should be making amends with their player base through one of the 3 courses of action I’ve outlined in my previous post. It’s been well over 6 months this was going on and I find that unacceptable. And regardless of how you want to define “bug, buff, charges, damage dealt,...whatever.” The fact that it’s been allowed to go on for as long as it has and reasonably caused players to think it’s a mechanic of the game and to make vital decisions regarding their rosters as a result, should warrant Kabam taking action beyond simply calling it a “bug” and sweeping it under the carpet.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    The interaction is broken between healing and indestructible. BWCV and MS will work and do work exactly as advertised. Indestructible buffs don't allow any damage to be done. That's what's broken. They wont be touching BWCV or MS. They are only fixing that interaction.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Bidzy7 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    Who in their right mind would even consider selling BWCV or even Morningstar? That's just crazy talk. Both have a ton of value in so many parts of the game.

    I would.

    I'm a end game player completed act 6. 100% 6.1 and 6.3. 6.2 at 70% (Last two quests full of BS and haven't got the right champs for those fights). 6.4 30% (started thinking quicker to complete 6.4 100% over 6.2).

    Not done abyss because don't have units for it ( i don't spend).

    My only reason to take MS to r5 was to clear 6.2.6 otherwise she was fine at r4 because outside of this i wouldn't really play her. I have other champs that don't require ramp up to deal with the stuff she can.

    not everyone enjoys the characters the same so don't know why you feel that way. MS at 5 souls is an incredible champion but its the getting her to 5 souls that can be tiresome and not fun which is why for me she has sat at r4 for so long because i have other champs that can do what shes good for without the ramp up.

    Whats crazy talk is having a mechanic work a certain way for 3 years then have it changed on you and you don't have the option to reverse that decision if the champion no longer works the same as you thought.

    You all keep saying "works the same as you thought". She works exactly how she's supposed to. The indestructible buff isn't working right. MS also has value in Abyss. Shes a very useful champion for those buff heavy fights.
    and you seem to miss the whole point shes not working now as she has been

    whats hard to understand about that???

    not every mechanic is explained in this game, its never been in issue even though indestructible has been in the game for a very long time. Only now its become a bug because of this fight.

    please point to me a post in 2017 , 2018 , 2019 that reports that MS is broken and not working as she supposed to.

    go look at the videos of players using these champs. Do any of them say oh this isn't working as intended and is bugged. People have ranked up champions based on this information which has also been provided by Kabams own content creators. So essentially Kabam are promoting the bugs that people are making rank up decisions on.

    like i said i have other champs that can deal with those fights in abyss and i'm f2p not a whaler like yourself to have champs i don't play often at r5 in my inventory.

    Who says I can just R5 anyone? I only have 15 R5's. Im not a whaler where i buy my way through content. I did the champ boss with Symbiote Supreme and CapIW. I have BWCV at R5 and have both 5 and 6* MS but not ranked. I dont believe in ranking champs for just one fight. I rank champs I can use over and over again.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★

    The interaction is broken between healing and indestructible. BWCV and MS will work and do work exactly as advertised. Indestructible buffs don't allow any damage to be done. That's what's broken. They wont be touching BWCV or MS. They are only fixing that interaction.

    no i think you are mistaken because if that was the case then all champions would be affected the same way rather then having BWCV "fixed" in last patch and MS being "fixed" in upcoming patch.

    Who says I can just R5 anyone? I only have 15 R5's. Im not a whaler where i buy my way through content. I did the champ boss with Symbiote Supreme and CapIW. I have BWCV at R5 and have both 5 and 6* MS but not ranked. I dont believe in ranking champs for just one fight. I rank champs I can use over and over again.

    that nice except for we play a game where champions and roster is entirely rng dependent.

    Just because you are lucky to have gotten SS.

    I don't have SS, i don't have She Hulk . Since 6.2 was released is how long i have been waiting to pull a champion for this fight.

    Yeah i also rank champions that i can use again and again but tell that to kabam and their niche fights in Act 6. Acid wash Mysterio being an example. Sure its possible to do this without but its a hell of lot easier to just r3 a king groot and do the fight.

    Unless you are going to tell me no one has made rank ups based on people recommending these champions or from the videos showcasing the ability to heal in the final section and people tackling this challenge with these characters,
    then your argument for people not being entitled to have rank down tickets is moot.

    But why are you even commenting on these posts, it clearly doesn't affect you and so what does it matter to you if they give rank down tickets to people if they feel like their rank up choice has been devalued. You pop up in all these type of threads I've noticed. You was probably against she hulk getting RTD too and maybe Namor and Cull etc.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Again, indestructible charges reduce damage down to zero. There isn't any damage being dealt. What is so hard to understand about that? It's the way it's always been. You all are wanting to believe there is damage being dealt so it fits your argument but there isn't any. There isn't any "damage going into them and not coming out". They aren't sitting down for a meal. You just simply aren't doing any damage when you hit the defender. Its really simple to understand.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    The interaction is broken between healing and indestructible. BWCV and MS will work and do work exactly as advertised. Indestructible buffs don't allow any damage to be done. That's what's broken. They wont be touching BWCV or MS. They are only fixing that interaction.

    I agree with the statement that the interaction is bugged. To be honest it’s an obvious bug. But the main problem is not whether it’s a bug or not. The problem is that this interaction is out there and working like that for nearly a year, allowing a big player base take advantage of it and have, a still not easy, but surely a way easier fight, while the oncoming players have to do it without this asset. How fair is that? The real problem is the equal treatment for all players. To restore balance Kabam should at least reduce the indestructible charges to 3 after the bug fix. A responsible answer for the game developers would really be appreciated.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Greekhit said:

    The interaction is broken between healing and indestructible. BWCV and MS will work and do work exactly as advertised. Indestructible buffs don't allow any damage to be done. That's what's broken. They wont be touching BWCV or MS. They are only fixing that interaction.

    I agree with the statement that the interaction is bugged. To be honest it’s an obvious bug. But the main problem is not whether it’s a bug or not. The problem is that this interaction is out there and working like that for nearly a year, allowing a big player base take advantage of it and have, a still not easy, but surely a way easier fight, while the oncoming players have to do it without this asset. How fair is that? The real problem is the equal treatment for all players. To restore balance Kabam should at least reduce the indestructible charges to 3 after the bug fix. A responsible answer for the game developers would really be appreciated.
    To that point what about the millions of players who can't take advantage of AA being able to stun stun-immune defenders? Or Drax being able to bypass Mordos astral evade. Does it suck for some players, sure but lets say it was caught a month after it happened, there'd be even more people that wouldn't be able to take advantage of the bug.
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★
    Feel bad for kabam
    If they changed it before 6.2.6 came outpeople will cry cash grab
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  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★

    tafre said:

    Damage is dealt, it is just ignored. Leave it in as able to steal; no bug to fix if looked at this way (jae sylvr!)

    Far easier to change the text, than change the code.

    They ignore Gulk/bane, Kamala, flow, thing sp3, parry; indeed on the latter, they just changed the text.

    The only reason they want to "fix" this, is because it benefits the player base, 1,000s of whom have already used it.

    I don't know where that information is coming from, but it's not true. When there are indestructible charges up, or any effect that keeps a Champion from taking damage, Morningstar (or any other Champion) is not dealing any damage in those cases.

    I understand the frustration here guys, but this is not just a bug that affects one fight. This is something that can and has been exploited in other areas as well and needs to be dealt with. This has never been an intentional part of Morningstar's kit, and her ability descriptions are pretty explicit about it.
    You are absolutely right, Miike: abilities are pretty explicit. The champion has 5 indestructible charges. What is the indestructible effect? Let's see on Luke cage info, since he too has an indestructible effect:
    Bullet-proof skin allows Luke Cage to become Indestructible and ignore all incoming damage for 1.7 to 3.7 seconds.

    Indestructible doesn't say that the defender takes 0% damage, it simply ignores it. In fact in many other contents of the game there are nodes like "do you bleed": the defender takes -100% damage from any source other than bleed.
    In this case, you will see that your hits deal 0 to the opponent.
    So I suppose that indestructible mechanics and -100% reduced damage are different things. In my opinion they should be still separate things, but it looks like that it wasn't working as intended.
    PS: indestructible is an ability that works this way since the beginning, 2015
    During Luke Cage's Indestructible phase, he is not taking damage. Morningstar is not doing any damage, and should not be healing there either. Additionally, there have been abilities with similar names with different descriptions and effects before.
    So you are saying that you are changing something that has been in the game for years to come. Why is this being done now? Were you guys not aware that this existed for years?

    It is either that you guys are changing a mechanic that has existed forever just because it affects the 6.2.6 boss or you guys have no idea about any of the mechanics in the game. We never know how you guys intended to make these things so we believe in what we see and read, it is not very transparent of you guys to change stuff like these ,which were basically in the game ever since it got introduced, out of the blue in line with what you guys want. I know that you can do it, it is just not looking good for you ever.
    Maybe you should try working for a gaming company and see if you can spot every single bug in the coding as soon as it comes up. Good Luck.
    Guarantee you I can do better than Kabam. In fact, players find like 90% of the bugs in this game before Kabam even starts looking.
    You jsut proved his point genius
    And no more than likely you will fail just as much as they do so just because you can rant and complain on an online forum don’t let that go to your head
    There are millions of interactions if not billions in the game more than likely more
    There are posssibly hundreds of thousands of players on per hour with their own roster and champs
    Each of which go against different content at a time
    It’s like that saying goes
    Give a room full of monkeys each a computer they will eventually write Shakespeare

    So in this case give Whiny players a game soon enough they Will find something to yell “these developers know nothing about a game and I can do much better “
    Ohhh wait it already happened
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    edited April 2020
    Okaythen said:

    Feel bad for kabam
    If they changed it before 6.2.6 came outpeople will cry cash grab

    No, they won't complain because that ability is not useful in any other content besides The Champion 6.2.6.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Only The Champions 6.2.6 has an indestructible phase last that long until now there is no other defenders has same abilities.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★

    tafre said:

    Damage is dealt, it is just ignored. Leave it in as able to steal; no bug to fix if looked at this way (jae sylvr!)

    Far easier to change the text, than change the code.

    They ignore Gulk/bane, Kamala, flow, thing sp3, parry; indeed on the latter, they just changed the text.

    The only reason they want to "fix" this, is because it benefits the player base, 1,000s of whom have already used it.

    I don't know where that information is coming from, but it's not true. When there are indestructible charges up, or any effect that keeps a Champion from taking damage, Morningstar (or any other Champion) is not dealing any damage in those cases.

    I understand the frustration here guys, but this is not just a bug that affects one fight. This is something that can and has been exploited in other areas as well and needs to be dealt with. This has never been an intentional part of Morningstar's kit, and her ability descriptions are pretty explicit about it.
    You are absolutely right, Miike: abilities are pretty explicit. The champion has 5 indestructible charges. What is the indestructible effect? Let's see on Luke cage info, since he too has an indestructible effect:
    Bullet-proof skin allows Luke Cage to become Indestructible and ignore all incoming damage for 1.7 to 3.7 seconds.

    Indestructible doesn't say that the defender takes 0% damage, it simply ignores it. In fact in many other contents of the game there are nodes like "do you bleed": the defender takes -100% damage from any source other than bleed.
    In this case, you will see that your hits deal 0 to the opponent.
    So I suppose that indestructible mechanics and -100% reduced damage are different things. In my opinion they should be still separate things, but it looks like that it wasn't working as intended.
    PS: indestructible is an ability that works this way since the beginning, 2015
    During Luke Cage's Indestructible phase, he is not taking damage. Morningstar is not doing any damage, and should not be healing there either. Additionally, there have been abilities with similar names with different descriptions and effects before.
    So you are saying that you are changing something that has been in the game for years to come. Why is this being done now? Were you guys not aware that this existed for years?

    It is either that you guys are changing a mechanic that has existed forever just because it affects the 6.2.6 boss or you guys have no idea about any of the mechanics in the game. We never know how you guys intended to make these things so we believe in what we see and read, it is not very transparent of you guys to change stuff like these ,which were basically in the game ever since it got introduced, out of the blue in line with what you guys want. I know that you can do it, it is just not looking good for you ever.
    Maybe you should try working for a gaming company and see if you can spot every single bug in the coding as soon as it comes up. Good Luck.
    Guarantee you I can do better than Kabam. In fact, players find like 90% of the bugs in this game before Kabam even starts looking.
    @May_The_Way the players find 90% of the bugs... you mean the millions and millions of use playing the game daily vs the maybe 20 devs working on the game? I guess they need to step up their job huh.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★

    Greekhit said:

    The interaction is broken between healing and indestructible. BWCV and MS will work and do work exactly as advertised. Indestructible buffs don't allow any damage to be done. That's what's broken. They wont be touching BWCV or MS. They are only fixing that interaction.

    I agree with the statement that the interaction is bugged. To be honest it’s an obvious bug. But the main problem is not whether it’s a bug or not. The problem is that this interaction is out there and working like that for nearly a year, allowing a big player base take advantage of it and have, a still not easy, but surely a way easier fight, while the oncoming players have to do it without this asset. How fair is that? The real problem is the equal treatment for all players. To restore balance Kabam should at least reduce the indestructible charges to 3 after the bug fix. A responsible answer for the game developers would really be appreciated.
    To that point what about the millions of players who can't take advantage of AA being able to stun stun-immune defenders? Or Drax being able to bypass Mordos astral evade. Does it suck for some players, sure but lets say it was caught a month after it happened, there'd be even more people that wouldn't be able to take advantage of the bug.
    To be fair, the points you mentioned are different in the fact that a Kabam employee lied to the player base & stated AA & Drax were working properly.
    Isn't that pretty much what you guys are saying here? Kabam should've known given all the videos out there etc.. How is it any different?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    1. You can't assume they lied about AA. They were incorrect, which means they could have been mistaken. It happens. They're also not around anymore to defend themselves.
    2. Drax was ALWAYS said to be an animation side-effect, and not a design goal. They've consistently told us it wasn't intended, and didn't work on all devices.
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★

    tafre said:

    Damage is dealt, it is just ignored. Leave it in as able to steal; no bug to fix if looked at this way (jae sylvr!)

    Far easier to change the text, than change the code.

    They ignore Gulk/bane, Kamala, flow, thing sp3, parry; indeed on the latter, they just changed the text.

    The only reason they want to "fix" this, is because it benefits the player base, 1,000s of whom have already used it.

    I don't know where that information is coming from, but it's not true. When there are indestructible charges up, or any effect that keeps a Champion from taking damage, Morningstar (or any other Champion) is not dealing any damage in those cases.

    I understand the frustration here guys, but this is not just a bug that affects one fight. This is something that can and has been exploited in other areas as well and needs to be dealt with. This has never been an intentional part of Morningstar's kit, and her ability descriptions are pretty explicit about it.
    You are absolutely right, Miike: abilities are pretty explicit. The champion has 5 indestructible charges. What is the indestructible effect? Let's see on Luke cage info, since he too has an indestructible effect:
    Bullet-proof skin allows Luke Cage to become Indestructible and ignore all incoming damage for 1.7 to 3.7 seconds.

    Indestructible doesn't say that the defender takes 0% damage, it simply ignores it. In fact in many other contents of the game there are nodes like "do you bleed": the defender takes -100% damage from any source other than bleed.
    In this case, you will see that your hits deal 0 to the opponent.
    So I suppose that indestructible mechanics and -100% reduced damage are different things. In my opinion they should be still separate things, but it looks like that it wasn't working as intended.
    PS: indestructible is an ability that works this way since the beginning, 2015
    During Luke Cage's Indestructible phase, he is not taking damage. Morningstar is not doing any damage, and should not be healing there either. Additionally, there have been abilities with similar names with different descriptions and effects before.
    So you are saying that you are changing something that has been in the game for years to come. Why is this being done now? Were you guys not aware that this existed for years?

    It is either that you guys are changing a mechanic that has existed forever just because it affects the 6.2.6 boss or you guys have no idea about any of the mechanics in the game. We never know how you guys intended to make these things so we believe in what we see and read, it is not very transparent of you guys to change stuff like these ,which were basically in the game ever since it got introduced, out of the blue in line with what you guys want. I know that you can do it, it is just not looking good for you ever.
    Maybe you should try working for a gaming company and see if you can spot every single bug in the coding as soon as it comes up. Good Luck.
    Guarantee you I can do better than Kabam. In fact, players find like 90% of the bugs in this game before Kabam even starts looking.
    @May_The_Way the players find 90% of the bugs... you mean the millions and millions of use playing the game daily vs the maybe 20 devs working on the game? I guess they need to step up their job huh.
    @Demonzfyre i wonder how many people log in and say:
    “Hmm I wonder what bug I can purposely find today 🤔 “
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Okaythen said:

    tafre said:

    Damage is dealt, it is just ignored. Leave it in as able to steal; no bug to fix if looked at this way (jae sylvr!)

    Far easier to change the text, than change the code.

    They ignore Gulk/bane, Kamala, flow, thing sp3, parry; indeed on the latter, they just changed the text.

    The only reason they want to "fix" this, is because it benefits the player base, 1,000s of whom have already used it.

    I don't know where that information is coming from, but it's not true. When there are indestructible charges up, or any effect that keeps a Champion from taking damage, Morningstar (or any other Champion) is not dealing any damage in those cases.

    I understand the frustration here guys, but this is not just a bug that affects one fight. This is something that can and has been exploited in other areas as well and needs to be dealt with. This has never been an intentional part of Morningstar's kit, and her ability descriptions are pretty explicit about it.
    You are absolutely right, Miike: abilities are pretty explicit. The champion has 5 indestructible charges. What is the indestructible effect? Let's see on Luke cage info, since he too has an indestructible effect:
    Bullet-proof skin allows Luke Cage to become Indestructible and ignore all incoming damage for 1.7 to 3.7 seconds.

    Indestructible doesn't say that the defender takes 0% damage, it simply ignores it. In fact in many other contents of the game there are nodes like "do you bleed": the defender takes -100% damage from any source other than bleed.
    In this case, you will see that your hits deal 0 to the opponent.
    So I suppose that indestructible mechanics and -100% reduced damage are different things. In my opinion they should be still separate things, but it looks like that it wasn't working as intended.
    PS: indestructible is an ability that works this way since the beginning, 2015
    During Luke Cage's Indestructible phase, he is not taking damage. Morningstar is not doing any damage, and should not be healing there either. Additionally, there have been abilities with similar names with different descriptions and effects before.
    So you are saying that you are changing something that has been in the game for years to come. Why is this being done now? Were you guys not aware that this existed for years?

    It is either that you guys are changing a mechanic that has existed forever just because it affects the 6.2.6 boss or you guys have no idea about any of the mechanics in the game. We never know how you guys intended to make these things so we believe in what we see and read, it is not very transparent of you guys to change stuff like these ,which were basically in the game ever since it got introduced, out of the blue in line with what you guys want. I know that you can do it, it is just not looking good for you ever.
    Maybe you should try working for a gaming company and see if you can spot every single bug in the coding as soon as it comes up. Good Luck.
    Guarantee you I can do better than Kabam. In fact, players find like 90% of the bugs in this game before Kabam even starts looking.
    @May_The_Way the players find 90% of the bugs... you mean the millions and millions of use playing the game daily vs the maybe 20 devs working on the game? I guess they need to step up their job huh.
    @Demonzfyre i wonder how many people log in and say:
    “Hmm I wonder what bug I can’t purposely find today 🤔 “
    Not many but then again the amount of falsely reported bugs is pretty high as well.
  • BubzBubz Member Posts: 10
    “Fix” The Champion, as well to have only 2 charges of indestructible within the same June update.

    Have the Kabam moderators even tried this fight?
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,076 Guardian
    xNig said:

    Ganesh10a said:

    walkerdog said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    _matto_ said:

    I might be making a completely irrelevant point here but ghost with a tech power boost in 6.3.6 regains power when launching a special while destructive feedback is active, even though its based on damage dealt when captain America takes no damage as there’s “crit me with your best shot” (can’t crit with destructive feedback) and I know ghost has 100% crit chance with specials but he still takes no damage when the destructive feedback goes on cool down

    This is very similar to the way MS and BWCV heal(ed) when the champions indestructible. So the damage is still being dealt he just takes non of it 🤷‍♂️

    That sounds like another bug that we should log. I know there are inconsistencies in the language in the game. It's over 5 years old, and there's new content added at least twice a month, so inconsistencies will happen. We can work to fix it the best we can when they're discovered though.
    Just spitballing here but why not give the community heads up when you plan to fix these inconsistencies? Also content that has been out for an extended time and many players have benefit from this could be left untouched?

    When the BWCV interaction with The Champion was fixed was it for that fight only? Have you fixed this interaction in all areas of the game? Same with the upcoming change to the interaction between Morningstar and The Champion?

    Seems to me that fixing the interaction between these abilities and indestructible, though it would possibly take longer, would best be fixed while being directed at that ability. Simply fixing it for one fight just screams to the community that you are only after their units to complete current meta.

    More transparency and maybe some more time fixing bugs that hurt the player base might keep people from being so aggravated when these situations occur.

    I get where you're coming from, but we let players know about this bug as soon as we identified it, and are giving more than a month's notice on the fix. As we mentioned earlier in this thread, this fix won't be coming until June.

    There is never going to be a case where Bugs will remain untouched just because it's old. That's not healthy for any game, and can lead to a pretty rapid end.

    I also personally am always striving for more transparency between us and our players, but I don't understand what more transparency we can give here. If I'm missing something, please let me know. As for the thing about Bugs that hurt players vs those that don't, I urge you to look back at the release notes for the last 30+ releases, and then also into the many many bug fixes we make Live. I think you'll find that this silly rumour has no footing.
    Thank you for your reply. I am not a programmer so I don't understand all of the intricacies but your point about not leaving bugs because it can lead to a rapid end for the game makes sense to me. To play devil's advocate on that point with direct regard to healing through indestructible it seems to me that has been occurring since the introduction of said mechanic. So is it really game breaking or could it just be called an intended interaction?

    With regard to your point regarding fixes. I don't mean to diminish the work put into this game, I love it and you guys do fix problems on both sides. I don't want to derail this conversation but one "bug" that is a bone of contention is the ai ability to retaliate while hitting into block. Is there another post that could be discussed in so this one can not get side tracked?
    Was that interaction game breaking in the past? Not really, but as the game has grown and more mechanics like that have become common, it does pose a serious issue where Champions are interacting incorrectly more than they used to. That's also why we were finally able to see it, since there are more places for this broken interaction to happen. It's not related to the Champion, but knowing that this is one of the most difficult fights in the game, and that interaction comes into play, I understand why people think this fix might be related to that.

    As for the Blocking and Specials thing, we know it's an issue, and the thread surrounding that problem was closed because it was being targeted. That doesn't mean we're not aware, or ignoring it. We're making progress to alleviate the issue every release.
    It's not a bug though! Quit calling it that! Your devs choose a node option that prevents damage to The Champion but not one that kept MS, and later BWCV, from healing from the damage that's prevented. ITS A FEATURE OF INDESTRUCTIBLE. It is NOT a bug. People have identified this for you in this thread and you dont seem to reply to them, indicating you're trying to stick your head in the samd about this being exactly how that node buff works.
    Exactly. It's NOT A BUG at all. if they are gonna make the change they should admit it is a nerf. If it was a bug the champion would have been taking damage. But that's not the case here.

    They simply want to call this interaction bug because it helps people to deal with a hardest fight in the game.
    It’s a bug. And no, 6.2 Champion is not the hardest fight in the game. In fact, once you get the hang of it, he’s ridiculously easy.
    Kind of find this funny, @xNig . You yourself got stuck during your legends run on no retreat champion. Honestly, there are two "viable counters" to this, which also totally depends on whether the AI is being a good boy, throwing his specials. Mr F careful study passive, and she hulk. So to eat that block damage, you need perfect spacing, and AI to throw his specials, or Mr F to make blocking viable.
    I myself, had one counter to the fight when i first explored it, Hood's invisibility. Very risky, and potentially costly. Also, to master the fight took me a while, and a lot lot of time. To reach the champion through the lanes (while not hard at all), is really time consuming. I'd disagree it being an easy fight.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Ganesh10a said:

    walkerdog said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    _matto_ said:

    I might be making a completely irrelevant point here but ghost with a tech power boost in 6.3.6 regains power when launching a special while destructive feedback is active, even though its based on damage dealt when captain America takes no damage as there’s “crit me with your best shot” (can’t crit with destructive feedback) and I know ghost has 100% crit chance with specials but he still takes no damage when the destructive feedback goes on cool down

    This is very similar to the way MS and BWCV heal(ed) when the champions indestructible. So the damage is still being dealt he just takes non of it 🤷‍♂️

    That sounds like another bug that we should log. I know there are inconsistencies in the language in the game. It's over 5 years old, and there's new content added at least twice a month, so inconsistencies will happen. We can work to fix it the best we can when they're discovered though.
    Just spitballing here but why not give the community heads up when you plan to fix these inconsistencies? Also content that has been out for an extended time and many players have benefit from this could be left untouched?

    When the BWCV interaction with The Champion was fixed was it for that fight only? Have you fixed this interaction in all areas of the game? Same with the upcoming change to the interaction between Morningstar and The Champion?

    Seems to me that fixing the interaction between these abilities and indestructible, though it would possibly take longer, would best be fixed while being directed at that ability. Simply fixing it for one fight just screams to the community that you are only after their units to complete current meta.

    More transparency and maybe some more time fixing bugs that hurt the player base might keep people from being so aggravated when these situations occur.

    I get where you're coming from, but we let players know about this bug as soon as we identified it, and are giving more than a month's notice on the fix. As we mentioned earlier in this thread, this fix won't be coming until June.

    There is never going to be a case where Bugs will remain untouched just because it's old. That's not healthy for any game, and can lead to a pretty rapid end.

    I also personally am always striving for more transparency between us and our players, but I don't understand what more transparency we can give here. If I'm missing something, please let me know. As for the thing about Bugs that hurt players vs those that don't, I urge you to look back at the release notes for the last 30+ releases, and then also into the many many bug fixes we make Live. I think you'll find that this silly rumour has no footing.
    Thank you for your reply. I am not a programmer so I don't understand all of the intricacies but your point about not leaving bugs because it can lead to a rapid end for the game makes sense to me. To play devil's advocate on that point with direct regard to healing through indestructible it seems to me that has been occurring since the introduction of said mechanic. So is it really game breaking or could it just be called an intended interaction?

    With regard to your point regarding fixes. I don't mean to diminish the work put into this game, I love it and you guys do fix problems on both sides. I don't want to derail this conversation but one "bug" that is a bone of contention is the ai ability to retaliate while hitting into block. Is there another post that could be discussed in so this one can not get side tracked?
    Was that interaction game breaking in the past? Not really, but as the game has grown and more mechanics like that have become common, it does pose a serious issue where Champions are interacting incorrectly more than they used to. That's also why we were finally able to see it, since there are more places for this broken interaction to happen. It's not related to the Champion, but knowing that this is one of the most difficult fights in the game, and that interaction comes into play, I understand why people think this fix might be related to that.

    As for the Blocking and Specials thing, we know it's an issue, and the thread surrounding that problem was closed because it was being targeted. That doesn't mean we're not aware, or ignoring it. We're making progress to alleviate the issue every release.
    It's not a bug though! Quit calling it that! Your devs choose a node option that prevents damage to The Champion but not one that kept MS, and later BWCV, from healing from the damage that's prevented. ITS A FEATURE OF INDESTRUCTIBLE. It is NOT a bug. People have identified this for you in this thread and you dont seem to reply to them, indicating you're trying to stick your head in the samd about this being exactly how that node buff works.
    Exactly. It's NOT A BUG at all. if they are gonna make the change they should admit it is a nerf. If it was a bug the champion would have been taking damage. But that's not the case here.

    They simply want to call this interaction bug because it helps people to deal with a hardest fight in the game.
    It’s a bug. And no, 6.2 Champion is not the hardest fight in the game. In fact, once you get the hang of it, he’s ridiculously easy.
    Kind of find this funny, @xNig . You yourself got stuck during your legends run on no retreat champion. Honestly, there are two "viable counters" to this, which also totally depends on whether the AI is being a good boy, throwing his specials. Mr F careful study passive, and she hulk. So to eat that block damage, you need perfect spacing, and AI to throw his specials, or Mr F to make blocking viable.
    I myself, had one counter to the fight when i first explored it, Hood's invisibility. Very risky, and potentially costly. Also, to master the fight took me a while, and a lot lot of time. To reach the champion through the lanes (while not hard at all), is really time consuming. I'd disagree it being an easy fight.
    Yeah I did. Considering that his fight was new and he was the last fight after 10+ hours of intense playing. I could solo him easily now and I’ve done so several times on my 2 alts.

    So yeah. He’s not that tough now.
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★

    xNig said:

    Ganesh10a said:

    walkerdog said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    _matto_ said:

    I might be making a completely irrelevant point here but ghost with a tech power boost in 6.3.6 regains power when launching a special while destructive feedback is active, even though its based on damage dealt when captain America takes no damage as there’s “crit me with your best shot” (can’t crit with destructive feedback) and I know ghost has 100% crit chance with specials but he still takes no damage when the destructive feedback goes on cool down

    This is very similar to the way MS and BWCV heal(ed) when the champions indestructible. So the damage is still being dealt he just takes non of it 🤷‍♂️

    That sounds like another bug that we should log. I know there are inconsistencies in the language in the game. It's over 5 years old, and there's new content added at least twice a month, so inconsistencies will happen. We can work to fix it the best we can when they're discovered though.
    Just spitballing here but why not give the community heads up when you plan to fix these inconsistencies? Also content that has been out for an extended time and many players have benefit from this could be left untouched?

    When the BWCV interaction with The Champion was fixed was it for that fight only? Have you fixed this interaction in all areas of the game? Same with the upcoming change to the interaction between Morningstar and The Champion?

    Seems to me that fixing the interaction between these abilities and indestructible, though it would possibly take longer, would best be fixed while being directed at that ability. Simply fixing it for one fight just screams to the community that you are only after their units to complete current meta.

    More transparency and maybe some more time fixing bugs that hurt the player base might keep people from being so aggravated when these situations occur.

    I get where you're coming from, but we let players know about this bug as soon as we identified it, and are giving more than a month's notice on the fix. As we mentioned earlier in this thread, this fix won't be coming until June.

    There is never going to be a case where Bugs will remain untouched just because it's old. That's not healthy for any game, and can lead to a pretty rapid end.

    I also personally am always striving for more transparency between us and our players, but I don't understand what more transparency we can give here. If I'm missing something, please let me know. As for the thing about Bugs that hurt players vs those that don't, I urge you to look back at the release notes for the last 30+ releases, and then also into the many many bug fixes we make Live. I think you'll find that this silly rumour has no footing.
    Thank you for your reply. I am not a programmer so I don't understand all of the intricacies but your point about not leaving bugs because it can lead to a rapid end for the game makes sense to me. To play devil's advocate on that point with direct regard to healing through indestructible it seems to me that has been occurring since the introduction of said mechanic. So is it really game breaking or could it just be called an intended interaction?

    With regard to your point regarding fixes. I don't mean to diminish the work put into this game, I love it and you guys do fix problems on both sides. I don't want to derail this conversation but one "bug" that is a bone of contention is the ai ability to retaliate while hitting into block. Is there another post that could be discussed in so this one can not get side tracked?
    Was that interaction game breaking in the past? Not really, but as the game has grown and more mechanics like that have become common, it does pose a serious issue where Champions are interacting incorrectly more than they used to. That's also why we were finally able to see it, since there are more places for this broken interaction to happen. It's not related to the Champion, but knowing that this is one of the most difficult fights in the game, and that interaction comes into play, I understand why people think this fix might be related to that.

    As for the Blocking and Specials thing, we know it's an issue, and the thread surrounding that problem was closed because it was being targeted. That doesn't mean we're not aware, or ignoring it. We're making progress to alleviate the issue every release.
    It's not a bug though! Quit calling it that! Your devs choose a node option that prevents damage to The Champion but not one that kept MS, and later BWCV, from healing from the damage that's prevented. ITS A FEATURE OF INDESTRUCTIBLE. It is NOT a bug. People have identified this for you in this thread and you dont seem to reply to them, indicating you're trying to stick your head in the samd about this being exactly how that node buff works.
    Exactly. It's NOT A BUG at all. if they are gonna make the change they should admit it is a nerf. If it was a bug the champion would have been taking damage. But that's not the case here.

    They simply want to call this interaction bug because it helps people to deal with a hardest fight in the game.
    It’s a bug. And no, 6.2 Champion is not the hardest fight in the game. In fact, once you get the hang of it, he’s ridiculously easy.
    Kind of find this funny, @xNig . You yourself got stuck during your legends run on no retreat champion. Honestly, there are two "viable counters" to this, which also totally depends on whether the AI is being a good boy, throwing his specials. Mr F careful study passive, and she hulk. So to eat that block damage, you need perfect spacing, and AI to throw his specials, or Mr F to make blocking viable.
    I myself, had one counter to the fight when i first explored it, Hood's invisibility. Very risky, and potentially costly. Also, to master the fight took me a while, and a lot lot of time. To reach the champion through the lanes (while not hard at all), is really time consuming. I'd disagree it being an easy fight.
    Hmmm I wonder if him struggling was because it was a legends run after initial launch of the content
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Ganesh10a said:

    walkerdog said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    Rwj_2 said:

    _matto_ said:

    I might be making a completely irrelevant point here but ghost with a tech power boost in 6.3.6 regains power when launching a special while destructive feedback is active, even though its based on damage dealt when captain America takes no damage as there’s “crit me with your best shot” (can’t crit with destructive feedback) and I know ghost has 100% crit chance with specials but he still takes no damage when the destructive feedback goes on cool down

    This is very similar to the way MS and BWCV heal(ed) when the champions indestructible. So the damage is still being dealt he just takes non of it 🤷‍♂️

    That sounds like another bug that we should log. I know there are inconsistencies in the language in the game. It's over 5 years old, and there's new content added at least twice a month, so inconsistencies will happen. We can work to fix it the best we can when they're discovered though.
    Just spitballing here but why not give the community heads up when you plan to fix these inconsistencies? Also content that has been out for an extended time and many players have benefit from this could be left untouched?

    When the BWCV interaction with The Champion was fixed was it for that fight only? Have you fixed this interaction in all areas of the game? Same with the upcoming change to the interaction between Morningstar and The Champion?

    Seems to me that fixing the interaction between these abilities and indestructible, though it would possibly take longer, would best be fixed while being directed at that ability. Simply fixing it for one fight just screams to the community that you are only after their units to complete current meta.

    More transparency and maybe some more time fixing bugs that hurt the player base might keep people from being so aggravated when these situations occur.

    I get where you're coming from, but we let players know about this bug as soon as we identified it, and are giving more than a month's notice on the fix. As we mentioned earlier in this thread, this fix won't be coming until June.

    There is never going to be a case where Bugs will remain untouched just because it's old. That's not healthy for any game, and can lead to a pretty rapid end.

    I also personally am always striving for more transparency between us and our players, but I don't understand what more transparency we can give here. If I'm missing something, please let me know. As for the thing about Bugs that hurt players vs those that don't, I urge you to look back at the release notes for the last 30+ releases, and then also into the many many bug fixes we make Live. I think you'll find that this silly rumour has no footing.
    Thank you for your reply. I am not a programmer so I don't understand all of the intricacies but your point about not leaving bugs because it can lead to a rapid end for the game makes sense to me. To play devil's advocate on that point with direct regard to healing through indestructible it seems to me that has been occurring since the introduction of said mechanic. So is it really game breaking or could it just be called an intended interaction?

    With regard to your point regarding fixes. I don't mean to diminish the work put into this game, I love it and you guys do fix problems on both sides. I don't want to derail this conversation but one "bug" that is a bone of contention is the ai ability to retaliate while hitting into block. Is there another post that could be discussed in so this one can not get side tracked?
    Was that interaction game breaking in the past? Not really, but as the game has grown and more mechanics like that have become common, it does pose a serious issue where Champions are interacting incorrectly more than they used to. That's also why we were finally able to see it, since there are more places for this broken interaction to happen. It's not related to the Champion, but knowing that this is one of the most difficult fights in the game, and that interaction comes into play, I understand why people think this fix might be related to that.

    As for the Blocking and Specials thing, we know it's an issue, and the thread surrounding that problem was closed because it was being targeted. That doesn't mean we're not aware, or ignoring it. We're making progress to alleviate the issue every release.
    It's not a bug though! Quit calling it that! Your devs choose a node option that prevents damage to The Champion but not one that kept MS, and later BWCV, from healing from the damage that's prevented. ITS A FEATURE OF INDESTRUCTIBLE. It is NOT a bug. People have identified this for you in this thread and you dont seem to reply to them, indicating you're trying to stick your head in the samd about this being exactly how that node buff works.
    Exactly. It's NOT A BUG at all. if they are gonna make the change they should admit it is a nerf. If it was a bug the champion would have been taking damage. But that's not the case here.

    They simply want to call this interaction bug because it helps people to deal with a hardest fight in the game.
    It’s a bug. And no, 6.2 Champion is not the hardest fight in the game. In fact, once you get the hang of it, he’s ridiculously easy.
    Kind of find this funny, @xNig . You yourself got stuck during your legends run on no retreat champion. Honestly, there are two "viable counters" to this, which also totally depends on whether the AI is being a good boy, throwing his specials. Mr F careful study passive, and she hulk. So to eat that block damage, you need perfect spacing, and AI to throw his specials, or Mr F to make blocking viable.
    I myself, had one counter to the fight when i first explored it, Hood's invisibility. Very risky, and potentially costly. Also, to master the fight took me a while, and a lot lot of time. To reach the champion through the lanes (while not hard at all), is really time consuming. I'd disagree it being an easy fight.
    Yeah I did. Considering that his fight was new and he was the last fight after 10+ hours of intense playing. I could solo him easily now and I’ve done so several times on my 2 alts.

    So yeah. He’s not that tough now.
    if you struggled at first I don't want to hear how easy it is now. You really embrassed yourself admitting to that struggle. When I fought Champion I did it day 1 as well. Big whoop if he's easy now. I have CapIW, Mr. F, BWCV, Morninngstar, Sym Supreme, Hood, SheHulk now. You know who I had day 1? Just Sym Supreme and Hood.
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