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Crystal Update - Nexus Chance Addition



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    Kill_GreyKill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    Just wondering if this change applies to shard crystals. Been hoarding my premiums for some time, and wanted to open them for iso until I saw this announcement.

    Can someone please answer this?
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    BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Posts: 376 ★★★

    I'm fine with the change in crystals, it a nice little bonus. But I would've much rather seen a change to the solo crystals and war crystals etc.

    Right On !!!
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    TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Posts: 732 ★★★
    edited September 2020
    For me personally it would have been mucb better if the odds were taken from the bigger percentage (i cant word it right)

    so for cavalier crystal:
    6 star Hero: 1.2% (0.2 of Nexus)
    5 star Hero: 13.2% (2.2% of Nexus)
    4 star Hero: 38%
    3 star: 47.6% (instead of 50%)

    I know it aint much of a difference but at least its better odds.
    Not really a big announcement but meh
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    TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Posts: 732 ★★★
    Faseeh said:

    @TimeGenesis Ha!! Read again boi

    haha i read it right. im saying it would have been recieved much better if it was like that 😂

    as it stands. its lame of an update regardless of going the right direction
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,472 ★★★★★

    Lol. So ridiculous.

    Hey everyone huge update!! We went from a 1% chance to get a 6* to NOW a 1% chance to obtain a 6*

    Can you point me to where they said "huge update"? All I see in this post header is nexus addition.
    Greetings Summoners!

    Some fantastic improvements are coming to a Crystal near you!

    Does that look like a fantastic improvement to you?
    Are you aware of marketing and advertising? You don't usually come out and say, "Some changes that may be great for some of you and others will think are going to be unimpressive are coming!".
    You don't need to say "Some changes that may be great for some of you and others will think are going to be unimpressive are coming" if it isn't true now, do you?

    And let's be clear here, absolutely nobody genuinely thinks this change is great, not even whales. It's a minimal change, there's nothing great about it, it's a positive change, but that's where it ends, like I said before, it's like your boss telling you you're getting a raise from 3000$ to 3001$.

    Is that a positive change? Yes.
    Is it fantastic? Couldn't be further from it.
    Does it practically do anything for you? No.

    So yeah, while they need to advertise their business, calling it fantastic is an insult to our intelligence, and things like that are what brought us to the situation in May-June in the first place.
    It's absolutely amazing to see how mad you are at this.

    For the record, I love this change. I buy cavs like candy. I can't wait to get my first 6* nexus from one.

    Also this is nothing like what you are comparing to a $1 raise. It's actually more similar to my real life situation. I speak both English and Spanish. It's something I already do no matter what. That's equal to buying and opening crystals. Now my job pays me $1 extra per hour up to 80 hrs per 2 week pay period. That's equal to to what these changes are. I'm not doing anything differently but now there's a perk for me doing it. That's what the 6* nexus is.

    There's no reason for you to be as upset as you are. No one is insulting your intelligence. We asked for more ways to get nexus crystals and we'll.they delivered. I'm sure more ways are coming.
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    i never get anything from the crystals you Win, ....and Grandmaster crystals, nothing but 3* dupplicates!
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    Silver_SagaSilver_Saga Posts: 361 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    The Nexus additions to these crystals are a small part of that overall goal: to improve the ability for players to have a little more control over which champions they get without eliminating the effects of randomness. This isn't about getting more 5* and 6* champions into players' hands; that's a separate goal being tackled in other areas of the game. This is just about improving player agency in champion acquisition in a deliberately small way, which is supposed to be judged as part of a larger strategy to add these kinds of small mitigations in RNG.

    I probably am the only one asking for this but, I would have loved if Kabam also added 3* and 2* nexus crystals chances to the PHC, and maybe to other crystals too. Because, to be honest and that's of course only from my own experience, the chance of getting a 4* from a PHC is so remote (can't even remember the last time I got one) that in reality the odds of getting a nexus 4* instead are negligeable at best. But, like you said, in the spirit of improving the ability for players to control which champs they get, the possibility to sometimes chose which 3* or 2* we get from PHC would be a great help in getting exactly the sig levels we're looking for in order to max sig 3* and 2* and then get the max sig crystals that come with it. One can dream, now that the "technology" exists in the game to do that, maybe Kabam will revisit those PHC, GM and cavalier later on and add that little bit of bonus to them too. Of course if you're an endgame playser with all the lesser rarities already maxed out that won't do anything but, for progressing players, that would be nice.
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    Problem is they are lowering the chance of a 5* and 6* and then adding the change of the nexus by the percentage they drop it by. They aren’t adding anything on top of the already low chance
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    Silver_SagaSilver_Saga Posts: 361 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    The Nexus additions to these crystals are a small part of that overall goal: to improve the ability for players to have a little more control over which champions they get without eliminating the effects of randomness. This isn't about getting more 5* and 6* champions into players' hands; that's a separate goal being tackled in other areas of the game. This is just about improving player agency in champion acquisition in a deliberately small way, which is supposed to be judged as part of a larger strategy to add these kinds of small mitigations in RNG.

    I typed a long(ish) reply adding to what DNA3000 said but it disappeared so I'm not going to retype everything, just the TL;DR, well, couldn't read in this case :
    2* and 3* nexus would be cool too in the PHC for progressing players. As for the reason why, it was in the post that disappeared...
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,764 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    DNA3000 said:

    WillieB said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Who cares about this ****? We get 0.6% chance, woo effin hoo. How about you do something worthwhile, and update the sh***y war crystal, war loss crystal, daily crystal, solo crystal and whatnot instead of making these useless changes?

    I care. About one out every five times I would have pulled a 5* or 6* champion from those crystals I'm now going to be getting a Nexus. I don't pull *lots* of 5* or 6* champs from those crystals, but I get them every so often. To have one out of five become Nexus crystals is interesting, and the way the math works out it improves the odds of pulling a specific champion from those crystals by about 40%, also a not insignificant shift in odds.

    Even the 4* Nexus from the PHCs isn't a complete waste, as it increases the odds of me filling in the few 4* holes I have, or alternatively steering 4* drops into max sig crystals, which means more 5* shards.
    So if you bought one every single day this year, you MIGHT get one Nexus crystal this year. Nothing worth turning back-flips over.
    That's like someone saying who cares if they buff champs, because the odds of pulling the champ they buffed is so low it doesn't matter.

    Also, all I said was that I care about the change, because it is a positive change. That makes it more of a short smile and a nod, or only approximately 3.82% of one backflip. So yes, not worth turning back flips over. If they announced 26 other changes of similar magnitude simultaneously, I might have done one backflip. But certainly not two or more backflips.
    It’s a positive change, and that’s good—anything that moves in the direction of Summoner autonomy and away from Kabam’s version of pRNG without additional expenditure of time or resources is welcome.

    With that said, it is a change that operates mostly at the margins, which leads me to empathize with many of the less impressed commenters.

    All in all a positive, but really only for the same kind of lucky folks who pull double 6*’s out those early release Cav crystals. I’ve yet to be one of those, so I will eagerly await the news on improved solo crystals instead because that might actually affect me.

    Dr. Zola
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    WorknprogressWorknprogress Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    I'll gladly take even more iso and more sig levels on champs though. You guys keep fighting the good fight for me. I appreciate it
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    SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Posts: 3,999 ★★★★★
    I don’t know if this has been asked before but can you still pop crystals with the nexus change?
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,472 ★★★★★

    I don’t know if this has been asked before but can you still pop crystals with the nexus change?

    Yes. We've had crystals that gave crystals before. Pop away.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,382 ★★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    Yeah its really cool that nexus chance is there but not at all fantastic its a .2% chance. That's basically it @GroundedWisdom . That's how you advertise a mobile game in a nice method

    What's fantastic is you can pop a Nexus now. Which is a hell of a lot more available than the ways we've seen thus far. You don't even need to buy it if RNGesus is on your side.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,382 ★★★★★
    CLMSNTGR said:

    Problem is they are lowering the chance of a 5* and 6* and then adding the change of the nexus by the percentage they drop it by. They aren’t adding anything on top of the already low chance

    No. They're not lowering the chance of a 5* and a 6.
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    NeotwismNeotwism Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Will legendary crystals also get a chance for a nexus crystal? That would be a small but nice addition for Sigil owners. The sigil could really use updating with all the recent changes in the game. It's barely changed since it started. @Kabam Miike
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,382 ★★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    Faseeh said:

    Yeah its really cool that nexus chance is there but not at all fantastic its a .2% chance. That's basically it @GroundedWisdom . That's how you advertise a mobile game in a nice method

    What's fantastic is you can pop a Nexus now. Which is a hell of a lot more available than the ways we've seen thus far. You don't even need to buy it if RNGesus is on your side.
    Thats the biggest "IF" in the world dude lol ;)
    I pulled a 6* Void from Cavs. So not impossible. I don't buy them religiously.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,382 ★★★★★
    Faseeh said:

    Faseeh said:

    Faseeh said:

    Yeah its really cool that nexus chance is there but not at all fantastic its a .2% chance. That's basically it @GroundedWisdom . That's how you advertise a mobile game in a nice method

    What's fantastic is you can pop a Nexus now. Which is a hell of a lot more available than the ways we've seen thus far. You don't even need to buy it if RNGesus is on your side.
    Thats the biggest "IF" in the world dude lol ;)
    I pulled a 6* Void from Cavs. So not impossible. I don't buy them religiously.
    Nah i meant the fact of getting a 6* nexus plus a good choice out of it. Congrats on the void though!!
    The chances of getting a good choice out of a Nexus are 3 times the chances of getting a good pull out of a regular 6*. Thanks, BTW. Lucky, but it happens.
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    WorknprogressWorknprogress Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Gmonkey said:

    I love that so many people say cav crystals broke the game and then those same people want to see 3*s removed. If that actually happened do you guys really think that gonna be what lets you "catch up" to the whales? All that does is give them an even bigger advantage. They get even more 5/6*s by spending even less than they did before but it's still going to be more than anyone not buying cavs already is gonna spend

    It only broke the game in top 100 alliances maybe even less. Mostly six stars are common now 2-3 a month depending upon war and if you buy the cavalier deal. If they want to see more crystals up the rate to what people are getting even in unit deals crystals are 6000 for a nexus vs 3000 on the twice year deals. Even at 5% drop rate that is on average 6000 units so almost two odins. I think they would sell way more if they upped the drop rate
    I've never agreed they broke the game as the number of people spending enough on them to make any sort of serious difference is so small it's basically meaningless. I just laugh at the same people that say cav crystals are the problem with the game are some of the same ones that want them to be even better. That just gives those of us that spend heavily an even larger advantage.

    Currently they're terrible value but they're supposed to be. That's how they keep the number of people with an actual advantage from buying them as small as possible while still getting large amounts of revenue from them. If anyone thinks that making them better is going to make it easier for the "casual players" to catch up though, they're seriously fooling themselves
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,382 ★★★★★

    Gmonkey said:

    I love that so many people say cav crystals broke the game and then those same people want to see 3*s removed. If that actually happened do you guys really think that gonna be what lets you "catch up" to the whales? All that does is give them an even bigger advantage. They get even more 5/6*s by spending even less than they did before but it's still going to be more than anyone not buying cavs already is gonna spend

    It only broke the game in top 100 alliances maybe even less. Mostly six stars are common now 2-3 a month depending upon war and if you buy the cavalier deal. If they want to see more crystals up the rate to what people are getting even in unit deals crystals are 6000 for a nexus vs 3000 on the twice year deals. Even at 5% drop rate that is on average 6000 units so almost two odins. I think they would sell way more if they upped the drop rate
    I've never agreed they broke the game as the number of people spending enough on them to make any sort of serious difference is so small it's basically meaningless. I just laugh at the same people that say cav crystals are the problem with the game are some of the same ones that want them to be even better. That just gives those of us that spend heavily an even larger advantage.

    Currently they're terrible value but they're supposed to be. That's how they keep the number of people with an actual advantage from buying them as small as possible while still getting large amounts of revenue from them. If anyone thinks that making them better is going to make it easier for the "casual players" to catch up though, they're seriously fooling themselves
    It's also what keeps the main focus on playing the game. Who would do EQ or play War, or anything else for that matter, if all they had to do was Grind for Units and pop Crystals?
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★
    NOMF said:

    When I saw the in game mail title, I thought maybe there was going to be an improvement on solo crystals and summoner advancement points from opening 5 and 6* signature stone crystals. This so called improvement doesn’t impress me at all.

    There's another thread where Kabam Miike stated that that the update to the solo crystals got delayed but it's still coming out by the end of this month
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    AjisdopeAjisdope Posts: 937 ★★★
    edited September 2020
    @KabamBoo does this affect the daily cavalier crystals for purchase?
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