Alliance Wars Discussion 2.0



  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    Then they shouldn’t call it war. If defender kill don’t count. They should call it alliance how much to win.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @Lurker I for one believe that an "all stop" is THE only action that could have any chance to get Kabams attn as it has proved in the past. Only problem I see currently is that despite the complaints, allys have been consistently playing AW. I would hope I'm wrong, but not so sure the entire community is willing to come together and forgo the rewards and gameplay in order to get our msg across.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    War is about Points. Working together as a team to gain more Points. It's not about who dies less. "You died more than us so we're better than you.", is not the focus of Wars. The metrics used to include Defender Kills. Now they don't. Which means the issue is where the Points are coming from, and including a different element that accommodates interaction. The focus has been on Defender Kills so long that people have lost sight of the fact that the point is to make it as far as you can as a team, and have the best chance at a collective Win. People may take pride in those numbers, but the only thing that matters is the Points. Penalizing Kills and Item Use is not fair or sensible. Not in the extreme that it was. We need to have suggestions outside of Defender Kills. At the end of the day it's about working as a team for Points. Not shaming the opponent for having to Revive.

    Maybe they shouldn't call it war if it's not about not dying lol. It's War! War is about conquest, not points. I feel like there are some things game related where you can be against the overwhelming opinion of the player base and still be right. I was against the complaining about the Boss Rush and said it would take ten minutes and I got mocked on the forum... turns out I was right. I was for the willpower nerf and the end of the perfect block team and got killed by the majority and it turns out that that was for the best. Kabam isn't always wrong. You seem to take the Kabam line wherever it goes, however, and in this case it's caused you to argue a point that really doesn't make sense. The bottom line for war is really about whether it's fun or not. For the overwhelming majority of the player base, this version of war isn't war and isn't fun. We've had enough iterations to see where it's going and we don't want to go there. We like the old version better. We like the first flawed change better then the current version and find that subsequent iterations have made it worse. We don't want a spend to win war, and say what you want, but in the old version we beat the hell out of some big spenders and laughed at their wasted potion spree. Because skill and defender kills. In what way is penalizing kills not sensible in war lmao. Read that sentence you wrote. It's war but dying shouldn't matter? Anyway, war should be for the players and the players have spoken. We want defender kills and we aren't going to stop wanting defender kills, and no iteration that allows alliances to use all their items to beat a better group is going to satisfy us.
    #defender kills

    I am not "taking Kabam's side". I happen to agree with the removal of them, and there are many reasons for that. There is a great deal I'd like to say on the matter, but I'm not interested in adding fuel to the fire. If the only enjoyment people got out of War was watching the opponent die more, that's a problem in and of itself. Since you speak about enjoyment, that's what you're saying. In actuality, it's not about enjoyment. It's about the Wins that Defender Kills gave. All the talk about skill and enjoyment is pretty one-sided to me. War has never been about Defender Kills. Not by design. It became that over time, as new Champs and Nodes allowed for greater Kills. Sorry that you feel I don't make sense, but I'm editing because my plain thoughts would no doubt get people going, and I'm ready to move on in the discussion. They're gone. It's time to move on.

    War has always been about skill and defender kills, all the way back to beta when there were 2* wars and Trojan wars. Whoever died the fewest times would win. That was the point, to determine who had the best skills. It didn't matter if it was 50 fights or just one, whoever made it through with the least amount of ko's would be the winner.

    The only issue with defender kills was you took one when you timed out or got disconnected. The newest iteration with harder nodes isn't going to change anything. People will still be discouraged after loosing their team on some jacked up node and will see that the rewards don't equal the cost of items used so they will stop trying. Instead of giving defender kill points, you're forfeiting exploration points. If both teams create equal roadblocks and are stuck with the same amount of exploration, defender rating will still be the only determining factor.

    The whole meta is just like AQ, whoever has the highest prestige gets the top prize. Nobody wins wars anymore, they are just given rank rewards in a two rank system. It is not competitive as the results are as scripted as professional wrestling. We want to have the ability to control the outcome with skill, not by buying units for boosts and mastery resets.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    edited November 2017
    @GroundedWisdom , I'd like to ask you a question regarding your comment "war is about points. Working together as a team to gain more points".

    With the recent acknowledgment that using boosts prior to placement will indeed result in the "ballooned" PI being reflected in the overall D rating.
    Would this also be considered your idea of a team interacting to go as far as we can as a team to collectively gain points for the win. And is this considered to be another fair and sensible addition to the new system as opposed to D kills which in your opinion were not?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    WOK wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom , I'd like to ask you a question regarding your comment "war is about points. Working together as a team to gain more points".

    With the recent acknowledgment that using boosts prior to placement will indeed result in the "ballooned" PI being reflected in the overall D rating.
    Would this also be considered your idea of a team interacting to go as far as we can as a team to collectively gain points for the win. And is this considered to be another fair and sensible addition to the new system as opposed to D kills which in your opinion were not?

    Two separate issues, but if it's allowed, then I see no issue with it. It's about Points. Anyone can use Boosts. It's not some exclusive action. You're comparing two different aspects. Placement and Attack. Champs are placed in Defense and locked there. There is team work in that the Ally organizes and plans together, but the team work I was referring to has to do with Attack Phase and clearing the Map.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    For that matter, using Boosts only goes so far. The PI can only be inflated so much. If Allies are making it a common practice, then it will still boil down to their Rating because you can only Boost so far. At 0.002 Points per PI, it's really not going to accumulate what I would call an unfair advantage.
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    when did they change the fact we can see our opponents defenders now? I cant find anything on the forums about it
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    when did they change the fact we can see our opponents defenders now? I cant find anything on the forums about it
  • SCZSCZ Member Posts: 191 ★★
    For that matter, using Boosts only goes so far. The PI can only be inflated so much. If Allies are making it a common practice, then it will still boil down to their Rating because you can only Boost so far. At 0.002 Points per PI, it's really not going to accumulate what I would call an unfair advantage.

    This shows how little you actually understand about top tier AW.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    SCZ wrote: »
    For that matter, using Boosts only goes so far. The PI can only be inflated so much. If Allies are making it a common practice, then it will still boil down to their Rating because you can only Boost so far. At 0.002 Points per PI, it's really not going to accumulate what I would call an unfair advantage.

    This shows how little you actually understand about top tier AW.

    It really doesn't matter what Tier you're in. There's a limit that Boosts can inflate the PI. Given the competitive nature of Top Tiers in general, we could assume that they will mostly be using Boosts. Which means it still boils down to the Rating of their Champs. If people start using Boosts across the board, it will not make a difference. Limited Boosts, limited PI increases. If it is allowed, and it adds to the metrics in a way that is not unfair, I see no problem with it. Anyone can use Boosts.
  • MrMojoMrMojo Member Posts: 97
    Raganator wrote: »
    teekq wrote: »
    Then they shouldn’t call it war. If defender kill don’t count. They should call it alliance how much to win.

    Or maybe just call it Roster Wars.

    or just move it over to the "Bases"
  • LurkerLurker Member Posts: 196
    @WOK I fear that you're right. It seems we are unwilling to lose the scraps we get from AW even if it means we could get the fun/excitement of that part of the game back. Rewards are our addiction, not the game.
  • LurkerLurker Member Posts: 196
    edited November 2017
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    like watching someone trying to sort the grains of sand on a beach. By taste.

    How many units to see that. I would enjoy watching that immensely.

  • LegionDestroierLegionDestroier Member Posts: 101
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian

    This is a temporary measure by Kabam to address an exploit they are in the process of trying to resolve. See:
  • DonybDonyb Member Posts: 125
    I don’t know why they would have every champ visible if it was truly being exploited by a very small group i would of just kept it the same ....... having everything visible ruins the fun than they usually are .... which isn’t much
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    Donyb wrote: »
    I don’t know why they would have every champ visible if it was truly being exploited by a very small group i would of just kept it the same ....... having everything visible ruins the fun than they usually are .... which isn’t much

    If you truly would take no action when discovering an exploit in an MMO, my advice is don't consider a career in game development. We can argue all day about whether that's the best decision, but what is inarguable is your career will be unprofitably brief.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Anonymous wrote: »
    I have faith that kabam will eventually get war right again.
    The Cleveland Browns will make a Super Bowl run this year.
    Lonzo Ball will be MVP in the NBA.
    Tupac is dropping a new album soon.
    Tim Tebow is making an NFL comeback in week 10 to lead the Green Bay Packers to the NFC Championship game.

    The Knicks will end their 20 years of futility and be great again! Actually no, that's going way too far...
  • VorvancosVorvancos Member Posts: 22
    Pracovat tak jako vy, už dávno mám výpověď. Pořád vám de jen o peníze ne o hru a hráče.
  • VorvancosVorvancos Member Posts: 22
    To work as you do, I have a long time ago. You still have money only about the game and the player.
  • buggysitehaveaccontbuggysitehaveaccont Member Posts: 158
    5 boss nodes are still too pathetic...i would say there should not be time to solo boss even if he only had 1 help node...
    maybe all 5 should add 5000% health which would prevent ppl from ignoring all 5 boss help nodes and it would benifit active teams
  • buggysitehaveaccontbuggysitehaveaccont Member Posts: 158
    also remove all potions and boosts in AW..what kinda "pvp" challenge is it to let the oliarchs win.
    what other games that offer competition vs other players allow pay to win concept is concidered serious??
    let potions be for AQ not AW
    but i guess you want to buy a new Agera RS each week so i doubt it will change...greed is the strongest pull in the human race.
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    edited November 2017
    @Kabam Miike AW is boring and the higher alliance just wins...almost no need to fight today.

    The solution is easy and everybody here's been suggesting it: reduce defenders rating points and
    #bringbackdefenderskills !!!
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  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    Incorporate points for attacker skill, this can be via Defender Kill Points or via Reduces Attacker Kill Points for each time an attacker dies against a Defender.

    Without scoring for attacker skill, AW will continue to be flawed resulting in not fun/not strategic placement with lack of true competition.

    Easiest fix .... #BringBackDefenderKillPoints
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