Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion

Not quite sure where to start with all this.
But initial feelings are... outrage.
Ya'll really trying to get us to stop playing the game?
Random thoughts about this:
1) Revives are available but at a significantly less rate
2) Revive drop rates were always higher than intended? Since when? Transparency...
3) No Auto option? What the what? Why? Should have the opportunity to auto-complete this after exploring once.
But initial feelings are... outrage.
Ya'll really trying to get us to stop playing the game?
Random thoughts about this:
1) Revives are available but at a significantly less rate
2) Revive drop rates were always higher than intended? Since when? Transparency...
3) No Auto option? What the what? Why? Should have the opportunity to auto-complete this after exploring once.

Post edited by Kabam Miike on
This discussion has been closed.
Dr. Zola
"Summoners just spam revives."
Translation: "We want summoners to spam revives, but we want them to pay for it."
What makes NO SENSE at all is removing the auto fight function of these quests. Why force us to mindlessly do what I'm guessing is 6-10 fights when we will be using r3 and r4 6* to do so. It just seems like a cheap deterrent method from Kabam to make us use units. If we can auto fight all levels of EQ if we so wish, which contain quite a bit of units and other resources, why force us to do these quests without the auto fight option.
Dr. Zola
So they want to turn the game into pay to play. As if pay to win wasn’t enough… well done!
Maybe, before making revives harder to get they could fix many of the bugs that cause people to need to use more revives than they should. Just a thought, but maybe people would be more amenable to this if it wasn't coming at a time where high end content, that relies on the game working properly to do but isn't, is being released.
The revives mean people can brute force new content but it comes at a cost of using their energy for it which means can't do other content....
So they nerfed the good things that they had previously said were fine bc of the trade off of energy for items and made a whole new terrible, awful, worthless thing.
And to add insult to injury, made it non-auto so you could fully experience self-hating boredom while you "farm"... Whoops. I mean "enjoy the game".
Then they tried to justify it all in the most kabammy way possible, rewriting history as they went.
Very good players - and I mean the better players in the masters bracket - were averaging a minimum of 30 revives/run on EoP objectives. We’re simply not going to pay the unit equivalent for that because nobody wants to grind 1200 units for a single quest.
I think that a very important ethos is being forgotten here in the game design team, and that is that this is a GAME, not a job, and this comes across as a tax for playing.
Sure, the whales will whale, but you look at your most active top tier players, and they’re not spending casually on this kind of thing, and this change isn’t going to encourage a change in behaviour.
Also maybe if the game wasn’t riddled with input issues then people would be more accepting of these changes.
Thanks for the level 1 team pot. (which you currently don't sell, so I can't even check how little health it restores)
What are the implications?
1. unless you’re MSD, you are not getting the rewards
2. we want you spend all your units and cry yourself to sleep
3. we don’t care if you can’t do the last bit of the game that kept you playing
All three most likely.