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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Thecurler said:

    Here are a list of champ that cannot be used from act 6.2 forward:

    Howard the duck
    Winter solider
    Iron man
    War machine
    Supreme iron man
    Magneto both versions
    Daredevil both version (evade won’t save you with mr.sinster) :)
    Thor jane foster
    Cyclops both versions
    Spider man classic
    Symbiotic spider man
    Joe fixit
    Ant man
    Yellow jaket
    And more

    Just false.
    Juggernaut can be used for Can't Stop Won't Stop in 6.3.1. Same with Rhino.
    Yellowjacket can be used for That's Gonna Sting in 6.4.5.
    The GM fight is doable with pretty much anyone, so your statement that above champs "cannot be used from act 6.2 forward" is just wrong.
    As if anyone is going to use those champs in act 6.
    See, this is an attitude I also have a problem with. Like I mentioned earlier plenty of people ranked and used DD for the Collector back when it was new. Was he useful hardly anywhere else in the game? No not really.

    I'm not sure why people now think they HAVE to have the best option for everything to beat it as opposed to managing with THEIR best option.

    Jane Foster can deal with 6.2.6 Champion but when it gets brought up the reply is usually something along "I'm not ranking that garbage champ and suffering through that fight with her". Is she really garbage if she can deal with a problem you currently have?

    I'm not suggesting she's a great option even and certainly not one that could deal with no retreat when used by most players. Why does not being a great option remove the fact that they're still options that can work now?
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    I don't know if it's possible but, if it could be done.
    I think changing the model of content to be easier to complete with the higher rarity champs(5/6*) but, you get smaller rewards.
    Then completing the same content with lower rarity champs (1 - 4) you get higher rewards but, you would need to use special boosts like what we had when we had the my little symbiote quest. The boosts would not make you massively OP but, they would give you a strong chance to beat the content if you have the skill, in a fun and interactive way. We could win the boosts from arena or some type of content crystals.

    I think this would allow us to use the lower rarity champs and also take the pressure off of the perceived "keeping up" scenario.

    The end gamers can really test their skill using the 1/2/3* champs while the progressing players can feel accomplished in completing the content in the easier mode using higher rarity champs.
    There are definitely ways to make the game more fun for all levels and I expect the roadmap to set out a better vision of the game being fun.

    I've been off the game since the start of month but, I hope the game will come back better.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I don't know if it's possible but, if it could be done.
    I think changing the model of content to be easier to complete with the higher rarity champs(5/6*) but, you get smaller rewards.
    Then completing the same content with lower rarity champs (1 - 4) you get higher rewards but, you would need to use special boosts like what we had when we had the my little symbiote quest. The boosts would not make you massively OP but, they would give you a strong chance to beat the content if you have the skill, in a fun and interactive way. We could win the boosts from arena or some type of content crystals.

    I think this would allow us to use the lower rarity champs and also take the pressure off of the perceived "keeping up" scenario.

    The end gamers can really test their skill using the 1/2/3* champs while the progressing players can feel accomplished in completing the content in the easier mode using higher rarity champs.
    There are definitely ways to make the game more fun for all levels and I expect the roadmap to set out a better vision of the game being fun.

    I've been off the game since the start of month but, I hope the game will come back better.

    Also a terrible idea. None of the people that have invested large amounts of time or money into their 5/6* rosters want to go back and be forced to use a bunch of 1-4*s. What would be the point in investing in your higher rarity roster at that point?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    The whole lower rarity champ thing is fun for one of things like variants but not where any late game players I know really want progessional content to go
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,313 ★★★★★

    Cyclops both versions

    Me again.
    I think it is good counter to Havok Act 6.3 correct?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Thecurler said:

    Thecurler said:

    Here are a list of champ that cannot be used from act 6.2 forward:

    Howard the duck
    Winter solider
    Iron man
    War machine
    Supreme iron man
    Magneto both versions
    Daredevil both version (evade won’t save you with mr.sinster) :)
    Thor jane foster
    Cyclops both versions
    Spider man classic
    Symbiotic spider man
    Joe fixit
    Ant man
    Yellow jaket
    And more

    Just false.
    Juggernaut can be used for Can't Stop Won't Stop in 6.3.1. Same with Rhino.
    Yellowjacket can be used for That's Gonna Sting in 6.4.5.
    The GM fight is doable with pretty much anyone, so your statement that above champs "cannot be used from act 6.2 forward" is just wrong.
    As if anyone is going to use those champs in act 6.
    See, this is an attitude I also have a problem with. Like I mentioned earlier plenty of people ranked and used DD for the Collector back when it was new. Was he useful hardly anywhere else in the game? No not really.

    I'm not sure why people now think they HAVE to have the best option for everything to beat it as opposed to managing with THEIR best option.

    Jane Foster can deal with 6.2.6 Champion but when it gets brought up the reply is usually something along "I'm not ranking that garbage champ and suffering through that fight with her". Is she really garbage if she can deal with a problem you currently have?

    I'm not suggesting she's a great option even and certainly not one that could deal with no retreat when used by most players. Why does not being a great option remove the fact that they're still options that can work now?
    Completely taken out of context. Daredevil wasn't a meme character when 4* were prominent and he was one of the better options for the collector back then.. So what you're actually saying is people ranked up one of the better options for arguably the toughest fight in the game at that time. Plus he was usable in other content back then.
    Try taking rhino through a whole lane in 6.3. 6* r1 rhino takes 600 hits to knock over rol winter soldier.

    I wouldn't dream of taking a meme to act 6. I'd wait until I had a reasonable counter, not necessarily the best option but one that wasn't the absolute worst possible option to clear that path.
    You're right DD was one of the better options for the Collector but he still had little use outside of that fight.

    As far as Rhino, the path he was recommended for is pretty awful regardless of who you use as far as I remember. I just ramped up aegon on the sentinel fight and toughed it out with him. And no I wouldn't use Rhino for much of anything either.

    I've still known plenty of people that have options for fights that they just flat out refuse to use. I've seen people refuse to use Medusa for 6.2 Mr Sinister bc she won't solo it. Then claim they NEED the Heimdall synergy for it.

    I dunno I guess my point was sometimes ranking up or using a champ you don't particularly like to get through something isn't always the worst idea. Even if its just a completion run so you can start work on the next quest/chapter. Probably worth it to just farm some items and suck it up sometimes. I just feel there are less people willing to do that now than before. Maybe it's the sheer amount of stuff that requires specific counters in Act 6 so people just don't want to do it at all. I dunno.

  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
    the point is that they should not be "Trash" tier champs. the bottom of the barrel should not be so far down they never get used.
    i have a 6* Guilly that i still use from time to time. yeah i noramlly chose my better champs over her but sometimes i bring her out just because i can. other than her sp2 reverse heal she has nothing special but she still hits decent so is worthy of being used sometimes.
    but i have a 6* Juggernaut. now why on earth would i ever use him? if he hit harder then i would use him occasionally. simple really.

    small little things could be done to give older champs a boost and make them serviceable. its not about giving them full reworks and making them gods but just giving them relevance. yes you will still mostly pick your gods over avrage champs, but right now there is over 50% of champs which when you get them as a 6* you are legit sad as you know that you will never use them.
    If juggernaut had a 20% attack increase absolutely no one would use him still. People are just fooling themselves when they say differently.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    Iam taking about act 6 not act 5 when the game used to be fun.
    In act 6 u can’t bring 4* with you know why?
    Because they don’t want you TO.
    They are scared that skilled players can get the god tier champ from arena and destroy their “creation”.
    Daredevil as a 5* un dup is completely useless.
    What part of being useless you don’t understand?
    Here are a list of champ that cannot be used from act 6.2 forward:

    Howard the duck
    Winter solider
    Iron man
    War machine
    Supreme iron man
    Magneto both versions
    Daredevil both version (evade won’t save you with mr.sinster) :)
    Thor jane foster
    Cyclops both versions
    Spider man classic
    Symbiotic spider man
    Joe fixit
    Ant man
    Yellow jaket
    And more

    Guess what?
    More than 90% of this list are in 6* pool :)
    They SHOULD NOT BE IN THE 5* pool let alone the SIX STAR ONE
    AND YOU GET one of these as a 6* EVERY TIME.
    If you say you are ok with that than good for you.
    But not good for me and the millions player out there.

    I used Ant-Man in my Act 6 Exploration and used Thor Jane Foster.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
    the point is that they should not be "Trash" tier champs. the bottom of the barrel should not be so far down they never get used.
    i have a 6* Guilly that i still use from time to time. yeah i noramlly chose my better champs over her but sometimes i bring her out just because i can. other than her sp2 reverse heal she has nothing special but she still hits decent so is worthy of being used sometimes.
    but i have a 6* Juggernaut. now why on earth would i ever use him? if he hit harder then i would use him occasionally. simple really.

    small little things could be done to give older champs a boost and make them serviceable. its not about giving them full reworks and making them gods but just giving them relevance. yes you will still mostly pick your gods over avrage champs, but right now there is over 50% of champs which when you get them as a 6* you are legit sad as you know that you will never use them.
    If juggernaut had a 20% attack increase absolutely no one would use him still. People are just fooling themselves when they say differently.
    ithe fact that a 20% attack boost to him would still make him undesirable shows just how weak he is and just how much of a gap between average and bad there is.
    Yes jugg would probably need more than a 20% boost. but if nothing more was done than to boost his attack by whatever the required amount was and bring him up to mid tier that would still make a difference.
    Stop lookingat it as would someone use champ X over champ Y because no, the answer will almost alwyas be if someone has Ghost, Quake, Beardo, Aegon then why would they use anyone else.
    but look at it from the point of,
    If you wanted to use Juggernaut would he be able to get through act 6? the answer is no.
    if he had a 40% attack boost would he be able to get through act 6? the answer becomes yes.
    so while ever a champion has the answer of NO they are pathetic and useless.
    however if given the small tweak the and the answer becomes yes then suddenly that changes things.
    Yes they are not becoming a god,
    Yes i would still chose my gods over him,
    but he is suddenly not useless and may see some use, and atleast wont make people cry when they get him.
    i just pulled a 6* Squirrel Girl, is she a god "NO", am i ever going to use her over my Beardo, my Colossus, my AA, "NO", but will i use her sometimes, "YES"
    big difference.
    not a god, but not trash.
    i got a 5/65 skill gem and i took my Elektra to r5, you know why? cus i like her. yes she is not a god, yes she does not hit hardest, but, she is still useful and i have used her plenty in act 6.
    champs at mid tier do get used by people.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    Just a little point for everyone asking for all useless champs to be buffed. Remember we'll have to fight them as defenders so be careful what you're asking for 😂
  • DragonBloodÆDragonBloodÆ Member Posts: 28
    No one would rank juggernaut looool
    His attack is meme
    End of story
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
    the point is that they should not be "Trash" tier champs. the bottom of the barrel should not be so far down they never get used.
    i have a 6* Guilly that i still use from time to time. yeah i noramlly chose my better champs over her but sometimes i bring her out just because i can. other than her sp2 reverse heal she has nothing special but she still hits decent so is worthy of being used sometimes.
    but i have a 6* Juggernaut. now why on earth would i ever use him? if he hit harder then i would use him occasionally. simple really.

    small little things could be done to give older champs a boost and make them serviceable. its not about giving them full reworks and making them gods but just giving them relevance. yes you will still mostly pick your gods over avrage champs, but right now there is over 50% of champs which when you get them as a 6* you are legit sad as you know that you will never use them.
    If juggernaut had a 20% attack increase absolutely no one would use him still. People are just fooling themselves when they say differently.
    ithe fact that a 20% attack boost to him would still make him undesirable shows just how weak he is and just how much of a gap between average and bad there is.
    Yes jugg would probably need more than a 20% boost. but if nothing more was done than to boost his attack by whatever the required amount was and bring him up to mid tier that would still make a difference.
    Stop lookingat it as would someone use champ X over champ Y because no, the answer will almost alwyas be if someone has Ghost, Quake, Beardo, Aegon then why would they use anyone else.
    but look at it from the point of,
    If you wanted to use Juggernaut would he be able to get through act 6? the answer is no.
    if he had a 40% attack boost would he be able to get through act 6? the answer becomes yes.
    so while ever a champion has the answer of NO they are pathetic and useless.
    however if given the small tweak the and the answer becomes yes then suddenly that changes things.
    Yes they are not becoming a god,
    Yes i would still chose my gods over him,
    but he is suddenly not useless and may see some use, and atleast wont make people cry when they get him.
    i just pulled a 6* Squirrel Girl, is she a god "NO", am i ever going to use her over my Beardo, my Colossus, my AA, "NO", but will i use her sometimes, "YES"
    big difference.
    not a god, but not trash.
    i got a 5/65 skill gem and i took my Elektra to r5, you know why? cus i like her. yes she is not a god, yes she does not hit hardest, but, she is still useful and i have used her plenty in act 6.
    champs at mid tier do get used by people.
    Expecting every champ to be viable for the most difficult content in the game is a ridiculous expectations. Do I think Juggs should be viable for Act 6 just bc someone likes Juggernaut? Absolutely not and if you do, that's silly. If you really like him, use him in EQ.

    You legitimately think that in a game that constantly changes with new content design with 170 characters, that they should all be basically interchangeable regardless of how old they are?

    I like that they go back and rework older champs to make them more relevant. You can't expect that to be a priority though.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    Thecurler said:

    Just a little point for everyone asking for all useless champs to be buffed. Remember we'll have to fight them as defenders so be careful what you're asking for 😂

    of course. but of all the champs that have been buffed so far only Spider Gwen and Venom can be annoying. even then they are nothing when compared to other champs.
    which champs out of the ones that have been buffed are consistently placed as defenders in AW? 0....
    minor tweaks giving more attack, more HP etc would not become an issue.
    only potential new abilities from full reworks could potentially become an issue.

    If jugg, IP, suddenly hit even twice as hard would they be an issue on defence? i think not.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
    the point is that they should not be "Trash" tier champs. the bottom of the barrel should not be so far down they never get used.
    i have a 6* Guilly that i still use from time to time. yeah i noramlly chose my better champs over her but sometimes i bring her out just because i can. other than her sp2 reverse heal she has nothing special but she still hits decent so is worthy of being used sometimes.
    but i have a 6* Juggernaut. now why on earth would i ever use him? if he hit harder then i would use him occasionally. simple really.

    small little things could be done to give older champs a boost and make them serviceable. its not about giving them full reworks and making them gods but just giving them relevance. yes you will still mostly pick your gods over avrage champs, but right now there is over 50% of champs which when you get them as a 6* you are legit sad as you know that you will never use them.
    If juggernaut had a 20% attack increase absolutely no one would use him still. People are just fooling themselves when they say differently.
    ithe fact that a 20% attack boost to him would still make him undesirable shows just how weak he is and just how much of a gap between average and bad there is.
    Yes jugg would probably need more than a 20% boost. but if nothing more was done than to boost his attack by whatever the required amount was and bring him up to mid tier that would still make a difference.
    Stop lookingat it as would someone use champ X over champ Y because no, the answer will almost alwyas be if someone has Ghost, Quake, Beardo, Aegon then why would they use anyone else.
    but look at it from the point of,
    If you wanted to use Juggernaut would he be able to get through act 6? the answer is no.
    if he had a 40% attack boost would he be able to get through act 6? the answer becomes yes.
    so while ever a champion has the answer of NO they are pathetic and useless.
    however if given the small tweak the and the answer becomes yes then suddenly that changes things.
    Yes they are not becoming a god,
    Yes i would still chose my gods over him,
    but he is suddenly not useless and may see some use, and atleast wont make people cry when they get him.
    i just pulled a 6* Squirrel Girl, is she a god "NO", am i ever going to use her over my Beardo, my Colossus, my AA, "NO", but will i use her sometimes, "YES"
    big difference.
    not a god, but not trash.
    i got a 5/65 skill gem and i took my Elektra to r5, you know why? cus i like her. yes she is not a god, yes she does not hit hardest, but, she is still useful and i have used her plenty in act 6.
    champs at mid tier do get used by people.
    Expecting every champ to be viable for the most difficult content in the game is a ridiculous expectations. Do I think Juggs should be viable for Act 6 just bc someone likes Juggernaut? Absolutely not and if you do, that's silly. If you really like him, use him in EQ.

    You legitimately think that in a game that constantly changes with new content design with 170 characters, that they should all be basically interchangeable regardless of how old they are?

    I like that they go back and rework older champs to make them more relevant. You can't expect that to be a priority though.
    not talking about them being interchangeable. not talking about them even coming close to the abilities of the to tier champs.
    not talking about them being able to 100% work through every node.

    thats not the point.
    yes there needs to be a difference. every champ deserves to shine in some areas and fail in others.
    But at the same time no champ should be entirely useless.
    6* Jugg would struggle to even get through act 5. that is a problem.
    yes champs should not be interchangeable, yes champs need stong points and weak points. but no champ should be so weak that you wanna cry and smash your phone and quit becuase you pull you.
    no champ should be useless in all content.
    champs like jugg are not even usefull in any content. they suck in 100% of content.
    Esp when you have champs like Quake, Ghost which are seriously OP and borderline broken.
    how can champs like Jugg and Ghost even be in the same game? that like having a peewee try and play NFL.

    no champ should be useless in 100% of content
    no champ should be a cheatcode in 100% of content. (even kabam said this hense the reason for v12)
    champs should be useful in minimum 40% of content
    champs should be amazing in maximum 80% of content
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    why dont Kabam make v5 and gate it.
    only 2015 & 2016 champs allowed.
    all the variants give RUG for 2015 and 2016 so far, lets put those champs to use.
    this sort of thing will give life to older champs without needing to do anything. and if you have done the variants before hand you will already have atleast a few of the champs required already ranked up.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
    the point is that they should not be "Trash" tier champs. the bottom of the barrel should not be so far down they never get used.
    i have a 6* Guilly that i still use from time to time. yeah i noramlly chose my better champs over her but sometimes i bring her out just because i can. other than her sp2 reverse heal she has nothing special but she still hits decent so is worthy of being used sometimes.
    but i have a 6* Juggernaut. now why on earth would i ever use him? if he hit harder then i would use him occasionally. simple really.

    small little things could be done to give older champs a boost and make them serviceable. its not about giving them full reworks and making them gods but just giving them relevance. yes you will still mostly pick your gods over avrage champs, but right now there is over 50% of champs which when you get them as a 6* you are legit sad as you know that you will never use them.
    If juggernaut had a 20% attack increase absolutely no one would use him still. People are just fooling themselves when they say differently.
    ithe fact that a 20% attack boost to him would still make him undesirable shows just how weak he is and just how much of a gap between average and bad there is.
    Yes jugg would probably need more than a 20% boost. but if nothing more was done than to boost his attack by whatever the required amount was and bring him up to mid tier that would still make a difference.
    Stop lookingat it as would someone use champ X over champ Y because no, the answer will almost alwyas be if someone has Ghost, Quake, Beardo, Aegon then why would they use anyone else.
    but look at it from the point of,
    If you wanted to use Juggernaut would he be able to get through act 6? the answer is no.
    if he had a 40% attack boost would he be able to get through act 6? the answer becomes yes.
    so while ever a champion has the answer of NO they are pathetic and useless.
    however if given the small tweak the and the answer becomes yes then suddenly that changes things.
    Yes they are not becoming a god,
    Yes i would still chose my gods over him,
    but he is suddenly not useless and may see some use, and atleast wont make people cry when they get him.
    i just pulled a 6* Squirrel Girl, is she a god "NO", am i ever going to use her over my Beardo, my Colossus, my AA, "NO", but will i use her sometimes, "YES"
    big difference.
    not a god, but not trash.
    i got a 5/65 skill gem and i took my Elektra to r5, you know why? cus i like her. yes she is not a god, yes she does not hit hardest, but, she is still useful and i have used her plenty in act 6.
    champs at mid tier do get used by people.
    Expecting every champ to be viable for the most difficult content in the game is a ridiculous expectations. Do I think Juggs should be viable for Act 6 just bc someone likes Juggernaut? Absolutely not and if you do, that's silly. If you really like him, use him in EQ.

    You legitimately think that in a game that constantly changes with new content design with 170 characters, that they should all be basically interchangeable regardless of how old they are?

    I like that they go back and rework older champs to make them more relevant. You can't expect that to be a priority though.
    not talking about them being interchangeable. not talking about them even coming close to the abilities of the to tier champs.
    not talking about them being able to 100% work through every node.

    thats not the point.
    yes there needs to be a difference. every champ deserves to shine in some areas and fail in others.
    But at the same time no champ should be entirely useless.
    6* Jugg would struggle to even get through act 5. that is a problem.
    yes champs should not be interchangeable, yes champs need stong points and weak points. but no champ should be so weak that you wanna cry and smash your phone and quit becuase you pull you.
    no champ should be useless in all content.
    champs like jugg are not even usefull in any content. they suck in 100% of content.
    Esp when you have champs like Quake, Ghost which are seriously OP and borderline broken.
    how can champs like Jugg and Ghost even be in the same game? that like having a peewee try and play NFL.

    no champ should be useless in 100% of content
    no champ should be a cheatcode in 100% of content. (even kabam said this hense the reason for v12)
    champs should be useful in minimum 40% of content
    champs should be amazing in maximum 80% of content
    And hopefully they can manage to rework the "useless" champs eventually. It's not as easy as flicking a switch with most of them though and I'd rather they get it right personally. A minor stat boost just isn't enough to make any of the truly bad champs any more useable than they are now.

    Juggs wasn't always completely useless. During the time of mystic wars he was regularly used on defense and was quite annoying for plenty of people. We have newer champs still that are primarily defenders that almost no one would use anywhere else. You're not bringing Korg or Terrax on your Act 6 attack teams either.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
    the point is that they should not be "Trash" tier champs. the bottom of the barrel should not be so far down they never get used.
    i have a 6* Guilly that i still use from time to time. yeah i noramlly chose my better champs over her but sometimes i bring her out just because i can. other than her sp2 reverse heal she has nothing special but she still hits decent so is worthy of being used sometimes.
    but i have a 6* Juggernaut. now why on earth would i ever use him? if he hit harder then i would use him occasionally. simple really.

    small little things could be done to give older champs a boost and make them serviceable. its not about giving them full reworks and making them gods but just giving them relevance. yes you will still mostly pick your gods over avrage champs, but right now there is over 50% of champs which when you get them as a 6* you are legit sad as you know that you will never use them.
    If juggernaut had a 20% attack increase absolutely no one would use him still. People are just fooling themselves when they say differently.
    ithe fact that a 20% attack boost to him would still make him undesirable shows just how weak he is and just how much of a gap between average and bad there is.
    Yes jugg would probably need more than a 20% boost. but if nothing more was done than to boost his attack by whatever the required amount was and bring him up to mid tier that would still make a difference.
    Stop lookingat it as would someone use champ X over champ Y because no, the answer will almost alwyas be if someone has Ghost, Quake, Beardo, Aegon then why would they use anyone else.
    but look at it from the point of,
    If you wanted to use Juggernaut would he be able to get through act 6? the answer is no.
    if he had a 40% attack boost would he be able to get through act 6? the answer becomes yes.
    so while ever a champion has the answer of NO they are pathetic and useless.
    however if given the small tweak the and the answer becomes yes then suddenly that changes things.
    Yes they are not becoming a god,
    Yes i would still chose my gods over him,
    but he is suddenly not useless and may see some use, and atleast wont make people cry when they get him.
    i just pulled a 6* Squirrel Girl, is she a god "NO", am i ever going to use her over my Beardo, my Colossus, my AA, "NO", but will i use her sometimes, "YES"
    big difference.
    not a god, but not trash.
    i got a 5/65 skill gem and i took my Elektra to r5, you know why? cus i like her. yes she is not a god, yes she does not hit hardest, but, she is still useful and i have used her plenty in act 6.
    champs at mid tier do get used by people.
    Expecting every champ to be viable for the most difficult content in the game is a ridiculous expectations. Do I think Juggs should be viable for Act 6 just bc someone likes Juggernaut? Absolutely not and if you do, that's silly. If you really like him, use him in EQ.

    You legitimately think that in a game that constantly changes with new content design with 170 characters, that they should all be basically interchangeable regardless of how old they are?

    I like that they go back and rework older champs to make them more relevant. You can't expect that to be a priority though.
    not talking about them being interchangeable. not talking about them even coming close to the abilities of the to tier champs.
    not talking about them being able to 100% work through every node.

    thats not the point.
    yes there needs to be a difference. every champ deserves to shine in some areas and fail in others.
    But at the same time no champ should be entirely useless.
    6* Jugg would struggle to even get through act 5. that is a problem.
    yes champs should not be interchangeable, yes champs need stong points and weak points. but no champ should be so weak that you wanna cry and smash your phone and quit becuase you pull you.
    no champ should be useless in all content.
    champs like jugg are not even usefull in any content. they suck in 100% of content.
    Esp when you have champs like Quake, Ghost which are seriously OP and borderline broken.
    how can champs like Jugg and Ghost even be in the same game? that like having a peewee try and play NFL.

    no champ should be useless in 100% of content
    no champ should be a cheatcode in 100% of content. (even kabam said this hense the reason for v12)
    champs should be useful in minimum 40% of content
    champs should be amazing in maximum 80% of content
    And hopefully they can manage to rework the "useless" champs eventually. It's not as easy as flicking a switch with most of them though and I'd rather they get it right personally. A minor stat boost just isn't enough to make any of the truly bad champs any more useable than they are now.

    Juggs wasn't always completely useless. During the time of mystic wars he was regularly used on defense and was quite annoying for plenty of people. We have newer champs still that are primarily defenders that almost no one would use anywhere else. You're not bringing Korg or Terrax on your Act 6 attack teams either.
    yeah but they have a place. doesnt matter their place is on defence, atleast they still have a place. Korg is solid attacking agianst evaders though.
    and yes majority of older champs need a full rework. but a small stats boost to them will a step in the right direction. it will bring them up to atleast out of the garbage can.
    even the synergys good good jobs. heck if Rocket got a synergy that gave him a little utility suddenly he would become relevant.
    nothing wrong with giving them a little tweak up. all that does is bring up the bottom.
    right now you have the bottom at 0 and the top at 100.
    if you give a stat boost to the bottom 20% champs then you narrow the spread from 0-100 to 40-100. yes there is still a big difference but it close the gap. it then makes reworks not need to be as drastic and in some cases would eliminate the need for a rework.

    imagine if rocket raccoon suddenly got a 30% stats boost. he would suddenly up right up into useful tier. back where he was a couple years ago.
    suddenly he no longer needs a rework as he has become full usable. yeah lacking utility of a lot of champ. but goes back to having the highest base attack and become a massive useful glass cannon once more.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I see the just give all the meme champs a basic stat increase to make them useful argument all the time, and it's just false. I've seen people say give them all as low as a 10% bump but even if they gave them all a 25% base stat increase, they'd still be useless and no one would use them. Know how I know that's a fact? Bc we have champ boosts in the game that raise them higher than that and absolutely no one uses them to boost up Iron Patriot and use him in Act 6.

    Quite simply put your argument is total trash. cus frstly why would you boosts and use IP when you can use someone more superior? if your gunna boost you are not going to boost and use your 6* IP when you can boost and use your 5* 5/65 Cap IW. because both are suddenly boosted. it doesnt close the gap at all between the good and the bad champs.
    however suddenly if IP had 20% higher attack he would suddenly hit harder than he does now and he would have a damage output that is comparable to champs higher up.
    we see how simple it can be to boost champs, just look at the synergy RG gives to Abom. now suddenly if you have RG and 6* Abom you may take your Abom out for a spin sometimes. sure he is still not god tier, but he has become serviceable.

    But if you have better options that can complete the content, why does it matter that you have that 6* IP you're not using anyway? If you have a 5/65 capiw and a 6* IP (that's had his stats boosted 20%) you're still not using 6* IP even boosted. That's the whole point of a basic stat boost isn't going to make people start using "meme tier" champs.

    A synergy boost isn't reworking a champ and people complain about boosting old champs that way constantly. Those synergies go through the same process of the champ reworks. They have to be playtested and checked for balance issues throughout the development process of the new champ.
    the point is that they should not be "Trash" tier champs. the bottom of the barrel should not be so far down they never get used.
    i have a 6* Guilly that i still use from time to time. yeah i noramlly chose my better champs over her but sometimes i bring her out just because i can. other than her sp2 reverse heal she has nothing special but she still hits decent so is worthy of being used sometimes.
    but i have a 6* Juggernaut. now why on earth would i ever use him? if he hit harder then i would use him occasionally. simple really.

    small little things could be done to give older champs a boost and make them serviceable. its not about giving them full reworks and making them gods but just giving them relevance. yes you will still mostly pick your gods over avrage champs, but right now there is over 50% of champs which when you get them as a 6* you are legit sad as you know that you will never use them.
    If juggernaut had a 20% attack increase absolutely no one would use him still. People are just fooling themselves when they say differently.
    ithe fact that a 20% attack boost to him would still make him undesirable shows just how weak he is and just how much of a gap between average and bad there is.
    Yes jugg would probably need more than a 20% boost. but if nothing more was done than to boost his attack by whatever the required amount was and bring him up to mid tier that would still make a difference.
    Stop lookingat it as would someone use champ X over champ Y because no, the answer will almost alwyas be if someone has Ghost, Quake, Beardo, Aegon then why would they use anyone else.
    but look at it from the point of,
    If you wanted to use Juggernaut would he be able to get through act 6? the answer is no.
    if he had a 40% attack boost would he be able to get through act 6? the answer becomes yes.
    so while ever a champion has the answer of NO they are pathetic and useless.
    however if given the small tweak the and the answer becomes yes then suddenly that changes things.
    Yes they are not becoming a god,
    Yes i would still chose my gods over him,
    but he is suddenly not useless and may see some use, and atleast wont make people cry when they get him.
    i just pulled a 6* Squirrel Girl, is she a god "NO", am i ever going to use her over my Beardo, my Colossus, my AA, "NO", but will i use her sometimes, "YES"
    big difference.
    not a god, but not trash.
    i got a 5/65 skill gem and i took my Elektra to r5, you know why? cus i like her. yes she is not a god, yes she does not hit hardest, but, she is still useful and i have used her plenty in act 6.
    champs at mid tier do get used by people.
    Expecting every champ to be viable for the most difficult content in the game is a ridiculous expectations. Do I think Juggs should be viable for Act 6 just bc someone likes Juggernaut? Absolutely not and if you do, that's silly. If you really like him, use him in EQ.

    You legitimately think that in a game that constantly changes with new content design with 170 characters, that they should all be basically interchangeable regardless of how old they are?

    I like that they go back and rework older champs to make them more relevant. You can't expect that to be a priority though.
    not talking about them being interchangeable. not talking about them even coming close to the abilities of the to tier champs.
    not talking about them being able to 100% work through every node.

    thats not the point.
    yes there needs to be a difference. every champ deserves to shine in some areas and fail in others.
    But at the same time no champ should be entirely useless.
    6* Jugg would struggle to even get through act 5. that is a problem.
    yes champs should not be interchangeable, yes champs need stong points and weak points. but no champ should be so weak that you wanna cry and smash your phone and quit becuase you pull you.
    no champ should be useless in all content.
    champs like jugg are not even usefull in any content. they suck in 100% of content.
    Esp when you have champs like Quake, Ghost which are seriously OP and borderline broken.
    how can champs like Jugg and Ghost even be in the same game? that like having a peewee try and play NFL.

    no champ should be useless in 100% of content
    no champ should be a cheatcode in 100% of content. (even kabam said this hense the reason for v12)
    champs should be useful in minimum 40% of content
    champs should be amazing in maximum 80% of content
    And hopefully they can manage to rework the "useless" champs eventually. It's not as easy as flicking a switch with most of them though and I'd rather they get it right personally. A minor stat boost just isn't enough to make any of the truly bad champs any more useable than they are now.

    Juggs wasn't always completely useless. During the time of mystic wars he was regularly used on defense and was quite annoying for plenty of people. We have newer champs still that are primarily defenders that almost no one would use anywhere else. You're not bringing Korg or Terrax on your Act 6 attack teams either.
    yeah but they have a place. doesnt matter their place is on defence, atleast they still have a place. Korg is solid attacking agianst evaders though.
    and yes majority of older champs need a full rework. but a small stats boost to them will a step in the right direction. it will bring them up to atleast out of the garbage can.
    even the synergys good good jobs. heck if Rocket got a synergy that gave him a little utility suddenly he would become relevant.
    nothing wrong with giving them a little tweak up. all that does is bring up the bottom.
    right now you have the bottom at 0 and the top at 100.
    if you give a stat boost to the bottom 20% champs then you narrow the spread from 0-100 to 40-100. yes there is still a big difference but it close the gap. it then makes reworks not need to be as drastic and in some cases would eliminate the need for a rework.

    imagine if rocket raccoon suddenly got a 30% stats boost. he would suddenly up right up into useful tier. back where he was a couple years ago.
    suddenly he no longer needs a rework as he has become full usable. yeah lacking utility of a lot of champ. but goes back to having the highest base attack and become a massive useful glass cannon once more.
    Rocket already has solid damage output with a high combo. Is it as high as it used to be? Not at all. He is definitely not even close to one of the champs in dire need of serious attention though.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    No one would rank juggernaut looool
    His attack is meme
    End of story

    I agree, his attack is atrociously weak. But you're still wrong with your statement above. He can be used in content after 6.2.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    Looool after arguing with you for a while...
    I realized you are just an upgraded version of @GroundedWisdom :)
    Your argument is PURE damage control.
    You got no point whatsoever to any of your arguments.
    You say stuffs like wanting another game but I never said I don’t want the rng to be in the game.
    I simply stated that there MUST NOT BE any USELESS CHAMPION in 6* pool because the six star shards are valuable items and you won’t feel reworded if you open them and get a trash meme after all your time spent to get them.

    You didn't say you don't want any more RNG in the game, you just said RNG should give you something you want everytime because the Shards are more valuable. I see.
    This is why we're pointing out that what you want is another game. MCOC is, and has always been, an RNG-based game. That's the Reward structure that's existed as long as the game has, and that doesn't go away just because 6* Shards take longer to accumulate. It didn't when 5* Shards took longer to accumulate. What you don't realize is putting nothing but "useful" (God Tier Champs) in the 6* pool would put a period at the end of the game's sentence. Meaning it would break the line of progression. Nothing but the most powerful Champs in the highest Rarity means there's nowhere to go from there, only the people who have them would win anything, no one would be able to catch up to them, and the only way to move forward from that is the introduction of 7*s. In other words, it would make them have to introduce them alot faster if they wanted to go anywhere with the game. You ready for that? We're not.
    How did it somehow go from DragonBlood wanting "not useless" champs in the 6* pool to demanding "only God-tier" champs in the pool? Your whole post is irrelevant because you're arguing against something that was never even said.
    Really? What do you call not useless? What do most people want? The same few Champs that are usually OP, or high utility. Same thing.
    It's like saying ice isn't frozen. It's just really cold.
  • Samuel030sSamuel030s Member Posts: 126
    If there is something changed to the ways Champions can be acquired from Crystals, I can only hope that it is in done such a way that doesn't push the power creep of the game faster than it is already going. I don't want a change to do more harm than good in the long run.
    It is frustrating when one pulls a mediocre Champion from a 6* Crystal, especially if you put a lot of time and effort into obtaining said Crystal. I myself have 13 6-Star Champions, one of which is duped, and I don't have any plans to R2 any of them. I have 5-Star Champions that would probably make better use of the resources I'd use to R2 a 6-Star, and I hope that maxed 5-Star Champions will still be relevant and useful at the end of this year. 6-Star Champions are indeed the future of the Contest, but currently there is little content, if any, that can't be done with maxed 5-Star Champions. I may be mistaken, but Act 6.3 and onwards have been completed/explored with maxed 5-Star Champions, and so has the Abyss of Legends.
    I think that although there may be room for improvement when it comes to pulling mediocre Champions from 6-Star Crystals, it isn't a priority for the time being, given the current state of the game.
  • Samuel030sSamuel030s Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2020
    Also, misinterpreting or honing in on only one part of someone's argument whilst ignoring the rest doesn't tend to make for a constructive discussion. We are human, and can make mistakes. Allowing someone to clarify what they meant can be helpful in communicating with each other.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    If there is something changed to the ways Champions can be acquired from Crystals, I can only hope that it is in done such a way that doesn't push the power creep of the game faster than it is already going. I don't want a change to do more harm than good in the long run.
    It is frustrating when one pulls a mediocre Champion from a 6* Crystal, especially if you put a lot of time and effort into obtaining said Crystal. I myself have 13 6-Star Champions, one of which is duped, and I don't have any plans to R2 any of them. I have 5-Star Champions that would probably make better use of the resources I'd use to R2 a 6-Star, and I hope that maxed 5-Star Champions will still be relevant and useful at the end of this year. 6-Star Champions are indeed the future of the Contest, but currently there is little content, if any, that can't be done with maxed 5-Star Champions. I may be mistaken, but Act 6.3 and onwards have been completed/explored with maxed 5-Star Champions, and so has the Abyss of Legends.
    I think that although there may be room for improvement when it comes to pulling mediocre Champions from 6-Star Crystals, it isn't a priority for the time being, given the current state of the game.

    Completely agree. There's been a lot of suggestions regarding class crystals, nexus, and tag crystals. Implementing those would deal with the ever-growing pool of champions. And, for people like myself who are lacking in a specific class of champions, a bad champion out of a guaranteed class crystal would still be much better than a bad champion of a random class.
  • Samuel030sSamuel030s Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2020
    Class 6-Star crystals could be helpful for the Champion gates in 6.2 and for Class specific Solo Events like "Doctor M.O.D.O.K.'s Class Use". I myself don't have a single Mutant 6-Star Champion, and only one 6-Star Tech Champion.
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