BG Pain Points



  • Vergeman78Vergeman78 Member Posts: 133 ★★
    I find it ironic how GW makes a post criticizing a change made by Kabam and everybody is playing the white knight on him. Feels very odd. Bizarro World? Lol
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,522 ★★★★★

    GC is a huge pain actually, i can't understand how kabam allows that unbalanced matchmaking

    players with +20 Rank 5 champs against my account with just 2 R5 in my deck, just faced the ISO8a Leader, i mean, come on kabam.

    Once you get to GC it should be soley based on skill. Having a big account should be an advantage. The problem is people getting to GC. It should be easier.

    The fix could be energy and marks can be used in victory track. Get rid of the -1 for losses make it a win count only. GC you should only be able to use elder marks as it's the competitive mode.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,522 ★★★★★

    Picking the right attacker to KO the defender is pure theory crafting. If you lose due to low HP points you are pretty much brute forcing the KO due to poor perfomance.
    Seems a little contradictory to have the skill to pick the right attacker to KO and losing due to HP points.

    They're both examples of skill. That's my point. The entire game is based on theory crafting, as you put it. There are Champs with specific Abilities, and Nodes that go with it. Part of the game is being smart and knowing what to use and how to use it best. Within 2 minutes, it's not just about how to Dex your way out of getting hit.
    The game is based on theory crafting and executing that theory. Its not just dexing, its dexing and doing the most dmg possible. You make it sound as if the other person spent 2 mins dancing around the screen doing nothing which wouldnt explain why you would lose. The other person dexed as much as he could and did as much dmg as possible which is why the person carelessly getting a KO lost.
    Yes, the most Damage possible. Careless K.O. is ridiculous. If both Players never downed the opponent, then absolutely. The Stats should determine the Win. If one took them down and one didn't, then the Win should go to the actual victor. Sorry not sorry.
    Sorry not sorry rofl, you are the one losing those matches and complaining, not sure where the "sorry not sorry" comes from.
    And can you claim with a 100% certainty that you have won 0 matches with the current scoring system?
    Who the hell said I won 0 Matches? I said I've lost a number when I took down the opponent, usually half a minute before the Fight ended, and lost because the other Player didn't take down their Champ but had more Health. That's ridiculous any way you look at it. You're fighting to take down the opponent. Same as any other Fight in this game. Arena, AW, AQ, Story, SQ, EQ, anywhere in the game. The point is to K.O. the other Champ. There should be no Loss to someone who didn't take theirs down when you did. Simple as that.
    If one side K.O.s the Champ and the other didn't, that should be a Win. If both sides did, the Stats should be the determining factor. It's not bloody Rocket Science. This whole idea that there should be some other comparison about a "good fight and a bad fight" is an outside issue. What determines that is a) did you take the Champ down, then b) how much Health do you have left, and finally c) how fast did you do it. We're not playing not to take Champs down. That doesn't exist anywhere else in the game.
    You are wrong. 100% incorrect. Let's just assume that your goal is to win the match. If that is true your goal is to finish the match scoring more points 2 out of 3 rounds. Now does ko the champ help you with the point of this mode? Yes. But it isn't how the mode works or is scored.
    I'm not wrong at all. Imagine. The person who actually won the Fight should win versus someone who didn't. In a competition, within a fighting game! Who would concoct such a thing?

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    If I survive for 2 mins against a champ like sasquatch bringing him close to KO without losing most of my health then I should win the match not my opponent for almost getting himself KOed while fighting my defender.

    Disagree. It's a fighting competition. Not a Dexing competition.
    It's a competition. All the skills are equally important.
    If you're dancing around for 2 minutes and not taking the opponent down, then that isnt a greater measure of skill than taking down an R2 with half Health.
    If I keep dancing around without hitting them then I will obviously lose.
    The point is to hit them and not get hit.
    The point is to win the Fight, with Health remaining and Time remaining as a secondary measurement. Not to make the amount of Health you have left the main focus.
    We can argue until the cows come home, but if I can win the Fight and lose the Match, it's a broken measurement.
    But it is exactly how you describe. Winning the fight IS the primary target . No way is health on attacker the primary focus.

    And what's your alternative scoring weightage? In contrast to the current 2:1:1?
    That's not true. If the system allows someone to K.O. the opponent but still lose to someone who hasn't based on Health remaining, then that's what you have.
    What's not true? Are you saying the 15k you get for keeping health is more than the 30k you get for killing the defender?

    Also, second question, what's the alternative scoring weightage
    It's not true that Health remaining isn't more of a focus than taking down the opponent. Not when you can K.O. them and lose because the other Player danced around for 2 minutes. Pretty sure I already explained that.
    As for your second question, I also answered that. Time Remaining shouldn't have been reduced. There were still rare instances you could K.O. and still lose, but you'd have to have a pretty garbage Match for that.
    I'm also open to other ideas. The fact is, no game mode should decentivize actually taking down your opponent.
    Right. So you want to reinstate the 2:1:2. Didn't see that comment.

    I don't think your last comment is correct. The game mode never de-incentivized taking down your opponent. It actually incentivizes you to do so by giving double the points if you KO the opponent. But you only do it by not taking so much damage to yourself that whatever points you get is lost
    It decentivizes Players who can actually manage to take the other Champ down because those who don't and have more Health remaining can win over them. This feels like we're going in circles.
    You never lose a match just because the opponent has more health than you. It also matters how much health you've taken off compared to the other person and how much health you've lost.
    No one should win against a Player who managed to take the other Champ down, and they didn't.
    The point system is quite fair now. I've lost some close matches were I ko'd the opponent and they had low health left. I didn't complain. It's total points that wins not just KOs. The change in points for time was a good change. I think it's actually very fair.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,579 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    I thought you were done talking in circles? But I guess there are 35,000 examples of you never being done.
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,509 ★★★★★

    Tell me in any other game where you lose the battle, but still win the match? That is backwards thinking and it’s ridiculous
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,492 ★★★★★
    Siliyo said:

    Tell me in any other game where you lose the battle, but still win the match? That is backwards thinking and it’s ridiculous

    You barely touched him. Or triggered his LMD too late. That's a L
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,492 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Everyone's is entitled to its own opinion. Saying it needs to change is your opinion and yours alone. It doesn't need to change. You want it to change and that's fine. But repeating it like it's a true constant of the universe won't help pushing your case.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    xLunatiXx said:

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Everyone's is entitled to its own opinion. Saying it needs to change is your opinion and yours alone. It doesn't need to change. You want it to change and that's fine. But repeating it like it's a true constant of the universe won't help pushing your case.
    We're here to discuss our opinions. That's redundant. When someone tells me to go play something else because it doesn't need to change, I'm going to respond in kind.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,013 ★★★★★
    edited October 2023

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    If i am not wrong this was a change promoted by the CCP.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    The system is not better if someone can win and not even take the Champ down versus someone that has. People can pat themselves on the back all they want about how fancy their footwork is, but they still didn't win the Fight. For all the complaining about participation trophies people do, it seems they pick and choose that argument.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,013 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    The system is not better if someone can win and not even take the Champ down versus someone that has. People can pat themselves on the back all they want about how fancy their footwork is, but they still didn't win the Fight. For all the complaining about participation trophies people do, it seems they pick and choose that argument.
    I didn't say its better, I said its fine. They did win the fight, they scored more points. From the moment you start a match you know how scoring works, if you decide to ignore that and counter punch your way its your choice.
    I don't know why you bring the participation trophies issue, I happen to be against them, you are in favor of getting people something, well that stops when you can't win a fight because of poor scoring.
    You keep on saying "fancy footwork" and disqualifying their play style because they were not able to KO as if that's all they did. They did manage to do a sufficient ammount of damage to beat your score is not just footwork.
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    The system is not better if someone can win and not even take the Champ down versus someone that has. People can pat themselves on the back all they want about how fancy their footwork is, but they still didn't win the Fight. For all the complaining about participation trophies people do, it seems they pick and choose that argument.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    The system is not better if someone can win and not even take the Champ down versus someone that has. People can pat themselves on the back all they want about how fancy their footwork is, but they still didn't win the Fight. For all the complaining about participation trophies people do, it seems they pick and choose that argument.
    I didn't say its better, I said its fine. They did win the fight, they scored more points. From the moment you start a match you know how scoring works, if you decide to ignore that and counter punch your way its your choice.
    I don't know why you bring the participation trophies issue, I happen to be against them, you are in favor of getting people something, well that stops when you can't win a fight because of poor scoring.
    You keep on saying "fancy footwork" and disqualifying their play style because they were not able to KO as if that's all they did. They did manage to do a sufficient ammount of damage to beat your score is not just footwork.
    Playstyle doesn't matter when one Player takes down the opponent and the other doesn't. That's the main goal of any Fight in the game, and I've already outlined every other mode that supports that. Playstyle should be an afterthought. That's not a fighting competition. That's a mold to fit everyone into.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,522 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    I don't think making personal attacks to someone is healthy for the forums. I have seen you post multiple times saying the same thing to people. Not all game modes and content are made for all people to complete. You always have the option not to participate if you don't want to. If a player can't complete a game mode then they need to practice more and improve their skills or wait and build their roster to complete it.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,013 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    The system is not better if someone can win and not even take the Champ down versus someone that has. People can pat themselves on the back all they want about how fancy their footwork is, but they still didn't win the Fight. For all the complaining about participation trophies people do, it seems they pick and choose that argument.
    I didn't say its better, I said its fine. They did win the fight, they scored more points. From the moment you start a match you know how scoring works, if you decide to ignore that and counter punch your way its your choice.
    I don't know why you bring the participation trophies issue, I happen to be against them, you are in favor of getting people something, well that stops when you can't win a fight because of poor scoring.
    You keep on saying "fancy footwork" and disqualifying their play style because they were not able to KO as if that's all they did. They did manage to do a sufficient ammount of damage to beat your score is not just footwork.
    Playstyle doesn't matter when one Player takes down the opponent and the other doesn't. That's the main goal of any Fight in the game, and I've already outlined every other mode that supports that. Playstyle should be an afterthought. That's not a fighting competition. That's a mold to fit everyone into.
    Its hilarious to see you use arguments that you spoke against in the pàst, like "fighting competition" "other game modes", none of the other game modes are solo PvP the same doesnt apply. The closes thing would be war, but then again its not solo and 10 people can find a counter.
    Playstyle should be an after though, weren't you against the revive spam when they announced a change? Saying that spamming revives was not the way to beat content? Why? KOing the defender is the main point, playstyle is an afterthought after all.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    Zuko_ILC said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    I don't think making personal attacks to someone is healthy for the forums. I have seen you post multiple times saying the same thing to people. Not all game modes and content are made for all people to complete. You always have the option not to participate if you don't want to. If a player can't complete a game mode then they need to practice more and improve their skills or wait and build their roster to complete it.
    I'd like you to point out where I made a personal attack.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    The system is not better if someone can win and not even take the Champ down versus someone that has. People can pat themselves on the back all they want about how fancy their footwork is, but they still didn't win the Fight. For all the complaining about participation trophies people do, it seems they pick and choose that argument.
    I didn't say its better, I said its fine. They did win the fight, they scored more points. From the moment you start a match you know how scoring works, if you decide to ignore that and counter punch your way its your choice.
    I don't know why you bring the participation trophies issue, I happen to be against them, you are in favor of getting people something, well that stops when you can't win a fight because of poor scoring.
    You keep on saying "fancy footwork" and disqualifying their play style because they were not able to KO as if that's all they did. They did manage to do a sufficient ammount of damage to beat your score is not just footwork.
    Playstyle doesn't matter when one Player takes down the opponent and the other doesn't. That's the main goal of any Fight in the game, and I've already outlined every other mode that supports that. Playstyle should be an afterthought. That's not a fighting competition. That's a mold to fit everyone into.
    Its hilarious to see you use arguments that you spoke against in the pàst, like "fighting competition" "other game modes", none of the other game modes are solo PvP the same doesnt apply. The closes thing would be war, but then again its not solo and 10 people can find a counter.
    Playstyle should be an after though, weren't you against the revive spam when they announced a change? Saying that spamming revives was not the way to beat content? Why? KOing the defender is the main point, playstyle is an afterthought after all.
    What are you talking about? We're talking about 2 Players in a Match vs. Match competition. If one takes down the opponent, that should be the end of the comparison, honestly. If anyone can argue otherwise, then I'm sorry but I disagree.
    Any other atmosphere, and other people would be told it's a skill issue if they can't take down the Defender. Yet here, the argument is "I didn't win but my skill was better.".
    I'm not the one flip-flopping.
  • XFREEDOMXXFREEDOMX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    "I'm a very simple man; when I see GW's post, I just click 'disagree' and move on. Not that I have any hatred towards him, it's just pointless arguing with someone who only goes around and around!" 😜
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,013 ★★★★★

    Djin said:

    Djin said:

    It's nonsensical to suggest anything to the contrary as being reasonable to me and that's not going to change. So we might as well agree to disagree.
    If one Player K.O.s the opponent and the other doesn't, that should be the Win. Period.
    In any case, a K.O. Bonus isn't even what I suggested. I wanted the scoring to go back to the 15k for Time Bonus. You think it's fine the way it is, that's great. Thanks for your feedback. I'm not arguing in circles about it. I don't.

    Seriously if you don't like the way BGs work then you don't have to play it. Go play AW or AQ or Arena or Incursion or explore some quest where KOing the opponent means you will win.

    BG matches are based on 3 parameters: Defender Health, Attacker Health and Fight Time.
    This is what makes BG different from every other game mode.
    If you don't like it then don't play it.
    That's an asinine suggestion for a discussion opened to discuss ideas on how to improve it. I don't need to be told to play something else.
    As harsh as it may sound. But this is what people get to hear when they cannot stop complaining about a game mode that does not need to change just because they are not happy with it.
    It needs to change because it needs to change. No amount of telling people to "Git gud." will make that go away.
    Actually git gud or skill issue is a bit harsh, you manage thr KO, its "git better"
    The system is fine, its based on a different way of playing and not on a derp derp Hulk Smash play style. It requires you to use knowledge and skills combined. Dex instead of block, intercept instead of parry. The average play of blocking everything and parrying to find openings won't win as many matches.
    The system is not better if someone can win and not even take the Champ down versus someone that has. People can pat themselves on the back all they want about how fancy their footwork is, but they still didn't win the Fight. For all the complaining about participation trophies people do, it seems they pick and choose that argument.
    I didn't say its better, I said its fine. They did win the fight, they scored more points. From the moment you start a match you know how scoring works, if you decide to ignore that and counter punch your way its your choice.
    I don't know why you bring the participation trophies issue, I happen to be against them, you are in favor of getting people something, well that stops when you can't win a fight because of poor scoring.
    You keep on saying "fancy footwork" and disqualifying their play style because they were not able to KO as if that's all they did. They did manage to do a sufficient ammount of damage to beat your score is not just footwork.
    Playstyle doesn't matter when one Player takes down the opponent and the other doesn't. That's the main goal of any Fight in the game, and I've already outlined every other mode that supports that. Playstyle should be an afterthought. That's not a fighting competition. That's a mold to fit everyone into.
    Its hilarious to see you use arguments that you spoke against in the pàst, like "fighting competition" "other game modes", none of the other game modes are solo PvP the same doesnt apply. The closes thing would be war, but then again its not solo and 10 people can find a counter.
    Playstyle should be an after though, weren't you against the revive spam when they announced a change? Saying that spamming revives was not the way to beat content? Why? KOing the defender is the main point, playstyle is an afterthought after all.
    What are you talking about? We're talking about 2 Players in a Match vs. Match competition. If one takes down the opponent, that should be the end of the comparison, honestly. If anyone can argue otherwise, then I'm sorry but I disagree.
    Any other atmosphere, and other people would be told it's a skill issue if they can't take down the Defender. Yet here, the argument is "I didn't win but my skill was better.".
    I'm not the one flip-flopping.
    You have the skill to pick an attacker to KO, now get the skill to fight better and cleaner to win the round, if they beat you without a KO you got hit way too much.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    Yeah, we're clearly on different pages with this, and I'm quite okay with that.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,013 ★★★★★

    Yeah, we're clearly on different pages with this, and I'm quite okay with that.

    Yeah the opponent won because he understood the point system, playing jn a way where he didn't get hit much and manage to do a sufficient ammount of damage.
    The part that I don't get is if you are stubborn enough to refuse playing better or not on the sole excuse of a sloppy KO.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    You can call it sloppy all you want, but if there was no K.O. on the other side, there's no room to criticize. It's Contest of Champions. Not Dancing with the Stars.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    You can call it sloppy all you want, but if there was no K.O. on the other side, there's no room to criticize. It's Contest of Champions. Not Dancing with the Stars.

    Aye. And contest of champions doesn't have one hard and fast rule to every single game mode. BG is a different game mode that doesn't want everyone to just go nuke in every fight.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    You can call it sloppy all you want, but if there was no K.O. on the other side, there's no room to criticize. It's Contest of Champions. Not Dancing with the Stars.

    Aye. And contest of champions doesn't have one hard and fast rule to every single game mode. BG is a different game mode that doesn't want everyone to just go nuke in every fight.
    It's a different game mode, within a fighting game. If you're trying to convince me someone should be rewarded for not winning the Fight over someone who has, you're not going to succeed.
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