New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • TracerTracer Member Posts: 2
    I am having same problems with the iPhone 7 plus.
  • YugYug Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2018
    I have the same problem in my iPhone when in arena many times in the middle of fight my phone auto restarts and I loose the fight when I restart the game,
    And also phone getting too hot can’t play more then 7-10 min in game and battery draining too faster
    Now what I have to do tell me either don’t play the game but that will make me loose arena points and who will compensate for that thing
    Please take my points into consideration for the matter
    IPhone 7
    Carrier : airtel & on WiFi mostly
    iOS 11.4
  • mmontisanommontisano Member Posts: 13
    i put iOS 12 beta on my iPhone 7 and while it does take longer for it to overheat, it definitely is still having the same issues
  • UniversalWarriorUniversalWarrior Member Posts: 20
    Same issues. Hardly able to play for 20-30 mins. Iphone heats up, hangs, buttons froze initially and the biggest problem is battery draining like hell. Better stop playing, till get a fix.
    Iphone 6s
    IOS 11.4
  • _eVerBLaCK__eVerBLaCK_ Member Posts: 51
    Really, I can’t believe that @Kabam Miike

    I can’t play arena or quests !!!!

    Battery was draining too fast , now Battery draining & experience overheating as well after 10~15 mins !!!!!!!!

    Please find a way to resolve this issue ,, ASAP Please !

  • CasperTheGhostCasperTheGhost Member Posts: 3
    I have the same issue! My iphone 7 after the update it getting to hot and laggy. It dosent respond sometime and turns off due to the overheat. I hope Kabam fix this! Or i gona have to buy another phone cause this wont last long. Or stop playing the Contest of champions and lose alot of rewards in aq,aw, and arena grind ;(
  • PDogg95PDogg95 Member Posts: 5
    I have noticed very bad lag on my phone (ios 11.4) since the update as well. Was working fine last month, and now in combat it is really laggy. If you could address this that'd be good
  • PDogg95PDogg95 Member Posts: 5
    Also, I have noticed a new thing with the update: every time i press the home button on my phone and then go back in, the game restarts. Prevously, you had to either close the game or turn your phone off or something, but now it seems even if i leave the app quickly to check messenger or something, and then go straight back in, it will restart. Frustrating :\
  • DurganiDurgani Member Posts: 1
    Using iPhone X, already updated to iOS 12 developer Beta 3.
  • EshtieveyEshtievey Member Posts: 32
    Still using IPX and with just 5 arena streaks my phone is heating like hell! I agree with someone who mentioned that a fix wouldn't be available fairly soon. Be realistic.

    Clear evident that compensation is very well deserved on this, on top of that prolonged downtime last week. (Could it be possible that the fix during that downtime may be the cause of this damaged v19?)

    The problem is with v19, why it's not in conjunction with IOS11.4. Advising to DL Beta 12 is not a solution. Target the root cause which I believe was the software injected in v19. Beta 12 is just a mere workaround as the problem still exists in multiple player's devices using V19.

    Let's call it a sweet sugar coat on a rotten cake. Just my 2 cents.
  • Bishop_NavinBishop_Navin Member Posts: 2
    Apart from all the common issues, I lose audio mid game sometimes. Also the game sometimes gets stuck in the red Marvel banner.
  • MrPoppaWillieMrPoppaWillie Member Posts: 6
    iPhone 7+ // 11.4
    All the issues. Overheating and battery drain being the worst.
  • YouCantSeeMe2YouCantSeeMe2 Member Posts: 15
    Phone restarts after 15-20 minute usage of game app!!

    Its such a bummer!! Can't get a string of more than 5-6 rounds of fights in arena at a stretch!! Always threat of losing the streak to a phone restart ... This happens only when playing MCOC ... Phone works fine for all other games & apps..

    I hope Kabam compensate players affected by this

    OS - iOS 11.4
    Device Model - iPhone 7
    Carrier - IND Airtel
    Wifi or Cellular Network - Both
  • Rambo77skRambo77sk Member Posts: 6
    Using iPhone
    Since the last update the lag time in the game is terrible making it almost impossible to play the game
    The loading time for fights has increased drastically
    Also the lag during fights is so bad that most of times the it’s not even possible to block attacks

    Kindly do something ADAP
  • YouCantSeeMe2YouCantSeeMe2 Member Posts: 15
    Phone restarts after 15-20 minute usage of game app!!

    Its such a bummer!! Can't get a string of more than 5-6 rounds of fights in arena at a stretch!! Always threat of losing the streak to a phone restart ... This happens only when playing MCOC ... Phone works fine for all other games & apps..

    I hope Kabam compensate players affected by this

    OS - iOS 11.4
    Device Model - iPhone 7
    Carrier - IND Airtel
    Wifi or Cellular Network - Both

    Facing this issue since version 19.0 update
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    ctp1223 wrote: »
    Alright Summoners!

    We're in need of your help! We're looking for a fairly Tech Savvy player that is seeing this occur often/can reproduce this easily, that planned on updating to the iOS 12 Beta, or is willing to update to the Beta to help us test some things out. We'll need to make sure that you are able to back up your device as is, and are able to revert if the Beta causes unintended interactions with the game or other parts of your phone.

    If you're interested and willing to help, please let me know what Device you are currently using. I'll be corresponding with the team to help you through the process.

    Just to help make sure that we're choosing the correct Summoner, you'll first need to know how to join the Beta program, and update to it.

    if things go south, what is the plan? I'm sure nothing will because of a backup.

    Also, I am not trying to micro-analyze this, but I'm afraid it happened anyway- does this mean that a fix is coming to iOS 12 only?

    Oh that's not what it means! We're looking to find out if this is an interaction with iOS 11.4, especially for those that have been experiencing it a lot. We're looking into how our 19.0 build is functioning with 11.4, and what could be exacerbating these issues.

    From what we can see, players across many different iOS and Android are having some issues, but none more than 11.4. We want to know if updating to 12 helps at all.

    Also, to answer your first question, the only plan I have is to revert back to your backup. Not as an official endorsement or anything, but I have not been having any problems with iOS 12. In fact, I've been enjoying it more than 11.

    Mike thank you for the update , using or swapping over iOS 12. does not appears to be no guarantee that patch 19.0 will not cause overheating and the device might not shut down. To say that the game played better iOS 12 with patch 19.0 , is a distraction to use iOS 12. I want to play this game, but so worried if my devices shuts down, it wont restart. I am not a Tech Savvy player, i am sure you are doing your best to fix memory leakage problem (looping process) and I suppose it's to late and expensive to revert back to previous patch too.

    I do feel sad thats it's taken so long ( few days) to confirm that you are unable to find the root cause in patch 19.0 causing overheating. I really hope you find a fairly Tech Savvy player to help.

    Just need know, have found a fix for this problem?. when Is it safe for my device to play game without overheating reboots?.

    hope your next update is positive one,

    thank you
  • TitaniumKanikasTitaniumKanikas Member Posts: 18
    iPhone 7+
    iOS 11.4

    Phone freezes up while I play mcoc while listening to music. Music stops and game continues, but if you leave the game to investigate, the phone locks up, buttons become unresponsive, and gets warm. Hard restart, and I go again.

    I turned off my “Game Center” earlier, and it hasn’t happened yet (only been about 30 mins since I did that though, so unsure if that is a fix)
  • WookieeWookiee Member Posts: 1
    iOS 11.3
    Model - iPhone 7+
    Carrier - Telstra 4G
    Cellular Network

    Overheating something fearsome, phone dying at +40% charge and severe lagging. Even if the app is running in the background phone can become unresponsive and force shut down. Never had a problem until the 19.0 update
  • JBVKJBVK Member Posts: 7
    My iphone 7 is behaving in the same way as mentioned by the above users.Hope this will be rectified soon and they should definitely compensate on our loss of time and efforts. Hanging in the middle of the game, hard resetting everytime is delaying our efforts in reaching the milestones.
  • MihaiVomirMihaiVomir Member Posts: 14
    iPhone 8+
    OS: iOS 11.4
    Carrier: O2
    It drains my battery and overheats
  • CrawlingChaosCrawlingChaos Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2018
    Pixel 2 XL
    Android 8.1.0
    Carrier EE (UK)

    Phone overeating and shutting down during gameplay

  • WreckingU_1WreckingU_1 Member Posts: 4
    OS. 11.3
    Device Model. iPhone 6S Plus
    Carrier. ATT
    Wifi or Cellular Network. Both

    For the past few months phone has been running ridiculous hot while playing MCOC.

    But on Thursday July 5, after about playing for about 10 mins my phone went black and was unresponsive. Power button, home bot run....plugging in charger did nothing. I pulled the sim chip and finally it reset itself.

    I didn’t log in again until about 20 mins ago....I only upgraded a few champs to use iso that was about to expire(5 mins of game time) and this time phone froze and went unresponsive. Nothing worked until I pulled sim chip.

    I’m losing items in my stash, my calander is now jacked, I’m missing out on events.
    Thank You!
    A Very Upset Consumer
  • Professor_SkillProfessor_Skill Member, Content Creators Posts: 15 Content Creator
    Phone: iPhone 7 128 GB
    OS: iOS 12.0 beta 2
    Game v19.0

    My phone still overheats and shuts down when I have been playing MCOC for more than 20-30 min.

    Grinding Arena has become almost impossible due to this issue!
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    If a device shuts down its a warning that something is wrong. It might not boot up, You just don't know. How many times must a device shut down before it fails to restart. Overheating on any electronics devices cannot be good . Not sure what damage to overheating , then a sudden drop in temperature with shut down, then overheating when you restart game to play. I feel i got to wait for a statement to say that this problem has been fixed before I play any Game Mode .

    All Game Mode are affected by this problem

    Not safe. Play at your own risk, your device is in jeopardy.
  • crea7orcrea7or Member Posts: 12
    I hope Kabam will come up with emergency maintenance and fix this problem ASAP. I don't think Kabam will undo to v18. Maybe the new update v19 only suit phone with 4GB or more RAM. And we all knew, iPhone don't equipped with big RAM coz the iPhone utilizes the chipset. As it stands, only android phones compatible with the v19.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    It's probably time for an official announcement to not play the game if your phone is experiencing overheating problems @Kabam Miike . I realize that isn't what you would like, but I gave it a go this morning to see if anything had changed. It hasn't.

    Logged in, collected milestones, placed AW defense and decided to put in a few rounds to try to salvage T4b arena (which was laggy with a slow frame rate, but that's another thread). Got through 4 matches in T4b and went to black screen with white pinwheel and warm-to-touch phone back. All of which means I'm done with anything but logging in for now--T4b's or EQ prizes or AW's or whatever aren't worth a busted phone.

    If you have a fix, let's go. If not, it's time to let people know that a combination of your app's coding and the phone OS is causing problems that could harm phones. It's really the only responsible thing to do.

    Dr. Zola
  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    Still nothing about that ?
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