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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,470 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    DrZola said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    WnP it’s scary to think Kabam might see a lot of this non sense as valid but if Kabam are so far off the rails to take it as valid then arguing against it won’t change a thing. Let the exemplifications of Dunning-Kruger have at it, you can’t argue with someone who is incapable of and will not entertain the idea that they are wrong.

    I have faith that they won't kill off their own game but man it's just hard to sit back and read such an overwhelming percentage of ideas that are just flat out bad long term. The same people claim that I don't want people getting things bc they'll "catch up" and I'm selfish but in fact it's them who are selfish bc they'd rather speed up progression bc they don't like where they are currently. I'm perfectly fine where I am and that doesn't get affected at all by where anyone else is.
    But what you are doing is advocating for a status quo where nothing changes. You don't care if act 6 is changed, but you actively argue against reducing difficulty. When you argue like that, people have no option other than to believe that you don't want others to complete.
    Bad ideas are a result of people not understanding the mechanics of game economy and I know its frustrating to work with that sometimes. I don't comment on the idiotic ideas most of the time. People asking for champ exchange or wanting an increase in Uncollected rewards don't realize that champ exchange will just make ftp at a disadvantage and increase in rewards of UC eq will just increase the difficulty and more 5 star and 6 star acquisition will only increase the power creep to a extend that will just people to quit out of frustration.
    I'm not saying that nothing should change at all though. I'm still not even against a difficulty reduction. I however am unsure it's necessary. Players moving through content in months that took other players years is one of the reasons they find act 6 so difficult in my opinion. Granted a lot of that is no fault of theirs as they can't control they got one or two amazing 5*s and steam rolled everything.

    The problem is expecting that same rate of progress continually though. They attempted to slow people down by requiring large rosters for Act 6. Did they go too far in some instances? Probably but I still understand the idea behind it. The other major problem with that is they made zero changes to the ability of players to even attain champs that will fit into the content restrictions so you can potentially have someone sitting in one spot with no real way in sight to move forward. No one should want that either. If they increased the chances of players getting those champs as 5*s, they at least still have to get and rank them to continue which gives them at least a slightly more natural progression rate while not being completely road blocked. I also think that reduces the necessity of altering the difficulty. If that happens fine. I still don't really think it's NEEDED.

    I've been very much pro that happening. Where people seem to have an issue with my opinions starts at the 6*s. They're not required for anything yet so I'm not completely sold on there needing to be a drastic alteration to getting them.
    Then what it requires is the gating of a different sort. Like the elders bane should be mandatory to enter act 6. Or explore uncollected difficulty 5 times and earn a title which will allow entry into act 6. It should be time based so that you are forced to gain experience and then progress in game.That is one of my suggestions. Champion acquisition in an rng game cannot be made as a gate. Not everyone can get the champs.
    I think it's a great idea to gate Act 6 behind Act 5 exploration, though I became Cavalier before I became Elder's Bane
    That's why I am hoping for a change like this. If you are forced to explore act 5, you will have time to get experience, do the variants and by the time you explore act 5, you should have a solid roster. Act 6 is stil tough,but it will be manageable.
    Variant 1 would probably be the best act 6 test. You have to have numerous 5 stars from every class to do it, and it has very specific nodes to counter. I know it is possible to do item less since new champions that are stronger entered the game but it is still the hardest test outside of Abyss and act 6 when it comes to permanent content.
    I agree. Explore all variants. Some variants even have nodes from act 6 so that you get an idea of what you can face.
    While Variants are a good test for roster depth in general, the unique class restrictions in Variant 1 (by far the hardest, in my view) mean you could have players waiting on specific champs for that Variant before they are able to hit Act 6. I don’t think that was the original purpose of the Variants and, given the fickleness of pRNG, putting story content behind a pRNG and sidequest wall seems like the wrong way to go. Given the litany of issues re: champ acquisition expressed here, I can imagine how that would be received.

    Dr. Zola
    I did most of Variant 1 with mostly 4* and 5* r3 champs ... only exception was Hyperion and Sparky that were r5 5*... Variants can be done with 4* champs provided you are willing to endure some long fights
    I suppose it also depends on which 4/5*’s you have. I remember someone telling me to use my Falcon 5* with locked on for one of the Variant paths (can’t remember which Variant or which path) and while that would have “worked,” it probably wasn’t in the top several options available in game and would likely have required investing in Falcon and some pots (which I opted not to do).

    I tend to be patient with content—if I don’t have a solid counter, I wait until I have a viable solution. I don’t feel the need to be a first-mover.

    All of which is to say that I agree that content doesn’t require the most optimal/cheapest counter to be done. However, setting something like Variant 1 up as a precursor to continue with Story mode is a move I believe would take the game in a direction that costs it more players than it gains.

    Dr. Zola
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    I am very happy to see that a lot of people feel the same way I do about making mastery costs and resets free. When you have grinded so hard to unlock suicides, it shouldn’t cost you 120+units every single time you want to do other content without it. I know we are in baby steps here but I would love to eventually have mastery presets so you can switch them to another saved version

    Cant agree more.

    Its even more important than a lot of ppl might think.

    Bc right now you have to make rank up decisions based on your Mastery.

    Lets say you run Suicides.

    Do you want to Rank up Void, Sabertooth, Hyperion, Sunspot, Human Torch, etc?

    Lets say you dont run Suicides.

    Do you want to rank up Omega, Corvus, Ghost, Claire, etc?

    Ofc it doesnt break champs but to have more flexibility would be soooo nice.
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  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,466 ★★★★★
    I'd honestly like Kabam to spend more time fixing the bugs that keep popping up. A lot of the bugs aren't addressed or have no follow up and during that time period, people just have to suffer and spend items to counter it. Would rather have no side event for a month and the time used to fix the bugs.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    I mean, it’s interesting for sure. I’m curious to see if you’ll have to select the class nexus right away or if you’ll be able to open your t5cc first.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    I mean, it’s interesting for sure. I’m curious to see if you’ll have to select the class nexus right away or if you’ll be able to open your t5cc first.

    Hmm. Well say you chose cosmic that reduces the crystal to 20 ish champs plus its a nexus so you getv3 of those 20. Seems pretty good but will have to see if you can open t5cc first
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Raganator said:

    I mean, it’s interesting for sure. I’m curious to see if you’ll have to select the class nexus right away or if you’ll be able to open your t5cc first.

    Seems very minimal for an increase. Not to mention taking shards away as well? So basically, I could finish before the 25th and get 15k more shards for 100%, or get some class 6* nexus crystal. This does not increase my desire to complete AOL. Can't wait to pull my 6* IF while searching for Doom. Would probably just prefer the shards for a chance at a featured champ. This bodes really well for the roadmap.
    After further thought this is a pretty good upgrade in terms of champion selection. Unfortunately it still doesn't entice me to 100% Abyss but I'm definitely eager to see the Champion pool we can choose from.
    Any upgrade in rewards are welcomed, nice job Kabam.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    The Nexus crystal is a special one that lets you pick from 10 champions
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    According to Miike’s post, rather than giving you a 1/3 choice, this one gives you a 1/10 choice. That seems like a really really strong crystal, statistically, you’re almost guaranteed to get at least one god tier or beyond god tier from it.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    The Nexus crystal is a special one that lets you pick from 10 champions

    All random Im guessing?
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    The Nexus crystal is a special one that lets you pick from 10 champions

    All random Im guessing?
    Yeah, but with those odds you're guaranteed a handful of good champs
  • TheMightyJonTheMightyJon Member Posts: 52
    Yeah choosing from 10 is good. Just hope you get to open T5cc first.
  • TheMightyJonTheMightyJon Member Posts: 52
    He's just confirmed that you have to choose class before you open the T5ccs, damn.
  • Deadlygamer98Deadlygamer98 Member Posts: 743 ★★★
    They will let you pick 1 of 10 champions of a specific class! Even though i’m nowhere near abyss, i’m still very excited for this.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    I hope similar efforts were made for act 6 exploration

    It’s more difficult and time consuming than abyss 100%
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    According to Miike’s post, rather than giving you a 1/3 choice, this one gives you a 1/10 choice. That seems like a really really strong crystal, statistically, you’re almost guaranteed to get at least one god tier or beyond god tier from it.

    It's definitely not a guarantee, especially with some classes, but it's probably as close as you can reasonably expect in a game like this. I like it. Not what I thought they'd do and helps me way less than a t5c selector but I can see this being good for a lot of people
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    I have a few things that would improve the game overall and wouldn’t be hard or exhaustive to implement.

    1. Combat consistency has changed since the action point changes and removing these changes would fix a good portion of the lag issues because it would give players more reaction time across all devices. Providing a buffer for slower devices.

    2. Crystal rng is not fulfilling. Grinding for a month for a new hero then having no choice in what you pull is frustrating. So the fix is three fold. A. Fully formed crystals stay the same. Get who you get. So developers would only need to replace the “10,000 5* shard” rewards with fully formed 5* and so on. B. Shard crystals become nexus crystals. After all that’s still rng. And we grind for a long time for these. But having AAAA choice would FEEL like a big deal. Making people happier that they at least got 20 sig levels on sparky instead of king groot or a max sig crystal from Phoenix C. Give a default hero nexus crystal for big content progression. Someone viable in the next piece of content. Example. 4* Thor/doc occ/rogue/ronin/she hulk/scarlet witch nexus crystal (only those choices for everyone) for completing Act 4. And also give a fully formed crystal. Having a guaranteed decent champ will take the sting out of pulling the ant man or groot from the crystal. And not leaving you at a plateau of progression if you do get that.

    3. Improve crit rate on all the champs seen as underpowered. Easy to do across the board. And this would make a big difference in damage. Crit is 3x damage is most cases. Someone with really small crits and no other useful abilities should be doing them constantly. While someone that crits super hard should crit less often. But it should average to about the same dps.

    Thanks for taking time to read.
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Verzz said:

    The more I think about this, the more I feel like the game has a mountain to climb to recover. The way I see it, when cav crystals came out and anyone that wanted to whale out could basically get any 6* champ they wanted it was only a matter of time before the game was going to be broken because of the top players being able to advance too quickly.

    In desperation trying to hold us down they made the improvement from 6r2 to 6r3 way less than what we were used to try to get some balance back but in doing so, 6r3 is only marginally stronger than 6r2 and 5r5 so inevitably people are getting bored because nobody really wants to chase a champion that will take forever to rank up to a point where they are only marginally better than champs we have been playing with for years.

    I hope they will find some way to provide some excitement with the road map but I have no idea how they can pull this off. Even with July 4 around the corner there are not really any potential offers that I would want to bite on this year even though I have grinder the units in the past and gotten this deal every year prior to 2020. I hope they can prove me wrong but with the way they handled the abyss reward change it is dwindling fast.

    Or you could look at it as R3s only being made marginally stronger to increase the lifespan of 5*s so as to make people not be so hurt by RNG in getting 6*s. This is pretty much what I think they did. It was an attempt to lengthen the life of 5*s and let people grow a 6* roster before 5*s were no longer useful in the upper regions of the game.

    Instead you still have people obsessed with 6*s thinking that 5*s no longer have any value which is just ridiculous in my opinion.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Ehh I don’t care about prestige, so why should I care about any content that gives me rewards for an r3? They eliminated the motivation to strive to r3 because the net result is meh compared to getting your first r5 4* or r5 5*. If you are going to slow play the jump from r2 to r3 the reward when you get there has to be wow or else why bother
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Verzz said:

    Verzz said:

    The more I think about this, the more I feel like the game has a mountain to climb to recover. The way I see it, when cav crystals came out and anyone that wanted to whale out could basically get any 6* champ they wanted it was only a matter of time before the game was going to be broken because of the top players being able to advance too quickly.

    In desperation trying to hold us down they made the improvement from 6r2 to 6r3 way less than what we were used to try to get some balance back but in doing so, 6r3 is only marginally stronger than 6r2 and 5r5 so inevitably people are getting bored because nobody really wants to chase a champion that will take forever to rank up to a point where they are only marginally better than champs we have been playing with for years.

    I hope they will find some way to provide some excitement with the road map but I have no idea how they can pull this off. Even with July 4 around the corner there are not really any potential offers that I would want to bite on this year even though I have grinder the units in the past and gotten this deal every year prior to 2020. I hope they can prove me wrong but with the way they handled the abyss reward change it is dwindling fast.

    Or you could look at it as R3s only being made marginally stronger to increase the lifespan of 5*s so as to make people not be so hurt by RNG in getting 6*s. This is pretty much what I think they did. It was an attempt to lengthen the life of 5*s and let people grow a 6* roster before 5*s were no longer useful in the upper regions of the game.

    Instead you still have people obsessed with 6*s thinking that 5*s no longer have any value which is just ridiculous in my opinion.
    Hey if you are happy with it, more power to you. As a counter argument, from what I’ve seen of your posts you are very quick to say something along the lines of “this is the way it’s always been”

    Well, what they did with 6r3 compared to 6r2 does not follow the pattern they have done before and it is half of the problem, with the other half being the acquisition of 6* champs too early and too quickly with cav crystals.

    What you call “lengthening the life of 5*s” I call a desperation move to try to hold the players down because If they really wanted to lengthen the life of 5’s they would not have released cav crystals for purchase when they did. They have milked the cow too hard and we are now in the fallout.

    I still have some hope for the roadmap but man..... I can’t even fathom what they can do without a complete overhaul to make it exciting for me again. To illustrate this, when cav crystals came out I spent around 36k units trying for cull and Claire and got neither but was ok with the gamble. Come July 4 I will not even consider spending 15k units for a 5* champ selector, generic AG and max sig crystal because I will feel like it is overpriced where the game is now.
    I just choose not be be completely miserable, negative, and whiny about every single aspect of a game. I play it bc I enjoy it. If people don't enjoy it, don't play it.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    I think they should remove 3* from cavalier crystals. I get you’re not always supposed to win but 3 stars are already in the GM crystal and cavalier already have 4*. It’s so dumb.

    So, you will be ok with a blank screen instead of a 3 star? Or they simply award a 4 star and if you dupe a 4 star you get only sig levels, but no additional items like star shards or iso or gold. 3 stars were put in that crystal because whales could just spam them and get even more 5 stars and 6 stars.
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