I have tested this kit so many times, so many ways. Oh, man. It is hard to describe how painful it to play it.
Iron Fist could be really, really interesting. So could an Elektra buff if they lean into some of the Hand mysticism. OG Cap could also be fun, with Super-Soldier Serum benefits, something like that.
But my gosh. A Doctor Strange rework, with all of the mechanics we have in the game now, could be AMAZING.
Eye of Agamatto for something like True Strike. Astral Form as a miss mechanic. Crimson Bands of Cytorrak for a Slow. Flames of Faltine for Incinerate.
Please, people. Please.
We need a Doctor Strange rework.
I beg you all.
Plus imagine all those animations for those spells
Quick update comparing this to the wider poll on instagram. As expected, Elektra, Ms. Marvel, and IF never stood a chance.
BB did ok enough for himself but he’s in last place on this current poll so it’s safe to say that he’s out too. Cap came in 3rd just like he did here but he’s out too (sorry cap rogers) and now it seems like it indeed has come down to Strange and Cyclops
Strange is currently only winning by 1% last I checked so Cyclops has a shot in the finals tomorrow
Dear Cap (and Black Bolt but mostly Cap) voters: Blue Cyclops has also been a meme since release, they've always had that one thing in common so let's all join forces and beat Dr. Strange who was once one of the most busted characters in the game and wasn't always a meme, he doesn't deserve the buff as much as my boy does. His faith is quite literally in your hands, I'm begging 🤣
Dear Cap (and Black Bolt but mostly Cap) voters: Blue Cyclops has also been a meme since release, they've always had that one thing in common so let's all join forces and beat Dr. Strange who was once one of the most busted characters in the game and wasn't always a meme, he doesn't deserve the buff as much as my boy does. His faith is quite literally in your hands, I'm begging 🤣
Well, with 11 hours left to vote, it's 44% Cyclops / 44% Strange after 14k votes. Come on folks... let's vote Cyclops! Justice for Miike. Justice for Scott Summers.
Since cap is out, I'm going to advocate for cyclops, cuz mystic class is already stacked, but we really need powerful mutant champs rn to balance out. So let's vote for cyclops.
Also I believe if strange is getting a buff, it's more likely a enhancement of his existing blessings, more like a copy of kush/sym sup with different set of abilities. But if cyke wins, it's going to be a full reword most probably. So Vote for cyclops!
I believe there'll be another poll between strange and cyclops, or it going to be the last poll?
Voting for this Semifinal round will close on August 16 at 10:59AM PT ... I.e. in 8 hours 47 minutes, but I believe Cyclops and Strange are safely into the final round. Both still on 44% after 14.3k votes.
"The Finals voting will take place from August 16th, 11am PT to August 18th, 11am PT. Summoners will have three days to campaign for their chosen Champion!"
Since cap is out, I'm going to advocate for cyclops, cuz mystic class is already stacked, but we really need powerful mutant champs rn to balance out. So let's vote for cyclops.
Also I believe if strange is getting a buff, it's more likely a enhancement of his existing blessings, more like a copy of kush/sym sup with different set of abilities. But if cyke wins, it's going to be a full reword most probably. So Vote for cyclops!
Please, people! Don’t be scared off by all of this Cyclops propaganda!
Everyone who owns an awakened Cyclops (Blue Team) with a decent Sig level knows the truth: That kit is in far better shape than poor Doctor Strange.
I got nothing against anyone, including the former Kabam Miike. But come on. Just play the kits. It’s obvious just how much Doctor Strange really, really is in a bad place.
Cyclops would probably be pretty awesome with just a minor buff, some longer Armor Breaks leading to an extended Armor Shattered, because the base DPS is there.
Doctor Strange isn’t even close to that.
That kit desperately — desperately — needs a rework.
Just play it.
It’s the definition of what a Rework program should address.
Also: The following two pictures will hopefully show everyone that I am being an honest person about the difference between Cyclops (Blue Team) and Doctor Strange, with my sincere belief that Doctor Strange desperately needs this rework:
See? Because I am an older gamer and really like the older/classic versions of characters, I have them both ranked to 6r3. Both at nearly the same Sig level. I even put an awakened Relic on Doctor Strange.
So it’s not a case of me having a Strange but not a Cyclops, so I want to screw over the Cyclops fans. I have them both, at the same rank and almost the exact same Sig level.
I say this because it’s true: Strange — even with an Awakened SWitch relic — is basically unplayable. Playing that kit is simply one of the worst experiences in the modern era of this game. It is truly that bad an experience.
Still, they are dead even. If they tie, does this mean we’ll get two reworks?
If they both tie in the finals vote that would be interesting. I don’t think both will get one, but that would be cool for them to do since it’s unlikely to happen
Hey Kabam, Dr. Strange won!
Waiting for the Superior Buff of Magical Arts
In the end, cap will triumph
The Winner!😎
Take care of Franklin, Mcoc next champ in 2027.
BB did ok enough for himself but he’s in last place on this current poll so it’s safe to say that he’s out too. Cap came in 3rd just like he did here but he’s out too (sorry cap rogers) and now it seems like it indeed has come down to Strange and Cyclops
Strange is currently only winning by 1% last I checked so Cyclops has a shot in the finals tomorrow
HOW DO YOU VOTE? I haven’t been able to vote for the last 3 polls this just keeps popping up.
His faith is quite literally in your hands, I'm begging 🤣
Also I believe if strange is getting a buff, it's more likely a enhancement of his existing blessings, more like a copy of kush/sym sup with different set of abilities. But if cyke wins, it's going to be a full reword most probably. So Vote for cyclops!
"The Finals voting will take place from August 16th, 11am PT to August 18th, 11am PT. Summoners will have three days to campaign for their chosen Champion!"
Everyone who owns an awakened Cyclops (Blue Team) with a decent Sig level knows the truth: That kit is in far better shape than poor Doctor Strange.
I got nothing against anyone, including the former Kabam Miike. But come on. Just play the kits. It’s obvious just how much Doctor Strange really, really is in a bad place.
Cyclops would probably be pretty awesome with just a minor buff, some longer Armor Breaks leading to an extended Armor Shattered, because the base DPS is there.
Doctor Strange isn’t even close to that.
That kit desperately — desperately — needs a rework.
Just play it.
It’s the definition of what a Rework program should address.
Please, people. It’s dire.
See? Because I am an older gamer and really like the older/classic versions of characters, I have them both ranked to 6r3. Both at nearly the same Sig level. I even put an awakened Relic on Doctor Strange.
So it’s not a case of me having a Strange but not a Cyclops, so I want to screw over the Cyclops fans. I have them both, at the same rank and almost the exact same Sig level.
I say this because it’s true: Strange — even with an Awakened SWitch relic — is basically unplayable. Playing that kit is simply one of the worst experiences in the modern era of this game. It is truly that bad an experience.
Please, people.
A reworked, lore-accurate Doctor Strange…please.
That poor kit needs it the most.
I mean, my gosh. I understand why people want the Cyclops rework — I do. I like Cyclops, too.
But holy smokes. DS is basically unplayable. Anywhere