Back Issues #8: Deadpoolooza!



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  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    So...we're getting the 3* Venom from the Miles back issue again? The Venompool marriage not working out or something?
  • Sparrow93140oSparrow93140o Member Posts: 13

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Rewards are weak for state of game

    This isn't endgame content anymore either. If you're looking for T6B and T3A, ask Carina for a new Challenge!
    Also you better get the finger out with that. You’ve released nothing challenging since then, the amount of stuff I have saved up will likely be enough to get me through with no actual money being spent lol

  • AATTAATT Member Posts: 525 ★★★

    AATT said:

    DrZola said:

    Who *is* this content aimed at? Uncollected? Cavalier players? Either of those groups, if they've already completed the previous 7 variants, would ALSO think these rewards were outdated.

    Up the difficulty if you have to, but a person who is now looking to complete Variant 8 has next to ZERO uses for most of those rewards, in particular the 5* shards and low-end rank up gems. Those 2017 rank up gems are particularly inexcusable for anyone who has completed the prior Variants.

    Please Kabam, just outline who your "ideal target audience" is for this content and what their current level of progression is.

    Doesn’t answer all your questions, but those gems are advertised to be used on champs after 2017.

    Dr. Zola
    Sadly, not anymore.

    I don't have worthy candidates for ranking up. All the good ones (mags, magik, AA, blade, colossus, hype, quake, rulk, wolvie, venom, etc) are either r4 or r5

    I suppose is time to rank up arena champions
    So, that's make it worse than the previous variant rewards.
    Or I'll just guess it is yet another typo and it should be " ≤2017 ".
    Right, let's wait for a new post edit. Maybe they increase the amount of 6* shards (a man can dream)
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Deadpoolooza is the first event quest I ever remember playing. I think I was able to do completion on the hardest level (which was heroic I think lol) but I couldn't do exploration.
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  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,165 ★★★★★
    edited November 2021

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Rewards are weak for state of game

    This isn't endgame content anymore either. If you're looking for T6B and T3A, ask Carina for a new Challenge!
    Going from Variant to Carina is a drastic difference

    While I do understand variants are designed mainly for cavaliers since the rewards are catered to those still progressing their 5* roster, I think what OP meant here is more so for 6* shards or 6* sig stones , not the expectation of t6b or t3a in the rewards for these variants.

    Carina is a huge jump in difficulty and progression, its aimed for the absolute end game players that don’t have any other content left to do, whereas the rewards for this variant are on the opposite end of the spectrum (for those at cav or close to getting TB)

    Needless to say, I think the game itself is evolving to a point where 5* are beginning to lose value and more of the focus is shifting to 6*.

    Maybe, the difficulty of the variants should slightly be increased for a 6* focus based reward, or a new difficulty created.

  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    Ahhh…good times. Our old friend the Cowardly Disagree Troll returns to litter the thread with negativity without even a peep from the mods.

    Maybe Kabam Thrillson is man enough to pierce the anonymity and take his thread back…

    Dr. Zola

    I liked your post because you took the time to respond to me, though I do think that >2017 is a typo.

    I just want some transparency and honesty from Kabam. All content releases should come with a description from Kabam of who the target audience is, including things like number of 5*r5 or 6*r3 champs this theoretical person has.

    Ignoring even this particular piece of content, I believe Kabam consistently shows themselves to be out of touch with their players. I think if they posted who their content targets are, at least we could discuss on that premise.
    Sadly, you were correct.

    And I do think it’s fair to ask who the content is intended for at this stage. Initially, Variants were among the toughest quests; now they really aren’t.

    It’s also fair to ask because this being a piece of “not endgame content,” it should be pretty easy for developed rosters (for example, without any cheesy bottlenecks like the 1* Hulk needed for Mordo from Ch3 Waning Moon).

    Dr. Zola
  • Pin_the_AvengerPGT17Pin_the_AvengerPGT17 Member Posts: 333 ★★

    Looks like this will be a Mystic-less Variant... (Venompool will be a Usable Cosmic)

    Maybe the Next Deadpool Champion to be Released will be The Deadpooler Supreme.
    Deadpool Supreme? Supremepool?
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:

    Ahhh…good times. Our old friend the Cowardly Disagree Troll returns to litter the thread with negativity without even a peep from the mods.

    Maybe Kabam Thrillson is man enough to pierce the anonymity and take his thread back…

    Dr. Zola

    I liked your post because you took the time to respond to me, though I do think that >2017 is a typo.

    I just want some transparency and honesty from Kabam. All content releases should come with a description from Kabam of who the target audience is, including things like number of 5*r5 or 6*r3 champs this theoretical person has.

    Ignoring even this particular piece of content, I believe Kabam consistently shows themselves to be out of touch with their players. I think if they posted who their content targets are, at least we could discuss on that premise.
    Sadly, you were correct.

    And I do think it’s fair to ask who the content is intended for at this stage. Initially, Variants were among the toughest quests; now they really aren’t.

    It’s also fair to ask because this being a piece of “not endgame content,” it should be pretty easy for developed rosters (for example, without any cheesy bottlenecks like the 1* Hulk needed for Mordo from Ch3 Waning Moon).

    Dr. Zola
    I would say they’re for high end uncollected to low end cavs, not anyone who’s focused on 6*. In general, having the t5cc in variants is silly. Stuff like 6* sigs would be absurd
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,175 ★★★★★
    Chikel said:

    TyEdge said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Rewards are weak for state of game

    This isn't endgame content anymore either. If you're looking for T6B and T3A, ask Carina for a new Challenge!
    If that's really the case, then the difficulty should reflect that no? There have been some fights and paths in these variants lately that are TOUGH without a proper (and limited) counter. So if it's truly not end game content then it shouldn't be Act 6 level difficulty.
    I took both my accounts through variant 7 in two weeks. 1-2 champs were able to ace large portions of each chapter. Being able to 100% chapters for extra gems is a big deal for people broadening a 5-star roster.
    Both accounts at what progression level? I recently finished V6 exploration but there are some paths and fights that need really niche counters - The thorns path, DDHK boss, Vision Aarkus, Bishop, Nova. Mr. Fantastic on rising sun and some others I've forgotten. No new cav is going to have the roster for 100% Hell I know some TB still looking for a thorns counter because they don't have Mags, OR, Stryfe or Electro. DDHK boss requires Mags, Apoc, Ultron or OR.
    Another thing is that a veteran player on a mini account is a completely different thing from a new player with a similar account. The skill and knowledge levels are miles apart. I can probably do the complete Act 5 timelessly with 3* or 4*. A new player most likely won't likely be able to do so.
    One account became TB at New Years and one hit TB after release - I cleared v7 100%, 7.2 first clear, and cavalier EQ to get that account over the hump.

    I think your focus is on the wrong thing. For a newer cavalier player, there are going to be things you shouldn’t try yet. If you “settle” for one clear and one chapter 100% from a variant, that’s still a HUGE amount of progression - sig stones, a 3-4 gem for an old champ, a random 4-5 gem, a 5-star and half a 6-star. The t5cc isn’t nearly as important as that smorgasbord, because that variety will unlock new opportunities to rank champs and clear content that you couldn’t before.

    It’s funny that you mentioned thorns. I didn’t have ideal counters on my alt, so I skipped whatever variant 6 chapter 2 quest had those paths. I’ve got magneto now so I’ll knock it out this week.

    Anyway, variants did more for my roster than the moderate amount I spent, and any content besides probably the gauntlet and summer of pain. They don’t need to be completed all at once, and UC/cav players should cherry-pick the easiest stuff across all variants rather than forcing ugly 100% completion of one.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    B00tblack said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Rewards are weak for state of game

    This isn't endgame content anymore either. If you're looking for T6B and T3A, ask Carina for a new Challenge!
    Wow!!! What a response. So much to unpack in just these 2 snide sentences.

    I think some of us were just expecting a small bump in rewards. Something different.

    So I will take a pass on this content. Does nothing for my game progression at this point. Better ways to spend my time.
    Yup. And in a lot of places. They talk to customers like this. They out the door. Sometimes I think mods forget players pay their wages
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,175 ★★★★★
    Chikel said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Rewards are weak for state of game

    For how easy variants are these days, probably too good of rewards.
    Easy for a TB or veteran cav with wide rosters and experience. For people who this content is aimed at, it's probably not easy especially since the usable pool is small.
    Also, even as a TB, the new variants aren't easier, I found V3 and 4 completion and exploration easier. The champions are older and the nodes easier. V5, 6 and 7 have newer champions with harder to evade specials, higher attack values and newer "fun and interactive nodes"
    Pretty sure my archangel was killing people in v7 with like 5 heavies and that’s it.

    To the extent that 5-7 are harder, the rewards are better to match. V4 was one of my favorite pieces of content in this game, but that Deadpool and electro were worse than any boss in 5-7, and supposedly the buffed Hulkbuster is now a jerk, though I haven’t played it myself.
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  • FoldinBoxesFoldinBoxes Member Posts: 34
    ChriissR said:

    These rewards are awful, this is 2018 rewards lol... It's not about being end game content, it's about pushing rewards that fit the present. 5* champs are falling behind, start handing out more 6* shards to expand rosters.

    It's this, 100% this. Rewards should continue to scale with each new release, especially for permanent content.
  • Sparrow93140oSparrow93140o Member Posts: 13
    Wicket329 said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Rewards are weak for state of game

    This isn't endgame content anymore either. If you're looking for T6B and T3A, ask Carina for a new Challenge!
    Also you better get the finger out with that. You’ve released nothing challenging since then, the amount of stuff I have saved up will likely be enough to get me through with no actual money being spent lol

    They’ve released nothing challenging since Carina’s Challenges? Grandmaster’s Gauntlet and Summer of Pain came after those challenges were released.

    I also crave high end content, but let’s be accurate about this.
    Come on man those weren’t difficult lol

  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    these are 2018 rewards. Pls just increase rewards for variant 9.
  • Hen4yHen4y Member Posts: 27
    Hi There, basically I can't understand the meaning of this variant, the game has now shifted to using the 6s characters, even the new players (not the players who have just started), no longer use 5s, the rewards include runkup for 5s characters, some of which with the further limitation of PG under 2017, it is simply anachronistic, I refuse to think that the rewards cannot be adjusted to 2021, 48 stone 5s who are they for now? but then why the choice to keep the rewards equal to variant 7, where people were already complaining because they were anachronistic?
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