General Game Feedback [Merged Threads]



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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Akumaccb said:

    And this is where I as an endgame player and minor Youtuber have to wade in on this and tell you with all honesty that I disagree with you on matters such as the 6.2 gate restrictions. For these simple reasons:

    1. Yes, I was able to power my way through in the end based on my roster and skill set

    2. At my level, I seek the next big challenge and welcome any punishment thrown my way to further push myself, but

    3. I have to wholeheartedly empathize with the wider community by agreeing that certain restrictions like gates in 6.2 are just outright restrictive and prevent any player from truly expressing himself by just skill alone. I felt gates truly sucked the joy out of most of 6.2, and when you make a game not fun to play anymore, then what purpose is there in playing said game that’s supposed to allow you to derive fun & joy in the first place?

    That’s my 2 cents as an endgame player on this matter. My perspective is derived from personally experiencing & overcoming all endgame content and still feeling that certain aspects are totally unnecessary and unjustified.
    If that's how you feel, I'm not disagreeing. I never actually said I thought they should be in place. I just explained the reasoning behind them. I tend to agree on some level because Cavalier Rewards shouldn't be given to Players who aren't far along enough yet. That would just fast track them and bypass several steps in progression.
  • KisHinKisHin Member Posts: 58
    Please re do act 6.2 and that champion boss
    With the whole gates system and some of those nodes it’s sheer BS or Atleast just the champion boss and some of the incoming nodes @Kabam Miike
    Being a F2PP it’s down right complicated to do some of the content even after potion farming!!!
    It’s frustrating
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Fyi, I did Abyss completion and Act 6 completion and 6.3 exploration - thank the rng gods for a dupe 6* Blue Cyclops and all the useless 5* I’ll never take / if i take beyond R3. Cavalier crystals rewards - sigh - I got 1 5* - Ironfist.

    I was so disappointed with the results because after so much content completed and so much work to get champions that have no impact on my ability to clear content. The ratio of decent champs to bad ones in 5/6* crystals is demoralizing giving me little hope when doing the mathematical probabilities of a good champ to improve my roster. I guess I should try to finish 6.2 and 6.4... but why? You’re nerfing BW and MS so my roster will suck more for The Champion... and more champions that won’t do anything for me?


    (This is after 3 months of Doom featured 5* crystals - 30 or so.. but that’s a post already made but man, back to back to back frustrations isn’t fun)
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Gmonkey said:

    Nexus crystals are real awesome.
    This is what I got for act six.

    They're still a lot better than the basic. 3 options is better than 1.
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  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,694 ★★★★★
    Once the anger and debate has settled down it would be great for Kabam to communicate their feedback to the concerns we as a community have raised. I know Kabam mike posted earlier in this thread, but a further detailed update addressing key topics would go a long way to easing concerns (or make them worse, depending on the feedback I guess).

    Communication between developers and their player base at a time like this is important. I enjoy this game and I want it to keep progressing positively, but I’ve always felt Kabam could do more to interact with their player base
  • Stamatakos24Stamatakos24 Member Posts: 23
    I really agree with all Seatin says. I have been playing the game over 5 years and the last 2 in one of the top 30 teams in war. At the start the game had fun and I was really enjoying it ( that’s why I keep playing so many years ) but the last year Kabam has turned the game in a river of trash and making even and even more difficult so the players (that are already addicted) reach to a point of spending and spending! Everything sucks...unbelievable nodes in Act, war that sucks, siphon, flow, bugs etc. And in the end after spending time and money in game they give trash players all the time and make you running after shadows. The better of all this is that they call it luck! So I must have been very lucky by opening 20 times Drax but never an Aegon. They only listen to ONE thing...MONEY. Stop paying, stop playing and they will be forced to make changes as every company that respect their customers should do. So one last thing...BRAVO SEATIN! My respects!
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    TTV_F4TE said:

    So we just wait and they keeping doing the same mistake again?
    I really don't find any other option than this
    Listening means listening. Faults or not, this game takes in more feedback than any other I've ever seen. The problem is they can't always guarantee everything people want to see. What they have done, and proven this over the years, is they take in what people want and work it in as much as they can possibly do within the limits of their own overall goals and workings. It's a machine of sorts. Listen to feedback, confer with the data, compare it to what the plan is, and adjust as much as is congruent with the plan. It's a give and take, and they give more than any other I've seen. Most other games are a Suggestion Box. Listening doesn't mean doing whatever people want. It means doing the best they can to accommodate, and that's not always a yes or no.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    They're still a lot better than the basic. 3 options is better than 1.
    Is a single one of those pulls going to help someone who’s explored act 6? Didn’t think so
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  • Panda504337Panda504337 Member Posts: 77

    There's an unfortunate precedent with that frame of mind. It's been done. 12.0. Then every point thereafter, it's the same dying suggestion. 12.0 fizzled because even after the team was listening and making compromise, it was pushed for demands of total obedience, and it negated its own purpose. If memory serves, certain YouTube Influencers were fueling said rabble at the same time.
    If you listen to anything I say, it's that there is an inverted U (for those familiar with the term) that happens with situations like these. A certain amount of push is productive. Anything past that it becomes counterproductive and in most cases, deconstructive. Voicing concerns is one thing. Demanding that expectations are met with the threat of leaving is manipulation.
    If I may jump in. I agree with you that the message has probably gotten through and at this point everyone stating the same thing is irrelevant. It is probably more productive just to leave a sign of support to seatins video or petition (see seatins “ time for 1 star reviews” video). I also think that it is important to make your opinions known when there’s a problem. We all make the joke about the collector (he here to collect your units) but we let that go buy. Same thing with the ultron boss, crazy boss rushes, the champion, random nerfs, locked maps, alliance war being broken. Lack of material to rank up more champions, 4 star ban, and out of date content(summoner advancement, basic tier quest). Also, I see a lot people making a comment about it taking a long time to create/fix new content. Most of these are not new problems or problems that they couldn’t see coming. Just my 2 cents. I welcome any disagreement
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    I just wanna have fun. I really really loved Grandmaster fight and Variant 4 design.I like to have options, I don't want to be limited. I'm so SO tired of seing fights that makes me want to quit the game. I can only hope that Sabretooth won't go live with nodes he has now.

    Problem ; Why should an endgame player play incursions who has most of 5* champs in the game ?
    Solve ; They can add a new crystal guarentees us 5* champs with %20 chance of a 6* champion. That way they can give endgame players a reason to play the incursions.

    Problem ; Summoner advancement, weekly calendar they are outdated. They don't meet the needs of players.
    Solve ; Summoner advancement rewards can be changed to a solo misison depending summoner's prestige. Higher the prestige,higher the rewards.
    It's time to introduce cavalier crystal shards and give them to Cavalier summoners in weekly calendars.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    TTV_F4TE said:

    But what you said is clearly not working and it should. They should "do their best they can to accomodate" but they are not so you know what to do.
    Who says they're not. See: "can't always guarantee ".
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Act 7 isn't even in existence yet. It's in Beta.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Well seems like seatin had the same idea on the state of the game as myself. Just made the decision to take a step back prior to his vid for the same reason. Act 6 is boring and rewards arent worth it, Act 7 seems to be much of the same if not worse, AQ is repetitive, AW is the same 50 champs with rng based rewards and a dominant defense tactic, EQ is the same to the point where i blindly bring my top 5 champs and explore it and finally the champions released so far have been really meh. I usually buy the featured crystals from the black market but havent for the past 2 rotations. I really hope the game changes for the better in the next few months and I can go back to loving this game.
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