Is BG matchmaking encouraging you to avoid increasing prestige?

Battlegrounds matchmaking changes now cause players to get matched up by prestige or pi in every track of victory track. Meaning, higher your prestige, the harder of opponents you face from bronze 3 all the way to diamond 1. Is this causing you to change your progressing strategy?
Is BG matchmaking encouraging you to avoid increasing prestige? 215 votes
Only because I'm at approx 15.8k prestige but I have faced guys with 12k prestige quite a few times 🤔
There was nothing in that reply to even hint that they were making any changes or that they were even taking our concerns seriously.
Similar prestige at high levels does NOT mean similar roster strength nor does it mean you want to face off against someone from master AW alliances every single match starting in bronze 3 while UC player are getting to GC going against noob accounts.
Those who are at the lower end of high prestige area would have more incentive to hold off on pushing prestige as would those who don't push AQ or those who don't care about prestige "bragging rights".
*picks on someone with one of the biggest rosters in the game*
So you’re defeating your own argument, which is why it’s laughable. Not to mention you’ll be handicapping yourself in all other areas of the game…