Drive to a Million Facebook Likes!



  • Eviscerator2021Eviscerator2021 Member Posts: 128
    So stoked for the 2* Arena. That was what I wanted most. Thanks Kabam!
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Credit given where credit is due. Was not expecting anything from them.

    Well done Kabam.
  • Cosmic_Ray13Cosmic_Ray13 Member Posts: 302
    That is if we even make it.

    I feel like they will do it anyways even if we don't make it.
    One post that i read was Mike told someone that they have everything planned out for the rest of the year. So that makes me wonder if they planned this. and if they did then that means that to stay on schedule they would have to do it. Plus if we don't make it people will be very mad for tantalizing them

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    @GroundedWisdom @DNA3000

    You guys won the Sound Reasoning Awards on this one.

    I made an initial error regarding what sort of Likes the campaign was asking for, which I acknowledged. Beyond that, I stand by everything else I said about the campaign, which mostly revolved around the fact that you cannot extrapolate how many likes a Facebook campaign can generate based solely on the historical amount of Likes. I said that then, I say that now.

    However, I also presumed that Kabam would have some sort of integrated advertising plan associated with this drive, which I also mentioned is how most companies do this kind of thing. That didn't happen, but that also wasn't an error in reasoning. That was overestimating Kabam's social media director.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Another thumbs up this month. You guys are killing it!
  • NSTOLTNSTOLT Member Posts: 18
    Nice job Kabam thumbs up
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    I was expecting nothing, and rightfuly so since we didn't hit the target... This is a great surprise! Time to rank up all y new 2*s
  • Batty_NumppoBatty_Numppo Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    I’m missing whether it was announced when the $1 crystal would be offered.
  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    edited December 2017
    Chovner wrote: »
    I was expecting nothing, and rightfuly so since we didn't hit the target... This is a great surprise! Time to rank up all y new 2*s

    Do we have a date for the 1 and 2 star crystal?
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    edited December 2017
    Way to get some needed good will Kabam!

    So when is this stuff dropping? The in-game message did not say a date on when these things will happen.


    Opps, I see it starts December 10th?
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Thanks Kabam. I said often that we wouldn't hit this mark and it was unfair, but you showed that second part to be false. Well done.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130

    This was all a scheme from the start. They give us an impossible task, with an impossible deadline, and when it fails, as they knew it would, they swoop in like heros and give us the rewards. They look so good now.

    I see countless posts, and even new threads started, dedicated solely to praising the company now... You did good, kudos, so nice, thumbs up, nice job, awesome, great surprise, thank you, thanks, well done, good will, appreciate, blah blah blah... Wow. These words are everywhere now. The sudden outpouring of praise from a previously angry group... just wow.

    They played us like a tune.

    This was their plan from the beginning. They knew they would fail to get a million likes, and they knew they would give us the rewards anyway. So now they look so awesome and benevolent and generous. Now everyone loves them. They look even better than if they just gave us the dollar crystal and the 2* arena in the first place, for no reason. That would just be a gift. But this is a "reward" that we "didn't earn", but they "applaud our effort". Bring us to a low point, set us up for inevitable failure, and then give us something. Welcome to Manipulation 101, class.

    They aren't doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. They're doing it to save their own butts. As many people have said, they lose all their likes if we get nothing. You think they want 200,000 or 300,000 unlikes in a week? They planned this so they could present a false image of being friendly and generous and magnanimous.

    I said this would happen exactly. I predicted they would extend the deadline, but I knew they HAD TO give us the rewards, because they painted themselves into a corner, they didn't want everyone to unlike them, and because they wanted to look like heros. And now they do. It reminds me of some cartoon or comic book I saw once... Batman or Spiderman... I don't remember. There was a new hero in town, saving people from fires and whatnot, and it turned out he was CAUSING the disasters, just so he could save people, and play a hero.

    Call me cynical, call it a conspiracy, but I'm wise to their scheme. Well played, company. You fooled most of the people this time. Not me.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    A tad bit dramatic, isn't that?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    Call me cynical, call it a conspiracy, but I'm wise to their scheme. Well played, company. You fooled most of the people this time. Not me.

    That's because you are too well protected inside your tin foil hat.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    A tad bit dramatic, isn't that?

    I really don't think so. I think it's logical and insightful. What's the alternative explanation? That they are just SO awesome and nice?

    I know you believe that, and you love them, and they can do NO wrong in your eyes, and you are their self-appointed defender against any criticism... and that's fine. That's cool. That's your song, and you sing it well.

    But I think most players would agree that the company is not that big-hearted. Tell me any other time that they have demonstrated that they care about us. But now suddenly... everyone is praising them.

    Please, if you can find a flaw in my logic or my reasoning, let me know. I would love to hear it. But just calling me dramatic doesn't make me wrong.
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    So I wanna know, is the crystal going to be one crystal with all the top voted champs only (meaning the 1 purchase cap is based on getting 1 of these) OR is it going to be a crystal per class (meaning the one unit per person purchase limit would be once per class, or would it still be choose your class crystal & thats 1 purchase?)

    Sorry, just wanna manage expectations & its a bit unclear in the mail vs. the announcement?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious any help clarifying this would be much appreciated:)
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130

    That's because you are too well protected inside your tin foil hat.

    Funny. But is my theory really SO crazy? Is it so far outside of possibility to say they planned this to improve their image? I didn't say aliens did it.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    BaironDH wrote: »
    So I wanna know, is the crystal going to be one crystal with all the top voted champs only (meaning the 1 purchase cap is based on getting 1 of these) OR is it going to be a crystal per class (meaning the one unit per person purchase limit would be once per class, or would it still be choose your class crystal & thats 1 purchase?)

    Sorry, just wanna manage expectations & its a bit unclear in the mail vs. the announcement?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious any help clarifying this would be much appreciated:)

    It's one crystal, with twelve possible champions in it. And you can only buy it once. That's what it says everywhere else, and that's my understanding. I wish I could buy ten or twenty of them. Lol.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    BaironDH wrote: »
    So I wanna know, is the crystal going to be one crystal with all the top voted champs only (meaning the 1 purchase cap is based on getting 1 of these) OR is it going to be a crystal per class (meaning the one unit per person purchase limit would be once per class, or would it still be choose your class crystal & thats 1 purchase?)

    Sorry, just wanna manage expectations & its a bit unclear in the mail vs. the announcement?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious any help clarifying this would be much appreciated:)

    It's one Crystal. All 12 options. Unless they decide to make it a higher limit. I wouldn't suspect as much. It's a guaranteed 4* of one of the Top 12. Can't see there being more than one.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★

    Funny. But is my theory really SO crazy? Is it so far outside of possibility to say they planned this to improve their image? I didn't say aliens did it.

    I'm with @LeNoirFaineant on this one. It's conspiracy. They could have had a contingency that they would run it anyway, but most likely because they can't force people to participate in Facebook, so it's a light-hearted goal. They weren't running some nefarious plot to deceive Players into promoting them. It was a joint project. We get something, they get something. It's not that serious.
  • BaironDHBaironDH Member Posts: 109
    Thanks @GroundedWisdom & @FilmScorpion just wanna check because Im sure the origional mentioned it per class, but the 1 crystal with the 12 champs seems more realistic lol wish we cpuld buy like 2 or 3 lol but still, just happy the cystal will exist!!! LOL
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    BaironDH wrote: »
    Thanks @GroundedWisdom & @FilmScorpion just wanna check because Im sure the origional mentioned it per class, but the 1 crystal with the 12 champs seems more realistic lol wish we cpuld buy like 2 or 3 lol but still, just happy the cystal will exist!!! LOL
    I haven't seen a comment otherwise, or if I have I can't remember. It's a pretty safe bet there's only one.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    I'm with @LeNoirFaineant on this one. It's conspiracy. They could have had a contingency that they would run it anyway, but most likely because they can't force people to participate in Facebook, so it's a light-hearted goal. They weren't running some nefarious plot to deceive Players into promoting them. It was a joint project. We get something, they get something. It's not that serious.

    I saw you mentioned that before. The contingency plan, and the lighthearted goal. I agree with you, that they planned to give it to us all along, regardless of the facebook likes.

    But the disagreement comes down to this: do you believe the goal was ever possible in the first place? Did the company ever believe it was really possible to get one million likes by 12/4? I say no. You say yes.

    Failing, and giving us the rewards anyway, was either The Plan... or the Contingency Plan. We sort of agree, but on two sides of the same coin. It comes down to how much trust and good faith you have in the company, which side you believe. You believe them. I don't. I'm curious to see what other people think about it.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    edited December 2017
    At the end of the day, I'm happy. I can't wait for the dollar crystal. I'm excited about the 2* arena. I'm very happy. I'm not complaining. Just posing a logical theory.

    I just find it funny how the company was able to reverse public opinion (especially here in these forums) with nothing more than an orchestrated failure, and a gesture of faux generosity. These forums have been hostile; downright venomous and hateful, against the company for as long as I can remember. Everything is criticized, negative, complaints, bugs, they don't care about us, etc, etc. And now look at all the love in the room. I just find that amusing. Lol.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017

    I saw you mentioned that before. The contingency plan, and the lighthearted goal. I agree with you, that they planned to give it to us all along, regardless of the facebook likes.

    But the disagreement comes down to this: do you believe the goal was ever possible in the first place? Did the company ever believe it was really possible to get one million likes by 12/4? I say no. You say yes.

    Failing, and giving us the rewards anyway, was either The Plan... or the Contingency Plan. We sort of agree, but on two sides of the same coin. It comes down to how much trust and good faith you have in the company, which side you believe. You believe them. I don't. I'm curious to see what other people think about it.

    Of course it was possible. There are more than 250,000 Players that haven't Liked it, that's for sure. There are also over a billion people on Facebook. Statistically it's as possible as rain falling from the sky. You're suggesting an alterior motive, and I don't agree with that.
  • FilmScorpionFilmScorpion Member Posts: 130
    Of course it was possible. There are more than 250,000 Players that haven't Liked it, that's for sure. There are also over a billion people on Facebook. Statistically it's as possible as rain falling from the sky. You're suggesting an alterior motive, and I don't agree with that.

    Fair enough. We don't have to agree. I'm happy to discuss it and debate it, in a civil and friendly way. But yes, I suspect an ulterior motive. I always suspect ulterior motives. Statistically, theoretically possible... sure. It is just as "possible" for me to start a facebook page and get one million likes by next week. The numbers of people are there, but let's be honest... that's really not possible. That's arguing semantics.

    It's "possible" for a flipped coin to land on its edge. It's "possible" to buy 50 premium hero crystals, and pull 50 4* champions from them. Statistically. Theoretically. You can say "possible" about anything. But there's a difference between "theoretically possible" and "realistically possible".

    But for a page that got 750,000 likes in THREE YEARS to suddenly add 250,000 more in TWO WEEKS... well, that's as possible as rain falling from the sky... in the Sahara Desert.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I think they genuinely hoped that they would get to 1 million likes. Whether they always planned to run it either way or whether they decided it was the best course of action after the fact I have no idea. @FilmScorpion it's not about being big hearted, Kabam is a business and I expect them to act like a business. But having a happy player base is good business (within reason). I certainly don't think they had it mapped out with planned failure in order to swoop in as the shining knights lol. Agree with @GroundedWisdom on this one.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Yes. Ulterior. Lol. Thanks.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    But for a page that got 750,000 likes in THREE YEARS to suddenly add 250,000 more in TWO WEEKS... well, that's as possible as rain falling from the sky... in the Sahara Desert.
    'The Sahara's northeasterly winds can reach hurricane level and often give rise to sand storms and dust devils. Half of the Sahara receives less than an inch of rain per year, and the rest receives up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) per year. The infrequent rain is usually torrential.'

    I don't know about you guys, but infrequent rainfall to me doesn't equate to impossible...
  • Gimli_SoGGimli_SoG Member Posts: 88
    For those that do software development, pulling your code out of a release weekend sux and is risky. Especially if it is heavily integrated. That release content has already been tested, and now we need to change the code to remove the million facebook likes crystal and arena just before the release? While certainly doable, just from as risk standpoint it is safer to have always planned on giving us those rewards (earned or not).
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