v18.1 Discussion Thread



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    CodePlay wrote: »
    The point I'm making is it was a mistaken comment, as per the most recent clarification. We can either hold them over a fire, or accept the fact that mistakes can happen despite diligence. It's not that common of an occurrence, and there could be many reason behind the mistake that don't automatically imply them changing their say to suit their purpose. All I know is I have AA at R5, and none of the reasons I Ranked him involved bypassing Debuff Immunity.

    Don't forget that this lead to other players to rank-up AA as they were informed AA is working as intended. It is good that they admitted about the misinformation, but they should be also responsible on the result that this has lead to players. Players deserve specific RDT, just like Brian Grant said in his video.
    I don't agree that it warrants Tickets for a few reasons. Mainly because I think they are counterintuitive to what the game is designed for. Mostly because it's not a significant change to how AA is intended to function. If people Ranked for that purpose alone, quite frankly they don't know what his use is.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    Stat wrote: »
    Would I be mad? No. If something is a bug, then it's a bug. I'm a lot more focused on the actual issue than someone's mistaken comment. I'm not operating on fuelling mistrust and suspicion. Whether the comment was incorrect or not is inconsequential at this point. It was a bug.

    You are missing the point. It's only a "bug" because they now tell us it is one. At no point has it ever been pointed out as a bug; in fact, quite the opposite. It was specifically listed as NOT a bug by a forum moderator. In fact, there is a thread in the Bug and Known Issues Forum that is stickied at the top entitled "Known Issues." If this was known to the devs as a bug all this time, why has it never been up there as a known issue?

    So it's a "bug" when it becomes convenient for them to say it is one, allowing them to get around saying "we're changing one of this character's abilities because it is too strong" and getting the "NEEEERRFFFF!!!" outrage from everyone. Except the community (well, just about everyone but you) sees through this.

    If you don't see that then you are really blind to reality. Oh wait, as your post history on this forum has shown time and time again...you are.

    Ultimately, what their intention for Champs is, is entirely up to them. Whatever contradicts their vision is a bug. That's pretty much subjective all-around. All the talk about nerfs is blind to the fact that it's their call when they want to change their product.
    However, I am not blind to the feelings people have. I get it. It's just worth pointing out when people are getting carried away. The fact of the matter is, it isn't what their intended goal is for him, whatever breakdown in communication there is.
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  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    phillgreen wrote: »
    People are entitled to make mistakes, it's how you deal with those mistakes that shows integrity.

    Integrity would be either letting the player base know as soon as a mistake is discovered or allowing people to have time to process the results of the error along with a fairly heartfelt apology for an obvious screwup.

    This decision lacks integrity no matter how its spun.
    phillgreen wrote: »
    So we are to believe that Wolf either:

    A: Checked with design team and posted that AA was working as intended.
    B: Failed to check with whoever is supposed to be consulted and as a result posted incorrect information.

    I prefer C: We need to change it for whatever reason but we won't tell anyone until the last minute.

    All three of those options are to the detriment of the players as of 18.1 and there is no way that this decision was not known well before the patchnote release.

    There is another option which is most likely...

    Wolf took it to the team... they gave him an answer he misunderstood.
    He then posted as what he thought was correct.

    Meanwhile the dev team worked behind the scenes to fix the bug.

    Nownthe bug team have said hey we have a fix for that AA bug you told us about months ago....
    The mods said... bug??? I thought ther was no bug???...
    ah **** looks like we made an error....
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    phillgreen wrote: »
    It's pretty clear AA is not intended to Stun through Immunity.

    Was this "pretty clear" to you prior to Wolf's post in January or after?

    It was pretty clear to me all along. Nothing about AA's breakdown would enable him to Stun through Debuff Immunity.

    So you believed he was bugged after the announcement that he wasn't? 100% chance to stun isn't something in his description? Gotta say I'm not buying it lol.

    Buy what you like. I never gave it a second thought. TBH, I never even realized it existed until now. Wasn't explicitly looking for it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    You didn't know it existed until now and never gave it a second thought but you knew he was bugged all along? Hmmm....
    I knew all along that he shouldn't be able to Stun through Immunity, that much is logical. Hence I know it's a bug. Perhaps if this community was a little less focused on the wording of comments, we could have a discussion about the actual issue, rather than who said what and who didn't say what. At this point, we're debating comments and not changes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    Kabam is not an entity. One person made a comment that was mistaken, that was dug up from 6 months ago, and here we are still dragging it out about how "abysmal" they handled it. If that isn't an exaggeration, I'll eat my hat.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    You didn't know it existed until now and never gave it a second thought but you knew he was bugged all along? Hmmm....
    I knew all along that he shouldn't be able to Stun through Immunity, that much is logical. Hence I know it's a bug. Perhaps if this community was a little less focused on the wording of comments, we could have a discussion about the actual issue, rather than who said what and who didn't say what. At this point, we're debating comments and not changes.

    Maybe if you didn’t have to force your opinion on every. Single. Person in this forum we could have a reasonable debate but instead you try and act all-knowing while frowning upon those that don’t share your view.

    I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone. I'm expressing my viewpoint. I don't have to agree, and I don't demand people share my view.
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  • Pcc880Pcc880 Member Posts: 3
    So you’ve known all along he was bugged and just let people believe he wasn’t?

    Didn’t you guys also sell the archangel featured grandmaster crystals (death seed crystal) shortly after saying he wasn’t bugged?

    People will have spent money and used resources based on your bad information.

  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    You didn't know it existed until now and never gave it a second thought but you knew he was bugged all along? Hmmm....
    I knew all along that he shouldn't be able to Stun through Immunity, that much is logical. Hence I know it's a bug. Perhaps if this community was a little less focused on the wording of comments, we could have a discussion about the actual issue, rather than who said what and who didn't say what. At this point, we're debating comments and not changes.

    Except.... I said "Let's say" to try and convey that I don't believe it, but let's talk your viewpoint and instead of countering it, you harped on let's say and its not really a let's say moment. get out of here with wanting to talk about the issue.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    This just sets the precedent that Kabam can change any champ, say it was a bug and mistake from a mod, and nerf champs w/o compensation. Just wait until Blade shutting down nodes is a "bug" in a few months. That'll cripple the game.
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  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    @GroundedWisdom I personally disagree with every single thing you've said.
    But I'm not gonna clug up this thread on account of that. Nor am I going to attack you personally.

    I'm gonna just say 1 thing and share my POV.

    They CAN make mistakes. They ARE humans. This doesn't mean that their mistake can go unpunished or without retribution. If it was my company I'd acknowledge the mistake but wouldn't act over my costumers. I'd give them something to remind them I still care about them and that I want to keep them as costumers. Even if I'm not planning on changing my ways, I need to devise a strategy to keep the costumer happy.
    Even if the miscommunication was ok (which it isn't) we should get something that shows there are consequences to mistakes. Even if they are little mistakes (which this isn't).
    They just need to act a little humble towards us, and that's it. Maybe this means RDT maybe it doesn't. I don't care what it is as long as it is SOMETHING.

  • LegendsendLegendsend Member Posts: 92
    Gore wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike I need to understand 2 things from your post and please clear me on this
    Now if I fight with AA against Black Panther Civil after neurotoxins expire I get stunned cause that’s BP civil ability ?

    Regarding Agent Venom Tenacity read closely AA abilities
    Passive: AA Ability Accuracy can not be decreased by his opponents abilities

    That in particular means that after a neurotoxin expire AA 100% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds can’t be shut down

    So please be very explicit on this part cause I want to know if my rank 5 5* Archangel becomes **** now after I invested all I’ve got with hard work in him to help me pass some events or nodes more easy.u8qtwt3ov1bh.png

    Facts!!!!! Was pretty sure his ability accuracy should not be able to be lowered
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Gore wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike I need to understand 2 things from your post and please clear me on this
    Now if I fight with AA against Black Panther Civil after neurotoxins expire I get stunned cause that’s BP civil ability ?

    Regarding Agent Venom Tenacity read closely AA abilities
    Passive: AA Ability Accuracy can not be decreased by his opponents abilities

    That in particular means that after a neurotoxin expire AA 100% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds can’t be shut down

    So please be very explicit on this part cause I want to know if my rank 5 5* Archangel becomes **** now after I invested all I’ve got with hard work in him to help me pass some events or nodes more easy.u8qtwt3ov1bh.png

    If the Neurotoxin expires on Black Panther (Civil War) and causes a Stun while you are attacking him, it can reflect the Stun back to you. This is still a rare occurence.

    Agent Venom's Tenacity gives him a chance to shrug off the Stun from the Neurotoxin. So, he would still become stunned, but then might tenacity it away, like he does with every stun. This is not a reduction to anybody's ability accuracy.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    Gore wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike I need to understand 2 things from your post and please clear me on this
    Now if I fight with AA against Black Panther Civil after neurotoxins expire I get stunned cause that’s BP civil ability ?

    Regarding Agent Venom Tenacity read closely AA abilities
    Passive: AA Ability Accuracy can not be decreased by his opponents abilities

    That in particular means that after a neurotoxin expire AA 100% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds can’t be shut down

    So please be very explicit on this part cause I want to know if my rank 5 5* Archangel becomes **** now after I invested all I’ve got with hard work in him to help me pass some events or nodes more easy.u8qtwt3ov1bh.png

    If the Neurotoxin expires on Black Panther (Civil War) and causes a Stun while you are attacking him, it can reflect the Stun back to you. This is still a rare occurence.

    Agent Venom's Tenacity gives him a chance to shrug off the Stun from the Neurotoxin. So, he would still become stunned, but then might tenacity it away, like he does with every stun. This is not a reduction to anybody's ability accuracy.

    So if aa got an adjustment then can others get some too like the old Champs that are useless like spider Gwen, ant man, Iron patriot, and such then?

    Some ppl are not happy about the AA "nerf" cause of misinformation given by a kabam employee that should know better and check with his superiors before telling ppl it's working as intended.
    This would offset the negativity caused kabam wolfs mistake of giving us bad information

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